Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 165 What is your relationship with Biyang De? It's finalized! The overall result remain

Sai You looked at Hua Shi Dou Lang's direction again, and couldn't help showing a sneer.

Although he didn't understand why Netero chose the latter between him and Hua Shi Doulang.

But he will definitely use his hands to win back the lost things!!

In this way, the [Twelve Earthly Branches] personnel list was released, and the Hunters who learned the specific results also left the scene with emotion.

Soon, apart from the newly appointed [Twelve Earthly Branches] who stayed behind, there were only three irrelevant people on the scene.

They are: Mo Lin, Biscuit and Saiyou.

"that "

Mr. Dou Mian Ren stepped forward and said politely:

"Next is the first parliament of the twelve earthly branches, please avoid irrelevant personnel for a while."

"I am his master too, can't I stay like this?"

Biscuit hugged Huashi Doulang's arm, Shui Lingling's big eyes blinked pitifully, and sent electricity to Mr. Dou Mianren.

But it's a pity that Biscuit, who is considered to be a cute girl among humans, has no lethality for a beast like Mr. Doumian.

"this "

He just gave Biscuit a bit embarrassed look.

He also knew Biscuit, so it was even harder to say rejection.

Then he looked at Netero as if for help.

"Only spit, it's not a secret meeting anyway~"

Netero smiled and stretched out a finger at Biscuit, dangling slightly:

"Only this time!"


Biscuit threw several electric eyes at Netero, and was ignored by the latter.

Too master

The Earthly Branches noticed the name Biscuit, and then looked back and forth on Hua Shi Doulang and Biscuit.

30 "Then the remaining two digits"

Parisstone also stepped forward with a smile, his eyes staying on Mo Lin's body for a moment,

"Are you leaving the table too?"

"I brought Mo Lin~"

Jin comfortably leaned back on the sofa, and said lazily, "Moreover, he still agreed with the arrangement of Mr. Netero."


A group of people looked at Netero.

They have long been surprised that there is a different kind of person here.

Kang Jae and Crook shook their cheeks, and Chidor's eyes were full of curiosity.

Potter White was slightly surprised, and looked at Jin as if searching.

After Jin nodded, he also took a breath.

Like them, Mo Lin came for the next thing.

"I really invited him over~"

Netero smiled and admitted, "Moreover, one of the things to be discussed for the establishment of the [12th Earthly Branch] is indeed related to him."


The twelve freshly baked ones looked at Netero and then at Mo Lin.


They all looked at Saiyou again.

Match right: "? ??"

Co-authoring the remaining people, I am the only unrelated person who is superfluous?!!

The black line on his forehead also had to stand up:

"President, I think there is an appointment on the list, and there are some problems."


The eyes of the Earthly Branches all moved, subconsciously looking in the direction of Hua Shi Dou Lang.

They also know the situation of the game right, and it can be said that they are also a wanted bounty Hunter with considerable qualifications.

However, the same bounty Hunter, but in the selection of twelve teams, lost to the Wah Shi Dou Lang who became a Hunter within a few years.

He could not accept this result, and naturally it was reasonable.

"What is the problem?"

Netero will be there with a beard, his expression unchanged.

"About the application in the twelve branches"

"President Netero, I also have a question."

Saiyou's words were suddenly interrupted.

A group of people looked over and saw Biscuit next to him. Mo Lin smiled and stood up slowly.

"Although I am not Hunter, if I see something wrong, I should be able to comment?"

"Of course~"

Netero lightly forehead.

"Then I'll be straightforward.

He smiled, and then looked at the somewhat dazed Hua Shi Doulang.


Seeing Mo Lin looking over, Hua Shi Doulang also got up quickly.


The Earthly Branches looked at Mo Lin in amazement.

This man who looks very handsome, and looks a little too young, turns out to be the most popular bounty Hunter recently, the master of Hua Shi Doulang?!

The twelve branches are all outstanding people. After a brief shock, they are very curious about Mo Lin's identity.

They also thought of what Netero said just now that he invited each other over.

And this man named Mo Lin walked in with Jin and the other two.

The master who deserves to be treated like President Netero

Who is he?!!

Crook and Kang Jae were the quickest to come out of shock.

They glanced at each other, and they all read a little clarity from each other's eyes.

Well, Hua Shi Dou Lang is Mo Lin's apprentice, but the two are the quickest to accept.

Those who have seen Mo Lin props also think it is reasonable.

Biscuit is Huashi Doulang's master, this man is Huashi Doulang's master, that is, he is Biscuit's apprentice?!

The Earthly Branches who have clarified this relationship also took a second look at Mo Lin's body.

Co-author, this is the three generations of master and apprentice, come to the scene together?

A group of people looked at Saiyou subconsciously.

All three of them are here, and the master too is a senior hunter of the Hunter Association.

Just rely on you...

Looks like a little overwhelming.

The Earthly Branches did not speak, but their eyes already showed this meaning.

Saiyou also twitched the corners of his mouth severely, and he also had a foreboding that things were getting worse.


Hua Shi Dou Lang was there waiting for Mo Lin's arrangement.

Originally, he had already made preparations for a match against the right.

"Now I will teach you one more thing~"

Mo Lin patted his shoulder:

"Sometimes, it is not necessary to resolve issues and disputes through battle."

He took out one thing, "Because of fighting, maybe sometimes it's not the way to hit the enemy as much as possible~"

Mo Lin looked at the right side of the game, smiled and threw the thing in his hand, "I have a question to ask you."

"what is the problem?"

Saiyou didn't know what Mo Lin wanted to do, so he asked vigilantly.

"What is your relationship with Bijan De?"

Mo Lin's words fell, and Sai You's eyes suddenly changed.

The smile on Parisstone's face was slightly stagnant, and after disappearing for less than a second, it returned to its original shape again.

He glanced at Netero vaguely from the corner of his eye.

It was found that the latter did not express anything, and was still there with his beard calmly.

Billund? Who is that?!

The Earthly Branches, including Biscuit, are a little confused.

They have never heard of this name.

"I don't know who the person you are talking about is~"

Saiyou's eyes quickly changed back to normal, and he replied coldly in a normal tone.

"What is better than Yang De, I have never heard of it!"

"You don't have to be so anxious to deny it~"

Mo Lin lifted the [truth sticker] in his hand.

He smiled and said: "This thing allows you to answer the question correctly. I suggest you post it and answer it again."

Can you answer the question correctly?!

There was no change on the right side of the game, but my heart was shocked.

"Joke, how do I know what effect the thing in your hand has?!"

Saiyou sneered, "What if you put it on my body, and you manipulated it, and you deliberately said something inappropriate?!

"It's easy~"

The smile on Mo Lin's face remained unchanged, "With so many people present, just find someone who is willing to try and try it out, won't you know the specific effect?"

"Mr. Doumian is very good. You can trouble him appropriately.

"not to mention "

Mo Lin's eyes gradually became dangerous, "Whether you are controlled and whether what you are saying is true or not, I believe everyone present can still tell."

How can it be repaired!!

Sai right gritted his teeth.

Mo Lin's words clearly left him no room to retreat.

The scene became rigid for a while.

"You go~"

Suddenly, Netero's flat voice sounded, breaking the deadlock.


In the eyes of everyone puzzled at 960, Netero smiled flatly:

"Go back to him and tell him you don't have to ask for these little tricks anymore. I expect him to take that step."

Netero said "he" is Bijande, his son.

Some things don’t need to be deliberately said. In fact, they can roughly guess the relevant situation by relying on feelings and a little judgment.

What's more, looking at the situation in the field, and Mo Lin's self-confidence that he clearly knows something~

If Netero can see nothing, he will live for more than a hundred years in vain!!

On the field, Saiyou fell silent after listening to Netero's words.

Then he bowed deeply to Netero.

After Netero said these words, no matter how much he argued, it would not help, and it would only make himself more ugly.

Mo Lin, who took a deep look at the last match right, got up and down, and left the conference hall in a blink of an eye.

The remaining Earthly Branches look at me, and I look at you, staring at each other.

They didn't understand what was going on. They only felt that President Netero, Mo Lin, and the three players from the right side were playing a puzzle.

Chidor, who has the deepest feeling in this regard, first glanced at Jin and Potter White, and then silently remembered the special name in his heart.


The other Earthly Branches also wrote down the name that Netero president cares about.

Biscuit is almost full of curiosity looking at Mo Lin.

If it weren’t for important things to do next, she might ask Mo Lin about something now.

As for Hua Shi Doulang, he looked at Mo Lin with more admiration.

He listened to Mo Lin's words as if he listened to them.

Although Mo Lin is reasonable, he does not have as many wonderful props as Mo Lin after all, and it is impossible for him to have multiple coping methods like Mo Lin.

But this truth, he still remembered in his heart.

"Milling gel~"

Netero's hearty laughter followed, "Well, although there have been some episodes, the overall result has not changed."

"Well, next, we have to discuss a business matter.

Netero's gaze turned slightly on the three of Mo Lin, Porter Bai and Jin, and he couldn't help but smile more openly. .

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