Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 154 A killer across time and space! [Super Fall Expert Z]! Break the legend of the Zoldyck f

"Does the shadow and the body have the same level?"

It only took a few tricks to play with Shadow, and both Zeno and Silva had a general understanding.

The shadow in front of him, whether it is attack, defense, or speed and on-the-spot reaction ability, is the best choice.

It's just an ordinary shadow, absolutely can't do this level.

"Shadows have such strength, how much should the main body reach?!"

Just the shadow of inability to think, for Zeno and Silva, it does not pose too much threat.

It was just the tip of the iceberg that this shadow represented, which made the two of them evaluate Mo Lin higher and higher.

Even if Mo Lin didn't do it himself, he just sent the shadow to fight with them.

Zeno and the others do not have the idea of ​​being underestimated, but are happy to use this gesture to get more information about Mo Lin.

"The small ball that appeared out of thin air in the hand, and then after being irradiated, can allow the shadow to move on its own. It is a type of Manipulator's ability. What items are used to achieve the conditions?"

As Zeno was fighting, he swiftly moved in his mind.

"Although the shadow is also very good, it has almost inherited the skills of the original master, but due to certain limitations, it cannot fully display the strength of the original master."

"But even so, this kind of shadow is excellent. To reach this step, you must have extremely harsh conditions?"

"Moreover, this shadow is enough for me to see some valuable information."

"The fighting style and style are martial arts techniques from the heart's roots, right?"

"I don't know which disciple taught by the hidden old monster, the name Mo Lin, I have never heard of it among the outstanding disciples of the generation of Xin Yuan Liu.

Thinking of this, Zeno glanced at Hua Shi Dou Lang instead.

Through the chat between the two of them, Zeno and the others were able to know that Hua Shi Dou Lang was a disciple of Mo Lin.

Hua Shi Dou Lang itself is good enough, so Mo Lin, as the master of Hua Shi Dou Lang, will never be weak.

People say that the small ones come, and the old ones come.

Well, as an elder, Mo Lin is indeed here, but his age does not seem to be too big.

While Zeno is thinking about this aspect, under the perception of [Circle], he is also paying attention to Mo Lin's movements at any time~

When Mo Lin once again took out the same thing as two human dolls out of thin air, Zeno's eyes instantly condensed.

Not only was he puzzled about the way Mo Lin took things, but he also paid attention to what Mo Lin took out.

At this moment, Mo Lin's various actions will bring Zeno enough information to analyze his intelligence.

"Is it something that was taken out of thin air, is it similar to the little ball that summons the shadow?!"

Zeno's thoughts radiated again, suddenly turning a corner and heading in a different direction.

"Isn't it just shadow ability, but

He watched Mo Lin throw two coins casually, and fell behind the toy-like villain that he took out with incomparable precision.

"Do you have strange things with various effects in your hands?"

It should be said that he is the veteran powerhouse in this world, the previous generation of Patriarch of the Zoldyck family.

Zeno's vicious eyes made a guess that was very similar to Mo Lin's true ability.

This ability to judge and grasp the experience of mind can not be said to be immature and accurate!!

"Then these two puppets are not ordinary puppets, right?"

When Zeno fought against Mo Lin's shadow, he didn't forget to pay some attention to the doll in Mo Lin's hand.

"Target: Zeno, Silva."

After Mo Lin said the two names to the two toy-like underworld figures, he put them on the ground.


Mo Lin smiled and said, "Go and teach them an unforgettable lesson!"

The two petite green figures smiled at the same time.

Props: [Fall Expert].

Effect: All you need to do is to put a ten-yuan coin in it and call out the name of the person you want to deal with at the same time, and the falling expert will knock down the opponent three times in a row.

This is the most common fall expert, and Mo Lin's appetizer for Silva and Zeno.

"The next one is the highlight!!"

Mo Lin's hands were turned over at the same time, and a humanoid toy with almost the same body shape and figure as [Fall Expert] appeared in Mo Lin's hands.

Only in appearance, there is a clear difference from the previous 【Fall Expert】.

Its whole body is different from [Fall Expert] Green and dark purple, and it has golden buttons as an embellishment.

At the same time, the sunglasses on his face are black and purple, and the leather shoes under his feet are also bright with lithium tiles.

It looks better than [Falling Expert] based on the appearance alone, I don’t know how much!!

"A superb assassin killer robot expert who can travel through the past and the future, across time and space, in the true sense."

Two golden coins popped out in Mo Lin's hand, "Let me see, what kind of power your upgraded version of [Super Fall Expert Z] has!!"

Props: [Super Fall Expert Z].

Effect: The upgraded version of [Falling Expert], arrogant and arrogant, like to enjoy the prey alone. Say the name of the person you want to knock down to it, and you will kill that person without hesitation. Even if that person is in the future or in the past, it can instantaneously travel through time and space and reach the target time point to kill. Anyone who blocks it will be left unreserved by it

Kill the love.

This is an upgraded version of [Fall Expert]!

In the latest version of "Doraemon", in a certain crew in the future time and space.

A bear kid is holding [Super Fall Expert Z] in his hand, while putting coins in to play~

The director of the crew just accidentally read the name of the character in the script.

That's right, that name is "Nobita".

And it happened to be heard by [Super Fall Expert Z].

More coincidentally, Doraemon was watching the excitement next to the crew.

Ever since~

[Super Fall Expert Z] was activated and instantly locked Doraemon.

And relying on its super high computing power, from Doraemon's body, got information about Nobita.

Then, under the horrified gaze of Doraemon who had changed his complexion and tried to stop it, he smiled coldly at Doraemon.

In an instant, a time and space jump, from the 22nd century, to the time and space node where Nobita is located.

And speaking, it's even more coincidental.

At this time, Nobita, because of his own negligence, was chased and killed by the original green 【Falling Expert】.

As a result, after [Super Fall Expert Z] appeared, he saw this scene and shot at the ordinary [Fall Expert] mercilessly.

Ordinary 【Fall Expert】Equipped with an impact pistol that can knock people down.

And the [Super Fall Expert Z] is equipped, but it is really super [Air Cannon] !!

In the first shot, after knocking down the ordinary 【Fall Expert】, it got up as if nothing had happened, and gave a counterattack with 【Super Fall Expert Z】.

Makes the latter directly updated and replaced the weapon from [Air Cannon] to [Air Rocket Launcher],

Then the first shot completely knocked down [Falling Expert], and the second shot was directed at the happy Nobita who thought it was a savior sent by Doraemon.

…0 Seeking flowers……

If it hadn't been for Doraemon to rescue Nobita in time, otherwise the shot of [Super Fall Expert Z] would have taken Nobita away directly.

Even so, this second cannon destroyed the entire street.

The destructive power of [Super Fall Expert z] is evident!!

Until the end of the animation, Nobita did not escape its pursuit, leaving a suspense.

Aloof, cold-blooded and unrelenting, with firm goals

The most important thing is that the strength is extremely strong!!

At least Mo Lin himself is calm, currently he really can't do the ability to travel through time and space.

The kind of determination and will to change weapons arbitrarily, and to lose the goal~

"There is simply no better killer weapon than this."

Mo Lin is quite satisfied with this prop.

Then, after chanting the names of Silva and Zeno, they placed them on the ground.

At the same time~

The ordinary [Fall Expert] who rushed over and wanted to bring Silva and Zeno down was also surrendered in a very fast speed.

At the same time, there is the shadow of Mo Lin.

"This kind of little guy actually has the'impact' that can make people fall~"

Zeno stepped on a 【Fall Expert】 and was amazed.

"Such a thing, even Mi Ji can't do it, right?"


Silva, who had escaped from the shadow fight, nodded solemnly.

"If it weren't for the shadow to help us cover, maybe we have already been recruited."

Just now, after [Fall Expert] walked over, the astute Zeno secretly guessed whether this thing would also have any special effects.

Then he saw the two little things raising their guns at both him and Silva at the same time.

Zeno, who was not afraid of a hot weapon attack, felt danger at that moment.

Afterwards, relying on the dragon-shaped winding of [Dragon Head Play Painting] and my own rich experience.

Successfully transferred Mo Lin's shadow to him, and took a shot from [Falling Expert] for him.


Zeno saw the shadow that had fought with him back and forth, and fell directly to the ground, like a street bashing.

Afterwards, Zeno instantly understood the effect of this little guy.

Then together with Silva, the two people succeeded in taking Mo Lin's shadow as their own shield under the influence of anger, and successfully blocked three shots for them.

Then, the shadow that would have disappeared automatically after thirty minutes, also disappeared in place under the impact of the fall.

Zeno and Silva also seized the opportunity and stepped [Fall Expert] under their feet in one fell swoop.

"The other party is also picking up a rock and hitting him in the foot?" Silva asked.


Zeno looked at the [Super Fall Expert Z] who was walking slowly towards the two of them~

Slowly straightened up the waist, "The other party just let us know the role of this toy first.,

"Then continue to tell us: ‘even if you know the effect, you can’t avoid this thing."

Zeno suddenly smiled, but there was a rare sense of fighting spirit in his heart:

This young man named Mo Lin is using this little thing to break the legend of their Zoldyck family one by one.

"Really an interesting young man!!"

[Today’s update is completed, the chapter after zero should be on time, the rest is hard to say, it may have to be mid-afternoon or evening of the next day, because we will continue to work overtime tomorrow morning~~~

Speed ​​up the progress immediately, and it is expected that the main storyline of the comic will be officially opened soon!!] Door,

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