Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 173 Familiar characters! Female lecturers who are proficient in human nature will send you w

She has a pink head with fluffy hair like banana leaves on the left and right.

Even if it is tied with a yellow ribbon, there are still two beautiful hair hanging down her shoulders.

At this moment, she was lowering her head, looking at Mo Lin with a sad and aggrieved face.

That enchanting face was full of such an expression, it was hard for a man to lose control.

But unfortunately, Mo Lin is hard-hearted.

"Your mental inducement and the astringent tricks mixed with psychological hints are of no use to me.

Mo Lin remained unmoved, "Since you want to fool me, you must be prepared to pay the price."

"That's not Suddenly"

The girl said in a pitiful and soft voice.

It seems to be a pair of pears ~ the flowers bring rain, and I want to cry:

"I just think your thing is very beautiful and I want to buy it. I, I really don't know its value-so much money!"

Her two hands rubbed the corners of her clothes, and she choked-and said:

"If I knew, I would not come to disturb you."

Mo Lin just looked at her calmly and didn't intend to let her go. Hull comforted her.

"You said, you didn't know it was worth so much money?"

In Mo Lin's hand appeared the crown of treasures that was handed down from the royal family of Mosesbia, which was handed down from generation to generation and made of several of the world's seven beautiful colors.

The current crown has been restored by Mo Lin with the [Restoration Light Lamp], and it has changed from an almost scrapped appearance to the original brilliant and dazzling world treasure!!

"Just by looking at the appearance, you should be able to know that its appearance and quality are good?

Mo Lin was about to laugh angrily:

"Normal people know that this thing is worth a lot of money when you look at it, you say you don't know it is worth so much?!"

He pointed to himself: "Do you think I'm so cheating?'

"Do you really take me as a fool? Or are you used to pretending to be silly and sweet, but you really become stupid if you change it?"

"You can't go if you want to go anyway, otherwise, you can try."

Mo Lin's leisurely words made the girl's figure stagnate.

"Moreover, if you want to shout "indecent" or "perverted, "rogue" and other words on the street, and attract other people to pay attention to cause commotion, you still take the opportunity to escape~~~"

Mo Lin looked at her slightly turning eyes: "I advise you not to do this."

"Because you will definitely be beaten to death by me before shouting out."

Mo Lin was very kind," advised her.

These words also caused the girl's cheeks to twitch, and finally she gave a long sigh and gave up the pretense:

"What am I going to do so that you can let me go?"

"Let you go?"

Mo Lin glanced at her, laughed, and turned his head, "Are you dreaming?"


The pink-haired woman suddenly became annoyed.

But she also knew that she couldn't escape from Mo Lin's hands, she could only feel sorrow and annoyance.

"Why did you miss this time?"

She murmured in her heart, "This time she has fallen into a big somersault!!"

She can only droop her head and walk behind Mo Lin without saying a word.

And Mo Lin also flashed a playful smile in his eyes:

"Unexpectedly, I could just stroll around and meet a "familiar" guy by chance~"

Mo Lin came to this city mainly because he heard that the craftsmanship here is the best, especially the craftsmanship of jewelry and other objects, which can be said to be the best in the world.

After repairing the crown with the [Restoration Light Lamp] on the island of greed, he also thought about making a refinement to the crown to become more beautiful.

In fact, the main thing is to see if you can separate it without hurting the raw materials, so that both Machi and Pakunoda can get one.


So, after Mo Lin used props to find a store that was recognized as the number one and best reputation in the city, he took out the crown and let the boss see if there was a place for finishing.

At that time, someone in the store just walked in and saw it.

It was Lei Lute who was secretly annoyed behind Mo Lin.

After seeing Mo Lin take out the crown, Lei Lute's eyes suddenly burst into bright light.

Then, she pretended to be an innocent girl, tried to get close to Mo Lin, and then decided to see if she could get the crown.

The result of this is that she successfully rushed to the street in Mo Lin's hands.

Not to mention Mo Lin's vicious eyesight, based on the appearance she has seen on the original version, Mo Lin also knows what kind of person she is.

Since she wanted to deceive the crown in Mo Lin's hands, it was natural to capture her and restrict her personal freedom.

Lei Lute is one of the examiners of the 287th Hunter test on the original edition.

Said it was the examiner, but she actually praised her.

She was just a criminal with a long sentence in the trap tower of the third round of testing, a five-on-five combination battle.

She was sentenced to 112 years of hard labor and detained in a trap tower for trafficking in rare creatures and violating the gambling law.

His profession is a psychiatrist and psychologist, good at psychological warfare.

If she didn't meet Mo Lin, she might succeed.

After all, she, who is good at psychological warfare, is indeed very easy to grasp the psychology and pulse of men, so that they can pay for themselves willingly.

In other words, she can actually be regarded as a female lecturer who is proficient in human nature with three sentences and a man who spent 1.8 million nuns on me."~~~

Well, she was sentenced to one hundred and twenty-two years. Hunter World Female Lecturer in prison.

I don't know what to do with the female lecturers in Mo Lin's previous life.

Later, Lei Lute accepted the task and became an examiner who blocked the candidates in the third round of the Hunter test.

She and Leorio fought against each other by gambling. The two first bet on the life and death of babbling and whether they passed out or not. Although Leorio lost the gambling, they ended the battle with Kurapika.

After Leorio took advantage of Leorio's lustful psychology, bet she was a male or a female, Leorio bet she was a male and lost the bet, but got the opportunity to check her body.

Finally, in the guessing contest, he once again used psychological warfare to win Leorio's points.

Leorio not only lost the game, but also lost 50 hours.

As a result, they also won a 50-year sentence reduction for their group of prisoners.

Sing, one hundred and twenty-two minus fifty, and a full seventy-two years.

If she is lucky enough to live to that time, she might still be able to come out to see the sun.

But at this time, Lei Lute has not been arrested and sentenced to imprisonment.

But in the same situation where her freedom is now restricted, it can't be said to be any different from the original.

At least when she was walking with Mo Lin, she was a little cautious and didn't dare to have it again.

"Where are you taking me?"

Seeing Mo Lin gradually walk out of the city and into the woods outside, Lei Lute couldn't help but feel a little scared.

She wasn't afraid that Mo Lin had any wrong thoughts about her, even though she hadn't experienced personnel.

In her opinion, her body and beauty are also a means to protect herself, and it is not a last resort and cannot be used easily.

What she fears is that Mo Lin, like some of the perverts in the examples she has learned, likes to play all kinds of disgusting flowers in such a secluded and undisturbed place.

Her weak body can't stand so many attacks.

Compared to others, she hopes to survive.

"What are you going to do?

Lei Lute's face gradually became a little unnatural, but soon, she saw Mo Lin pull out a cannon.


A question mark appeared on her forehead.

"Since you are a female lecturer who likes to think about people's hearts and is proficient in human nature, then I have to send you where you should go~"

Mo Lin debugged it on [Any Cannon], and quickly locked the destination.

"Just let you stay with a bunch of criminals."

…0 Seeking flowers………

"Criminal? What are you talking about? Wait!!"

Lei Lute yelled, but Mo Lin didn't listen to her howling at all, and directly slammed her into any cannon.

Then relentlessly, he directly pulled the gun cord switch.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Lei Lute screamed and disappeared into the air.

Mo Lin took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number:

"Hello, Razor? Yes, I'm Mo Lin."

"I used [Any Cannon] to send you a female criminal. Yes, it's a female.

"There is no request, but there are some things on my side, it is too late to pick up her."

"You first help me to train and train. It's not Nen's training! She's still an ordinary person, don't kill her! I'll still be useful afterwards!!

"Is it insecure by other male pirate criminals? I think it is the male criminals who are really insecure. This female lecturer is very proficient in human nature. Be careful that you are disturbed by her."

"Is it so terrible? You remove the "?". If you don't understand the love of men and women, you don't understand what the meaning of the four words "brilliant beauty and trouble water" represents, and what consequences it will lead to. "

"If the scene is out of control later and you can't manage it, I suggest you learn from Liszt. That guy should have quite a lot of experience in this area.

"Look at you? This is really not something to be underestimated. You may have done very well in other aspects, but in terms of feelings, well, you can't."

After talking with Razor for a while, Mo Lin hung up the phone.

He has already told Razor about the relevant situation, and Razor has also pledged:

Lei Lute will definitely be trained properly.

That being the case, Mo Lin gave him full authority over this matter.

So what kind of disturbances will cause Lei Lute to the island of greed, then Mo Lin will wait and see.

After putting away [Any Cannon], he went into the woods again.

On the other side, on the island of greed.

"come yet?

Mimi eyes, the muscular Razor raised his head and watched the figure in the sky haven't appeared yet, but the sound of screaming cut through the sky.

"come yet?"

The other criminals staying here are also refreshed and look forward to it.

They had also heard that a female criminal would be sent here soon.

Although Razor has already stated it, this does not hinder their eager heart.

Even if you can't do it, it's good to be seductive.

They haven't seen a beautiful woman for years, no, they haven't seen a female!!

"Will there really be a woman?"

A big criminal with a thick nose and a fat face like a ball wiped the corners of his mouth.

"Hey, Bo Baobo, your saliva fell on me!!"

Someone nearby complained dissatisfied.

"woman "

And this one is called Bo Baobo, because although the criminals who murdered the female bow, they seemed to have not heard them, staring straight at the gradually coming figure from the horizon.

"What a woman!!"

At the same time, Mo Lin is here.

"It should be here."

In a dense forest, Mo Lin took out his mobile phone and looked at a message sent to him by Hua Shi Doulang.

After nodding to confirm that it was correct, he launched [Circle].

"Got you."

Mo Lin's mouth gradually raised a smile.

In his perception, a very sexy and beautiful figure was moving fast in the woods.

And came quickly toward him.

"Another familiar face."

Mo Lin smiled and sat down casually on a large smooth stone slab next to him, quietly waiting for the other party's arrival.

Not long after, the grass in front of him shook. door.

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