Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 174 The rare beauty in the Hunter world. Hunter, so handsome!! The meeting with Mo Lin, the

In the jungle, a beautiful beauty with a concave and convex figure was rushing at extreme speed.

"Damn, how come there is a tiger roaring dragon here?!!"

With a slight panic on her face, she kept looking back.

Behind her, a huge two-legged land animal resembling a dinosaur was also chasing extremely fast, and the inverted pupils were full of desire for food.

The scarlet tongue in his mouth was sticking out, dripping saliva toward the ground.

He has deep black scales that are poured by molten iron, bright and awe-inspiring, and his thick tail is constantly swinging.

The surrounding trees were broken every inch of the way they were swept.

And the most noticeable thing is that in the process of advancing, the sound of trying to intimidate it constantly, and the roar of the tiger, the sound of shaking the mountain forest is almost exactly the same!!

This is a unique monster in the Hunter world, named Tiger Roar.

As the name implies, it is a dinosaur-like species that can only make the sound of a tiger.

"Obviously this kind of creature will live at the bottom of cliffs and valleys, how come out of this mountain and forest?!!"

The beauty on her face was annoyed, but she just happened to pass by here, and she got into such a trouble.

This is an extremely ferocious animal, even the Hunters who have passed the Hunter test are "nine-six-three" when facing them~

If the level is not enough, it may still become their ration.

The level of Tiger Roar is almost the same level as San Mao, the guard dog of the Zoldyck family.

"what do I do?!"

She kept looking for a way to get rid of, "I got the Hunter license with great difficulty, don't you want to die in this place so easily?!"

She is the candidate who passed the 282nd session this year.

All the way through, and with a little luck, he finally became a Hunter.

But what I didn't expect was that I had just passed the Hunter license, and on the way back along the way, I would suffer such an encounter.

This is simply a bit of a tooth from drinking cold water, so unfortunate!!

When the beauty is upset~

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps trembling from behind her suddenly stopped.

She couldn't help but look at it subconsciously, and found that the tiger roaring dragon that had been chasing and beating suddenly stopped.

Its pair of inverted green pupils stared straight at the woods ahead.

The white air squirting from the nostrils gradually weakened, and the tongue was also silently stretched back into his mouth.

In the black scales on his head, sweat was constantly flowing down.

A look of horror and horror appeared on a dragon's face very humane.

"What's wrong with it?"

The beauty Hunter stared at Tiger Roar in a daze.

After that, she suddenly reacted and followed to look at the woods ahead.

"I don't want to eat dragon meat today~"

A slight faint voice suddenly came from the jungle:


A soft word fell in Huhoulong's ears, as if it exploded like a thunder.

It didn't even dare to make a roar of the tiger, or even breathe in the atmosphere.

Without a word, he quickly turned and left.

And the sound of footsteps falling on the ground was also very soft, as if he did not dare to make too much noise, for fear of making the person in the jungle unhappy.

Beauty Hunter: ""

Is this still the tiger roaring dragon who just chased her and is about to eat her?!!

Why do you look so humble and cowardly

If she hadn't been paying attention to the tiger's roaring dragon's dynamics, she would even think that she had just changed to a brand new species!!

However, she could also understand that Tiger Roaring Dragon would have this humble posture, all because of the sound in the jungle.

To be precise, it is the master of that voice.

In this forest, there seems to be an incredible person hiding

Soon, under the silent gaze of the beautiful woman Hunter, Huhoulong disappeared from her field of vision.

At the same time, she also glanced back at the dense forest behind her.

He raised his footsteps, planning to leave this place where it was obvious right and wrong, too.


"Come in."

The faint voice echoed in her ears, making her body froze suddenly.

"It's over, I can't run anymore!!"

She complained in her heart.

"Why am I so unlucky!!"

After finally leaving Longkou, it turned out to be facing the unknown powerhouse next.

This made her feel very unfortunate about her awful destiny.


When she walked in dejectedly, she found an unusually handsome young man sitting on a rock.

There was a smile at the corner of his mouth, and it looked so warm and charming.


The beautiful Hunter's heart beat a beat, and then she felt like her heart was shot by Cupid's arrow.

"So handsome!!"

There seemed to be some red hearts flashing in her eyes, her lipstick-smearing lips were pursed lightly, and her teeth were lightly biting.

The shoulder strap that had been tightly protected on her body slipped off a little inadvertently.

It reveals the white, tender, tender and fragrant skin (there is no way to use homophones as much as possible for the review, and you can understand it).

What only disappointed her was that the man in front of him didn't even look at her.

Just suddenly took out a document in his hand.

"No. 282 Hunter who passed the Hunter test, is Fei Jie?"

Mo Lin looked at this person later, and didn't have much role in the scene, so he took the box lunch.

She is not as heavy as the wind and dust afterwards.

The whole person reveals water and spirit, as if the peach feels lightly ripe.

But the face between her brows can also be seen, she is still a girl who hasn't experienced people.

Although the wind is light and familiar, but it is still a perfect body.

"It's me.

Her voice was soft and tender, with a touch of sweetness in her tenderness.

Inadvertently, it seems to be able to touch people's inner desires, like a stunner.

Every move is full of enchanting charm.

This beauty Hunter Fei Jie, who also has a rare and top-notch look in the Hunter world, is the one who applied for the Northra family bodyguard together with Kurapika in the original version.

She later became Nion's bodyguard, and was hired into Nosla's house at the same time as Kurapika, Basho, Melody and others.

Fei Jie is a person who has a strong sense of professionalism, a playful mind, and loves to abuse his slave character.

These can be seen from the fact that she uses Nen to control Skuvala, who is also a bodyguard.

Her Nen is Emitter's [180 points love slave].

The effect is that as long as her kiss hits the lips, this person will be controlled to become her slave and obey any instructions from her.

Skuvala was hit by this trick and told them all that he was a spy.

When she was in Youkexin City, she was responsible for bidding, but when she first attended the underground auction, she was killed by Shizuku of Phantom Troupe...0

But now, Shizuku is no longer among the members of Phantom Troupe, and she has also met Mo Lin. The current line of fate has changed greatly from the original one.

"It's Fei Jie, that's right~"

Mo Lin nodded, put the information away, and coughed slightly:

"I am the examiner of the Hunter Association's follow-up test. Although you have passed the test on the face and got your license, you still have to have a follow-up test to keep your qualifications."

Mo Lin went straight to the point.

Of course, the Hunter Association's follow-up test is true, but his identity as an examiner is false.

Every year after the initial end of the Hunter test, the appropriate old association Hunter will be specially arranged to teach qualified candidates to learn Nen.

Only by learning Nen, candidates can be regarded as a formal Hunter through all the Hunter tests and become a qualified Hunter.

Fei Jie, it is exactly the candidate who passed the Hunter test this time.

When Hua Shi Doulang was chatting with Mo Lin before, he casually mentioned his current job.

He is arranging tasks with other veteran Hunters and is preparing to teach this new batch of Hunters.

Among them, the new candidate who just passed had a name in it, which was heard by Mo Lin.

It was Fei Jie in front of me.

At that time, Mo Lin just practiced for a period of time, quietly thinking about moving.

Especially when he saw this relatively familiar character on the original version, he wanted to meet him.

He gladly accepted this task, and didn't bother other Hunters anymore.

As for whether Mo Lin is qualified for doing this, he doesn't say, if Hua Shi Doulang doesn't say, who will know?

When the materials of Fei Jie were put on record, the name of Hua Shi Doulang was written in the instructor column, and no one could say anything.

This is to stand at the top of the Hunter Association and grasp the benefits of real power.

Mo Lin took over the task, had a small episode in the middle, met Lei Lut, and then sent her to Razor to reform.

Then, he came here and met with Fei Jie.

I have to say that Fei Jie's overall physical condition is really good.

The sudden sudden, the angry warped~

5.6 The two slender thighs show a perfect golden ratio S-curved figure.

And her face also looked very seductive, and it was easy to eclipse people with a wink.

Fei Jie also has pink and purple hair just like Machi.

It's just that because of her height and figure, her hair looks more mature and capable when tied up.

If Machi feels like an iceberg, then Fei Jie is enthusiastic and hot.

The faces of the two also have a slight similarity.

But Machi's face is more determined, and Fei Jie, who wears flaming red lips, is more demon-burning and charming.

All in all, it can be regarded as a rare beauty in the Hunter world~~~

"Follow-up test? Examiner? Keep your qualifications?!"

Hearing that this matter was a matter of vital importance to his own interests, Fei Jie also recovered.

"You said you are a follow-up examiner of the Hunter Association. Is there any evidence to prove it?"

A little caution gradually emerged in her eyes.

"Even if you take out your Hunter license, how do I know if your license is forged and your identity is real?!"

"Even if your identity is correct, if there is no follow-up test at all, are you deliberately cheating?!!"

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