Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 176 I want to give you a big surprise! For you, I can do anything!!

And for this kind of study, Fei Jie's talent seems to be out of order.

No matter how she learns, she just doesn't know how to learn.

Mo Lin also seemed to know Fei Jie's difficulties and worked tirelessly to demonstrate and explain to her over and over again.

Often times like this, time flies quickly.

When the time of the day was about to end, Fei Jie "reluctantly" learned it, making both of them a little bit regretful.

As for the personal and close guidance of the master and disciple

Mo Lin doesn't think this is a problem.

After all, there are many examples, and there have been demonstrations of how Master taught his disciples.

The most classic is Xiaolongnu and Yang Guo.

The two of them practiced the "Jade Girl Heart Sutra", but they did a lot more than Mo Lin.

At least Mo Lin hasn't made more outrageous moves.

However, although there are precedents, what kind of knots did Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv have in the end?

Mo Lin selectively said that he had forgotten.

"Basic mind skills, you can be considered very good."

Mo Lin nodded appreciatively, "Then I will officially help you develop Nen."

"Okay, Master!!'

Fei Jie smiled cutely, and horizontal waves flowed in her eyes.

The eyes that looked at Mo Lin seemed to melt him away.

After getting along with Mo Lin for a month, Fei Jie's attitude towards Mo Lin was annoyed from the beginning, and then she was shocked when she learned about Nen.

When Mo Lin showed her her strength and was shocked, and then carefully taught her Nen as a teacher and apprentice, she was grateful and admired from the bottom of her heart.

And finally I learned that Mo Lin is the tip of the iceberg. This is so, and I can feel his strength and extraordinaryness, which gradually transformed Fei Jie into love.

I have to say that the more powerful a man is, the more likely he is to be favored by the opposite sex. This sentence is completely reasonable.

Especially Mo Lin is not bad.

In terms of strength, temperament, demeanor and most important figure and appearance, they can all be said to be the most men.

In addition, he was teaching Fei Jie sincerely.

Later, Mo Lin gave her various props to assist her in her practice~

Even if Fei Jie had a heavier line of defense, when facing Mo Lin, she undoubtedly collapsed.

How can this man be so powerful, mysterious, and considerate?!

Her character was originally bold, unrestrained and direct, but once she had identified the matter, she did not hide it in the slightest.

And in Fei Jie’s loving eyes~~~

"After you learn Nen, I should go too."

Mo Lin said this sentence, which was quite cruel to her.


Fei Jie only felt her head shake, "Why?!"

She anxiously immediately said, "Is it because I didn't learn well enough? I can speed up the progress!!

"No matter what kind of learning method, I can bear it!!"

After Mo Lin said that she was going to leave, her heart seemed to be squeezed and she was extremely uncomfortable.

As for Fei Jie's impatience, Mo Lin just smiled softly, letting her anxiety slowly ease:

"There is a saying in my hometown that there is no permanent banquet in the world /n". "

Huh? Has this sentence been said to many people too many times?

This thought flashed in his mind, and Mo Lin continued to softly say to Fei Jie:

"I also have my own business to deal with. It is impossible to stay in the same place all the time."

Well, in this near-end time, Pakunoda and Machi have sent messages to Mo Lin respectively.

Mo Lin feels that it is still necessary to meet again and have a chat.

After all, we still have to try our best to be rain~dew~jun~smooth!

Fei Jie remained silent after hearing Mo Lin's words.

She also knows that it is impossible for a strong man to stop.

There will always be things they are pursuing, such as strength, such as adventure.

Knowing this, Fei Jiebei couldn't help but bit her lip gently.

Although she can accept this rationally, but emotionally speaking, she is really unwilling.

"If I can help him, maybe

In the silence, Fei Jie's eyes kept flickering, and a somewhat ridiculous idea gradually formed in her mind.

"About your Nen, I already have a little clue.

Mo Lin, who doesn't know what peculiar idea Fei Jie is playing, has no choice in Nen's professionalism:

"According to the judgment of Mizumi-style before, you belong to Emitter's attribute~"

"Plus your own physical condition and charm, as well as your own means and personality, then the Nen you develop should also be studied in this direction."

Mo Lin explained in detail to Fei Jie about the development and condition setting of Nen and other relevant matters needing attention.

Even the restrictions and oaths have been clear to her.

"The Nen I imagined for you is called [100% Emotion Expert]."

"The specific effect is to let others improve their feelings of self through various means such as releasing their own charm.

"According to the degree of other people's affection for oneself, there are different levels."

"Whether you are willing to divide it into one to ten percent or one to fifteen percent. It depends on your own situation. You can choose whichever one is more suitable for you."

"Each level has a different degree of affection, you can give them different levels of instructions, let them follow and complete your instructions from the heart."

"The higher the level of affection, the higher they will accept orders, and the more harsh and difficult you will be able to issue orders to them. And vice versa.

Speaking of this, Mo Lin smiled, "So you have to think carefully about how to release your charm, so that more people will have a special affection for you."

"You can also develop a bit of Conjurer's thoughts appropriately on the basis of this Emitter, so that your qi will make it easier for you to feel good about you.

"All in all, this can be said to have both your charm and the ability to achieve your Emitter's ability to control others.,

"Of course, I just suggest that if you have a better idea, we can study it together.

Compared with Fei Jie's ability in the original version, this ability is relatively rough, and it is also very direct [180 points in love slave], technical and high-end, but a lot stronger.

"No need~"

Seeing Mo Lin think so for her own sake, Fei Jie's heart was even more moved.

She gently shook her head and said:

"This ability is already very good!"

Although, I do not intend to develop such a capability

Fei Jie thought inwardly.

"I want to give you a big surprise.

Thinking about this, she suddenly made a request:

"During the period of developing Nen, can I think deeply about it myself?"

"Think deeply for yourself"

Mo Lin didn't doubt it, and said lightly:

"Well, it just so happens that I can handle some things.


Fei Jie secretly rejoiced in her heart when she achieved her goal.

So, Mo Lin took out [Canning Workshop] to Fei Jie, and gave her a fairly quiet working environment.

During the period when Fei Jie was practicing and developing what he thought of Nen, Mo Lin made a phone call with Hua Shi Doulang and others, and had daily inquiries and chats.

As for Razor on the island of greed, Mo Lin focused on inquiring.

As Mo Lin expected, after Lei Lute arrived at the island of greed, he did not feel repulsive and resisted the environment.

On the contrary, he was very happy to join in.

At present, she has obviously become a flower in the hearts of many male pirates on the island of greed, and I don't know who will get it.

Although she has the shadow that Mo Lin left her before, and Razor's strict supervision, she does not look too presumptuous now, she is very well-behaved and docile.

But after a long time, if your nature is exposed, then you can't say it~~~

But when that time came, she couldn't make much of a wave.

Even if she can arouse all the prisoners and pirates, it is just a matter of Razor playing beach volleyball or dodgeball.

Only strength can make oneself have the real right to speak.

So, after a few long talks, and after practicing silently for a while.

"々, squeak."

The door of [Canning Workshop] opened, and Fei Jie poked his head out of it.

"My Nen has practiced well!"

She looked at Mo Lin with a smile, as if telling him something.

"Do you want to come in and have a look?"

"Can you?

Mo Lin asked with a smile.


Fei Jie nodded without hesitation.

So you know, I know what he knows, and he also knows the serious meaning of nothing else. As a straight male traitor, Mo Lin will certainly not refuse.

Immediately, under Fei Jie's joyful gaze, he slowly walked in.

Then, the door of [Canning Workshop] slowly closed.

Immediately afterwards, there was a normal sound.

"Wait a minute~"

Inside the can, Mo Lin's soft voice came, "Let me see your abilities first."

"My ability?"

Fei Jie smiled softly, and seemed to be a little happy:

"Don't you know if you try it~"

Mo Lin: "Try it?!

Soon, with some doubts, he immediately understood what the so-called give it a try.


Accompanied by Fei Jie's explanation (Nuo Wang Zhao).

It seemed to have frowned, and it seemed to have emotion and relief, as well as endless Xiyue.

"You unexpectedly"

After some "try", even Mo Lin was shocked by Fei Jie's bold move.

"Developed such an ability?!!"

With Mo Lin's current strength, status and vision, the situation that can make him shocked, one can imagine how incredible it is.

There was a long silence in the canning house.

After a while, Mo Lin sighed:

"For me, do you mean it?"

"Of course it's worth it!!"

Fei Jie hardly hesitated, but still replied firmly and forcefully:

"For you, I can do anything!!"

Mo Lin: "

He fell silent again.

He also felt Fei Jie's determined will.

Mo Lin did not use any language to describe it.

He used his actual actions to show his attitude.

Outside, flowers bloomed everywhere, swallows from the south flew back to build their nests, and butterflies danced among the flowers.

This is the spring season.

This has already come to the spring season.

Spring is here, everything is revived, and this special and great season has come again.

Respond to the call and make contributions to the cause of mankind!!!

In the canning room, Mo Lin is also completely immersed in the effects of Fei Jie's Nen.

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