Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 166 The top five selection! My identity?! For the time being, I am a criminal~~~

Netero took the Twelve Earthly Branches, who were full of doubts besides Jin and Potter White, to a medium-sized conference room.

The conference table and benches have already been prepared, and it is the same conference room where the twelve earthly branches often gathered for meetings in the original version.

After the Earthly Branches came in, they just glanced at the surrounding environment and then looked in the direction of the conference table.

His gaze was firmly locked on someone who was sitting in the chair An Ran.


With the iconic text pinned on his chest, Zeno raised his feet and gently touched the tea. The old god was sitting there.

"A member of the Zoldyck family?!"

The earthly branches all stared.

Some of them, even if they haven't seen Zeno, have obviously heard of Zeno's attire and appearance.

The words "one kill in a day" on the chest are also so obvious.

"Are you the former Patriarch of the Zoldyck family?"

A group of people silently looked at Zeno, who was relaxing there.

Since the other party appeared here in time, there must be no fear.

To allow this kind of killer to come and go freely within the Hunter Association, then only

Chidor and the others subconsciously looked at Netero next to them.

There are only Netero commands.

"Weiwei, are you here so early?"

Netero put his hands behind him and walked forward with a smile.

"The president of the Hunter Association invites me, I dare not take it seriously~"

Zeno also joked.

His eyes flashed across Parisstone and the others.

Nodded slightly and said, "Your Hunter Association has found a lot of good seedlings."

But when his eyes met Hua Shi Doulang, his movements paused slightly.

Then I saw the unfamiliar, but very impressive face behind Hua Shi Doulang, and his eyelids jumped wildly.

"It looks like your eyebrows are growing again."

After Mo Lin came in, he also found Zeno, an old acquaintance.

After not seeing each other for a year, the other party returned to the original killer posture again.

"Yes, thanks to you~"

Zeno just responded faintly, and then he said nothing.

Obviously, I don't want to say more to Mo Lin.

But even these two sentences make the Earthly Branches more curious.

His eyes turned on the bodies of Zeno and Mo Lin.

There is definitely some story and connection between the two of them, otherwise there would be no such dialogue.

Chidor, Miza Aston and others thought silently.

Biscuit, who came with him, was as uncomfortable as a cat scratching his curiosity.

Since the end of the selection of the twelve teams, the world seems to have suddenly appeared a lot of secrets.

Moreover, her apprentice also came into contact with a lot of secrets, and became a little bit invisible, very mysterious.

"Only 嚯嚯~"

Netero knew a little bit about the intersection between the two of them, and smiled and didn't say much.

"This time, calling this Zoldyck family and Hua Shi Doulang's master is mainly for the old man's personal interest and intends to do a private matter."

"Calling your twelve earthly branches has no other meaning, just let you be a testimony."

Netero uses a natural tone,


Mija Aston:"_

They suddenly felt that the purpose of Netero's establishment of the twelve earthly branches was to be able to find more fun.

If they knew the term "toolパ*person", they would be more impressed.

"I called Mo Lin and Zeno from Zoldyck's family for a whim of my personal selection."

Netero walked to the front position and sat down slowly.

The other twelve earthly branches also looked at each other, and then sat down in a tacit understanding.

Biscuit sat on the sofa next to him.

Mo Lin pulled away the chair and sat with Zeno.

The latter did not leave a trace, and moved out to the side.

"In my opinion, martial arts have high and low points, and strengths are different from strength to weakness~"

Netero slowly said, "In today's world, many people are struggling for their own goals."

"Our Hunter Association has always praised the Hunters in the Association, but the Nen who have made certain achievements outside the Association, and the powerful Nen cannot be ignored."

"So, in order to better stimulate the passion of Nen people all over the world, I plan to select a list of [the world's top five Nen people].

"The world's top five Nen's?!"

Hearing such a name, the Earthly Branches were slightly startled.

Only Potter White and Jin, who had known about this a long time ago, remained silent.

"I see!!"

Chidor suddenly looked at Kim and Potter White.

"It turns out that the "notification" that the two of them said was this matter. In that case, Mo Lin and Zoldyck came to

Qidor gradually felt enlightenment in his heart.

Parisstone was also in the corner of his eyes.

"In short, it is to select the five strongest Nen in the world."

Netero nodded slightly, then pointed to himself unceremoniously, and said directly:

"If you want to choose the best in the world, then the old man must have a place."

Um, the fact that Wang Po sold melons and boasted it really made them unable to spot the problem.

After all, Netero is the number one person in the world. This is something no one can refute.


They looked at Zeno and then at Mo Lin, their eyes flickering slightly.

Although their skill points are not above the IQ, this does not mean that they are fools.

After calling Mo Lin and Zeno Ruo, and proposing the concept of [the world's top five Nen people], they have already understood Netero's intentions.

"Except for what I know, among your twelve branches, I also singled out two strong men who are qualified for this title.

Netero said, among the twelve earthly branches, nine people looked at Potter White.

But Potter White and Hua Shi Doulang both looked at Jin together.

As for Jin, he just sat there peacefully.

"Porter White and Jin, in my opinion, are also fully qualified and able to hold this title."

Netero said.

Others have no problem with Porter White.

His strength, qualifications, achievements, character, etc. are all placed there, and he is the most indisputable person besides Netero.

Whether it is the twelve earthly branches or the world's five largest Nen, or other titles.

In the eyes of everyone, Potter White is completely worthy of it!!

As for gold

The others also looked at Jin after Potter White.

He didn't say much, and kept silent.

Although this guy Jin is very confused, sometimes it is very impulsive to give him a violent beating.

But it is undeniable that Jin's talent is really amazing.

Not only has outstanding talents in all aspects, but also his own strength is absolutely powerful.

At least, for the twelve teams present, there is no one who can say that they can win gold!!

Even Potter White, who is powerful, dare not say that he can beat Jin at all.

Jin's strength has also been recognized by Netero.

"Have you no objections?"

Seeing that everyone stopped talking, Netero continued to smile and said:

"In that case, three candidates have already been decided."

"The remaining two

Netero looked at Mo Lin and Zeno, and the eyes of others continued to follow.

"The person I'm sure of is Mo Lin, and the strong from the Zoldyck family.

He looked at everyone's eyes shining with strange light, and said calmly:

"Do you have any comments on what they said?"

The audience was silent.

The others first looked at Hua Shi Doulang, then looked at Biscuit, who was sitting there with his calves dangling in the air~

They were all wise and kept silent.


"As for the strong members of the Zoldyck family, we naturally have no objection."

Parisstone suddenly stood up with a peaceful smile on his face:

"After all, it is the world's No. 1 killer world. I don't know how many years it has been circulating in this world, and it is completely worthy of this name.

This is saying that it is based on the family background of the Zoldyck family, so can it occupy a place?

Kidol and Miza Aston, who heard the overtones, raised their eyebrows.

They glanced at Zeno, who was still sipping tea there, showing nothing.

In addition to his family background, in fact, his own strength is also enough for the Earthly Branches to be recognized.

Although Zeno did not show any aura, the eyesight and experience of the Earthly Branches can naturally see his degree.

Zeno holds this seat on behalf of the Zoldyck family, and they have no opinion.

In fact, what they don't know is that this top five seat is not for Zeno.

Netero only talked about the "々, the Zoldyck family", but didn't say exactly to whom the seat was given.

Zeno knew in his heart that he was just doing errands.

Only his father or grandfather is truly worthy of this title.

He is also a tool person in charge of intermediate agency~~~

"There are basically no problems with the four seats of the top five Nen powerhouses, but this is the last one."

Parisstone has a warm, sunny smile on her face, and people can't help but feel good after seeing it:

"We don't seem to know enough about Mr. Mo Lin~~~"

He looked at Mo Lin and smiled:

"At present, you only know that you are the disciple of the old lady Biscuit, the master of Hwa Shi Doulang, and the friend of Jin.

Even when Parisstone said the word "old", he felt the astonishing murderous aura from Biscuit and changed his words decisively.

"As for the others, we don't know where you come from, what you do, whether you have any extraordinary achievements, etc.

"If you were elected [the world's top five Nen] so rashly, it might attract some unnecessary doubts."

"Of course, I am not saying that you are not enough (of King Nuo), but this is after all the list selected by the president of Netero himself. If it is misunderstood, it may affect the personal prestige of the president of Netero."

At this point, the atmosphere has become more subtle.

Everyone looked at the uneasy Parisstone with Ruoyouruwu eyes.

The latter didn't seem to care, and continued to smile and said, "So

"So you don't want me to choose this [Top 5 Nen in the World]?"

Mo Lin took the words and said slowly.

"No, no, of course not~"

Parisstone hurriedly waved his hands, the curvature of the corners of his mouth could not help but become more profound:

"President Netero put you on this list, he must have his reasoning here, and you must be quite extraordinary."

The smile on his face is very sincere, which makes people think that he is really thinking about Mo Lin and Netero:

"It's just your identity, strength and achievements, we don't understand at all~"

"Could you please tell me a little bit?!"

Speaking of this, he can be regarded as revealing his true purpose.

He also wants to know more about Mo Lin!!

And Mo Lin naturally saw this.

But fate~

"Can you tell me a little bit?"

Mo Lin smiled and confided about his identity:

"I am Mo Lin, a prop artist.

"Born in Meteor Street, current occupation is "

He paused, looked at the Hunter Association executives full of the room, and suddenly smiled:

"A class criminal group, a member of Phantom Troupe."

"For the time being, it's a criminal~~~"

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