Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 168 I want to try his strength, Potter White's ability! [Try it and die]!

In addition to Jin, even Zeno is also helpful, saying good things about Mo Lin, and exaggerating his strength.

Two of the world's top five Nen's have spoken one after another, and they also have the same views on Mo Lin.

It's hard not to let Chidor and the others re-examine Mo Lin's strength.

At the same time, they also cast a different look at Parisstone.

If you are disgusted by such a character, then maybe you will get some trouble in the future~


They think they are clear, but in fact they still don't understand Parisstone's character.

"Is it such a powerful character?"

Parisstone was lingering in his heart, but the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked.

"It's so disgusting~"

The curved arc gradually has a trend of abnormal development:

"This feeling is really good!!"

Well, that's right, Parisstone stated in the original version that he thinks that he will feel happy when he is hated and disgusted by others.

It is the more serious type in the shaking family.

But although he trembles, he doesn't either.

After realizing that Mo Lin was really possible to do something like that, he was wise not to say more.

Anyway, the outcome of the matter has been set, and the exposed Saiyou can no longer become the monkey of the twelve earthly branches.

And Netero will definitely not continue his assessment of the world's top five Nen based on Mo Lin's so-called thief status.

In that case, what more do you have to say?

Anyway, some information about Mo Lin he wanted was already known.

Parisstone didn't say much any more, with an Enron smile on the corner of his mouth, sitting on the side again.

Even if Parisstone, the shit-chucking stick, didn't speak anymore, the other twelve branches naturally didn't say a word.

In addition, there are Jin and Zeno, the two world's top five Nen's who have been set up to endorse Mo Lin.

How can anyone dare to have an opinion on Mo Lin's joining?

"Weihaohao, are there any problems?"

Without saying a word from beginning to end, Netero quietly observed the situation in the field and smiled:

"If that's the case, this list is just like this

"and many more!

Suddenly, a strong voice sounded.

Everyone saw Potter White slowly standing up from his position.

"Although I have no objection to Mo Lin being named [the world's top five Nen], but"

Suddenly, there was a surging air around him.

"I want to test his strength.

Potter White said calmly.

The others were all surprised, but they didn't expect to stand up at the last moment, it turned out to be Potter White.


Think about the identity of Potter White, the three-star terrorist Hunter, his hateful character, and Mo Lin's identity as a thief in the world's A-level criminal group~~~

It seemed that it was reasonable for Potterbai to stand up.

"Try your strength?

Mo Lin, who received the challenge, also stood up with a smile:

"In my hometown, there is a saying, "Try to die" ~"

Porter White:"

He didn't understand, but it didn't prevent him from understanding Mo Lin's meaning that he didn't want to do anything with him, which might hurt him.

"Please enlighten me!"

The clay figurines still have three-point fire.

After hearing that Mo Lin probably meant this, Potter's eyes condensed, and the agitation in his body became stronger.


The other Earthly Branches emptied the field arbitrarily, leaving a considerable gap for the two of them.

"After that Hunter test, I was guessing what path you would take."

With surging air, Potter White slowly stated the past.

"But you seem to be on the path I least want to see."

"How do you know which way is good? Which way must be bad?"

Mo Lin laughed blankly, "I don't think the path I have chosen is bad.

"I just chose the path that suits me best.

Mo Lin remembered the conversation between the two again, shook his head and smiled:

"And before I participated in the Hunter test, I had already joined Phantom Troupe."

"If you don't know where a person came from before and what they have experienced before, it is best not to make arbitrary judgments."

After hearing Mo Lin's words, Potter Bai was slightly silent, and then slowly nodded.

"It's undeniable that what you said has some truth, but~~"

Potter stepped forward abruptly, "I also have a reason for me to stick to it!!"

"In that case, be prepared~"

In this regard, what should be said has already been said, and Mo Lin no longer persuades.

After a slight silence for two seconds, his body suddenly disappeared.

"This is teleportation?!"

The melon-eaters who were watching the game saw Mo Lin's figure disappear suddenly, and the term "teleport" also immediately came to their minds.

"Is this his ability?"

Someone wondered.

If it's just the ability to teleport, it doesn't seem to be worthy of Jin's so-called "instant kill" evaluation?

"Is this another trick?

As Mo Lin acted, Zeno's eyes narrowed.

He didn't forget that Mo Lin used this trick to kill Kud.

"A sudden attack?"

Potter White, who is extremely experienced in combat, is not in a mess.

He opened the [Circle] for the first time, and his thought power surged to his arms in an instant, and he made full coverage.


[Circle]'s feedback made Potterbai elbow unreservedly and smashed behind him!

At the same time, the entangled Qi at that time was also instantly strengthened and transformed into a powerful wave!!

"A very violent attack, but it's a pity."

Mo Lin's voice came from behind Potter White.

"If you can't hit it, it has no meaning at all!"

In the next second, Potter Bai's body suddenly froze, and the movement of waving his elbow also stopped instantly!

One of the three superpowers, mind control!!

Although the time to manipulate characters like Porter White is not long, only one or two seconds is enough.


A fist with a powerful thought force in it, towards the position of the heart of Potter White's back, fell silently.


Potter White's huge body suddenly flew upside down.

From Mo Lin disappearing to Potter Bai flying out, the whole process took less than two seconds.


Potter White's footsteps stomped several deep holes on the ground in succession.

After being able to protect his feet with his breath, he stopped his body.

A bright red blood line slowly slipped from Potter White's mouth.

Potter White is injured?!

The faces of the Earthly Branches became serious one after another.

Mo Lin's series of combination punches just now, if not at the last moment~

0 Seeking flowers…

Because of his Nen's role, Potter White quickly mobilized his whole body's thought power in time, protecting the place where Mo Lin's fist fell on his back.

I am afraid he is now more than just taking these steps back.

Maybe his whole body will be shot directly out.

Moreover, it is by no means a minor injury like bleeding in the mouth.

Many of them are thinking silently in their hearts, if they are themselves, how they should face it under Mo Lin's set of tricks just now.

But when they went through their minds, they fell silent.

They didn't have Potter White's Nen, and under the blow just now, they were either dying or seriously injured.

If you are not careful, you may lose your life directly.

This also makes them more afraid of Mo Lin.

Just a time of less than two seconds at a time is enough to reveal a lot of things, and let people judge whether it is powerful!!

"Whether it is the use of mind, the grasp of timing, and the intensity of Qi cultivation, all are the best choices.

Netero also has a slight gleam in his eyes.


Although he asked Zeno about Mo Lin's situation before, he also knew that Mo Lin's understanding and practice of mind is not so profound.

But now that I have seen it with my own eyes, Netero has only found out~

Originally, he had overestimated Mo Lin enough, but he did not expect that Mo Lin's strength was still somewhat beyond his imagination.

"This level of mind power, even if it is not counted as Nen, is completely worthy of the title of [the world's top five Nen].

Netero thought so in his heart.

This is not just Netero's idea, but also the idea of ​​other earthly branches present.

Just a punch, Mo Lin's strength is obvious to all!!

"The power of volatility?"

Mo Lin, one of the parties involved, looked at his fist that was still slightly trembling.

The power of thought surged, driving away the wave of force from the fist that was back-shocked.

Even so, it still consumed a certain amount of his breath.

"The power of the Enhancer's mind, strengthens the cultivation of Qi into the power of wave, to fight the enemy?!"

It's not just others who saw Mo Lin's state and the tip of the iceberg through a punch.

Mo Lin also understood what Potter White’s Nen was through this blow just now.

There is no doubt that Porter White is also a representative figure in the Enhancer category.

The power of the whole body is also the tenacity tempered by him.

The direction that Potter White has developed is also the most suitable for his huge body.


It's Porter White's ability.

Wave is a common physical phenomenon. The world refers to the form of motion formed when the disturbance or vibration of a certain physical quantity is transmitted point by point in space as wave.

There are many forms of fluctuations, the most important are divided into two categories, one is the wave on the rope, the sound wave in the air, the surface wave and other machine waves.

The other is electromagnetic waves that cover radio waves, light waves, X-rays, etc.

Relying on the physics knowledge learned in the previous life, Mo Lin can extend his ability in many directions on the basis of this ability.

But for Potter White, is this knowledge or involves his blind spot?

The wave force he developed was only the most basic, but also the most powerful vibration force.

It is also this single direction of development that makes Potter White achieve a very strong effect in the power of fluctuation and vibration!

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