Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 163 Many people in the large conference room, Chidor, Potter White~ Have you received anothe

There are not many other things in the Hunter Association, but the conference room is absolutely indispensable.

Under Jin's leadership, the two quickly arrived in a large conference room.

The overall style of the entire large conference room is semicircular, with the main podium at the front, and the seats below are like a meniscus, facing the main podium to surround it.

The scope is very large, almost able to accommodate thousands of people.

This is the meeting room where almost all Hunters were present when the new president was elected on the original version.

At this moment, in this conference room, there are already twos and threes, and there are some people here.

Although this time the selection of the personnel of the twelve earthly branches, it did not require all the Hunters to be present.

But there are still many Hunters nearby who rushed up to join in the fun to witness this scene.

After Mo Lin and Jin walked in, many people consciously cast their gazes.

After their eyes stayed on Mo Lin's body for a second, they quickly turned to Jin's body.

And just stare at him, stare at him, don't let him go

They don't know Mo Lin, but Jin is a regular customer in the association, they are too familiar.

In particular, Jin’s recent noise was not small, and the restoration of the Ruluka ruins is well known throughout the world.

Therefore, after Jin came in, he attracted a lot of attention.

Few people pay attention to Mo Lin next to him.

Even if someone notices the existence of Mo Lin, and thinks that the person walking with Jin is not a simple character.

But no matter how they search and think about it, they just have no impression of Mo Lin.

It seems that I have never seen him before.

This can't help but make people wonder:

Is this strange face the Hunter of their Hunter Association?

Mo Lin is certainly not Hunter, neither he nor the Hunters at the scene.

After casually glanced at the scene, he saw a petite figure waving at him.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Mo Lin's mouth, and he separated from the Jin branch and went over there.

"Here here!"

Biscuit waved his little hand happily at Mo Lin.

This big event of the Hunter Association, so lively Biscuit, how can you not come here to participate?

"Really, it has been several years. Apart from making a phone call, I don't know to come to meet and talk to me~"

After Mo Lin came over, Biscuit was overjoyed at first, then his face changed quickly, and he gave a proud snort.

But soon, she was directly broken by Mo Lin's sentence:

"Long time no see, Master Biscuit, you are getting more and more beautiful."


The corners of Biscuit's eyes trembled slightly, and her little hand couldn't help covering the corners of her mouth:

"You have always liked to tell the truth, and sometimes you have to learn to hide your emotions."

With this gesture of hers, Hua Shi Doulang, who was also beaming beside her, quietly swallowed what she had said.

Well, he'd better not speak for now.

"Yes, yes, I know."

Mo Lin smiled and came to sit in front of Biscuit.

And Hua Shi Dou Lang looked at each other and nodded at him.

"How are you preparing?"

"It's okay~"

Hua Shi Doulang was a little embarrassed and said, "Everything that should be done has been done, and the final result depends on the arrangement of President Netero."

"His chances are still great."

Biscuit patted Hua Shi Dou Lang, more confident than he himself:

"Although the president of Netero appointed twelve people, it seems to be judged by his personal emotional preferences."

"But when it comes to managing the operation of the Hunter Association, he must also discuss with Mr. Dou Mian Ren, and strive to be able to take care of it in all aspects."

Biscuit snapped his fingers, "For example, Chidor, who has basically been finalized, and Potter White, they are the intractable disease Hunter and the terrorist Hunter."

"The profession of Hunter has many classifications, and the president of Netero basically takes care of various general occupations."

Sing, it is true that in the twelve earthly branches on the original version, everyone's Hunter profession is different.

Except for Parisstone who is not clear about his Hunter career, everyone else has a clear occupational division.

Mija Aston is a criminal hunter, Kang Jae is a treasure hunter, Pjorn is an ancient document hunter, and Gai Lu is a poison hunter.

Saqiu is the trouble hunter, Yinda is the poaching hunter, Crook is the plant hunter, and Jin is the relic hunter.

"Huashi Doulang is currently positioned as a wanted bounty Hunter. As far as I know, there is a threat to Xiao Huashi in this field, and only the bounty Hunter called Saiyou."

Biscuit folded his hands. "I heard that Hunter is a famous fighter, and his training was developed specifically for combat. He is a trickier guy.

Match right? The inner ghost of Parisstone inserted in the twelve earthly branches~

Mo Lin recalled the information materials about Saiyou:

On the right of the game is the bounty Hunter, a fighter who is tall and thin, with the moon and stars on his arms. He is a man with no shame in his words.

His appearance is very similar to Monkey King's monkey form. Of course, he just dresses up similarly, and even his weapons are like Wishful Sticks.

And Nen on the right is indeed very strong.

Nen is "Seeing Monkey-Listening Monkey-Speaking Monkey":

When the three monkey-shaped beasts successfully hit the enemy, they can deprive the opponent of vision, hearing, and language, making the opponent unable to activate and maintain their own abilities.

After the Enhancer is recruited, it will be messy or because of the flow of qi, it will be extremely easy to predict the action, and then use the wishful stick to fight against it.

This is a Nen specially developed for combat, which is a combination of three types of abilities of strengthening + releasing + operation.

In the later missions of the Dark Continent, they were assigned to the defense team.

He is also the representative of Bounty Hunter.

The main opponent of Hua Shi Dou Lang competing for the seat of the twelve earthly branches is him.

"I know the truth, but ~~~"

Mo Lin looked at Biscuit, "Why do you call him Xiaohuashi?"

"Is there any problem with this?"

Biscuit blinked at him with big beautiful eyes, flickering:

"He is my disciple and grandson, and I am his grand master, what's the problem with such a name?!"

She confidently said, "From the nickname of the elders to the juniors, do you have any opinions?"

Mo Lin: "No."

He looked at Hua Shi Dou Lang, who also twitched his eyes, lowered his head and said nothing.

Obviously he doesn't want to accept this pet name, but there is no room for rejection.

Mo Lin just chatted with Biscuit casually.

Although the other Hunters did not know Mo Lin, some people who had dealt with Mo Lin were impressed by him.

"Why did that guy come here?!"

Kang Jae, who was still dangling, placed one arm casually behind the bench and leaned against him, after seeing Mo Lin coming.

The swaying Erlang's legs instantly retracted, and he shrank his neck subconsciously.

"That person again"

Crook, who was boring and indifferent to everything with his chin on the table, caught Mo Lin's figure from the corner of his eye.

…0 for flowers,

The elbow was also frightened and slipped, and the whole person's head almost didn't come into close contact with the tabletop.

When she saw Mo Lin, she felt a little pain in her lungs.

"Why is he here too?"

Crook's eyes twitched. If it were an ordinary person, even if she was injured occasionally, she would have forgotten it.

But Mo Lin is different, and then Kang Jae and Potter Bai have been planted in his hands one after another, and he is also the disciple of Biscuit's veteran.

It's hard not to impress Crook.

"Mo Lin"

Potter Bai, who was sitting with his hands on his chest, looked at Mo Lin in the distance, and waited seriously.

However, his aura gradually changed.


The changes of Kang Jae, Crook and Potter White obviously made the people around them find something wrong.

They looked in the direction that Kang Jae and Crook cared, and found a handsome young man talking to Biscuit.

The Hua Shi Dou Lang who they were paying attention to was also listening seriously and respectfully.


"That person is pretty good-looking."

They thought silently that this was their first impression.

"That person should be the candidate named Mo Lin that Potter White met in the Hunter test a few years ago, right?"

Chidor, with waist-length green hair and a white robe, pushed the round black eyes on his face.

In the bright eyes, a little bit of wise luster flashed.

Chidor, full name Chidor-Yorkshire.

Intractable diseases Hunter is a physician and legal scholar by profession.

There are rich minds in the twelve earthly branches, determined to find out and eradicate all kinds of accumulated defects.

She is a steady group who values ​​balance, and was assigned to the scientific team in the mission of the trip to the dark continent.

"I heard that even President Netero has been paying attention to him recently. He is a man who is quite noticeable."

Chidol looked at Mo Lin silently. Others, such as Miza Aston, Saqiu Kobayakawa, etc., were also observing Mo Lin's situation from different angles.

Well, of course some people don't care.

For example, Pjorn, who is lying on the table in a criminally intriguing posture while holding his mobile phone, is playing with his mobile phone seriously.

There is also Yinda who is holding a box of potato chips and constantly stuffing things into his mouth.

The two people didn't pay much attention to the situation on the scene, and they waited for Netero to arrive. After all the things were announced, they could punch in and get off work.

"Oh, you all arrived so early.

King came to Chidor and Potter White and greeted them symbolically.

"It should be said that you are about to be late.

Chidor pushed his glasses and moved a little farther away from Jinno without a trace.

She hates Paris to the extreme, and she gets angry when facing Kim.

She was willful about this, but the man who seemed to be able to do everything according to his thoughts was aggrieved and annoyed.

"Should you both be selected as one of the candidates for the [Twelve Earthly Branches]?"

Jin asked very familiarly.

"Aren't you?"

Potter White replied in a deep voice.


Jin scratched his head, "But the main thing I want to ask is

He glanced at Chidor first, and then focused his gaze on Potter White.

"Have you received another notice from the old man?" The door,

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