Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 153 Twenty years of power!! When Zoldyck, who was good at assassination, was assassinated.

"If you don't want to say it, then forget it."

For Mo Lin's words, Zeno should only be joking.

Or he really believes that he intends to use this as an excuse to retreat and advance, and Mo Lin is urged to tell more secrets of becoming stronger.

"I'm just telling the truth. As for believe it or not, it's up to you.

Of course, Mo Lin will not reveal his secrets and truth so easily.

And he did not lie.

The power of his mind is a real, real, and real strength for twenty years!!

Although the learning process of Mo Lin following Biscuit's mind power is over, it has only been more than three years since then.

But don't forget, Mo Lin also has a very strange space props.

【Canning Workshop】.

One hour is enough for a day.

Such a ratio of time flow rate makes Mo Lin's time quite sufficient.

Except for normal walking in the outside world during the day, Mo Lin takes out the [canning studio] and goes inside to practice [winding] and [practice] every night.

The fixed eight hours every night is equivalent to eight full days in [Canning Workshop].

Except for spending a day to rest and work and rest, for the remaining seven days, Mo Lin was almost all earnestly practicing.

[Canning Workshop] The only difference from the outside world is that the space is small and cannot be displayed.

Pure cultivation is not a problem at all, but fighting is not enough.

Therefore, in the daytime, Mo Lin used [Shadow Flash] to shine his shadow and hone his combat experience with him.

At night, I practice mind power in [Canning Workshop].

Except for the battle training during the day, the mind power practice every night is lower than the hourly flow rate of the day.

The normal time of other people's cultivation for one day is converted into seven days in Mo Lin.

The past year to the outside world is equivalent to seven years here in Mo Lin!!

In other words, in the three years after being separated from Biscuit, Mo Lin950 used [Canning Workshop], which can be said to have been practicing for 21 years!!

Even if there are all kinds of interruptions in the middle, it causes not to practice every day.

But with the sum of all the counts, Mo Lin's thought power now has a weight of twenty years!

A year ago, when fighting Uvogin on the outskirts of the capital of Moses Piyah, Mo Lin really kept his hands.

Just like Machi said, in order not to completely collapse Uvogin's self-confidence, Mo Lin still kept his hands when fighting him.

After all, it's just one's own comparisons, and it's not so cruel.

Even if Uvogin says he wants to use his full strength~

Just listen to this as a joke~~~

If it is true, it will not be good for each other.


In the face of Silva and Zeno, Mo Lin is completely worthy.

Not only the many props he has, but also his absolute strength now!!

Even in the current six continents, Mo Lin's strength is definitely the top batch.

The power of mind in twenty years does not seem to be much.

But you also have to look at this level, which type of person can have.

The Hunter test is also passed, and it doesn’t take long to learn.

The intensity between Bakuer and Killua Gon is simply incomparable.

Even if there is a gap between famous teachers, the gap between Hanzo, Leorio, Kurapika and others is not small.

It is an indisputable fact that people with strong talents are born to become stronger faster and better than ordinary people in terms of speed and quality.

Goodness, sometimes, it's just that eccentric.

Mo Lin's talent was originally the best in the Hunter world. With sufficient dafg training methods, resources and time, his strength can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

The intensity of his 20 years of thought is no less than the current Zeno.

Even better than Silva.

After all, Ilmi is now seventeen years old. If Silva married a wife and had children at the age of twenty, he would be almost thirty-seven years old now.

If it is assumed that Silva started learning Nen from the age of ten, then up to now, the degree and accumulation of learning will not exceed thirty years.

Even if Silva is also gifted, he also has the origins of the Zoldyck family. When he is right against Mo Lin, it will inevitably be the result of a huge loss.

Can Mo Lin be able to resist Mo Lin's twenty years of thought power?!

But if they face Mo Lin with Zeno, they still have some chances of winning.

"It seems that this matter can't be done well~"

Zeno sighed again.

He was not a pedantic nagger, but he didn't know how many times he said this sentence today.

"Able to develop such an extraordinary ability at this age, and it does not come from any major force..."

Zeno's eyes are rare and complicated, "A good young man like you, an old man is really unheard of.

"If you know that there will be someone like you standing behind the two of them..."


Mo Lin asked, "Will you not accept it?"

"of course not!!"

Zeno said of course, "As a killer, there is no one to miss."


His left foot took a step back slightly, both hands were lying across his chest, gradually changing gestures.

"The person who placed the commission must at least get the value of the corresponding price!!"


A shining golden dragon suddenly transformed from his palm full of thought power.

Carrying the strong tearing force that cuts through the air, he swiftly bites towards Mo Lin.

At the same time, Silva's silver hair is full of wind and automatically. On top of the powerful thought power, powerful thought bullets appear at the end of each hair!!

Both of them knew in their hearts that after Mo Lin opened up the battle, no matter what, if you don't make a good move, today's things will not be over!!

Rather than being brought up by Mo Lin, it would be better to let the two of them take the lead!!

"come yet?"

Mo Lin's eyes flashed, and in a flash, he understood the two offensives.

"It's a veteran killer family after all, it really has two brushes!!

Mo Lin smiled softly, without making any movements.


Two powerful attacks came down one after another.

The roar of the golden dragon and the roar of the bullets all made bursts of sonic booms.

Hua Shi Dou Lang looked at it nervously, while Machi had a slightly better mentality when he was watching.

Because she knows that Mo Lin has an item comparable to [Absolute Defense].

That's an item that even Phinks' [Huitian] can't do anything about it and can't penetrate the defense.

as predicted.

After the sand from the attack dissipated slowly, Mo Lin still stood there intact.

Only the ground about one meter in front of him showed a vacuum zone.

A lot of sand and gravel were all cleaned up by the blow of Silva Zeno and the two of them just now!!

"Can't break the defense?!"

Both of them stared at Mo Lin tightly, looking up and down, hoping to see something out.

"Nen of defense type?!"

This idea emerged subconsciously in Zeno's heart, but quickly denied it in his heart.

"No, judging from his extremely solid thinking, he doesn't look like the kind of person who can accept attacks honestly and passively."

The face continues to remain calm, but in my heart it already attaches great importance:

"Moreover, it easily blocked the attack between Silva and me. Even the defensive Nen couldn't be so perfect.

His decades of assassination experience allowed him to constantly speculate about Mo Lin's situation.

But they were ruled out one after another.

What Zeno is best at is to analyze the opponent's situation completely through every move between the opponents.

But like Mo Lin, just standing motionless, they stopped their attacking method

It was really the first time I saw it.

Zeno frowned and thought, but Mo Lin obviously wouldn't give him so much analysis time.

"Ka Ka"

The sound of the two buttons sounded one after another.

Mo Lin threw two [Shadow Flashes] in his hand.

Along with two strong lights, two black silhouettes slowly emerged from Mo Lin's feet.

And in the first time he appeared, he rushed to Zeno and Silva.

"This is the shadow?!"

This idea just emerged in their minds, and the two jet-black shadows flew towards the front.


The sound of the two fists colliding with the shadow's fists alternately sounded.

"Using shadows to attack and defend?!'

Zeno thought to himself.

Immediately, regardless of the consumption of thought power, the [circle] was released.

This is a high-level combined application technique of "winding" and "training", which allows Qi to expand outwards with its center as the center, and can detect invaders within the scope of Qi.

"Circle" is defined as a technique that extends mind to more than 2 meters of oneself and maintains it for more than 1 minute.

The scope of "circle" varies with each person's skill level, but "circle" does not represent the level of individual Nen, and sometimes it is just the individual's different application methods or needs for "circle".

Zeno's "circle" has a radius of up to 300 meters.

It can be said that when Zeno unfolded the "circle", there was no turbulence on the entire beach, which could not be hidden from his perception.

And Mo Lin didn't think about avoiding anything.

In front of Zeno and Silva who were fighting the shadows, he once again took out two brand new props.

This is a humanoid prop, with a green bulging figure that looks only the height of a palm.

They wear a tie around their waists, two small white ball hands, semi-elliptical sunglasses and a black cloth cap.

When I look at the dress, it looks like a gangster from the gang.

"Since the Zoldyck family is a family famous for assassination~"

Mo Lin looked at Silva and Zeno who were fighting with his shadow, and smiled playfully at the corner of his mouth:

"I just don't know what will happen when you yourself are assassinated?!"

[There's more! Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and then until next week, you will have to work overtime. Although the time may be uncertain, the daily update volume can definitely be guaranteed!].

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