Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 178 Hisoka's ambition for Phantom Troupe! The exterminated Kuluta tribe?!

The fact is exactly what Fei Jie thought.

After she had such a Nen, Mo Lin was naturally fine, and often came to see her.

Or simply transfer Fei Jie to his side to meet him.

For example, use [Space Converter] to transfer Fei Jie directly to ~ Mo Lin's room~~~

Of course, Mo Lin did this only to test Fei Jie's practice results and the two to make progress together-each other's strength.

I have to say that under Fei Jie Nen's role, both of them have made extraordinary progress.

In order to sympathize and pity Fei Jie, Mo Lin tried his best to transfer the growth rate to her.

This also makes Fei Jie's talent as Mo Lin's apprentice not the highest, or even the weakest.

But her strength has progressed the fastest.

Wah Shih Doulang has now become famous.

And Luzlus would almost cry in the toilet if he knew it.

In this way, under Fei Jie's ability, the two met frequently throughout the year.

Fei Jie's vision was completely raised through the relationship with Mo Lin, and she could no longer accommodate other people.

And every time Mo Lin meets Fei Jie, the latter will bring him a lot of novelty and freshness, making him a little lingering.

In this way, in the rare relaxation that Mo Lin was running around, the time of the year also slowly passed.

In a blink of an eye, it came to 1995.

In this year, there have not been any magnificent events.

It's just that in the world competitions in the world of military chess, a blind girl named Mai Mai climbed to the top and won the championship.

This is the first time that she has won the championship of the world military chess. The future military chess will be exclusively owned by her alone, and no one can shake her position!

In the world of military chess, wheat stands out.

In the fighting world, the holy place in the hearts of the recognized fighting fans, in the Sky Arena.

"I'm leaving~!!"

The eight-year-old Killua embraced the chocolate candy full of her arms, greeted the salesperson excitedly, and left happily.

The saleswoman also nodded to her with a smile, with a very kind and kind attitude.

No way, whoever let the other party be a big dog, without blinking her eyes, bought almost all the chocolate candies in her place.

Killua is here and almost spent all the prize money he got in the game.

Roughly speaking, there are more than 200 million kainahs if you say less.

With so much money down, if it weren't for Killua's young age, his physical condition hadn't been fully developed yet.

Otherwise, the saleswoman might really have other ideas.

"That saleswoman seems to have an idea for your brother?"

At a distance on the wall, Hisoka played with the cards in his hand, deliberately irritating the Irfan next to him, who had the pseudonym Ji Taragu.

"I can see it~"

This time, Ilmi’s voice was calm.

"She's wishful thinking, it's impossible between her and Killua.

Well, at this point, he still has confidence.


He smiled and didn't talk much about this issue.

After the last encounter of fate, the two also fought together.

I don't know if it was the fight, the revolutionary friendship came or what, the two actually established a good relationship between them.

Communicating often to enhance feelings.

"Why not let him go to the world on the 200th floor to see it?"

Hisoka asked, seemingly casually, playing the cards in his hand.

At present, Killua has successfully reached more than two hundred floors after two years.

Then I didn't know what to think, as if I suddenly became disinterested in the floors above the 200th floor.

After getting the last bonus, he refused to register for promotion, came here and bought the last chocolate candy and left.

This gave Hisoka reason to suspect that it was the Zoldyck family, or rather, what Ilfan did in the middle.

"Now is not the best time for him to learn to read."

Il looked obsessively at Killua's leaving back, "He is the most talented person in our Zoldyck family, and we have high hopes."

"He can't open Aura Nodes rudely like me, he wants to be the best killer in the world!!"

At the end of the day, the enthusiasm in the words could not be concealed.

This full of emotions made Xi Sudu silently put down the playing cards in his hand.

"Forget it, your Zoldyck family's affairs are not something outsiders like me should take care of."

He looked at Chrollo and brought up another topic:

"How about the information I asked you to find?"

"You mean, Phantom Troupe?"

Il Fan thought for a while, "I also asked you questions at home, but the situation seems to be a little bit beyond my expectations."


Hisoka narrowed his eyes and became interested.

"How to say?"

"My grandfather gave instructions in person at home: All commissioned tasks related to Phantom Troupe's rewards will be treated according to the highest commission level of the Zoldyck family."

Ilmi rushed to Hisoka and tilted his head:

"You may not understand that in our Zoldyck family, once it is priced as the highest level of commission, it is basically equivalent to the degree that we are unwilling to deal with it."

"In other words, it's the degree we can't handle."

"Since the record of commissions we accepted, those who have reached the highest commission level, except for V5 senior officials, are figures like Netero, the president of the Hunter Association."

"So far, no one has successfully released the commission for us to complete.

"Do you understand what this means?"

Ilmi calmly put the facts in front of Hisoka and explained them clearly one by one.

This also made Hisoka not only fail to recognize reality, but his eyes brightened.

In other words, just because he recognized the reality, his inner emotions became more and more agitated.

"Phantom Troupe that even the Zoldyck family feels jealous?!"

A scarlet tongue stuck out from the corner of Hisoka's mouth and licked it on his lips.

"What kind of person is the leader of such a team?!!"

"I really look forward to it more and more!!!"

His body was uncontrollable, and his face began to shake.

"Phantom Troupe is so powerful, it is possible that it is not necessarily the leader of the team, and it does not rule out the factor of having a very powerful team member."

Il Fan was calm and gave his own opinion.

"Hehehe, right? Then I am also more and more fascinated by this team!!"

"I really want to play against a group of them!!!"

Hisoka made a weird laugh that made people feel goosebumps.


He was fascinated by Il: "How can I join Phantom Troupe?"

"There are two ways~"

The Yier fan made a gesture with a gesture, "The first is that when the brigade is short of manpower, the head of the brigade will personally find someone who can be seen.

"Second, when the brigade is full, hunt and kill an original member, then the killer can take his place and become a member of the brigade."

"Is there still such a requirement?!"

Hearing this, Hisoka's eyes lit up.

This style of behavior is more in line with his appetite, so he did not hesitate to choose the second one:

"Among the members of the brigade, which guy is the most suitable to be replaced by me?"

…0 Seeking flowers.

The leader who can come up with this way of joining members is definitely a wonderful person!!

This also made Hisoka look forward to meeting that person more in the future.

"As far as I know, the information shows that the members of Phantom Troupe are connected and have good emotions between each other."

"If you attack any of them, it is impossible to guarantee that you will be targeted."

Ilmi said truthfully, "But there is one member among them, but he is not very gregarious."

"Not only doesn't keep in touch with other members, but it still seems to be incompatible with them."

"Even, I think that guy, just like you, seems to have a different purpose for the brigade, so he chose to join him.

"Really?" Hisoka said with a smile, "It seems that not only I have this idea, but there are still a lot of people with other purposes."

"In that case, choose this person? What is his name? What is the number?!

"His name is Mianying, and his number is four."

"Face? I see, hahaha~~~"

The sun gradually moved westward, pulling the shadows of the two people older.

Then gradually, they overlapped.

after a while.

Qi, who came out of the Sky Arena and played outside for a long time before returning home, found that a new housekeeper named Kanalia came to his house and wanted to train as a new housekeeper.

And he looked less than ten years old, not much older than his age.

It's rare for someone of the same age, Killua to take herself out and use the last remaining bonus to buy a skateboard and give her to her.

After that, there seemed to be a lot of turbulence on Phantom Troupe.

Mainly there were two major events about the brigade.

One is the issue of membership turnover.

The face of the former member of Phantom Troupe No. 4 was killed, and No. 4 was replaced by a new member.

A new member named Hisoka.

Mo Lin knew that this was just a facial feign death, and the guy Hisoka was also extremely impressed. It can be said that throughout the Hunter world, he can't ignore it, and he is a very heavy and distinctive old acquaintance.

He is also like a face, with a different purpose before joining Phantom Troupe.

What he thinks is to fight against Chrollo to satisfy his desire to fight against the strong and to win.

He has absolute self-confidence and always believes that he is the strongest.

Only fighting and killing can bring him fun.

He kindly named his practice "apple picking"~

Well, the title of perverted fruit grower is worthy of the name.

If it was before, I heard that Hisoka had joined the brigade, then Mo Lin might join in the excitement.

But now, he doesn't have the intention to pay attention to it.

Because the second of the two major events is that the Kuluta tribe failed to escape the track of the original destiny and was annihilated.

The chief culprit of the genocide, according to major media reports in the world, claimed that it was Phantom Troupe who had shot.

And because of this, in view of this extremely nasty massacre, Phantom Troupe was formally wanted by the V5 and Hunter Association as an S-level criminal gang.


[I really cried to death, obviously I didn’t write anything, but I was always banned. Unfortunately, all I saw were a group of gods~

In addition, I still have the same sentence. I have always hoped that in this new book, I can show you something different from the previous two books. I have always done this.

My previous two books, Hunter World, were single heroines, so of course, I also know this in my heart. Although the emotional scene is a little bit worse, I try to lean in a reasonable direction, and the collection will not be too excessive. See it] Door.

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