Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 157 The conversation between Zeno and Netero, is he so good? Netero's files and investi

"Like, what's the matter?"

Netero heard Nuo's voice for the first time, and couldn't help but smile heartily:

"Call me so suddenly and still say this kind of thing."

"Did you encounter something?"


Zeno and Netero are old friends. Netero even hugged him when he was a baby.

Don't shy away from anything, "Do you have a disciple named Mo Lin?"

"Mo Lin?

Hearing this name, Netero on the other end of the phone called his own hook:

"I heard that he is an old disciple of a senior Hunter in our association."

Well, even Netero has scruples about Biscuit's introduction.

But to be honest, Biscuit is now back to 30 years old under the influence of Mo Lin [Age Spring Water].

It is indeed not connected with the word "old"~~

"Sure enough, it is a group of old monsters, little monsters taught?"

Zeno knew it in his heart.

Obviously, he mistaken the senior Hunter mentioned by Netero as the top powerhouse in the Hunter Association.

"Why, did you meet him?"

Netero laughed and said, "Listening to your tone, it seems that the first time you met, it was not very friendly.

That's really unfriendly~~~

Zeno's eyes twitched slightly.

"How do you get along? Tell me, let me listen?'

Netero is interested in this.

Since becoming the president of the Hunter Association, everything is on track.

He has been bored for a long time.

Basically, as long as there is an unusual news, he is also willing to inquire about it.

"It's nothing, it's just that we took an order, and the target is his person~"

Zeno briefly reviewed a commissioned operation that was quite unsuccessful this time, "Then he came to confront us."

Well, confrontation is also a kind of battle.

As for the outcome of the battle, this shameful thing is not worth publicizing.

"Is it?"

Netero understands in seconds.

Even if Zeno didn't say it, Netero could guess from the implied nature of his words and specifically called to ask him about Mo Lin~

Zeno, at least in Mo Lin's hands, suffered a lot.

"So he is so good?"

Netero thought about all the news about Mo Lin, and then heard Zeno's unceremonious voice on the phone:

"The Hunter Association has produced such an outstanding junior. This time you didn't notify us in advance, Mr. Chairman.

In fact, the most taboo thing in the killer business is not knowing the situation of the target~

The commission accepted does not match the amount given by the target.

Therefore, the Zoldyck family and the Hunter Association, Jeno and the Zoldyck family have always been in contact.

What they do is to be able to know which Hunter is tricky in the Hunter Association, so that the Zoldyck family can also prepare in advance.

In this way, once someone entrusts them to place a deposit, they can also give a suitable high price.

Then if you see that you want to ask Zoldyck to make a move, you will have to pay such a large amount of money, and the person who bids this way is likely to return.

In this way, those tricky Hunters will not conflict with Zoldyck.

The Hunter Association is therefore able to protect the safety of those Hunters in disguise.

After all, against the Zoldyck family, the Hunter Association would not like to see it.

In the same way, by doing this, some monster-level Hunter disciples can ensure their smooth growth and will not be assassinated by the Zoldyck family.

This is a potential tacit understanding between the Hunter Association and the Zoldyck family.

If Netero had already informed Zeno about Mo Lin's situation, then when Kud issued the order.

The price given by him is completely insufficient, and Zeno will never pick it up.

In this way, this extremely loss-making battle can also be avoided.

"The main reason is that my contact with this person is not right, and I don't know him very well.

Netero scratched his face with his fingers, "This man seems unusually low-key.

"Being able to let you call me specifically shows that he is very strong.

"But he is such a powerful guy, but he hasn't made any reputation in the world. It can be seen that he is not the kind of person who publicizes his character, and belongs to a potential strong person who is dedicated to cultivation."

"Those who have left little traces in the world, even the Hunter Association, are not good at grasping information about him.

Netero is telling the truth, which Zeno can still hear.

Moreover, the two families get along very happily. With Netero's character and personality, they will not deliberately cheat them in this regard.

"That seems to be our simple bad luck~"

Zeno can only admit that he is unlucky.

"Rilihao, it seems that he also caused you a lot of suffering."

Netero smiled directly.

At the same time, a gleam flashed in his eyes:

"There are few people in this world who can make your Zoldyck family suffer."

"Mo Lin"

Memories flooded in Netero's mind, "I remember, he hasn't had much time to practice with Biscuit, just a few years, right?"

"In just a few years, he has grown to such a level. It seems that his talent is not weak.

He thought to himself.


"I remember his Nen is able to show many items with peculiar effects, right?"

"Then his props have the effect of making people stronger, shouldn't it be possible?"

"Wei Li, it's interesting. With a talent that is not weak in itself, coupled with such a peculiar prop ability, it must be fun to come and play against such a person?"

"Well, I'm looking forward to seeing this person~~~"

With these many thoughts circulating in his mind, Netero gradually had a decision in his heart.

After a few more conversations with Zeno, he hung up.

After sitting still for a few seconds, he slowly got up and opened the drawer.

There are two top-secret files stored inside, which are placed on the left and right sides.

On the left file, there is a portrait of a little old man sticking his tongue out.

It was just before that he classified Hua Shi Dou Lang in one of them.

Inside are Parisstone, Mija Aston, Kang Jae and others.

As for the file on the right~~~

If you use [Ning] to check, you will find that this file is actually covered with a layer of not weak mind power!!

If you want to open it, you must meet certain conditions.

Otherwise, the above thought power will be activated by yourself to destroy the entire file!!

The only condition for opening this file is to open the person.

Ignoring the above thoughts, Netero easily opened the cover.

In the world, only Netero can open this file.

This portfolio looks very big, but the files in it are scattered, and it looks like there are only six or seven copies.

And every document does not have any extra photos, some are just a photo.

If Mo Lin sees it, he will find a few familiar faces inside.

"Mo Lin?

Netero looked at the file that exerted mental power, and thoughtfully tapped his finger on the desktop.

After a while, he took out the phone from his arms.


After dialing the number, Netero directly asked:

"Is it Kakinira? I'm Netero. Yes, I have something to ask you. Well, it's not a big deal, but I want you to find someone for me."

"His name is Mo Lin, well, he is not Hunter, but he signed up for the test before, it is the 275th issue."

"々. You should be able to find the relevant information of that issue in your archives.

"What I want is the information of the man named Mo Lin.

"Your ability should be able to do it? Can it be done in half an hour? Okay, I see."


Here, Netero hung up the phone, and in the archives of the Hunter Association, Kachinila also looked at the phone with some doubts.

"A candidate who failed the test and didn't take the test later. I don't know why the president is so caring~"

As the person in charge of the archives room, Kakinira shook his head.

"Let me see, the 275 test is available!"

From a pile of archives, he pulled out the records of that issue of the year.

"Is Mo Lin?"

Kachinila flipped through it twice and quickly got the relevant information out.

"Then let's start~"

He rubbed his hands, and suddenly his eyes were emptied under the surging power of thought.

Comparing to Mo Lin's information, he took a pen in his other hand and wrote lines of text on a blank paper.

If Mo Lin were here, he would find that all the text he wrote was information that was closely related to him.

Nen: [All Knowledge Search].

Effect: Some information of the target can be used to obtain relevant information and information of the target.

In short, this capability is like those search browsers.

Enter keywords in the search bar, you can search for the information you want.

Of course, this ability also has conditions:

That is, the more keywords, that is, the more complete some information of the target, the more comprehensive the relevant information and intelligence of the target he has (Nuo Lihao).

And this ability is not like a searcher, it can only give information on the Internet.

It is any information that can be given to you, as long as the basic information you give is complete!

It is precisely because of this ability that Kachinila will be in charge of the responsibility of the archives.

Of course, the most important factor is that he made a restriction and pledge to himself.


The power of thought stopped, Kachinila lost the pen in his hand, and the empty eyes gradually recovered.

He didn't even look at it, and backhanded the information on the desktop.

Well, the restriction and oath he made for himself is to never look at the information he wrote.

Because some people or some powerful people are very afraid of others' spying on themselves, and they will be known by themselves if they impose themselves on them, or they will immediately counter the desire of those who spy.

Kachinila's oath is to allow herself to ignore the effect of these thoughts.

As for the restriction, if he reads the written information himself, then not only the information will spontaneously burn.

He himself will be forced to fall into a state of [absolute] for three days.

And if in a short period of time, he violated the oath several times in a row, then he will face a state of "absolute" forever and lose the power of thought.

This is also the reason why he can safely control the archives room.

[There will be more later, I should be able to come out before zero, work overtime until I want to die)

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