Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 164 The candidates for the twelve earthly branches are announced!! Mr. Doumian, who is born

The gold finger refers to the announcement regarding the selection of [the world's top five Nen's].

Chidor's ears moved, and he looked at Jin in surprise.

Another notice from President Netero? What is that?

Hearing Jin's questioning, Potter White was silent for a moment, and then slowly nodded.

"Sure enough, you also received it.

Jin smiled and said nothing more.

Potter White, he does have the qualifications to be notified by Netero.

King stopped talking, and Potter White also remained silent.

But Chidor, who was intertwined between the two: "???"

You two, don't play dumb riddles here, you have to make your words clear anyway!

Chidor made a silent condemnation in his heart for the behavior of the two of them.

On the other side, there was still a colder gaze, looking at Mo Lin.

"Sai You?"

Mo Lin glanced at the corner of his eyes and saw a tall and thin man who was always paying attention to his side.

That person is the main competitor of Hashik Doulang this time, and he is also the right of the bounty Hunter.

"This time, your abacus is destined to fail."

Mo Lin didn't take him seriously.

Among the twelve earthly branches, there must be a seat for Huashi Doulang!!

As time "Nine Sixty Zero" gradually passed, more and more people were in the stadium.

Soon, when the pointer on the top of the clock pointed to 12, the door on the podium slowly opened.

Three figures came out one after another.

The first two people to walk out were Parisstone with a smile at the corner of his mouth and an intellectual image of a young man.

Beside him is the petite Mr. Doumian with a stack of papers in his arms.

The appearance of the two people gradually calmed down the voices in the court.

Except for a few screams occasionally, it makes the noise a bit annoying.

Well, they are fans of Parisstone.

Parisstone is very popular in the Hunter Association. He has his own vice president guard team. The fan group is led by Hunter, one of the future president candidates.

Mo Lin was also the undercover agent of Biyang De, who was called the "strongest opponent" by Jin, and the man who Netero thought was "the least good at dealing with the type" and stayed for two seconds.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Mr. Bean Noodles next to Parisstone with interest.

Mo Lin is more interested in Mr. Bean Noodles than Paris Stone.

Mr. Dou Mian Ren, is the secretary of the president of Netero, and can also be said to be the office director of the association.

Belongs to a person with absolute real power in the Hunter Association.

But such a character is not a normal human being.

According to what Mo Lin learned from Jin, Mr. Doumian is a plant-type monster in the monster group.

That's right, Mr. Doumian is a beast of beans.

He has a high IQ and a pure heart like a plant. No one has any objections to being Netero's secretary.

Moreover, it is precisely because of the appointment of Mr. Bean Face Man that the relationship between the Warcraft community and the Hunter Association is maintained relatively well.

This can also be seen from the murderous fox family of the Hunter examiner in Saba.

Warcraft itself has a high IQ and can be transformed into a human form. Mr. Fox's family is the best model.

Therefore, although Mr. Doumianman has a bean face, his body can still be transformed into a human form.

Mr. Dou Mian Ren plays a very important role in the Hunter Association. He has a wealth of file handling capabilities and experience.

As a representative of the Warcraft group, it is of great significance to symbolize the friendly relationship between the Hunter Association and the Warcraft group.

Behind the two of them, the last thing that came out was the white clothes fluttering, the hair is good and there is no wind, the sleeves are flying, and he looks like a fairy style.

After Netero's appearance, even Parisstone's most ardent fan quieted down.

Many people present all stared at this world's first person with scorching eyes.

Netero's terrifying influence can be seen.

"Spit, it's rare for so many people to gather here."

Netero smiled and said with a smile on his crooked beard:

"For the operation and management of the Hunter Association this time, everyone is so enthusiastic, and the old man is very moved and very pleased!

"Thank you so much!!"

After Netero finished speaking, many Hunters below seemed to be encouraged, and they all sat up straight.

However, people who knew Netero's temperament such as Chidor and Miza Aston silently watched his performance.

Even Potter White's eyelids twitched, and he didn't agree with him.

But those Hunters are on the top~

They just wanted to pat their chests and say not to work hard to express their love and loyalty to the Hunter Association.

"Okay, let's not continue talking about the extra words, let's go directly to the topic!"

Netero waved his hand, giving them no chance to speak up.

All the words of the group of people were held in their mouths, and their faces were uncomfortable.

Drink, this is in line with the character of the old man.

Chidor and others nodded silently in their hearts.

"This time the organization to be selected, I named it [Twelve Earthly Branches]. I intend to use the names of the twelve Earthly Branches as the code name to select twelve outstanding Hunters who have been recognized in various fields and have outstanding contributions."

"Organizing them, and managing and operating the Hunter Association together with me, makes the Hunter Association better overall."

"Although these twelve people have the function of managing the Hunter Association, the power they share is only derived from the power held by me, the president, and the office where Douzi is located.

"So you don't have to worry about [Twelve Earthly Branches] getting involved in the management of other departments."

After Netero's words were finished, some Hunters who were obviously from other departments were really relieved.

Well, although the [Twelve Earthly Branches] divide the power and functions of the office, it belongs to their superior department.

But this kind of non-interference in their management is also more acceptable to them.

Unexpectedly, they were even more uncomfortable with the [Twelve Earthly Branches] appointed by Netero.

Anyway, it's not to diminish the power on my side, I love it.

After having such an idea, those people quietly watched the excitement.

After Netero finished speaking, time was left for a group of people to discuss and discuss.

Then Mr. Dou Mian Ren coughed lightly and walked to the podium with a document.

"Now, it's up to me to announce the specific personnel list of [Twelve Earthly Branches]."

He faced the microphone, his small face said solemnly:

"Twelve Earthly Branches, Zishu, Acting Vice President, Parisstone.

When Mr. Doumian's voice fell, a beam of light shone from above the stadium and fell on Parisstone, who was standing next to him.


The screams of his fans rang out again.

Parisstone smiled softly and waved at them to calm them down.

"Twelve Earthly Branches, Ugly Cows, One-Star Crime Hunter, Miza Aston 0"

Another strong light fell on Miza Aston's body.

He stood up with one hand and stroked his chest, bent over and gestured to all sides.

"Twelve Earthly Branches, Yinhu, One-Star Treasure Hunter, Kang Jae."

Under the strong light, Kang Jae grinned, stepped on the chair with one foot, and waved his hand to all sides arrogantly.

"Twelve Earthly Branches, Maotu, One-Star Ancient Document Hunter, Pjorn.


Feeling the light from the bright light, Pjorn, who was shopping on his mobile phone, raised his head and tilted his head.

"Twelve Earthly Branches, Chenlong, Samsung Terrorist Hunter, Potter White, Gigante!"

So far, the only Samsung Hunter is also the most convincing one.

Potter White sat calmly, unmoved.

"The twelve earthly branches, the snake, the one-star poison Hunter, and Gai Lu."

"Twelve Earthly Branches, Wu Ma, One Star Trouble Hunter, Saqiu Kobayakawa."

"Twelve Earthly Branches, Weiyang, One Star Poaching Hunter, Yinda."

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Doumianren announced three candidates one after another.

Among the candidates that have been announced, Porter White has the least objection.

Since Parisstone has the deputy chairmanship, no one has said much.

The remaining people also have more or less excellent Hunters in their respective fields.

Even Pjorn, who was appointed [Maotu], is a real one-star Hunter.

And later, Hisoka scored 77 points, only eight points less than Kang Jae.

This is a cute girl who looks weak in appearance, but is actually very good.

Even though these people have some controversies, most of them have no objections.

Until next~

"Below are the monkeys of the twelve earthly branches."

As if perceiving the undercurrent surging below, Mr. Doumian also coughed slightly:

"Twelve Earthly Branches, Shenhou, One Star Wanted Bonus Hunter"

He looked at the name on it, raised his head, and slowly confided:

"Huashi Doulang.


The moment he heard the name, there was a little less discussion in the field, and Biscuit cheered directly.

She slapped the shoulder of Hua Shi Doulang, who was shrouded by the strong light of 5.6, to express her congratulations.

Saiyou's face on the other side instantly became gloomy.

There was a slight fierce glow in his eyes, but under Parisstone's smiling and silent eyes, he could only hold back that it didn't happen.

Mr. Dou Mian Ren continues to announce the list of people:

"Twelve Earthly Branches, West Chicken, One Star Plant Hunter, Crook."

"Twelve Earthly Branches, Xu Dog, Two-Star Intractable Disease Hunter, Chidor. Yorkshire."

"Twelve Earthly Branches, Hai Pig, Two-Star Relic Hunter, Golden-Freecss.

In this way, the list of personnel of the twelve earthly branches was announced.

The work of Mr. Bean Noodle Man can be regarded as an end, and the next step is to hand over the stage to Parisstone and President Netero.

"I know that some of you may have objections to the people on this list~"

Netero came up and said with a smile:

"But some people are like this, it will make people like it and make people hate it for no reason."

"This list will be announced to the Hunter Association for three days. After there is no problem, it will be reported to V5, and then the [Twelve Earthly Branches] will jointly manage the Hunter Association.

Three-day publicity period?!

Said right below sharply captured this point. .

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