Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 158 Parisstone and the Twelve Earthly Branches are expected to cause a sensation in the enem

A Nen who can detect intelligence information, and he can't check the intelligence written by himself.

Such a Nen, who would not approve of letting him take care of the file room?

"That's it~"

After Kakinira sent Mo Lin's news to Netero in the form of a telegram, he ignited Mo Lin's intelligence.

"Yo, Kaki Nila."

At this moment, a person suddenly walked in at the gate of the archives room.

Lai Ren is an image of a good sunny youth with a hearty smile.

He has beautiful blond hair, and his smile is contagious.

If it weren't for him to wear a decent, adult suit with beige stripes~

And his face gives people a mature feeling, otherwise, he might be very similar to Shalnark, who has a baby face and wears exercise clothes.

"Are you searching for some people's intelligence again?"

He smiled and walked forward, saying hello as if he were familiar.


Seeing the visitor, Kachinila's eyelids jumped.

While gathering the documents in his hand, he replied very formulaically and politely.

"Why did you come here, Vice President Parisstone, do you want to adjust any information?"

"No, but something happened to be here."

The corner of Parisstone's eyes is very secretly scanned from the 275th Hunter test data collected by Kaki Nila~

"Also, I'm not the official vice president yet, I'm just an agent. You don't need to call me that."

"It's just a matter of time.

The two chatted again. The future Samsung Hunter, one of the twelve earthly branch rats, and Parisstone, the vice president of the Hunter Association, took a few documents and left.

It seemed that nothing happened, but seeing Parisstone's gleaming gaze, 957 knew that he might have something in his mind.

The office on the other side~

"Is this Mo Lin's profile?"

Netero, who got the telegram, couldn't help being more serious and began to look it up in detail.

"It seems that the basic information is not enough, which led to Kaki Nila's ability to not write out the previous information, can only find out that he came from Meteor Street?'

"Then it made a big noise in the Elder's House and joined Phantom Troupe, eh? Is this little guy a member of Phantom Troupe?"

Netero raised his eyebrows slightly and continued to look down:

"Follow Biscuit to practice mind power, participate in Hunter test to Potter White, go to Youkexin City to open a house of everything, and also take a disciple on the way."

"It turns out that Hua Shi Dou Lang met Mo Lin at that time?,

There are only these detailed information, and the remaining information, due to insufficient basic information, has been relatively vaguely passed on.

Things like going to the island of greed to get to know Jin, the first gathering of Phantom Troupe, the incident of the royal family of Moses, the meeting of the seventh prince of Kajin, Luzlus, and even the subsequent battle with the Zoldyck family.

Netero is basically unable to check.

But this does not prevent him from being able to learn some more useful information from his previous Mo Lin experience.

"Although I don't know why he is with Jin, being able to be recognized by a guy like Jin also shows how extraordinary he is.

Looking at the introduction with only a few words, Netero was more solemn, and put the information in the portfolio that had been read.

"Unfortunately, the intelligence didn't write anything about the ability of his props, otherwise, I would be able to understand a little bit more comprehensively."


A smile suddenly appeared on Netero's face:

"He has the qualifications to be included in the selected range."

"My previous ideas can be implemented gradually.

"Inside the Hunter Association, in addition to the president and secretary, a suitable organization is still needed to run the association, and it can also become a signboard of the association to the world."

Well, more often, it's for playing opponents in your spare time.

"Moreover, this world needs to add more vitality, it can't be so lifeless..."

"Only when a hundred flowers blossom, the research on Nen can go further~~~"

Thinking like this, Netero began to pick up the pen and quickly wrote on the paper.

The four characters above are so obvious:

The twelve earthly branches.

Zeno and Silva returned home after breaking communication with Netero.


They still aroused some impulses in the Withered Slaughter Mountain.

There was no way, although when they came back, they did some rest.

But it is a pity that there is not much else in their killer family, as it is extremely strong in terms of observation.

Covering up abnormalities is not as easy as finding abnormalities.

And Silva and Zeno didn't take too much effort in this aspect, they just did a simple care.

So, when they returned to Zoldyck's house with half of their eyebrows and the face of the bald monk~

"Husband?! Father-in-law?!!!"

Wearing aristocratic clothes and wearing a machine signal on his face, Kikyo hurried over when he heard Wutong's report. After seeing the image of the two, he screamed in shock.

In the past, the two went out to perform tasks, and it was not that they came back without being injured.

But the image becomes like this, it's really incredible.

At least Kikyo has never seen it before.

"Don't be so noisy~"

Silva said calmly, "Anyway, it will grow back on its own in two days."


She could be regarded as gradually reacting, her husband and father-in-law didn't seem to be okay.

But only this appearance

After letting go of the surprise in my heart, it was replaced by bursts of laughter.

She hadn't really seen Silva and Zeno, they had this look.

"If you want to take pictures, I advise you not to do so."

After all they have been a couple for so many years, looking at the red light on the machine's eyes, Silva knew what Kikyo was thinking.

Immediately, he restrained Kikyo's restless thoughts.

Zeno was also the first to slip away.

He wants (dafg) to dress himself up.

"Don't talk about this, just say to the outside world that we are going to rest and we won't see anyone for the time being."

Before bugging, he left such a sentence.

When the two returned, they flew from the sky to the back mountain and landed with the help of Zeno's dragon head drama.

No one came in through the front door to alarm anyone.

After all, although they are a cold-blooded killer, they still have a little affection.

After landing, they contacted Wutong for the first time, and after confessing the matter, they returned to the room and met with Kikyo.

Originally, Zeno and Silva wanted to prevent the incident from spreading, and they did survey when they landed and no one found them.


They have forgotten that in this family, there is a super-technologist who is out of place.


In the small room, the potato chips in Mi Ji's hand fell to the floor.

"This is Dad, grandpa?! !!"

He stared at the screen in a daze, showing the images of Silva and Zeno through the projection, with a look of shock on his face.

"How can this be?!"

His body slammed forward, and his fat face was about to hit the screen.

After confirming that he was not mistaken, Mi Ji's mouth opened wide and did not close.

"There is such a thing unexpectedly."

He murmured to himself, "This is the first time I have seen Dad and Grandpa like this."

"No! I must keep it as a memorial!!"

Just do what you want, and Mi Ji, who gradually reacted, made a decision instantly.

His fingers are tapping quickly on the keyboard~

"I dare say that even Il fans have never seen this image of Dad and the others. After saving it, I will print it out and show off to the Il fans!!"

"There are also Killua and Kalluto, let them take a good look at how good their brother I am, and I have all kinds of pictures in my hand!"

"Let that kid Killua dare to look down on me, huh!"

Well, I don’t even know that his path is narrowed. Mi Ji, who has gone on the road to death, is about to usher in the day when he will be filial to the father and son of the Zoldyck family~~~

And the other side.

Here is Mo Lin who solved the assassination of the Zoldyck family.

"Is it all right?"

After Silva and Zeno left, Mo Lin first took out the [Doctor's Suitcase] and healed them.

Then he kicked his expression agitated, and the Hua Shi Dou Lang who wanted to come up to say something kicked aside, and asked Machi coldly.

"It's okay.

Feeling Mo Lin's non-fake gaze, Machi's tone softened.

"That's good~"

Mo Lin said with satisfaction.

Then he rubbed his legs next to Hua Shi Doulang who was aggrieved:

"What are you doing here? Didn't you say that you will go to the Zoldyck family for advice in the future?"

"Don't hurry up and gradually cultivate for time, still stunned here?!!"

Hua Shi Dou Lang: ""

Master, your partiality is too obvious, right?

I am also your personal disciple!!

Hua Shi Doulang was full of grievances, but he also knew that it was not the time to disturb his master.

You can only wait for him to call after he is finished.

"Yes "

He responded weakly and planned to leave.


Mo Lin stopped him and threw an object at him.

"Don't forget this when you leave."

"this is

Hua Shi Doulang took it, and said in surprise, "Kud's head?!"

When [Super Fall Expert Z] was launched before, Mo Lin put Kud’s head away early in order to prevent it from spreading.

"Take him to the Hunter Association to claim the mission, and the achievements gained by destroying the S-rank thieves group are enough to raise your Hunter level to one star.

"this "

As soon as Hua Shi Doulang wanted to refuse, he was interrupted by Mo Lin:

"There is no such thing as this. What the master gives to the disciple is what the disciple keeps."

"Besides, Kudd's head is of no use to me, but it is of no small use to your words.

Mo Lin whispered, "If you can be promoted to a one-star Hunter, then you can also have a lot of reputation within the Hunter Association. Then, in the Association, you might be able to help me."

"What's more, I hope you can remember the action this time, learn from the action, and there are lessons."

Hua Shi Doulang was silent.

[Today’s update is complete, I will try my best to code after zero!).

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