Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 175 They are all well taught by the teacher~ Feelings like flames

Fei Jie's mother is a woman who lives in the dust.

She has also grown up in this environment since she was a child, and she has seen a lot of different eyes on her.

Therefore, she understands that many people come to find her or meet her by chance, and they all have the same purpose.

Fei Jie has also experienced a lot in this area. Growing up in such an environment, she also understands how to protect herself.

Naturally, she cannot commit a stupid nympho just because the other person is handsome.

Compared with that, your own safety is obviously more important.

However, if the other party really has thoughts of being unruly towards him, then he should be the most handsome among the group of people.

Fei Jie thought silently in her heart.

Well, even if it is a bad person, it depends on the value of the face to distinguish, skr, skr!!

"Able to have such a vigilance, it can be regarded as a more qualified Hunter."

Mo Lin was not angry at her suspicion, but looked at her with admiration.

"But you still have faults~"

He pointed out Fei Jie's mistake just now: "You shouldn't ask these questions directly."

"But in the process of contacting me, I should be in harmony with me and slowly test, bit by bit to understand my true thoughts and purpose, this is the most reliable performance."

"Like you just came up with a series of aggressive questions and doubts, let alone whether the other party's purpose is good intentions or maliciousness~"

"If the other party is really malicious, what do you think he will do next in this wilderness?"

"Is it the only way to leave with a sneer, or is it angrily tore through the disguise and directly reveal the true face?"

"Of course, he may continue to pretend, trying to make you slowly let go of your defenses in language, but obviously in an environment of 30, it is unlikely.

Fei Jie:""

After listening to this series of criticisms from Mo Lin, she remained silent.

She herself feels that what Mo Lin said is more reasonable.

Before, I was indeed a little impatient.

But this is also related to her character, she was originally a bold and unrestrained person.

If you don't come later, you won't be able to develop such a straightforward and rude Nen.

However, Mo Lin's criticism is not over yet:

"If you have the strength to deal with such a scene in front of you, then I didn't say it. But let me see~~~"

Mo Lin smiled and said, "You don't have one at all."

Fei Jie: ""

This is a bit heartbreaking!!!

"If the other party has good intentions, these words of yours obviously also buried unpleasant points for the subsequent contact between the two parties.

"In this way, in future exchanges, there will certainly be barriers.


Mo Lin pointed to his head, "When doing things in the future, don't be so impulsive without thinking through your brain."

"Come down and think carefully, you will definitely have a better understanding of things and solutions."

Is he referring to me as ignorant?

Fei Jie looked like thinking and agreeing on the surface, but in fact she was a little bit ashamed in her heart.

However, due to the fact that the other party only scared away the power of Tiger Roar in just two sentences.

She still chose Congxin very wisely.

It was also at this moment that she realized that the series of words she had just asked was indeed a bit out of date.

As he said, once such a strong person is irritated, the consequences will be !!

Thinking of this, Fei Jie immediately made a respectful attitude of being taught.

"I see."

She nodded docilely, "I will pay attention to what you said.

"That's right, that's it, the ability to observe words and see the wind and make the rudder is very good!"

Mo Lin praised again.

Fei Jie: ""

Where's my knife?!

"If you make a mistake, you can stop the loss in time. This is a bit worthy of Hunter's ability.

It's just that such praise made Fei Jie very uncomfortable.

Can I hack this guy to death with a knife?!

Fei Jie smiled on her face and MXX in her heart.

"Okay, let's end the joke here~"

Mo Lin smiled as he looked at Fei Jie's twitching eyebrows.

I feel a lot more relaxed inexplicably.

Well, bullying and bullying newcomers are good for physical and mental health.

Especially the candidates in the Hunter test, these people may feel better after teaching.

However, if it is a Hunter who has participated in the Hunter test many times, knows and encounters the danger of the Hunter test and can survive again and again, it would be quite more patience~ Fuck a little.

Far away in a certain city, Tonpa, the rookie killer who had just finished this Hunter test trip, shuddered abruptly.

Who is thinking about yourself?!!

"Hunter test does have a hidden test in the follow-up. The main reason is that among the candidates who passed, you have the qualifications to enter that world~"

Mo Lin said leisurely, "Although this kind of thing is almost impossible to happen, after all, those who pass the Hunter test are the elites among the elites.

"But if there is that kind of guy who is so lucky that it is unreasonable to pass all rounds of tests, and if this subsequent hidden test fails, it can be regarded as a disguised screening to protect them."

Having said that, Mo Lin shrugged:

"Of course, if those lucky guys are really lucky and can even pass the follow-up test, then it will be treated as if I didn't say anything~~~"

"Enter, that world?!"

Fei Jie's eyes were a little confused.

"Since you have obtained the Hunter license, you are naturally qualified to know what I said next."

Mo Lin smiled and slowly said: "About the world of Nen."

In a blink of an eye, one month passed.

In the jungle, a coquettish figure is wandering in the woods.

In front of her chasing, a tiger roaring dragon was holding his head and rushing forward lifelessly.

Its embarrassed appearance seemed to be running for life.

"Hahaha, a month ago, you chased me in a mess, and almost didn't get killed by you."

"Now, the roles between us are reversed~~~"

Fei Jie, who was full of breath, licked her sexy lips and chuckled smugly.

Seeing the tiger roaring in front of her running around and holding his head, her heart was full of joy.

Of course, she will not forget that she is able to have today because of someone.

Unable to help, Fei Jie's eyes turned slightly, and the corner of her eyes looked at the slow follower behind her.

As if strolling in a leisurely courtyard, the man admiring the scenery of Zhou Guowei.

The expression in her eyes gradually became gentle, and the flame-like tenderness contained in it seemed to be able to burn people away.


The toes of her slender jade feet lightly tapped on the branch.

Suddenly, Fei Jie, who continued to chase Tiger and Roar, turned a corner.

In the posture of a suckling swallow throwing Lin, rushed in the direction of Mo Lin.

There was a little sly in her eyes.

She stopped when she was still a little away from Mo Lin.

With both feet bent and squatting down to the ground, the whole person's body bends down, revealing his exquisite curve vividly and vividly.

This situation is enough to dry out the housing.

Not to mention that Fei Jie squatted down facing Mo Lin, so the two white Da football buns dangling in front of her were also very confusing.

It always gives the feeling that she is going to take the ball offensively, which makes the goalkeeper's mind swaying for a while.

"Very well. During this period of time, your study of reading has exceeded some of my expectations.

The gentleman Mo Lin carefully studied and thought about how Fei Jie should go on the football field, and only after he was able to win the game, he nodded slightly, appreciating.

"All the teachers teach well~"

Fei Jie smiled charmingly, and straightened up very satisfied with the direction of Mo Lin's eyes.

"I'm just teaching you some basic skills of mind power. It is beyond my expectation that you can get started so quickly and practice slowly.

At this point, Mo Lin did not lie to her politely.

Fei Jie's talent is really quite good.

Although she is not as perverted as Mo Lin and Hua Shi Doulang, she is also not as capable as Gon and Killua's tens of millions of people.

But surprisingly, her talent is similar to Luzlus.

Although there are still some who are not as good as Luzlus, after all, they are the seventh princes of the Kajin Empire. 967 has inherited talents since the ceremony of laying eggs in the pots of the ancestors.

And Fei Jie is just one of these many beings. Without any background, it would be nice to have such a talent.

At least, it is much better than Zooci's one hundred thousand talents.

As for why it was so pulling on the original version, it was killed by Shizuku with a blow eye fish~

There are two main reasons~

One is that after she became a Hunter, she was only run by Hunter, who was dispatched by the Association, to explain some basic reading skills. After she learned it, she was no longer under the control of others.

In the more advanced advanced skills, it is not very learned and mastered.

Of course, Hunter, who arranged to teach her, was not ruled out when seeing her look.

As a result, both sides broke up unhappily, which made Fei Jie's mastery of Nen not comprehensive enough.

The second is that Fei Jie's own background is not very good, and the environmental impact coupled with her own personality makes her thinking mode only seem to spend more energy on her own charm and ten thousand grass. Chic.

Regarding the aspect of mindfulness, learning and consolidating is not so reliable.

To put it bluntly, whether it is one or two, Fei Jie, like the original Hua Shi Doulang, does not have professional staff to teach her.

That made her later, not only developed that kind of Nen, but also gradually reduced to an unfortunate result.

But now, she met Mo Lin, and everything was different.

Hua Shi Doulang, the sad boy in the original version, was trained and directed by Mo Lin to become twelve places.

So, isn't it still a matter of training Fei Jie, a member of the diocese?

Therefore, in this month's time, Mo Lin has indeed fulfilled his duties as an instructor, carefully guiding Fei Jie's study of Nen.

Fortunately, under the meticulous guidance of Mo Lin, she also studied earnestly, which made her progress very fast.

It's just that sometimes, she is still anxious to make the ball, some of the movements are quite irregular, and Mo Lin has to be close to hands to teach her seriously.

[From now on, the night will still be one chapter, and the rest will be daytime~].

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