Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 177 Immerse yourself in work! Fei Jie’s unforgettable Nen: [Gift to Mo Lin]!

Fei Jie did not follow the established route set by Mo Lin for her to design Nen.

Instead, based on his own independent ideas, he developed Nen, which shocked Mo Lin even unexpectedly.

Fei Jie named her Nen "Gift to Mo Lin".

Well, just by looking at the name, you can know that she has a lot of emotion for Mo Lin.

The specific effect also truly shows her own feelings for Mo Lin.

When Fei Jie is carrying out substantive work actions for the growth of human population, he can strengthen the mind and aura of herself and the other party!!

This is the effect brought by her Nen!!

And when the substantive work is carried out, the strength of the enhanced thought depends on the situation of the other party.

The higher the status, the stronger the strength, and the more prosperous the reputation of the other person who is carrying out the work, the stronger the thought power and the more aura!!

There is no doubt that with Mo Lin's strength and status, as well as his reputation in the Hunter Association, the benefits brought by it are absolutely top-notch!!

Both of them have benefited a lot.Even Mo Lin can feel that the thought and aura obtained and enhanced in this way are far greater than what he has gained from pure cultivation!!

And most importantly, there are still no side effects!!!

"Is this the utility of Nen?

While working, Mo Lin sighed about the power of Nen.

Sure enough, if Nen can be developed properly, it will bring huge results.

Mo Lin could feel that Fei Jie's own aura and thought power were growing rapidly.

Just the work that didn't take long at the beginning, has already caught up with the power that Fei Jie has gained through the few days of penance.

If you can continue to work for 967, then maybe Fei Jie will become a famous Nen in this world in a very short time!!

This kind of enhancement is really a bit of a surprise!!

In fact, when Mo Lin first started to experience this kind of functional operation, he was a little familiar.

Then gradually, there was a flash of inspiration in Mo Lin's mind, and he also realized:

Isn't this the Dinghuo ~ household mentioned in Xianxia and fantasy novels?!

Mo Lin analyzed Fei Jie's Nenka again and found that it was not bad at all!!

Fei Jie uses herself as a medium to be an instigator to enhance Mo Lin's strength!!!

Moreover, in the process of upgrading, although Fei Jie has improved a lot, Mo Lin has improved the most!


Every work carried out is mainly based on Mo Lin's promotion, and Fei Jie's promotion is supplemented!

Logically speaking, this kind of capacity development is generally promoted with the ability person as the biggest beneficiary.

As for the other party, the better is the joint improvement, but the improvement is very small, and what is not bad is that there is no loss and no benefit.

What's almost the same is that the improved mind and vigor of the capable person is drawn from the other party's body.

But Fei Jie is not like that. She really developed her abilities with all her heart, which is the most suitable for Mo Lin, and the ability that Mo Lin thinks most!!!


Not only that, she also placed an extremely heavy restriction and pledge to herself!!

That is: the target initiated by this ability, that is, the object of the action work together, the other party of the ability can only be Mo Lin.

Except for Mo Lin, anyone who works with Fei Jie to activate the ability, and Fei Jie will be backlashed by oaths and constraints at the same time.

That is, both people will be killed instantly by the thought of backlash!!

In other words, the ability Fei Jie has developed completely recognizes Mo Lin! Treating him as a target who cannot be unbound in his life!!

Moreover, she has put such harsh restrictions on herself. It can be said that she has only confirmed Mo Lin in her entire life, and will never change it again.

If you betray Mo Lin, she, as well as another object of betrayal, will be defeated.

And if she is forced by a malicious object, she will also be taken away by her constraints.

It can be said that this ability is like those of the deadly zhenshi in Mo Lin's previous life, staunch and firm.

This can be said to be Fei Jie's unwavering heart for Mo Lin, and Mo Lin can naturally feel this too.

Therefore, he naturally did not hesitate to pity Fei Jie.

Under his mandatory requirement, Fei Jie developed an extended requirement based on this ability:

If the other person is willing to take the initiative to thin out the enhanced mind and qi, then Fei Jie will be able to accept the enhanced qi and mind.

This is the feedback Mo Lin gave her.

The growth of vigor and mental power is really not much needed for the current Mo Lin.

He himself is [the world's top five Nen's], and his mind power can be said to have stood at the top of Hunter's world.

In terms of aura and power of thought, it may not be as good as the king of ants, the single power ceiling of the Hunter world.

But the last thing Mo Lin lacks is time.

There are still a few years away from the birth of the ant king.

In addition, Mo Lin also has the time flow of [Canning Workshop] and his tyrannical talent~~~

Mo Lin is totally worthwhile, he can improve his strength anytime.

And maybe in the future, we will get the [Wish Realization Book], or [Prophecy Notebook], [800 Lies] and other super-causal weapons.

Then becoming the strongest in the world is not a matter of minutes~

Of course, the use of such props does not consume much thought power~!

Now, instead of using the power of mind and vigor to icing on the cake, it would be better to send charcoal to Fei Jie.

Fei Jie's strength has improved, and Mo Lin's disciples have grown stronger, so it will naturally have extraordinary benefits for him.

Not to mention~

If Fei Jie's strength is improved, then when the two of them carry out substantive work, they will also be more compatible.

It can be said that the current support and investment for Fei Jie are good for both Mo Lin and Fei Jie.

This is a win-win situation!

Feeling the growth of vigor and mental power, Mo Lin no longer delays.

While giving Fei Jie the extra air and chanting, he was immersed in this selfless work.

It is the first time that Mo Lin (dafg) feels that the work is also so motivated.

Fei Jie is bold and unrestrained. When working, she also has a fierce enthusiasm. She constantly caters to and cooperates with Mo Lin's movements.

As the saying goes, men and women match, work is not tiring.

And Fei Jie's work attitude also surprised Mo Lin very much.

She doesn't just have an attitude, but knows how to match Mo Lin with various work conditions after entering different stages of work.

She has grown up in romantic places since she was a child, so she shouldn’t be too familiar with this aspect.

Although she has no practical work experience, she is just a novice who has just entered the workplace.

But she knows how to combine theory with practice, and she voluntarily uses the knowledge and work she has learned since childhood on Mo Lin.

Although Mo Lin can feel Fei Jie's lack of experience, in some aspects he is still a little unskilled and unfamiliar~

But I have to say that Fei Jie is an expert at the end, giving him an experience he never had when working with Pakunoda in the past.

It is a pleasure to work like this, not too comfortable and moisturizing.

There is a taste, and the aftertaste is endless, the meaning is still unfinished.

These flowers of Fei Jie really made Mo Lin feel a little immersed in it.

And Fei Jie's work capital is really good.

Her physical flexibility talent is much better than her talent for learning to read!!

At least, when working with Mo Lin, Mo Lin experienced the extraordinary charm and sourness.

And, more importantly,. Fei Jie can also adjust her state at any time according to the emotional ups and downs of Mo Lin's work.

She can be both passionate and active~responsible~

It is also possible to slowly go with the flow of warmth and water, and to take care of Mo Lin's work pleasure.

When working seriously, Fei Jie can change his eyes from the state of flames to tenderness and affection.

Just like the arrival of the spring, the spring water blowing by makes people feel refreshing and comfortable, and it makes people more motivated to work.

All in all, to tell the truth, Fei Jie really gave Mo Lin an unprecedented new experience. Compared with Pakunoda, it is even more unique and stronger.

Of course, this is not to say that Pakunoda is not good, but that the two people are of different types, giving Mo Lin a different perspective of experience.

Quietly finish one work, the whole is one time, and how many classes are added in the middle, then Mo Lin can't remember.

When the work is over, the two people just stay together like this.

Feeling each other's heartbeats, all silent, enjoying this rare cozy and warm atmosphere.

Although this atmosphere is very beautiful, Mo Lin still has time to leave after all.

After staying warm with Fei Jie for a long time, Mo Lin withdrew and quietly left here in Fei Jie's deep sleep.

He didn't say much, nor did he give Fei Jie too much rhetoric and false promises.

All he can give is his practical actions and attitude!

Fei Jie didn't say much, he could feel Mo Lin's feelings.

It is a heart-to-heart communication between the two people, which is not clear in words.

"Go away~"

Fei Jie opened his eyes for the first time after Mo Lin left.

In the eyes, it is still inevitable that there is some loss and tears, and there is a feeling of emptiness in my heart.


When Fei Jie felt the cohesion in her body, she had a lot more vigor and thought power than before.

Can't help but smile of happiness and expectation from the corners of his mouth.

"Can't hold him back~"

Fei Jie murmured: "We also need time to improve our strength."

"Otherwise, the next time I meet for work, I will be reprimanded and taught even more severely."

She seemed to have thought of something, and some shy red rhymes appeared on her cheeks.

They are young people at the end, and sometimes they play a little bit more arrogantly and boldly.

I may not feel it when I work, and I can even improve my work efficiency, and I am happy and cheerful at the time.

But when you think about it carefully after work, it might be a little embarrassing.

The increase in strength is certainly gratifying to her, but what really makes her look forward to and look forward to is~

She knew that with Nen like her, Mo Lin would definitely come to her from time to time and stay by her side.

Although she doesn't know when Mo Lin will come to her again, as long as Mo Lin can come to her and won't forget her to stay away, that is enough for her!!

[The previous chapters have been solved, I can read everyone!!].

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