Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 184 A very special year, on Whale Island, the arrangement of gold and the opening of destiny

Well, Jin is really not a fool, and he knows that he has the opportunity to change his own style, and he doesn't need to make any changes yet~

Of course he will not let such a good thing go.

But for Jin's wishful thinking, Mo Lin only gave Jin three words:

"Brother House~"

Although Jin doesn't understand Chinese, but with his super strong language learning ability, he can also know that this is definitely not a good thing.

"Forget it if you don't borrow~"

He muttered something secretly there, "By the way, there is one more thing."

Jin, who almost turned into an old man, said sternly on the phone:

"Master Netero asked me to bring you a message

"This thing is pretty beautiful!!"

Jin said with a smile.

He forgot whether this was Netero's original words, but the meaning expressed was similar to this.

And he himself has the same idea as Netero.

So, in that case, it is the same to express the meaning in his own words~~~

"Master Netero?"

It seems that the old man Netero said it was a retreat, but he did not cut off contact with the outside world, and was always paying attention to the outside world.


Mo Lin estimates that the so-called retreat of the old man is to take off the practice clothes and wear a black vest to play dodgeball~

Even if you are tired from playing, you can also enjoy a glass of ice drink.

Don't live a small life too moisturizing~~~

When many people contacted Mo Lin, other Phantom Troupe also made their own actions one after another, and started making trouble in various countries of V5.


They looked at the damage they had caused, and the horror effect they had achieved was not as good as one-tenth of the effect of the explosive fishing reel released by Mo Lin~

No, even one percent may not arrive.

A few people were also dull in an instant.

Comparing 30 and Mo Lin, they didn't pay much attention at all, and they couldn't even count as a foil.

"If you knew it a long time ago, just let the deputy commander directly use the props to teach V5 a lesson~"

Many members thought silently in their hearts, and then closed their hands.

Anyway, Mo Lin was there, and it caused such a big fishing reef effect.

So what they do is actually dispensable.

A group of people who knew it was boring just closed their hands, and what should they do again.

In this way, in the noise and turbulence of the whole world, under the continuous influence, time is still unstoppable and slowly passing by.

Come here in 1996.

Such a very special year.

In this year, a mysterious person approached the Zoldyck family, intending to pay a very high price to buy the life of Phantom Troupe.

But it was rejected by the Zoldyck family for not being paid enough.

When they offered the price of Phantom Troupe, the mysterious man had to retreat.

It is also thanks to the good reputation of the Zoldyck family for several generations that the mysterious people believe that this is not the Zoldyck family deliberately playing with them.

But Phantom Troupe is so tricky~

"It's troublesome now

The mysterious man from V5 muttered to himself.

Although a year has passed, the genocide of the Kuluta tribe is still enduring all over the world, and there is a growing trend.

This also allows V5 to focus certain goals on Phantom Troupe.

Because no matter from which point of view, Phantom Troupe has the motivation to do so.

Although V5 does not want to believe that Phantom Troupe has such capabilities and influence, the biggest suspicion seems to be them at present.

At the beginning, Mo Lin was rated as [the world's top five Nen person]. It is known in the Hunter circle that the V5 side can naturally obtain the corresponding information.

However, V5 did not know about Mo Lin as a member of Phantom Troupe.

Apart from Phantom Troupe himself and the people who had crossed with Mo Lin, there were only the twelve earthly branches who knew about this.

Naturally, the twelve earthly branches would not disclose such a news to V5, not to mention that this matter was originally V5 not doing authentically.

What's more, as a criminal, Mo Lin was rated as one of the top five in the world by their chairman Netero.

Naturally they will not allow this to happen.

On Mo Lin's side, they can't deal with it, so they can only choose to hide from v5.

Therefore, when V5 was planning to learn the news from the Hunter Association, it was found that the results obtained did not meet their satisfaction.

He simply did nothing and went directly to the Zoldyck family of murder experts, intending to directly let Phantom Troupe disappear from this world.

However, what they didn't expect was~

The Zoldyck family also offered a very high price, which shook them back.

It's not that V5 can't get this price, but they all understand that once the Zoldyck family offers such a price, it means that the other party is a character that even they can't deal with.

So, even if it is commissioned, it doesn't make much sense.

However, the abnormal behavior of the Zoldyck family also made V5 deepen the suspicion of Phantom Troupe again.

When in the royal family of Moses, the members of Phantom Troupe, Chrollo, Uvogin, Nobunaga, Feitan and Phinks, were photographed.

Ever since~

V5's huge state machine began to launch.

The power under their command was encircling Chrollo and them step by step.

And just when the outside world is disturbing~

On the big sea, on a small island that is very peaceful and peaceful.

Here is not affected by external disputes, everyone leads a peaceful and peaceful life.

In the sea of ​​trees and forest on the island, there is a hedgehog with a strange hat on the head. A child in green clothes is jumping back and forth in the forest.

Until, he saw a little fox bear alone.

"Huh? Are you just a bear? Where did your parents go?"

The little boy picked up the little fox bear on the ground, put it in his arms and stroked the hair on him jokingly.

And at this moment~~~


A howling wind suddenly came from behind the little boy.

A huge and sturdy, sharp giant claw with a little bit of cold light at the fingertips, smashed it from top to bottom toward the little boy who hadn't reacted at all.


The huge ground cracking sounded, and the little boy's whole body was thrown away.

"It hurts!!"

The little boy grinned in pain.

If it hadn't been for the early warning of his life at the last moment, and the very good physical fitness that he had exercised since childhood, otherwise, he would probably be killed by the blow just now.

That's the case, he also got a few more scratches from sharp claws.


The owner of the sharp claws is a huge fox bear exuding murderous and evil spirits, and the little boy is clinging to it.

And the speed is really not slow, and he rushes at the little boy again!

Seeing that the little boy is likely to die under the opponent's giant claws~


The blade light radiating a bitter cold air slashed across the sky.

"It's a fox with a bear cub."

A slender figure appeared between the little boy and the fox bear.

He has long white hair, a pointed chin, white Uesugi, black pants, and a blue peaked cap.

"I didn't want to hurt you, but the behemoth that hurts people will only die!!"

The indifferent voice fell, and the huge giant bear was instantly cut into two segments.

"Are you okay~"

The figure turned his head and squatted down to check the boy's condition.

"Ah, it's okay."

Hearing the question, the boy who had not reacted subconsciously answered.

"Is it?"

The figure nodded, then~


A heavy punch directly hit the little boy's face door, knocking him away fiercely, and throwing him a few meters away.

But the strange thing is that no matter how he flies, the hat on his forehead will be fastened to his head in a way that violates Newton's laws.

"Boy!! How can you run into the woods this season?!"

He pointed to the mark on the big tree next to it: "Look, that is the mark left by the female fox bear, which means that this is its territory!!

"No matter how dull animals see this mark, they will run away immediately!!"

"I live next to the forest anyway. Didn't your father teach you?!"

Having said that, he lowered his peaked cap with an ugly look, and planned to turn around and leave:

"Really, fortunately I reacted to the alert sound of the chipmunk. I haven't had such a disgusting hunt for a long time.

A low muffled voice suddenly came from behind him:

"I don't have mom or dad. They died in an accident shortly after I was born.

The slender figure stopped.


He turned around to express an apology.

Then, he saw the little boy walking towards the little fox bear who had lost his mother and was crying on his mother's body.

"Kill it~"

The slender figure said, "It is a bear cub that needs breastfeeding, and it will starve to death soon."

"Even if it survives, it will greatly increase the risk of attacking humans because of witnessing the murder of his mother.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the little boy step forward directly and firmly hugged the little fox bear in his arms.

"I want to raise it!!"

The voice is low and firm.

"No, the fox bear cannot be trained!!

As if to confirm the figure, the little fox bear directly bit the little boy's shoulder with one bite.

970 However, the little boy just held back the tears in his eyes and held back his figure tightly.

The firmness and brightness revealed in the eyes

The pupils of the slender figure shrank slightly: "Your father, isn't he called Jin?"


Gon was startled slightly, "Uncle, do you know my father?!"

Kate: "Uncle"

"Hehe, what an accident~"

He let out a long sigh of relief, "I originally wanted to look for clues in Mr. Jin's hometown, but it seems that I didn't make a trip in vain."

"My name is Kate, I just became a Hunter not long ago~"

Kate smiled at Gon, "Mr. King, this is my master.

"Hunter, Master"

Young Gon stared at Kate in front of him blankly.

At the same time, a certain corner on Whale Island~

"Have you finally found this place?"

The tallest branch of the tree on the tail topography of Whale Island, with a sloppy figure, wearing gold that seems to be the standard clothing of the Arabs, can not help scratching his head.

Kate followed Jin and learned various techniques such as tracking skills from him.

The final test set by King for Kate is to find him so that he can get his approval.

For this reason, Kate, who has just become Hunter, has been working hard in this direction.

"That way I can also have a snack."

Jin's super vision looked at the forest and was chatting with Gon, introducing Kate, who was a Hunter professional, slightly.

Immediately, thinking of my old father's hard work, I felt very sad.

"If I have Mo Lin's props, do I need it so much trouble?"

Such an idea suddenly popped up in his mind, and he couldn't help but envy Mo Lin even more.

But in any case, his goal was achieved anyway.

Seeing the little stars in Gon's eyes, he knew that he had been successfully led to the Hunter road.

"I hope we can meet as soon as possible, Gon~~~"

Finally, looking at his son, Jin smiled slightly and disappeared in place.

At the same time, Gon, who was listening to Kate's explanation, seemed to sense something, but this feeling quickly passed away.

"Is it an illusion?

There was a slight doubt in his heart, and he ignored it.

In this way, in 1996, at the moment when Gon and Kate met, the beginning of "Hunter X Hunter" kicked off. .

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