Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 152 Shocking the strength of the audience! How strong are you?! Mo Lin? The old man remember

Before Kud was dying, I'm afraid I can't even believe it~

He would die so easily.

Obviously his own [teleport] ability also has the effect of passive escape.

However, under the control of another super power, Mo Lin learned from the training box, the power of mind, his whole body was frozen in place.

He didn't have any parry at all, so he died in a daze.

And the reason why he died in Mo Lin's hands turned out to be just because he was the employer who had been entrusted by the enemy guest this time.

It has nothing to do with Kurd's identity as a thief.

If Kudd knew that he had been in the world for decades, he would have ended his life because of such boring reasons.

Then he might be so angry that he will come back to life from Huangquan again.

If Kudd is angry, then the feelings of the two people in the Hakka family can also be described silently.

They accepted the commission, worked hard here, offended many potential young people, and risked the strong, desperately completing the task.

As a result, the employer died silently, and still died in front of them.

Although in accordance with their style of conduct, after the death of the employer, the commission is automatically invalidated.

But the way the employer died in this way still made them feel a little ridiculous.

"This is really a pretty bad deal!!"

The two shook their heads in their hearts at the same time.

"If others want to release their assassination orders in the future, they must follow the highest level."

The father and son had the same thoughts at the same time.

"Otherwise, if we haven't completed the task on our side, the employer will die first."

"It's a waste of work to save the last.

The Zoldyck family is known as the world's number one killer family.

The reason why he was evaluated as the number one in the world is because in this world, there is no list they dare not take.

Even if you want to entrust them to assassinate the top officials of V5 and the Netero president of the Hunter Association, it is not impossible.

As long as you dare to place an order, they dare to take it.

But this must have a very important premise.

That is the price you can afford to complete the order.

Want to assassinate V5 senior officials?

Yes, but you have to come up with a commission that the Zoldyck family thinks it’s dangerous after seeing it. Even if you do it at the risk of being attacked by the whole world, it’s worth the price.

And the price at this time does not necessarily refer to money purely.

After the father and son exchanged their eyes, the aura and thought power on their bodies slowly dissipated.

The condensed fighting intent and killing intent also instantly turned into illusory nothingness.

"So, are you really going to give up this commission?'

Mo Lin stepped forward again and stood in front of Silva and Zeno.

"if not?"

Zeno put his hands behind his back again, "We will not do any meaningless business.

He regained the appearance of that little old man again.

"Is it?"

The corner of Mo Lin's mouth gradually turned into an arc, "You don't plan to continue, but I didn't say it, the matter is over like this."

His eyes gradually became cold:

"I hit my apprentice and hurt my most important person. In this matter, I can't just give up just because you want to give up, and follow you indifferently and say'see you next time', and then take this matter. What happened so lightly?! w*!"

the most important person?!!

Zeno and Silva haven't said anything yet, but Hua Shi Doulang reacted quite strongly.

He struggled to sit up from the ground, and looked at Machi next to him in surprise.

"It turns out that she is Master's most important person?!

In the astonishment, there was a little clarity.

After Mo Lin came to the scene just now, after talking to himself, he went to Machi.

At that time, he thought that the master and the woman were just friends.

But then the behaviors between the two seemed very close.

This is not like what a normal average friend can do!!

It turned out to be the most important relationship between people, I said, no wonder

Reminiscent of the words Machi said to himself before, "It's almost the same to find your master together", Hua Shi Doulang also gradually understood in his heart.

The master who loves himself has found the most important person without saying a word.

If it is Master’s most important person, I should huh?!

Hua Shi Doulang's body stiffened slightly.

He suddenly thought of a question.

"Before I seemed to be very rude to her tone and behavior

Wah Shih Doulang felt a headache, "She won't take the opportunity to add fuel and vinegar to Master, will she blow pillow breeze?"

"Moreover, I should have committed a crime of disrespect to Master's most important person, right?"

"Why does it have to be her, but it is my wife?!!"

He looked like he was a few years older than himself, but in the end he became his own teacher, and even raised his own generation for nothing.

"If you were a teacher, you said it early!! If you said it earlier, I would grab something from you. As for making things so troublesome?!"

Hua Shi Dou Lang looked at Machi with a faintly resentful look, "You have told me my master before, which means you should know the relationship between me and my master."

"If you know, why don't you say it?!! Isn't this playing me deliberately?!"

Hua Shi Doulang felt very painful here, and Machi heard Mo Lin say the words "my most important person"~~~

It was also like the heart had missed half a beat, as if there was an electric shock across the body.

After hearing this name, Machi instinctively wanted to deny it out loud.

But she opened her mouth, no matter what, her voice seemed to be stuck in her throat, just can't tell.

After a while, she swallowed all the words she wanted to deny.

At the same time, there was a soft light and warm current in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised inadvertently.

It gave this coastal beach an extraordinary sense of beauty.

"The old man knows that this matter will not end so easily."

Zeno shook his head, as if he had expected it a long time ago.

So this business is really not worthwhile.

He brought his shoulders to his front and put them in his sleeves.

"Although this happens every time we commission, we also paid a lot of energy and got nothing and suffered a lot of losses."

Zeno looked at Mo Lin calmly,

"But after our previous failed commissions, the assassinated target still has the courage to challenge us again and continue to entangle us~~~"

"You're still the first one, young man.

"Is there always a precedent for everything~"

Mo Lin moved his neck and shoulders, "It just so happens that I also want to see what kind of level the famous Zoldyck family is."

After all, Mo Lin's eyes suddenly became serious.


Above his body, an extremely surging aura surged out instantly.

At the same time, the waves nearby were also affected by Mo Lin's aura, and instantly became restless.

The gravel of the entire beach seemed to be shaken, and all quaked.

People standing here seem to feel the earthquake.

The distant ocean waves rolled, stirring up layers of monstrous waves, and then smashed to the surface of the sea, splashing a curtain of rain covering the sky.

"Is this Master your true strength?!'

Looking at the monstrous power surging up and down Mo Lin, even the beach and ocean are affected by the amazing aura~

At the same time a flash of horror flashed in Hua Shi Doulang's eyes, immediately followed by incomparable obsession and fiery heat.

"It's really a master!! Only a man like a master can stand at the top of this world!!"

He has long regarded Mo Lin as the Hua Shi Doulang who is pursuing his goal. At this moment, he is completely immersed in Mo Lin's momentum.

"This kind of vigorous air"

Machi's two clear eyes were also slightly widened, and there was a slight strange flashing in them.

"How strong are you Mo Lin?!"

She couldn't help but recalled the situation when Mo Lin fought Uvogin more than a year ago, outside the capital of Moses Piyah.

"々, at that time, you definitely kept your hands!!'

Machi made a decision in his heart, "You can never become so strong in just one year!!"

After identifying Mo Lin's strength and hidden strength in his mind, Machi also had another idea.

"Fortunately, you kept your hands at that time, otherwise Uvogin is not only not your opponent, but even after seeing such a huge gap~"

"The thought of not catching up with you no matter how you catch up will be deeply imprinted in his heart and mind. It is definitely not a good thing for him.

"but "

Machi silently looked at Mo Lin's solid back, "You are indeed the gap between us, which is getting bigger and bigger."

Thinking of this, the corner of Machi's mouth suddenly curled up.

Big gap? What's wrong?!

Mo Lin, aren't you still from Phantom Troupe?!

Even the stronger you are, the stronger the overall strength of the brigade.

This is only good for the brigade, not bad.


"Am I your most important person?"

Is there any woman who doesn't want the person she believes to be the most powerful one?!

At this moment, Machi's feelings for Mo Lin also rose to the top.

"This level of air"

The expressions of Silva and Zeno became serious at the same time.

Mo Lin created the aura that was brewing, and they all began to feel a sense of danger quickly in their hearts.

"I can compare to the old man, no wonder I have the confidence to want to keep both of us~"

Zeno was silent for a while, then (Nuo Li's) chuckled again:

"The young people nowadays are really amazing!"

He sighed and sighed there, "It seems that I am really old too.

"By the way, young man, is the old man lucky enough to know your name?'

"Mo Lin~"

Mo Lin said calmly.

At the same time, the aura of the outpouring is gradually converging.

From that monstrous power, all turned to the tyrannical aura condensed on the surface of the body.

The aura is so strong and the mind is strong, almost all of them are condensed into substance on Mo Lin's body surface, thickly wrapping Mo Lin inside, like a hard wrong armour!!

"Mo Lin? The old man remembered it."

Zeno nodded solemnly, remembering the name firmly in his heart.

"With this level of aura, it is impossible to do without tens or nearly a hundred years of penance."

He asked again, "The old man is very curious, at your age, how did you cultivate so much energy?!"

Mo Lin was comparable to him, and even almost faintly surpassed his temperament, which made Zeno very curious to ask.

Upon hearing this question, Machi also pricked his ears curiously.

She also wanted to know why Mo Lin became stronger.

But in a few years, how did he get to this point?

And it's not just him, Silva and Hua Shi Doulang, they are also waiting for Mo Lin's answer without blinking.

"Age? Decades?"

Hearing Zeno's question, Mo Lin closed his eyes lightly.

"I have indeed practiced for more than 20 years.",

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