Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 189 The Hunter test begins! Kim's resentment, I am not going to bully the juniors~ Let

Rare birds, exotic animals, treasures, secret treasures, demon realms, and secret realms are all because of the magic power emitted by the word [Unknown], making countless people willingly become its captives.

This group of people, they are called [Hunter].

Hunter refers to those people whose life goal is to pursue rare treasures. Relics, treasures, food, etc., are all treasures in their eyes.

To obtain this qualification, one must first pass a rigorous test.

The pass rate is only one in tens of thousands, or even one in hundreds of thousands.

Or, equal to ○.

December 1998.

In this month, a certain silver-haired child in Kukulushan finally couldn't bear this kind of outdated teaching and atmosphere at home.

So he made a crazy choice-he personally stabbed his second brother's left abdomen and his biological mother's face and chose to run away from home.

After running away from home, he was walking on the streets of nearby cities, feeling a little bored and confused for a while.

He stabbed his family and escaped. What then? What should he do?

"At present, the 287th Hunter Test has officially opened the registration channels to the general public."

On the phone next to the exhibition, news of the Hunter test was accidentally released.

"Hunter test?"

He thought for a while, "It sounds pretty good, so let's go there and have a fun~"

Soon after he made his decision.

"Really? Have you escaped?"

The man with long hair and shawl, pale face and dull but chilling eyes was on the phone.

"Is he planning to participate in the Hunter test? It just so happens that I am currently receiving a commission, and I also need a Hunter license, so let me have a look."

After 30, he ignored the screams of his mother on the other end of the phone and hung up the phone.

"It seems that this year's Hunter test, I have to go with you to participate.,

Ilmi turned his head and looked at Hisoka, who was squatting next to the pyramid of playing cards.

"Really? Then, during the exam, you won't be as lonely and boring as the last time~"

Hisoka said casually.

In the mountains, in a quiet and hidden area.

"Betting on the name of Yun Yinliu from the Hidden Group, I must become a pig Hunter and find the legendary fantasy scroll!!

A handsome-looking bald ninja walked out of his hometown.

It's just that the first important thing about being a ninja is to take care of your own mouth.

However, judging from his nagging doxine words, it is clear that his practice is not qualified.

On December 30th, on Whale Island.

"Caught it!!"

The boy with a hedgehog head wearing a strange hat, after waiting for a long time, he used his hand to catch the big fish with strange claws underwater.

"The King of the Swamp was caught by me!! I have completed the agreement and can go to the Hunter test!!"

Heartfelt joy and vigorous voice resounded through the forest sky.

On the last day of the appointment, which is also the last day when the Hunter test accepts registration, he faithfully completed the agreement with his adoptive mother, and is about to embark on the path of far-reaching destiny.

The gears of fate in this world are slowly turning, and everything is about to begin.

The Poseidon is specially equipped by the Hunter Association to receive special ships from various islands outside the mainland.

They will stay for a period of time on each island where there are candidates.

When the time is over, they will set off on time to go to the next location.

After driving through all the places, the group of candidates will be sent to the place where the guide is.

Whale Island, a small remote island, is the last stop for Poseidon to attract candidates.

"You did it on purpose? Did you do it on purpose?!!"

On a big tree at the pier, there were two figures sitting cross-legged on a branch.

Among them, the figure is still as sloppy as in the past, Jin, whose beard is already pulled, looks at Mo Lin with resentment.

"You know that Gon is going to take the Hunter test this time, so you chose to register this year?!!"

At the beginning, Jin heard Mo Lin say that he was going to take a Hunter license, but he didn't think there was anything.

But soon, he reacted and noticed something was wrong.

Looks like, maybe, probably, maybe, should my son Gon also participate in this Hunter test, right?!!

He counted the time. Gon just turned twelve years old, which was the time when he left Whale Island to participate in the Hunter test.

In other words, under his arrangement, Gon should also start this year.

And Mo Lin, he also chose the date of obtaining the license this year

To say that Mo Lin had no other ideas, Jin didn't believe it at all.

He hurriedly put down the things in his hands and ran to the whale island.

After a little discovery, I found Mo Lin also in this place.

"You are so worried~"

Mo Lin waved his hand slightly at Jin, and said with a smile:

"Do you think I'm the kind of boring and funny person?"


Jin lightly uttered, the corners of his mouth twitched, his eyes turned into dead fish eyes and he looked at Mo Lin slantingly at night.

I believe you a ghost, you guys are very bad!!

"Don't worry, I won't bully juniors~"

Mo Lin smiled and slapped Jin, "I even hugged him back then and gave him one of my props as a gift."

Do I care about you bullying the junior?

If you want to, I also hope that Gon will suffer more

Jin didn't speak, so he still looked at Mo Lin with blind eyes.

"Okay, I get it~"

Jin looks like this, Mo Lin no longer hangs him.

"I will not tell Gon where you are, nor will I use props to help him find you directly, nor will I inform him of the arrangements you made for him."

"Are you satisfied with such a promise?"

Jin smashed his mouth.

Although some did not meet expectations, it was better to have such a promise than nothing, and Mo Lin basically assured him.

He can only reluctantly nodded.

Jin is also slightly upset in his heart now.

He had a lot of calculations, arranged and thought of everything, but completely ignored that Mo Lin would choose to participate in the Hunter test in the same session as Gon.

No, or the strength that Mo Lin has shown has made him subconsciously treat Mo Lin as a real Hunter, ignoring the fact that he has not obtained a Hunter license.

But it was a foregone conclusion, no matter how upset he was, it wouldn't help.

"It's up to you, as long as you don't play too much.

Jin sighed and stood up when he saw the green-clothed boy with a hedgehog head gradually running towards the pier.

"Don't worry, I am very well-rounded.

Mo Lin smiled and strengthened the pronunciation of the two words [Fun Cun].

As Gon gradually approached, Jin's figure also disappeared in place.

At the same time, the Poseidon had sounded its whistle.

Gradually put the anchor away.

"Wow! The ship is going away! What should we do?!"

At this time, beside Gon, there was a man who looked like an uncle carrying a briefcase.

Seeing that the Poseidon had raised its sails, he shouted impatiently.

The two of them took a long time to help the monsters in the circus get out of trouble.

"this "

Gon looked around, then quickly locked onto a taller tree next to him.

"With that tree, we can fly over. Huh? Someone is on the tree?!"

Gon's big eyes quickly spotted Mo Lin sitting on the tree.

"Mr., would you please leave? We are going to use this tree, it is likely to hurt you, please!!"

He politely greeted Mo Lin first to explain the situation.

Mo Lin didn't say much, just smiled and glanced at him, then slowly stood up.


His figure disappeared out of thin air.


Gon and Leorio, who looked like a young uncle next to him, were startled at the same time.

Then, they felt that the back of their neck was lifted up.

"Are you planning to board that boat?"

Mo Lin grasped one in one hand, and visually inspected the distance between the Poseidon that had left the dock and was gradually disappearing on the horizon.

"Then let me give you a ride~"

Mo Lin shook off his shoulders, and in the situation where Gon and Leorio were completely confused, he pinched the back of the two necks and threw them directly!!

"Leave you!!!"

He threw the two directly to the horizon!!

Suddenly, two beautiful parabolas appeared above the sky, as if two meteors crossed the sky.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Among them, there was also a screaming roar from someone who reacted.

"I have a fear of heights, I am afraid of heights!!!"

Leorio was there with tears and nose, and Gon gradually reacted.

After the person disappeared just now, he felt that the other person's smile seemed to contain a different kind of deep meaning.

And now~

Gon tried his best to use the 973 light from the corner of his eye to look towards the original shore.

I found that the dock at this moment was already empty.

"Did it disappear again?!"

Gon thought so, and at the same time, the bodies of the two of them were moving in free fall, approaching the Poseidon, and were about to land on that deck.

Newton breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, he wouldn't let his coffin rise up in normal times.

"Landing safely!!"

As early as in the mountains and forests, Gon has exercised his physical fitness and flexibility to an extremely good level.

Randomly turned a little sideways in the sky, and landed on the deck in a pretty beautiful landing posture.

Well, it didn't go out of bounds, and it didn't step on the outside of the ship's edge.

If he were to be a neon referee, he would definitely not give Gon a high score. After all, people can only win the championship with a big foot out of bounds.

Leorio, who fell with Gon, was a bit miserable.

He was dominated by a fear of heights, and he had no energy to turn around, and he came into close contact with his face and deck.

Fortunately, his head is also well exercised, and he has not broken his neck or cheeks.

After Gon and Leorio landed in this strange way, they also attracted the attention of many people.

Among them, they include the captain on the ship and the blond teenagers wearing characteristic national costumes.

"Many people.

Gon looked around too.

It was found that many people were fierce-looking and hideous, their muscles were high and bulging, and the whole body exuded the aura of not getting close to strangers and evil spirits.

But in Gon's view, this group of people is a little horrible, but there is nothing worth noting.

Whether it is the body or the breath, it is very vain, and it can be described in one word:

Be strong in the outside world.

After scanning for a while, Gon stopped paying attention to these people.



He suddenly whispered and looked brightly at a certain position on the deck.

There, the gentleman who threw him and Leorio over was sitting on a delicate chair.

And he seemed to be aware of his gaze, smiled and gestured to him.

"That gentleman?!!".

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