Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 188 The shock of the Hunter Association! Netero's intervention and the arrangement of t

For Mo Lin to join in, Hua Shi Doulang is definitely welcome with his hands and feet.

In this way, both the master and the apprentice become Hunter, which is also a good talk.

"Then if you participate, I will make arrangements for you."

He was excited there, and then he heard Mo Lin interrupted directly on the phone:

"You only need to do your own job, but it's just a small Hunter license. I haven't fallen to the point where my apprentice can arrange it."

"Yes, I understand!!"

Hua Shi Doulang also knew that he had something to do with him.

"Then if you need anything, just tell me and I will help you do it."

Then, he was nagging and nagging for a while.

Mo Lin couldn't stand it, so he just hung up.

Really, isn't it just a Hunter license?

As for being so excited?

Mo Lin said a little indifferently.

However, the fact is that it is really nothing to take a Hunter license.

But it must also be divided into who is tested.

"Who is the person who called you just now?"

Next to Hua Shi Doulang, Maotu Pijoen, who was taken aback just now, blinked his big eyes and asked curiously.

"It's my master."

Hua Shi Doulang was full of smiles, and his mood now was extremely cheerful.

"He is going to take the Hunter license test next year!!'

"Nine-Seven-Three" Pjorn gave his eyes twice.

After being dull for a second, after thinking of who Hua Shi Doulang said his master was, her pupils also slowly enlarged.

"Eh eh eh eh?!!"

Soon, Mo Lin will participate in the Hunter test next year, which will soon spread throughout the twelve earthly branches.

It even caused quite a stir, and a meeting was held specifically for this.

Based on their reactions, this group of people is divided into three main factions.

One is that the sense organs don't care much about this matter, it's more dispensable.

For example, Sa Qiu, Yinda, Gai Lu, Mi Zai Aston, etc., this kind of carelessness is the most.

And three such as Parisstone, Porter White, and Chidor, are thinking about the special influence of Mo Lin after joining in.

Finally, he is very supportive of Mo Lin becoming Hunter's Hua Shi Doulang, and Jin, who is considered a good friend.

This guy lacks meetings again, and even the conference table and his own chair are covered with a lot of dust.

Kim actually doesn't care about this.

In his view, the Hunter license is just a representative of identity.

As long as you have the belief in adventurous pursuits, it doesn't matter whether you have this license or not, you are an excellent Hunter.

However, if you can get a license, it is always a good thing.

Well, what he said is like someone in Malaysia is saying that it doesn't matter if there is money or not, it doesn't matter.

Not only the Twelve Earthly Branches, but even Netero also learned the relevant news.

"Really? Are you finally planning to apply for next year's Hunter license?"

Netero put down the tea cup in his hand and said with a smile:

"I thought he didn't plan to take the exam~"

"The president, the examiner arrangements for next year

Mr. Doumian raised a more critical question.

"What do the twelve earthly branches say?"

Netero gently taught his beard.

"Well, the opinions on this within the Twelve Earthly Branches are rarely unified, and the ideas are also very noisy."

"The dog's Chidor proposed to let the twelve earth branches be the examiner, but it was unanimously opposed by Xiji Krouk and Yinhu Kangzai."

Mr. bean noodle man honestly handles

"Vice President Parisstone is more in favor of this idea. He wants Shenhou's Hua Shi Doulang to be the chief examiner, and then Hua Shi Doulang ridiculed him to let him go by himself."

Well, if Parisstone were to serve as Mo Lin's examiner, it would still be a question of whether he could come back.

Netero is very inclined to the final result. Like the Hunter test this year, candidates directly challenge the examiner.

If Parisstone goes there, there is a high possibility that Mo Lin's fist or props will be under the hatred.

Even if Parisstone dies in Mo Lin's hands, Mo Lin can still pass the level without any influence on the props.

In Netero's mind, according to the personalities of the two, there was an estimate.

"Forget it, don't leave this to the twelve earthly branches~"

Netero looked good for them, "It's up to me as the chairman to take care of them."

I think it's the president, you want to stop this thing by yourself, let's have a good time

The Doumian glanced at Netero, for fear that the other party would drive him away and dare not say anything.

"Let me think about it, next year's Hunter test examiner, who is more suitable?"

"Gelly, this is really a difficult problem to make a decision~"

Netero's slightly playful laugh, spitting in the office.

Just a decision made by Mo Lin has caused such a big impact within the Hunter Association, and it can even be said to have set off a storm.

Even the twelve earthly branches and the president of Netero personally went to pay attention.

It can be seen that when a person's strength grows to a certain level, every move will affect the progress and development of many things.

Mo Lin himself doesn't have much feeling, even if he knows it, he will probably laugh.

No matter what Hunter you invite to be the examiner, I will lose if I frown.

Even if it is you, Netero, sitting in person and pulling all the other world's top five Nen, it is useless!!

He got the Hunter license next year, anyway!!

"Okay, I'm going to take the Hunter license next. You can see what you want to do, so let's have a good time~"

While wearing his clothes, Mo Lin faced Fei Jie next to him.

He doesn't think of women as vases or canaries.

Instead, they have their own development and improvement, and even in the future, they may be able to contribute to Mo Lin.

"Do you need me to go with you~"

Fei Jie got up and blinked her big beautiful eyes.

"Have you not all passed the exam? What else are you going to do?"

"Maybe, I can go there to be an examiner!!"

"Really? I'm an examinee, you go to be an examiner? Do you want to be on top of me?"

"Oh, what is above, I am not!!'

There was a lot of debate in the room about this issue again.

Then I plan to clarify this problem through several rounds of actual combat.

In other words, during the actual verification process, Mo Lin felt that Fei Jie's ability was getting better and better.

The increase brought by every substantive work is getting stronger and stronger.

In the past, when Fei Jie had just passed the Hunter test, she was just a woman in good shape.

In addition to good physical fitness, there is nothing else that is too bright and commendable.

But after she developed this Nen, she has carried out so many substantive work as Mo Lin~

In just a few years, her temperament has grown rapidly to a staggering level.

It can't be said to be the best in the world, but at least it is similar to the Phantom Troupe members who played in Youkexin City on the original version.

Regarding combat experience, on weekdays, Mo Lin often feeds her tricks. 0

Now even if Fei Jie went out alone, she would basically be able to go to Six Continent as long as it was not too dangerous and taboo.

She is not a soft and weak woman. If anyone despises her because of this, he will definitely suffer a big loss!!

After bidding farewell to Fei Jie, Mo Lin did not treat it differently.

He was covered in rain and dew, and he didn't let it go.

I went to Pakunoda and Machi one after another to talk about work.

In this respect, they are very enthusiastic about work.

It's just that when Mo Lin asked to take the Hunter license, he was not interested.

In their view, this is just a small license, without much meaning.

Shalnark took the test easily. If Mo Lin, then it must be no problem to go to the test, so I think it is to travel~~~

In addition to Mo Lin, there are others who are more or less preparing for the Hunter test next year.

In front of a tomb in a remote village.

"I will become a borrower and earn enough money to become a doctor."

A man in a suit with short black hair and a pair of small round glasses said with a serious face.

He put the flowers in his arms on the grave with one hand,

"Don't worry, Piero, when I become a Hunter, I can become a doctor after I go to a medical university without money."

"In this case, no one will be unable to seek medical treatment because of the high cost of the operation like you, and eventually die of illness. I will treat those who are as sick as you for free."

After he said this silently, he lifted the briefcase with the diamond pattern at his feet and turned and left.

The bag contains practical items such as emergency medical tools and does not take up space, which is very important to him.

A certain direction on the other side.

Late at night.

A certain young man with exquisite short golden hair covering his ears and brown eyes, wearing a special blue ethnic costume, was kneeling in a jungle.

He murmured in his mouth toward the white and bright moon hanging high in the sky:

"The sun in the sky, the green trees on the ground; our body is born on the earth; our soul comes from the sky; the sun and the moon shine on our limbs; the green land nourishes our body; give this body to the 5.6 wind that blows over the earth; thank God Grant the miracle and the land of the Kuluta tribe"

He gently recited the prayers of his own ethnic group there~

"May our soul be safe forever; I would like to be able to share the joy with all my compatriots; I would like to share the sorrow with them; please always praise the people of the Kuluta ethnic group; let us use the red flaming eyes as proof."

The speech stopped here.

The blond boy opened his eyes, a pair of red eyes like flames, staring at the bright moon in the sky.

"I swear in the name of the Kuluta tribe, I must become a Hunter, find out the real culprits who killed the tribe, and bring them to justice!!!"

The bright moon hung high, and the white light from the wine shone on him.

It made him bathe in this light like a holy light, dispelling the surrounding darkness~

Another location far away.

On a small island like a whale.

The little boy in green clothes and a strange hat was holding a fishing rod and was motionless, waiting for the prey in the lake to be caught by him.

In order to complete his agreement with his adoptive mother, he will embark on a career that his father would rather abandon his wife and children!!

Time passed quickly in this group of determined people.

In a blink of an eye came the end of the year.

Registration for the Hunter test has officially started!!!.

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