Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 167 Jin and Zeno, who think they are invincible, are a monster that even I think I can'

Phantom Troupe gradually gained momentum after the Kurdish Bandit Group was destroyed.

In addition, Chrollo has been crazy like crazy in recent years, frantically searching for treasures about the information and intelligence of the Dark Continent.

There was a lot of noise in various places.

Coupled with the fact that Uvogin, Nobunaga, Feitan and Phinks have been doing things in various areas one after another, the damage caused is also increasing.

As a result, the danger level and crime level of Phantom Troupe has also been upgraded from level B to level A.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that Mo Lin personally admitted that he is a member of this criminal group.

In the presence of so many Hunters, Mo Lin directly and unabashedly exposed his sensitive identity.

Not to mention the twelve-two Earthly Branches such as Kangzai and Yinda whose eyes were about to stare out with their eyes widened.

Even Parisstone, who asked the question, didn't expect such a result at all.

There was some surprise on his face, but he disappeared quickly.

"It turns out that Mr. Mo Lin is a member of Phantom Troupe, hahaha"

Parisstone smiled softly with deep meaning: "It's really unexpected, real people don't show their faces~"

The other twelve branches also looked at Mo Lin in shock or inconceivability.

First, he was shocked and dare to say that, on such an occasion, he declared that he was a member of Phantom Troupe without any shy.

How bold or emboldened should this be?

Allowing him to say this can almost be regarded as a deliberate provocation to the twelve of them without putting them in the eyes.

The second is that Mo Lin's identity is a thief!!

And his disciple Hua Shi Dou Lang, is a one-star wanted bounty Hunter!! And he also became the twelve earthly branches of the Hunter Association's senior level!!!

The criminal 960, who was offered a reward, taught out a bounty Hunter with great feats.

This is simply, God is making a great joke with them!!

Even mocking!!

For the Hunter Association, once this incident is leaked out, it is a great irony!!!

Even if you come to sign up for the Hunter test and aspire to get a license to become a Hunter, many are murderers or villains who have committed many crimes.

But they all knew to cover up one or two, and did not publicly declare their identity as boldly as Mo Lin.

Generally, the superficial work should be done well.

Do it like Mo Lin.

It is indeed very controversial.

And as far as Mo Lin is concerned

Is this a matter?

He calmly looked at the various expressions in the court, and chuckled in his heart.

He has never shy away from his identity as Phantom Troupe.

He has already seen this world thoroughly. As long as you have the strength, no matter how bad things you commit, no one will do you anything.

Even if Mo Lin doesn't hide his membership of Phantom Troupe, at the very least, it is just another Zoldyck family that kills people unattended.

"It turns out that Mr. Mo Lin, you are a criminal~"

Parisstone pretended to be surprised, "In that case, you must be careful not to get caught by the bounty Hunter."

"Yeah, I almost forgot!"

Parisstone patted his head, "The bounty Hunter in the twelve branches, but your apprentice."

"If there is such a good apprentice, who will take you away?!"

On the surface, he seems to be happy for Mo Lin, but in fact

So ruthless!

Chidor, Miza Aston and others glanced at Parisstone with a little dread.

When he said this, he was obviously mocking Hua Shi Doulang and Mo Lin, and he also insinuated that Hua Shi Doulang and Mo Lin were a combination of officials and bandits.

And also attacked the matter of Hua Shi Doulang as the twelve earthly branches.

"Why? Does the Hunter Association also value the structure of the family so much, does it want to play a trial?"

Mo Lin also glanced at him lightly:

"Even if it's a trial, it depends on the immediate family members, and it doesn't have anything to do with the master."

"Furthermore, even the world's No. 1 killer family like the Zoldyck family can be selected as one of the top five Nen's. They are both unstable criminals. I don't think I need to be treated differently, right?"

"It's not necessary."

Parisstone continued to smile, "But"

"Nothing is fine.

Mo Lin interrupted Parisstone and glanced at him indifferently:

"Has anyone ever told you that what you said is very annoying."

"From now on, if you say one more thing, I will tear your mouth apart."

After speaking, Mo Lin didn't even look at the slightly sluggish Parisstone, "You better not doubt what I said.

"I have always said and done it!!"

The smile on Parisstone's face disappeared.

Among the twelve earthly branches present, besides Jin, Mo Lin was most impressed by this undercover and very cunning child who was also inserted by Biyang Dean.

Parisstone is very keen to disrupt other people's plans and enjoy the process of fighting against others and frustrating others.

So when he opened his mouth and asked about Mo Lin, Mo Lin knew that this rat with a stomach full of bad water was not well-intentioned.

Sure enough, later events also proved this point.

Mo Lin was also very straightforward and told him to close his mouth.

In front of so many Hunter executives and big bosses present, it was such a rude and direct threat.

Openly threatened the acting vice president of the Hunter Association and absolute high-level leaders such as the Twelve Earthly Branches, and did not care about the feelings of Netero, the chairman of the Hunter Association, and the feelings of other Earthly Branches.

Mija Aston frowned, he was a bit displeased by the criminal being so arrogant.

Kang Jae grinned, and Pjorn continued to swipe his phone without paying much attention.

Potter was settled. Mo Lin didn't speak with his eyes, and Gai Lu also hung up on his own.

Sa Qiu raised his eyebrows, and Yinda tilted his head.

Hua Shi Doulang spread his hands on the beach, he can't get into this kind of thing anyway (dafg).

Crook curled his lips, but he was still a little further away from Mo Lin.

Chidor pushed his glasses, his face calm.

Jin put his hands behind his head and secretly gave Mo Lin a thumbs up.

Zeno drank tea and watched the show, while Netero watched the whole process, smiling silently.

So there is such an atmosphere in the field.

However, even a person like Miza Aston who hates all violent behavior has not made any statement about Mo Lin's arrogant language.

For one thing, he didn't know much about Mo Lin.

Without knowing the truth of the matter and the real situation behind it, he arbitrarily makes a definition and judgment, which is contrary to his lawyer's professional ethics and professional ability.

Secondly, it was Parriston who was attacked by Mo Lin.

Among the twelve earthly branches present, there was almost no one, and it was not that they hated Parisstone.

Parisstone’s first impression is of a good young man who often wears a hearty smile, but in fact he is a careerist with an extremely cunning nature, and is the only member of the twelve branches to work against Netero.

In order to remove Netero from the position of president before his death, Netero caused all kinds of troubles.

For him, Netero is the opponent of the game, and making trouble for him is also a part of the game.

Although he possesses great eloquence and considerable skill, he has the ability to use Hunter as a slave, misappropriate the reserve fund of the association, and let 18 Hunters disappear after becoming vice president (the average number per year is higher than before he took office. (Increased 10 times) "A person who waits for dark rumors.

Later, when the president was elected, he also used the dying Gon as a shield in an attempt to shake the idea of ​​Kim, who wanted to become another candidate.

Basically, when he smiled, it was when he was free to play or when he was hiding his true thoughts.

In the election of the second president, while being alienated by all members of the twelve branches other than himself, he implemented his own plan in order to be elected as the next president.

His bottomless ambition and strategy to involve everything around him earned him the evaluation of "an unstoppable monster".

At this moment, the smile on the face of this "unstoppable monster" disappeared after being threatened by Mo Lin.

Parisstone can also hear that Mo Lin's words are serious.

"Remind you, Parisstone~"

Jin's foolishness, watching the excitement, is not too big a disposition, and it's happening again.

"This guy is not annoying."

He smiled at Parisstone: "He really has the ability to do it~"

"After all, he is a monster that even I think I can't beat."

Even that monster Jin admits that he is invincible, not an opponent?!!

The Earthly Branches all looked at Mo Lin with a dull face in a daze.

"Huh? Really?"

At this time, Maotu Pijoen looked away from the phone with difficulty, and looked at Jin curiously.

"Aren't you even that person's opponent?"

She blinked her big eyes and they were cute.

"I remember you were great.

"Strong is one aspect, the key is to compare with whom~"

Sensing that the eyes of the Earthly Branches were converging, Jin put his feet on the table and folded his body back against the chair behind, and said with emotion:

"If it's just a competition of fighting skills, then neither of us can win or lose.,

"But if you also count Nen,"

As if thinking of something, Jin couldn't help grinning:

"I might be killed instantly."

Instant kill?!

Although the Twelve Earthly Branches know that the words of the wandering Jin are more reliable, but the words of instant killing...

Isn't it a bit too exaggerated?!!


Jin, who understood the expressions of the group of people, shook his head slightly in his heart.

Actually, it's not an exaggeration at all!!

"With the props that Mo Lin possesses, maybe there are weapons that can put me to death immediately even if they are thousands of miles apart~"

"Instant Kill, maybe I still praise myself.

Jin has a very clear understanding of Mo Lin's props.

There is no other person who has the same feeling as him than Zeno, who has finished drinking a cup of tea.

"Anyway, if I were against Mo Lin, I wouldn't be an opponent.

Zeno also said suddenly.

I don't know why, he helped to utter such a sentence.

Other Earthly Branches: "?? ?"

What's wrong with this?!

[The rest is in the daytime~].

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