Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 187 I really want to meet him!! Are you going to participate in the Hunter test next year?!

Hua Shi Dou Lang did not know Hisoka before.

Since taking over the work of the Twelve Earth Branches, he has not returned to the Sky Arena for a long time.

I don’t know much about the update of the original poster here.

He simply felt that Hisoka's gaze made people uncomfortable, and the provocation and encroachment in it were too aggravated.


If it's just a trivial look, Hua Shi Doulang also-doesn't want to bother.

If everyone goes up and punches because of the look in their eyes, then his work doesn't need to be done again.

You know, even the well-deserved enemy family of the world's No. 1 killer family, almost every year, those guys who are full of self-confidence come to challenge.

Either it was stuffed between the teeth by Sanmao, or Kanaliya killed them all.

The main steward who connects the enemy and the Hakka family will not be seen, let alone the members of the direct line.

After Hua Shi Dou Lang became the twelve earthly branches, he also encountered some people who were not convinced and provocative to him.

At the beginning, he would also take a lesson.

But when such people came in an endless stream, he knew it.

As long as he is in this position, someone will come to challenge him.

So he looked away.

But he just saw everything not to go too far.

Therefore, even if the provocative and murderous intent in Hisoka's eyes was so strong, and the aggression in his whole body was so strong, Hua Shi Dou Lang only glanced at him indifferently.

Then he ignored him and walked into the elevator.

Hisoka just watched Hua Shi Doulang leave quietly, without any movement.

"100 points.

It wasn't until the elevator doors were completely closed that he gently spit out such a number.

"Oh? Full marks? This is the first time I have seen you give scores to others. It is the case of full marks."

Beside, Irfan didn't know where he came out.

Obviously he is the eldest son of the killer family, but he seems to have nothing to do. He hangs up with Hisoka all day long.

"If you remove the pretense, the score is also one hundred."

Hisoka casually replied to Irfan, and a little glimmer appeared in his eyes again:

"I am now beginning to be interested in the so-called twelve earthly branches.

Hisoka's score is based on his own standard.

Achieving one hundred points indicates that the opponent's strength is no worse than Hisoka, or even stronger.

In the original version, Hisoka scored 95 points for the Il fans, which is because of the disguise of the Il fans.

If he let go of his disguise and showed his whole body in front of Hisoka, it would be at least a 100-point start.

Of course, because everyone has a different potential aura, if you don't fight, no one knows what kind of strength the opponent is.

Therefore, Hisoka's standard only relies on his own analysis of physical fitness as a basis, and does not represent the power of mind, vigor, and ability.

But even so, it is almost able to analyze a general idea.

Hisoka's wrist strength, that is, strength, ranks in the brigade in the original version, but second only to Uvogin and Phinks.

Obviously he is of such a demon-burned figure and capable of Conjurer, but in terms of strength, he is only weaker than the two Enhancers.

"I plan to take a Hunter license next year, become a Hunter, and play well with those twelve earthly branches.

Hisoka thought so.

"The twelve earthly branches?"

The Illusion of Ji Taragu incarnate:

"Pally Stone of Zimo, Potter White of Chenlong, and Huashi Doulang of Shenhou, the three of them are all of the relatively high-level specifications in our family."

"Among them, Shenhou Huashi Doulang, like your Phantom Troupe, is also of the highest level."


Hisoka turned away.

The strength of the Huashi Doulang that he just spied out should not reach such a level~~~

"Although his own strength is indeed very strong, he has not reached the position that makes us feel too jealous. Even before, my dad and grandpa have also taken on the task of assassinating him."


Hisoka was obviously interested, "Did your grandpa and dad be dispatched?"

He pointed to the elevator, "He is obviously still alive, which means that this time the commission failed?"


Ilmi nodded, "Someone blocked it."

Sure enough~

Hisoka was not surprised by this answer, he almost guessed that it was the result.

The strength is fair but not enough, but it is included in the highest level of the Zoldyck family, obviously due to other factors.

With a smile on his mouth, he waited for Ilmi's answer.

"It's Mo Lin from your Phantom Troupe."

Ilmi calmly told an answer that Hisoka hadn't expected at all.

"It's him again?!"

Hisoka's pupils shrank slightly, but quickly returned to normal:

"Why is it him?"

"Because Hua Shi Doulang is his apprentice."

Ilmi once again told Hisoka about this secret.

Well, the relationship between the two seems to be good to a certain extent, and Yi Erfan dare to say anything to Hisoka.


Hisoka murmured and repeated: "It's just that the apprentice is already so strong, so how strong is he as a master?

"I haven't seen that person~"

Yi Er said, "But I can feel it from the narratives of my father and grandpa."

"If the opponent is against Netero in the Hunter Association, it will win more than lose~"

"That's it"

Ilmi's words have a certain reference. Although he knew that the other party did not lie, Hisoka did not choose to believe it all.

After all, some things can only be judged and spoken if you have personally experienced them.


"Phantom Troupe, I really joined in!"

The corners of his mouth gradually cracked, and a horrible smile appeared:

"I thought it was just a group leader Chrollo interesting. I didn't expect that in such a small team, there was still a great god hidden."

"I really want to meet him!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!""

The distorted laughter that made people feel goosebumps echoed on this occasion.

That was the end of the meeting between Hwa Shi Doulang and Hisoka.

Instead of creating any sparkle between the two, there was not even a bit of intersection between them.

Even if it did, it just made Hisoka pay more attention to Mo Lin.

Later, Wing took Zooci, and the two met with Hua Shi Doulang.

The latter is also very polite and respectful to his uncle and younger brother.

Although he is not very familiar with Wing, he can also feel that he is a good person.

Well, the rich old thief once specifically commented that he claimed that Wing is a good husband who is very worthy of marriage.

Such small things are happening everywhere in this world.

Therefore, in 1997, it was so plain and unremarkable, and there were no big waves.

Except for the hedgehog's head, Gon pulled his hat, picked up the fishing rod and began to prepare to catch the king of the swamp to complete the agreement with Mito.

The silver-haired Killua kid also gradually began to become dissatisfied with this training method at home.

Deep in his heart, he is more gentle, and he subconsciously resists this kind of teaching.

Ever since, in his heart, he gradually developed the thought of running away from home~

From this, another year passed quietly.

…0 Seeking flowers………

It's 1998.

Not long after entering this year, a major news came from the Hunter Association.

In the 286th Hunter test this year, one of the candidates, because he didn't like the examiner, beat the examiner half to death and failed the examination.

In addition to the examiner, he also made it impossible for the 20 candidates to make a comeback.

As a result of this Hunter test, none of the passers appeared.

And the name of this candidate is Hisoka.

Incidentally, it is worth mentioning that it was Wah Shih Doulang who dealt with this abominable incident.

The two confronted directly at the test site.

If it weren't for Mr. Dou Mian Ren hurried over later, interrupting the rhythm and atmosphere in the court.

Otherwise, Hisoka and Hwashi Doulang might really fight each other.

"So, if you really fight, who is the one of you two who wins?"

On the phone, Mo Lin asked curiously.

"Is this the point? Master?"

Hua Shi Doulang was full of vomiting desire, "The one named Hisoka, I got to know it, and found that his previous information was almost blank, could it?

"Yes, he is from Meteor Street~"

Mo Lin directly told him the answer: "And he is also a member of Phantom Troupe."

Hua Shi Dou Lang: ".

Why are the characters of Phantom Troupe so difficult?!

Of course, he didn't dare to speak this sentence, otherwise he would be cleaned up by the unscrupulous descendants who deceived the master and the ancestor for the first time.

However, I have to say that the recent Phantom Troupe has indeed brought a lot of trouble to the work of their Hunter Association.

In particular, the five-member team, led by Chrollo and Uvogin, is wanted by V5.

Almost wherever they go, they will be entangled and chased, and then the locals will be troubled by jokes and unrest.

If it weren't for V5, the Hunter Association had given enough funds to allow them to do the aftermath work.

Otherwise, the Twelve Earthly Branches would have already started to jump and scold the street.

It also happens that the five people who are offering a reward for V5 are all restless guys.

The others are okay, Machi and Parker Noir hardly cause trouble.

Lev and Franklin are peeled off. When others see them, they will subconsciously retreat.

Shalnark has nothing wrong with it except Bubble Girl.

Kubei can use his abilities to make extra money and live his own little life.

Then, Hisoka was left with such a pervert.

"So Master, can you manage your Phantom Troupe members a little bit~"

Hua Shi Doulang gave a tactful suggestion, "I am really busy with work here, and I can hardly get a hand."

"I even lost several hairs!"

When it comes to his beautiful and supple silver hair, Hashik Doulang feels distressed.

"I'm not free~"

Mo Lin casually said, "I want to prepare for the Hunter test next year. Don't bother me during this time."

"Master, what do you mean don't disturb you, I'll wait?!!"

Hua Shi Doulang, who was about to complain, suddenly reacted.

"Master, you mean...

He first took his phone closer and looked at it, then he took out his ears:

"Are you going to take part in the Hunter test next year?!!"

He almost suspected that there was a problem with his ears.


Mo Lin nodded and smiled:

"After playing outside for so long, it can be regarded as finding that after having a Hunter license, it will be more convenient to do things."

"That's great!!

Hua Shi Doulang, who confirmed that he had not heard it wrong, stood up directly in surprise.

Pjorn, who was working with him, was shocked. door.


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