Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 191 The man who controls the weather! Is it the Kuluta people who have been spreading so muc

"That gentleman, what are you playing?!"

Obviously, under so many people's malicious gaze, Gon still moved to Mo Lin's side and asked curiously.

He also suddenly realized that he didn't seem to know the name of the other party.

"My name is Gon and I want to be the dad when Hunter finds me!!

"Mo Lin~"

Mo Lin casually replied, and then asked:

"What is your favorite thing?"


Gon thought for a while, then scratched his head.

He doesn't seem to like anything.

In other words, he likes all good things. This hobby is a bit too extensive.

Seeing that Gon couldn't answer one, two, three, four or five, Mo Lin didn't ask him more.

Turning to his hands, he kneaded the clouds.

"Mo Lin first"

What else does Gon want to say, and at this moment~

"Look! The clouds have changed again!!"

A group of candidates who were about to take Gon and Leorio were changed again.

They looked up and saw the clouds in the sky change again.

The eyes that originally represented the so-called Poseidon gradually disappeared. Instead, they all merged into a big sphere.

They watched helplessly at the top of the big ball, a few hairs appeared, like the head of a hedgehog rising up into the sky.

Then the outline of a human face began to appear on the sphere.

Eyes, nose, mouth, ears

Gradually, all the candidates on the deck became quiet.

Their mouths opened and closed unconsciously, staring blankly at the changing clouds in the sky.

Soon, the clouds changed, and a human face with a sunny smile appeared.

"this "

Gon blinked his big eyes, and said with some uncertainty:

"Is it me?!"

How could it not be you!!!

Leorio was the first to shout inwardly.

He was also really shocked by the changes in the clouds in the sky.

977 I saw the clouds hanging over the ocean, it was Gon's smiling face that couldn't be more clear!!!

The entire deck fell into a strange silence and silence.

Up to now, even the dull people can know that this is not the warning or anger brought by the fire of Saint Elmo or the sea god at all.


A group of people glanced at Gon silently, and then turned their gaze and attention to Mo Lin who was continuing to operate the controller.

The depressive atmosphere condensed on the deck disappeared, replaced by a wave of fear and cringe.

A man who can control the weather~~~~

The blond boy was also a little dignified, took a deep look at Mo Lin, and then closed his eyes, no longer paying attention to what was happening in the court.

In any case, he has now completely impressed Mo Lin's body shape in his mind.

"This is the first time I have seen a man who can control the weather."

The red-nosed captain of the wine trough kept smoking cigarettes to suppress the shock in his heart.

He walked to Mo Lin's side and said with emotion and complexity:

"It's really unexpected, or maybe~"

He joked to ease the atmosphere: "Are you the incarnation of the so-called sea god?"


Mo Lin raised his head, glanced at him, and smiled:

"It's hard to say Poseidon’s words, but if it’s Poseidon’s words, well, there may be a little bit."

Captain Red Nose: "?"

He did not understand what Mo Lin meant, but this did not affect his perception of Mo Lin.

Finally, he glanced at Mo Lin's [Cloud Controller] who thoroughly planned Yun Tuan, then shook his head and left with emotion.

This Hunter test can also be said to be the most memorable and thrilling one he has done for so many years.

"That's amazing, Mr. Mo Lin!!"

After Gon realized that all of this was Mo Lin's handwriting, he also looked at Mo Lin with bright eyes. (dafg)

"You can even control the weather!!!"

Is this something humans can do?

Some skeptical Leorio grabbed his face and slowly approached him.

In any case, Mo Lin helped them get rid of the entanglement of other candidates by controlling the clouds. He should always express his gratitude.

"Thank you for nothing.

Seeing Leorio's eloquent appearance, Mo Lin interrupted, who knew what he wanted to say.

"I just hate thunderstorms, from my own point of view."

With that said, he put away [Cloud Controller].


Leorio didn't know what to say after these words, so he could only touch his scalp and let out two meaningless dry laughs.

"Mr. Mo Lin, are you also targeting Hunter?'

Gon asked curiously.

"I and Leorio both want to be hunters. Oh, his name is Leorio, I met on the road."


Leorio coughed slightly, "Leorio- Paradinight."

This is his full name.

"Targeting Hunter?"

Mo Lin smiled, "No, I'm just idle lately and I want to take a Hunter license to relieve my fatigue.

I'm free to get rid of lack

Some candidates originally thought that Mo Lin was not ashamed, but they thought of the various behaviors he had done to manipulate the weather before.

Unable to help, he pinched out those thoughts in his mind.

"That's it~"

Gon believed it directly.

"Then we are all candidates who are fighting for the Hunter test, and we have to work hard together!!"

Leorio beside him also nodded silently in his heart.

Well, with these deeds shown by Mo Lin, it looks like a particularly thick thigh.

If you can hug or lean on it smoothly, you may be more certain of passing the Hunter test.

He said it was inappropriate for him, but if it was spoken by Gon, who had a pure heart and had no other ideas, it would certainly not arouse the other person's disgust.


Mo Lin glanced at him and said leisurely: "That's not sure~"

"Maybe during the Hunter test, I felt boring and boring, so I quit by myself."


Why does this sound a bit weird?

Or is it that powerful people are more willful in themselves?!

In this way, the so-called storm of St. Elmo's Fire just passed.

There was no big wind and waves, but the small waves rolled, still causing the whole ship to fall into a wave of turbulence.

After several waves, the only ones who can stand up intact are Mo Lin, Gon, Leorio, and the short-haired teenager Kurapika.

After the boat gradually stabilized, Captain Red Nose directly took Mo Lin and Gon to a small house.

Still in the same way as before, the red-nosed captain of the wine trough asked the names of four people one after another, and then~

"Why do you want to be Hunter?"

Captain Red Nose asked.

"Why are we telling you that this is not an interview."

Leorio and Kurapika's eyes showed alertness, said.

The reason they want to be Hunter has sad stories behind them.

They are unwilling to tell such things to irrelevant people casually.

But apart from the two of them, Gon answered honestly and cheerfully:

"I am because my dad does this job, so I want to know what kind of job it is and why it is so attractive to my dad."

"Don't just interrupt, didn't you see that we were talking to this uncle?" Leorio said irritably.

The question of Captain Red Nose stirred his nerves and reminded him of some extremely bad things in the past.

"It's just giving the reason, what does it matter?" Gon wondered.

"What I don't want to say, I will never say it, because what I don't want to do, even if it's a duel, I won't do it."

Leorio pushed his glasses and said seriously.


At this time, Mo Lin's voice suddenly came from the side:

"If someone is forcing you to do something you hate to do, if you don't do it, your relatives and friends will die, then what should you do at this time?"

Mo Lin said that he added a sentence here: "I am just purely curious, and I have no intention of offending.

Persecution, death of relatives and friends

Leorio fell into a long silence.

For a while, the picture of the tragic death of his old friend Piedo reappeared in his mind.

Hearing the words [relatives and friends died], Kurapika, who felt almost the same as Leorio, was silent, and was involved in the sorrowful atmosphere of the past.


Captain Red Nose in the wine trough obviously didn't expect the atmosphere to suddenly become so sad.

He couldn't help looking at Mo Lin, the instigator.

"I have said the reason why I want to become a Hunter, it is to simply relieve boredom."

Mo Lin pointed to the two young men with low air pressure, "I think it's better for you to tell the truth, otherwise they won't pay attention to you.

Captain Red Nose smashed his mouth, only feeling that the newcomers in this session are exceptionally uncomfortable.

Immediately, he coughed slightly.

After speaking out his identity as an examiner of the Hunter Association, the two people's attention was drawn back again.

It was also from this that Leorio and Kurapika were able to tell their goals.

"I am for the money!!"

Leorio is very direct.

Although this is not his most true and fundamental purpose, it is definitely what he really thinks in his heart.

"I want to be a Hunter because of money. As long as I become a Hunter, I can make a lot of money. With money, I can buy everything, a big house, a beautiful car, a good wine, and even a woman."

Leorio said that there was a dreamy expression on his face, and the young and old uncle's face looked even more wretched.

"Leorio, a person's character cannot be bought with money.

Hearing this, Kurapika did not agree.

"Hello! Boy, how old are you? Please call me Mr. Leorio."

Leorio said angrily.

And Kurapika didn't seem to hear his roar, his green eyes gradually rose up a bit of roominess, and he didn't know what was thinking of it.

Even facing the angry Leorio, Kurapika did not move at all, and was completely lost in the memory of the past.

"I am a survivor of the Kuluta tribe. I want to be a Hunter, a bounty Hunter to bring criminals to justice.

Kurapika said firmly.


Kurapika's recount made Leorio slightly startled.

"Is it the Kuluta tribe that has spread so much in the past few years?!"

He thought about it and muttered: "I remember this tribe was annihilated a few years ago. It seems that it was done by Phantom Troupe or V5."

Leorio's unintentional words, but once again severely scratched Kurapika's heart.

"I seem to have heard of it."

Gon tilted his head too.

Well, the effectiveness of Mo Lin's propaganda robot is not so powerful, even kids like Gon and poor people like Leorio can know it.

It can be seen that the influence is so great.

"Whether it is Phantom Troupe or V5, I want to be a Hunter, just to find out who is the real killer of my race, and then bring them to justice.".

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