Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 192 [Guiding Angel]! Be an extremely egoistic prop for Gon to use~

Kurapika, who would not be swayed by too much emotion, did not presume to determine who was the real killer of the Kuluta tribe.

Despite the influence of propaganda robots, he himself feels that the possibility of V5 hands-on is much higher than that of Phantom Troupe.

But everything has to wait for him to explore and obtain the evidence before he can make a final conclusion.

"Is it a survivor of the Kuluta tribe~"

After hearing this, Captain Red Nose nodded slightly, and said nothing more.

"You don't have to be a Hunter to get revenge."

Leorio was a little puzzled.

Kurapika shook her head and said, "Leorio, you asked one of the stupidest questions in the world."

This sentence directly made Leorio's face gloomy in an instant.

"If you don't be a Hunter, there will be many places you can't go, a lot of information can't be learned, and many actions can't be carried out.

"But the real Hunter knows what to do,-what not to do~"

Mo Lin leaned at the door and interjected:

"Hunters will not criticize other people's dreams and goals condescendingly, nor will they ignore the things that others care about and warn about still disrespectfully and impolitely."

"Keep on doing your own way, disregarding the feelings of others, thinking that you are standing on the commanding heights to criticize others."

"What's more, how can you know what the other party's dreams and goals are due to?"

"Without thinking, just deny others based on the cognition of the photo, this is not something a qualified Hunter can do."

Obviously, Mo Lin is aiming at what Kurapika just said.

No one in this world has ever been more noble than anyone else. In Mo Lin's view, even if Leorio is not for Piedo and wants to be a doctor, there is nothing wrong with his desire for money.

Everyone has their own different goals and wishes. You can disagree, but you can't belittle them.

And like Kurapika's casual demeanor of Leorio, and even calling him by his name, it is indeed a bit too much.

What's more, Leorio had reminded Kurapika that he didn't like this name before, but the latter still turned a deaf ear.

This seems very disrespectful, and it's no wonder Leorio has such a bad temper.

It can only be said that the current Kurapika is still consciously noble and has not received too much beating from the society~~~


Originally wanted to scold the Kuluta tribe to exterminate the clan, Leorio, who was so angry, after hearing Mo Lin's words, felt that the pores on his body revealed a sense of comfort, which was refreshing! !

"Please respect my dream and personality, Mr. Kurapika!!"

Leorio deliberately emphasized the last two words [Mr.].

Kurapika was silent.

Although when Mo Lin opened his mouth and pointed out that he was wrong, he also frowned and wanted to refute.

But after Mo Lin finished speaking, he was also lost in thought.

"Sorry, I apologize to you, Mr. Leorio."

Kurapika apologized to Leorio while reflecting on her deficiencies.

"Oh, wouldn't it be okay if you were like this earlier? Don't be like that, just call me Leorio later."

What Leorio wants is nothing but an attitude of Kurapika.

Seeing that he was a person who could hear him, after apologizing, he didn't hold it unreasonably.

He waved his hand to indicate that the matter would stop there.

Although there is no such thing as going out to a duel as before, the atmosphere between the two has also eased a lot.

In this way, after obtaining the four reasons why they wanted to become Hunter, the Red Nose Captain of the wine trough recorded them one by one and waited for the arrival of the terminal.

When the first ray of morning light on the side of the day crossed the night sky, it appeared on the eastern coastline.

In 1999, on the morning of January 6, the Poseidon steadily stopped at the port of Dolly Island.

"Thank you Captain, let us have such a pleasant journey.

Gon waved goodbye to him.

"Thank you for the warm hospitality of the captain." Kurapika and Leorio also politely came to thank you, thank the captain for your care along the way.

Captain Red Nose's gratitude to several people is obviously very useful, and he smiled and said:

"Although we have reached Dolly Island, the road ahead is still very long."

Seeing a few people nod their heads, the captain continued: "In this case, let me tell you one more news, it's a special service.

"Look at the huge cedar tree over there. Walking in the direction of the cedar tree is a shortcut to the test venue. If you understand, just set off as soon as possible. The test has already begun."

The captain pointed to the huge cedar tree road that was very conspicuous on the top of the mountain.

After pointing out the route, the captain took a little brother and left.

There are four people left. No, three people are here to be precise looking at the map.

"Shouldn't it?"

Leorio pushed his glasses and carefully looked at the map panel in front of him,

"Look, according to the map of the Saba city area where the meeting place is located, it should be a big city~"

"Why take it in the opposite direction? There is a car to Saba City here?"

"What do you think?"

Leorio turned his head, only to find that neither Gon nor Kurapika ignored him.


He was taken aback, and then saw Mo Lin take out a strange thing in his hand.

It was an angel-shaped doll with a white robe, a golden halo on top and wings on the back.

"What is this? A toy?"

Leorio also came over curiously.

Props: [Guiding Angel].

Effect: Wear it on your hand to discuss with it, it will help you give the best answer.

This is an angel-shaped puppet robot that can be worn on your hand.

He can not only guide you to the correct and safe route, but also help you in chess, sports, daily activities, etc.

Although it can make judgments and let people have a colorful future, it is stubborn and sometimes annoying!

Because it does not hesitate to consider completely from the user's perspective, it is an extreme egoist.

The main reason is to be able to achieve the goal, which can be said to be by all means.

Also, if others don't help to take it down, you can't take it down by yourself.

In the original version, Doraemon took out this prop, just with the idea of ​​letting Nobita exercise and lessons, and even a little unbearable.

Later, when Nobita got home, he should have finished his homework within the stipulated time.

But it was found that Doraemon A was slumped on the ground because a part was missing.

Nobita decided to help Doraemon find the parts without hesitation, but he was severely opposed by the guiding angel.

It thinks that Daxiong will be scolded by the teacher for failing to complete the homework by doing so, and it will continue to beat Daxiong and let Daxiong do it according to his ideas.

Fortunately, Fat Tiger passed by and snatched the guiding angel away, letting him suffer the sin.

It can be said that this is a very two-sided and difficult prop.

"I don't know if I let Gon use such an extremely self-interested prop~~~"

Mo Lin looked at his innocent Gon, "What will be the effect?"

When an extremely self-interested prop meets a kind and innocent protagonist~

What kind of spark will come out?

"What is this, Mo Lin?"

Gon looked at the toy angel curiously.

"This is called [Guiding Angel], and it works."

Mo Lin told Gon and the others about the effect, of course, the side effect did not mention a word.

"Does this little guy have such a function?"

Leorio's eyes suddenly lit up after listening, "Is there really such a magical thing in this world?!"

After speaking, he suddenly heard the fishing rod that Mo Lin took out at the time, and the weather control thing~

....0 Seeking flowers...

"Perhaps, it's not that things are great, but Mo Lin, who is amazing

Leorio and Kurapika glanced at each other slightly, and both had such a thought.

They didn't plan to ask Mo Lin about related matters.

After all, they are not yet familiar with it. It is very rude to inquire about other people's privacy.

"Is this something so powerful?"

Gon didn't have any doubts about Mo Lin's words.

He has always believed in what others say.

"You can try it yourself."

Mo Lin at this moment is like a strange uncle who is holding a lollipop and tricking children there.

With a persuasive tone, [the angel of the way] was delivered to Gon's hand.

"You can call them "props." "


Gon nodded subconsciously, indicating that he had learned a new vocabulary.

For some reason, he touched the hat on his head again.

Under Leorio's eager and greedy gaze, Gon put the [Guiding Angel] on his left hand.

"Then, Mr. [Guiding Angel], shall we follow the instructions given by the captain to walk towards the largest red cedar tree, or follow the map in the announcement?"

Gon asked.


After the startup sound of the two machines~

"I'm going to answer!

[Guiding Angel]'s eyes lit up, which was a sign that it started to use.

Although Mo Lin has changed Nen's loan conditions, it can still be used as the original conditions, that is, loaning out consumes Mo Lin's own mental power.

"Of course, go towards the red cedar tree! That is the fastest way to reach the test site!!

[Guiding Angel] speaks.

"You can really speak! That's amazing!!"

Gon's eyes were shining, as if he had gotten a favorite toy.

"Even it said so, then let's walk towards the red cedar tree.

Kurapika itself is inclined to this path.

"Is this thing really that reliable?"

Leorio doubted.

Immediately, he saw Mo Lin's gaze come over, and immediately waved his hand:

"Of course, I'm not questioning the effect of this prop, I'm just"

Before Leorio finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Because he discovered that Mo Lin was not looking at him.

Leorio turned his head and saw a man with short orange hair, two sticks on his back and a cunning look following them.

"who are you?!"

Leoka looked at this unknown guy with a vigilant face.

"Hello, my name is Matthew, and I am also taking the Hunter exam. Don't you take the bus to Saba?"

He greeted him with a smile that was even more wretched than in the anime.

"We are going to go to the huge red cedar tree.

Gon always answers questions.

"Is there?"

A gleam of light flashed in Matthew's eyes.

When he was observing in the port before, he saw several of them obviously had a few more conversations with the captain, and he should be able to grasp some internal information.

"It just so happens that I am also a candidate for this test. If you are going there, it would be better for us to travel together, so that we can take care of any danger."

He promoted himself enthusiastically there, and seemed to be a real good-hearted person considering each other.

But in reality, I was thinking about when I was in danger, I could leave this group of people behind and create opportunities for myself to escape.

"Do you want to go with us?"

Gon, who has never had much to say about requests, just wanted to agree~

Just at this time.


The [Guiding Angel] on his left hand suddenly said. door.

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