Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 182 [Publish the public machine]! Let the whole world know the ugly face of V5 in this matte

Mo Lin certainly did not expect that he would be targeted by a perverted fruit grower now.

If he knew it, he would definitely give the Yi Er fan who leaked his news two punches.

Mo Lin will not be afraid of being caught in Hisoka Town, but he will definitely feel a headache.

This guy is a difficult master.

But Mo Lin doesn't know such a situation now. He is also thinking about ways to trouble V5.

"Since you set out to report on the fishing boat and set us to death, then I will also let you know what to do for real propaganda~~~"

Mo Lin backhanded and took out a new prop.

It was a yellow cylindrical torso with various runner legs at the bottom.

The two green robotic arms extend outward, and the top of the head is a red ball with several yellow horns on it.

A big eye is located in the central part-that blinks.

"My job is to promote things to the utmost extent! Convincing people!"

As soon as the machine landed, he raised his two robotic arms and said seriously.

"I will make everyone believe what I want to promote! There will be appropriate responses!!

Props: [Publicize the public machine].

Effect: Just as it said, it will publicize the things you confessed to it, and make everyone believe it and give an appropriate response.

I still remember that this machine was the only time in his life that Nobita took the test of one percent upright.

After he showed it to the teacher, the fat tiger husband, Shizuka, and his mother, he didn't get the answer he expected.

After asking Doraemon, the latter directly sent him a sentence:

"Have you finally learned how to cheat?!!"

Nobita was directly shut down, crying like a tearful man.

So, after Doraemon felt guilty and embarrassed, he took out such a machine.

Promoted this matter well for Nobita.

In terms of propaganda ability, there is no media network or other media that can match such a prop!!

"I want" the Kuluta tribe was exterminated by V5, not Phantom Troupe. The reason for propagating that the culprit is Phantom Troupe is to blame them for "this matter~~~"

Mo Lin issued instructions: "Let the world know and respond."

"There are four levels of response~"

The propaganda robot floats and flies in the air:

"There are four levels to choose from: normal, medium, high, and extra high.

"Of course it's very high~"

Mo Lin smiled, "Let's start with the city under your feet.

"Let the whole world know the ugly face of V5 in this matter!"

"I totally understand."

The propaganda robot slowly floats in the air, "This thing is easy."

"Everyone will completely believe what the newspaper writes, what TV shows, what is broadcast on the Internet!"

Its two-handed robotic arms stretched out, "I used super-high radiation waves, and first let the news reporter report this matter.


With Mo Lin waved his hand, the propaganda robot quickly flew to the center of the city.


Waves invisible to the naked eye were launched from his yellow horn.

In the courtyard of the streets and alleys of the city.

"time to eat.

A family of three people sits at the dining table, turns on the TV and prepares to watch today's news.

Various companies in office buildings.

The white-collar workers who had just finished their work and dining were also in the cafeteria and looked at the big screen in the center.

The homes of various officials.

Every official sat on the sofa, gently sipped the tea cup in his hand, and waited for the latest news to be shown on the TV, keeping pace with the times and keeping pace with the leaders.

At the same time, the city's TV station.

"Then let's look at the next news!"

The announcer, who had just finished broadcasting a piece of news, was suddenly shocked.

"The following is an update.

The announcer said solemnly: "Regarding the genocide of the Kuluta tribe that has been going viral in the world a while ago.

"Currently, the latest news shows that the real murderer of the Kuluta tribe is not Phantom Troupe, but V5, the world's largest consortium."

"It is reported that their main purpose of doing this is for the red eyes of the Kuluta people, and of course it cannot be ruled out that it may be due to the special physique of the Kuluta people and other reasons.

Just such a piece of news was broadcast live on TV in a majestic manner, and countless families in the city saw this broadcast.

"What did he say just now?!"

The owner of a family of three couldn't help stopping his chopsticks and looked at the TV screen with a look of surprise.

"He said that it was not Phantom Troupe who destroyed the Kuluta tribe, but V5.

The wife and children didn't understand the power of this, so they repeated it to him.

But when it comes to the name of V5, the wife also faintly feels something wrong.

"What a joke about this!!"

In the cafeteria of the office building.


The white-collar worker's meat that was about to be delivered fell to the ground.

The whole cafeteria was silent, and everyone looked at the TV screen hanging in the middle in disbelief.


The vacuum cups, tea cups, water cups and other cups in the hands of the officials all fell to the ground, making a crisp cracking sound.

"This, this, this"

Their reaction was more intense than others, "What the hell is going on?!!"

The face is full of shock and incredible, slowly expanding in their pupils~

It is undeniable that at this moment, the whole world is about to change!!

The effectiveness of propaganda robots is extremely powerful.

Under his propaganda, this matter was spread like a virus from the city under his feet to the whole world.

In this way, in the eyes of the whole world reluctantly, this news was bombarded in various places and on various TV screens in turn.

On the bustling street, many people stared blankly at the street where the huge electronic flashing screen showed the news of the extinction of the Kuluta tribe.

"Am I dreaming?"

They froze.

No way, this news is simply too shocking for them.

What organization is V5?

Basically, it can be regarded as the world's well-deserved strongest organization and the world's hegemon!!


Just today, all the media in the world, it seems that they don’t know what they are going crazy, and they report the V5 scandal collectively?!

What are they doing?

Are you dying?!

When did this group of news media have such courage?

This is simply taking my life to make this report news!!

For a while, everyone was caught in the shock of the crazy behavior of the media.

They were indifferent to the true situation of the tragedy of the Kuluta tribe they reported.

In other words, some people have noticed this, but everyone’s concern is on the "reporting of the V5 scandal" itself.

No way, this situation is simply too weird!!

That's fine for one and two media, but the entire world's media do it.

Even among them, there is no lack of V5's own media.

Is this "I kill myself"?!!

However, when everyone recovered from the shock, they laughed at the V5.

They laughed at them for being the world's top overlords, and they were all publicized the scandal.

…0 Seeking flowers……

Of course, there are also many people who are angry at these behaviors of V5 and angry at the evil things they have done.

Is this still the V5 that claims to dominate the world justice and light?


The resentment and anger of the people gradually dominated the mainstream.

The power and influence of this report has gradually spread to the world!!

After V5 heard the news, it was also very angry.

They took corresponding measures the first time, wanting to suppress this news.

But they were surprised to find that no matter how they arranged, these media would not listen to their orders and arrangements at all.

Even for this, they killed a few chickens fiercely and wanted to be a monkey, but it was of no use at all!!

Even, they have already sent people to take over those TV stations, and there has been a wave of cleansing.


After their people took control of the TV station, they were surprised to find out.

The TV station is still bombarding news that is unfavorable to them.

"What exactly is going on?!"

When they went to investigate the situation angrily, but afterwards it was weird and there was no movement.



Even the dull people have found something wrong.

Not to mention a dominant power like V5.

At the moment, they intend to directly mobilize those who have the ability to trace the roots of Nen in their subordinate forces to find the initiator of all this.

The black hand who is hiding behind and behind the scenes, manipulating all this, is not good for them!!

After we find out this person, we must, must, what must we do?

The thoughts in my mind gradually changed. The V5 collectively touched their heads, all wondering what they were thinking about just now.

Then they saw the news broadcast on TV.

"What happened to this?!'

Once again, they fell into a frenzy of incompetence.

It has to be said that the role of the propaganda robot is also extremely powerful, and even the V5's idea of ​​tracing the root can be changed.

So, the props in Doraemon World, even if they seem to be inconspicuous, no matter how they are used, they can still have an amazing effect.

On the V5 side, the news that was announced by the propaganda robot was a mess.

At present, the whole world has set off a wave of re-examination of the Kuluta genocide case and condemnation of V5, which has greatly frustrated the credibility and credibility of V5.

Not only Mo Lin’s propaganda robots, but some shady organizations hiding in the dark corners, seeing this opportunity, are also secretly poking things.

In this way, this incident became the biggest hot spot scandal in 1995.

The Kuluta people involved are expected to be written into the annals of history.

And the criminal organization Phantom Troupe, which was originally finalized, also gained a lot of momentum in this turmoil.

Well, at least the popularity has improved a lot.

People from ordinary perspectives only saw the ugliness of V5 this time, and did not pay attention to the characters behind it.

The brewing has caused this effect, and it has become a point where the V5 that controls the world can't be controlled. Obviously, it is not what ordinary people and ordinary abilities can do.

In addition, it turns out that the crime of extermination of the Kuluta tribe is to be forcibly suppressed on Phantom Troupe.

Various factors have been superimposed, so that some insiders gradually contacted what they thought of.


Mo Lin's phone call was blown.

[Fortunately, I am not late, the end of today has been updated, and there should be no shortage tomorrow~] Door.

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