Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 183 The follow-up impact, the vibration of the twelve earthly branches! Care about the gold

There is such a huge momentum all over the world, you can know without thinking about it, it must be an extremely powerful organization, or an extremely powerful person.

In terms of organization, what can still exist under the eyelids of V5, most of which are very good at being a person with a tail between them, or have a good vision of the rudder.

No one will come and cause trouble with V5 for a small group of Kuluta.

Especially, in order to do this, V5 did not hesitate to pretend to be Phantom Troupe, and also destroyed the whole Kuluta clan.

Obviously, there are things that are extremely important to V5.

These organizations are crazy to find themselves uncomfortable nosy?!!

As for the powerful characters~

There are only those strong in the world, and they can be counted.

And most of them are Enhancer capable people who are straight-tempered.

There is simply not so many twists and turns to target V5.

What's more, they have no reason to do so.

A powerful person who can be counted all over the world. He has a plan to deploy at a glance. It has reached a point where ordinary people and ordinary forces can't do it. There are reasons for V5.

If you can't guess who did it, you can be called an idiot.

Except for Mo Lin who is a member of Phantom Troupe and his many magical props, there is no need to think about it.

"Hey, I said, "Will you "Nine and Seventy" do this too high-profile?"

The first person to call was Biscuit as a teacher.

"It's easy for you to be targeted by V5, do you know?!"

"Don't worry~"

Fei Jie sat beside Mo Lin and said with a smile: "Before doing these things, I naturally took the relevant circumstances into consideration and had corresponding coping methods."


On the other side of the phone, Biscuit thought for a while, "With the props in your hand, you can't be troubled by thinking of these."

After speaking, she said angrily: "It seems that I am worrying about you for nothing."

"That's it, hang up!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone violently.

Before Mo Lin could say anything, the phone rang again.

"Master, now the Hunter Association is about to be noisy about this matter!!"

Wah Shih Doulang was also worried on the phone, "At present, meetings of the 12 Earthly Branches are held frequently, and they are all discussing this matter.

"The V5 side also issued a death order to our Hunter Association. We must investigate the circumstances of this incident."

"Except for Mr. Jin who often does not attend the meeting, the other Earthly Branches have had heated discussions on this."

"However, most of them tend to be perfunctory and violent. After all, this time V5 did it too unnaturally."

"But "

Speaking of this, Hua Shi Doulang hesitated again.

"Just say anything.

Instead, Mo Lin was very calm.

"It's Parisstone. He knows your identity and related strengths, Master, and intends to report you to V5 as the first suspect in this incident.

Hua Shi Doulang paused, and explained the matter.

"I see.

Mo Lin smiled, "What happened then? Did he report it?"

"of course not!!

Hua Shi Doulang only raised the volume, and Mo Lin could seem to see his waist straightened.

"Under our strong opposition, his action was not successful."

"Many other Earthly Branches have also made vigorous opposition, such as Mr. Chenlong Potterbai."

Speaking of this, Hua Shi Doulang was slightly silent:

"Master, in fact, now, Mr. Pottery wants to say a few words to you."


Mo Lin agreed.

Soon, Potter White's strong voice came on the other end of the phone:

"I'm Potter White.

There was a low male voice in the hair of the phone.

Then the first sentence below made Mo Lin slightly startled:

"About this incident, I am very embracing.

"When I first heard the news, I was also preconceived, subconsciously thinking that Phantom Troupe really did such evil things."

"But what happened afterwards made me understand that I still lacked something. I can't preconceive it just because the other party is a criminal group. This approach is not advisable."

Potter White solemnly said: "I apologize for what I thought before and for you."


I wanted to hear what Potterbai wanted to say, but Mo Lin didn't expect that he would choose to apologize.

"Really a serious person~~~"

Mo Lin thought so, he heard Potter White continue:

"Nevertheless, it still cannot conceal the fact that Phantom Troupe itself is a criminal group."

Potter White's tone firmly said: "If it happens one day, then I will never show mercy!!"

Mo Lin:

Well, you are free and happy.

Mo Lin found out that Potter White was even more black and white than he thought.

One is one and two is two.

He will not let the other person off just because he is a good person, nor will he turn a blind eye because the criminal has been wronged.

Here, he can always sort things out and make a general distinction.

Such will and rules of conduct have allowed him to reach the level he is today.

"On the Hunter Association's side, there is an order from the President of Netero. We will never let Paris go into trouble. This is not what he said."

Potter White said solemnly, "Whose guilt should be, it is whose guilt, there must be no whitewashing or soiling!!"

Well, brother, it's okay to face other people, but if it is for V5, it may not go far because the road is narrow~~~

Mo Lin said silently in his heart.

But he didn't say it, because Porter White himself was also a very sensible person.

He also knew what he was doing and what the consequences would be after doing it.

But he still chose to do it without hesitation, just for the axiom of the world.

It is precisely because of this that he is so respected.

"I see."

Mo Lin also replied solemnly, "I can assure you that I will not make any other actions, just fishing boat bombing is enough."

Just fishing boat bombing

That's pretty enough, otherwise what do you want?

After hearing what Mo Lin said, even Potter White was a little speechless.

Everyone knows the power of fishing vessels, and everyone knows what the consequences will be if the fishing vessel explodes.

This is even greater than the damage caused by directly attacking V5.

After all, this is destroyed, but V5's impression and support in the hearts of the crowd.

Once the negative impact has formed, it disappoints the people and loses support.

Then the collapse of this powerful organization is imminent.

That's why V5 ​​got so hot during this period of time.

"What you want to do is your business, as long as you don't persecute the safety of the people."

Potter White of Hunter, a Samsung terrorist, keeps his responsibilities in mind.

"I know this naturally, but I have one more thing."

Mo Lin chuckled.

Porter White: "Please speak."

"That is, please tell Parisstone for me~~~"

The smile on Mo Lin's face gradually became more subtle:

"Do you want to die?"

Porter White: ".."

Parisstone, this guy keeps small movements, it can be described as disgusting and not worthy of his life.

Actually, this guy didn’t really want to report Mo Lin’s situation to V5 0

Otherwise, he would not mention it at the meeting of the Twelve Earthly Branches at all, but would directly hand in this information by himself.

Mo Lin estimated that the fellow Parisstone just wanted to test Mo Lin's attitude or have other purposes.

It may even be deliberately proposed to stimulate Hua Shi Doulang, and then saw him jump and hate himself to gain happiness

Well, Mo Lin believes that Parisstone can do this kind of thing.

Because of this, Mo Lin intends to choke him directly from the source.

If he doesn't know how to make trouble with Mo Lin on purpose, then he really doesn't mind removing the rat first and becoming the first earth branch to be replaced.

After letting Potter White help to pass a message to Paris, Mo Lin hung up the phone.

It's been another two seconds~~~

"Are you there, Mo Lin?"

That guy Jin also hit him directly.

After connecting, he said directly: "I heard from Lao Ku before that you want to get to V5's recent actions from him."

"This time the fishing boat exploded, did you do it?"

Although it was an interrogative sentence, he said in affirmative words.

"It's me~"

In this regard, Mo Lin has nothing to hide.

"By the way, you have become the twelve earthly branches, why don't you go to the meeting?"

"It's really you!!"

Jin suddenly raised the volume a little, "That kind of thing is not important, it's just the twelve earthly branches, if you want to be, I can let you do it!!

Twelve Earthly Branches

Mo Lin silently recorded Jin's remarks, and prepared to send them back to Hua Shi Doulang, Kang Zaixin, and Crook~

"You actually have the ability to control fishing reels, no, props?!"

Jin's words were a little excited, "You really have all kinds of props with all kinds of functions!!"

"How about lending it to me?"

He stated his purpose, straight to the point.

"Lend it to you?"

Mo Lin wondered: "You have nothing to advertise, right? The previous report on Ruluka Ruins has pushed you into the world?"

"I'm not talking about that!!"

Jin Yi said seriously, "It doesn't matter what merit is, what I care about is my style review! Do you understand the style review?!!"

"Wind comment?!'

Mo Lin5.6 was surprised, "A guy like you actually cares about the wind reviews?!!"

"What's your tone?!"

Jin was very upset with Mo Lin's tone.

"Why, can't I turn my wind evaluation better?"

Co-author, you also know that your own style is not good~~

Mo Lin murmured silently in his heart.

"No, I didn't mean that~"

He said, "I mean, do people like you care about other people's opinions?"

"Of course I don't mind~!"

Jin blurted out, but in the next second, he scratched his head:

"But if it can be transferred, is it always good~"

He grabbed the small beard on his chin, "Do you think I am the kind of person who likes to be scolded and condemned by others?"

"I think you are~"

Mo Lin also replied in a serious manner.

If you weren't, how could it have caused so much trouble and hatred from so many people.


It's hard, old heart!!

Fortunately, with Jin's face and ability to bear it, he just slandered a few words, and said nothing more.

Continued: "Although I don't mind others poking my spine in the back, if I can use props to improve the situation, why don't I do it?"

"I'm not the kind of masochist, I don't need such a good prop, unless I'm a fool~~

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