Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 159 Hold your hand, inventory of props! Hisoka~~~

Mo Lin has said this, and Hua Shi Doulang is no longer hypocritical.

At the moment, he earnestly rushed to Mo Lin and once again gave a deep-rooted standard thank-you ceremony.

He took Kurd's head and disappeared on this land.

Only Mo Lin and Machi were left in the field, ~ the atmosphere gradually became more subtle.

"Well, if there is nothing wrong, then I-leave too."

Machi's eyes rolled, as if-aware of something.

Some unnaturally sorted out their practice clothes, and then planned to leave here.

But before she moved, Mo Lin grabbed her wrist.

"I thought you would want it out loud when I gave Huashi Doulang Kud a head~"

"I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know the importance."

Machi struggled a few times, "Let go!"

"This can't work~"

Seeing that Mo Lin had no intention of letting go, and he kept looking at himself with a smile.

Machi can only roll his eyes, and reluctantly gives up:

"At any rate, he is also your disciple. I am not so low-level that I can even rob my juniors."

Although Machi was born in Meteor Street, he acts more unscrupulously.

But Mo Lin's apprentices like Hua Shi Doulang are half their own.

If Hua Shi Doulang didn't know his identity before, then he could try to cut Hu.

But now that the identities of both parties are public, then Machi will naturally not be so surrendered to do that kind of thing.

"When did you know that Hua Shi Doulang is my disciple?

Mo Lin grabbed Machi's wrist and walked slowly towards the beach.

The two walked on the beach, but they had a different kind of beauty.

Maybe Machi is also aware of this scenery, and the struggle in his hands is gradually weakening.

She started with herself in the Sky Arena before, and now what happened before Mo Lin arrived, all have been explained to Mo Lin one by one.

Only Mo Lin can make Machi confide in his heart so easily.

"That's it~"

Mo Lin, who learned the cause and effect of the incident, smiled slightly:

"Since you know my relationship with Hua Shi Doulang, but you didn't call me, but instead followed him on your own terms~~~"

"You said how should I punish you?"

As soon as Mo Lin mentioned the word [punishment], Machi's body trembled slightly.

She remembered what happened outside the capital of Moses Piyah during the first assembly operation before.

But I haven't waited for her to react and resist~

Mo Lin has approached her again like last time.


Machi's pupils contracted slightly.


The waves on the beach were beating, splashing waves and a little rain, under the wine above the two people's heads.

It constitutes a beautiful picture of the duo in the rain.

The waves silently submerged the sandy beach and swept across the corner at the end of the sky.

Staring at your beautiful silhouette and figure, watching the sea and the sky, listening to the wind and rain~

Hold your hand and blow away the vast waves of smoke~~~

After Mo Lin and Machi got along "simple" for some time, he continued with his unfinished business.

First there was a ward with Sister Parker.

Then through Yixiu Kube, he returned to the virtual space and put away the [Space Converter].

Afterwards, he talked with Hua Shi Doulang on the phone, replayed the previous battle, and asked him to sum up his shortcomings and make improvements.

After that, Mo Lin also re-counted the props he had.

After so many years, the daily sampling has made him already have no less than a thousand props in his hand.

Every time props is drawn, it is random and uncertain.

Sometimes, the props that have been drawn in the past, Mo Lin can still be drawn in the next draw.

For example, [Shadow Flash], just this kind of props, he can get no less than dozens.

There are also [Fall Experts] and so on. They also drew four or five. The uncertainty of this kind of drawing is indeed very large.

Some props have been drawn a lot in succession, but some props have indeed not seen any traces until now.

For example, the top props in many causal categories: [If the phone booth], [Lies 800], [Time Machine], [Time Furnishing], [Wish Realization Book], [Time Pause], [Time Gate], [ Universal Pass], [Demon Passport], [Prophecy Notebook], etc.

These are the props in the hands of Doraemon, standing at the top of all the four-dimensional treasure bags.

But unfortunately, after a few years, Mo Lin still didn't get it.

But the more powerful the item, the lower the probability of being drawn~

Mo Lin itself doesn't matter, the other props are already good enough to pile up his strength to the point where he is quite powerful.

And only with strong strength can Mo Lin use these props.

Otherwise, even if you get these items in advance, if you don't have enough strength to start, it's still useless.

However, with the growth of strength, Mo Lin can feel that the time to extract these items is not far away~~~

Well, maybe after "staying for a long time" with Machi, I have some sixth sense.

After finishing the props he had, Mo Lin continued to devote himself to cultivation.

In the whole world, there are not too many commendable major events.

In this way, time passed slowly and came to 1993.

This year, the Zoldyck family is very lively.

Mi Ji, the second child of the second generation, was kicked out of the house by Silva and Zeno.

It is claimed that if you do not complete the assassination order of 50 billion nuns, you will not want to re-enter the door of the Zoldyck family.

Although both of them calmly announced that this matter was for the sake of Moji.

But in the eyes of insiders such as Ilmi, Killua, Kalluto, etc., there are quite a few other meanings.

During this period, Killua's forehead was inserted into the meditation needle by the Illusion fan, completely forgetting the existence of Aluka.

Then Silva arranged for Killua, who was only six years old, to rush towards the sky arena.

To be there, complete the trials he should have at his age.

After Wah Shih Doulang sent Kurd's head back to the Hunter Association to take over the task, it also caused a lot of shock.

The world-famous S-level criminal group was solved by Hunter, a novice named Hua Shi Dou Lang, and it really shocked the eyes of a veteran Hunter.

Netero learned the whole story from Zeno, but he didn't say much, and smiled and confirmed the merits of Hua Shi Doulang.

Therefore, relying on this undisputed feat, Hua Shi Doulang recognized the title of one-star Hunter as the wanted bonus Hunter.

There was no difference in the limelight, and he became the more eye-catching star of the Hunter Association.

Together with Kang Jae, Crook, Yinda, Mija Aston, etc., they are collectively known as the outstanding talents of the younger generation of Hunter Association.

In addition, when the news was disclosed.

The Sky Arena hyped the identity of Hua Shi Doulang as the original poster, and it also took a lot of eyeballs, which attracted a lot of attention.

The consequence of this is to further improve the reputation of Hua Shi Doulang.

At the same time, after the Kurdish Thieves Group announced its demise, the Phantom Troupe was brought up again.

And Uvogin and Nobunaga have also become the posters of the Sky Arena before~

In this way, Phantom Troupe's momentum gradually surpassed other criminal groups, and has a tendency to become the world's number one criminal group~

Under the overwhelming propaganda and controversy, the names of Hua Shi Dou Lang and Phantom Troupe have also passed into the ears of many people.

Among them, there is a man with a weird personality who has also walked out of Meteor Street for a while.

…0 for flowers,

In a bustling street with lights and feasts, at the gate of a home appliance city.

The man stopped here and watched over and over again at the news about Hua Shi Dou Lang and Phantom Troupe. He no longer knew how long he stayed here.

"The original poster of the Sky Arena?"

The man’s face is painted with teardrop-shaped and star-shaped makeup, his red hair is erected wantonly, and his appearance is coquettish and sexy.

He is quite tall, with good muscles, slender waist and long legs, as if he is a perfect model.

He is wearing clothes painted with playing cards. The styles are very simple and seem to be very convenient for fighting.

"Are there Phantom Troupe, Uvogin and Nobunaga from Meteor Street?"

He looked at the TV screen, which showed five photos of Phantom Troupe members including Chrollo, Uvogin, Nobunaga, Feitan and Phinks.

The man's gaze, especially on the top Chrollo photo, stayed for the longest time, and his lips inadvertently stretched out and licked.

A curved arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and his body trembled slightly.



At this moment, there was a playful laughter from the back of the street.

"Beauty, it's getting so late, why don't you go home with my brother and I and play games together?"

The two were drunk, dyed in a killer hair style, and their hair was redder than the man's.

With a playful face, a girl who looked like a student dressed up in a school uniform surrounded the road.

They approached the panicked girl, who also stepped back step by step.

There are a lot of people walking up and down on the street, it's not that no one has seen this scene.

However, when they saw the daggers pinned to the waist of the gangsters, their eyes flashed, and they lowered their heads to speed up their pace.

"Don't come here!"

The female student was very panicked and kept backing away while refusing.

This aroused the interest of the two killing Matt, and could not help speeding up the pace.

"Don't worry, brothers are not malicious, they just want you to drink so..."


Before he finished talking about killing Matt, he felt like he had hit something on his shoulder.

I looked up and saw a man with fiery red hair standing on the street.

"Where did the wild boy come from, get out of here, and don't get in the way of the uncles here."

He scolded very unceremoniously, and then pushed forward hard with his hands, trying to push the opponent to eat shit.



He found that he seemed to be pushing an iron plate and couldn't push the opponent at all.

The red-haired man gradually turned his face.

A smile suddenly crossed the face of teardrops and poker makeup:

"Don't you know that after you hit someone, you have to say sorry?"


A dozen playing cards were constantly rubbing in his hand.

At the same time, a sharp card flashed across.

"Uh "

The two killers opened their eyes round, then their pupils dilated, and their eyes instantly lost consciousness.


Two bodies fell on this street.


The street was quiet for two seconds, and then the night was cut through by screams.

Everyone rushed to flee outside, with a look of horror on their faces.

"Thank you."

The student girl who was threatened also trembled in her calves, but given that the man helped her solve the trouble, she thanked her for her good self-cultivation.



Another playing card flew.

The girl student was blank, and fell to the ground.

"You disturbed my interest~?"

The man finished speaking with a smile, twisting his waist, and disappeared into the street.

And the direction he is heading is the Sky Arena!! Door,

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