Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 193 Quickly ask and answer the heartbeat, choose one of two! I always feel that you are thin

"Can't let this person go with us."

[Guiding Angel] spoke.

"Huh? Why?"

Gon asked with a puzzled face.

But [The Way-Giving Angel] didn't say much.

Although this item will tell you how to choose, it will never tell you the reason for this choice.

This is one of the pitfalls.

Fortunately, Gon didn't struggle in this regard.

"Since Mr. [Guiding Angel] is not willing to accept your words~"

He thought for a while, "Then I'm sorry Mr. Matthew, you'd better go by yourself."

Leorio and Kurapika nodded in agreement at the same time.

After that, the three of them stopped paying attention to Matthew, who was as ugly as Chee Xiang behind him, and followed behind Mo Lin's departure.

Well, Mo Lin, who didn't want to waste time while talking with a few people, has already left here first.

"What a joke about listening to a toy?"

Matthew broke a bite bitterly on the ground, but he wouldn't just give up like that.

"Such a good stepping stone, I definitely can't let it go!!"

He stomped his feet and chased after him with a warm and kind smile on his face.

"You guys wait for me!!"

Blue sky and white clouds, green trees and grass, sunshine and flowers, everything looks beautiful.

Walking on the lovely path between the mountains and forests, the four people in front form a group, and the Matthew at the back is dotted with far away, and a group of five people walked towards the top of the mountain. "Nine Seven Seven"

And at this time~


Matthew behind him wailed and tripped to the dead wood in the road. Not only did he fall, he seemed to twist his ankle.

"What's wrong with you, Mr. Matthew?!"

Gon turned his head first.

But before he turned his head completely, he was forced back by [the angel of the way].

"Don't pay attention to him, he has nothing to do."

"Is nothing wrong?

Gon was relieved, "Then let's go on."

Matthew: "?!!"

Will you die if you look at me?!!

Why do you believe in what the toy says? Can't you come over and see the situation by yourself?!!

Matthew's heart was roaring frantically.

But the face can only be kind and anxious:

"Please wait a minute!!"

He pretended to be "injured, I am in pain", and said uncomfortably:

"I seem to be injured, my ankle is twisted, can you help me?,

"Twisted ankle?!"


Matthew nodded frantically, expecting Gon to turn his head.


"There is nothing wrong with his feet."

The angel toy spoke again, ruining Matthew's good deeds.

"Is that so? That seems to be Mr. Matthew, you feel wrong."

Gon said with a face of approval, "Then you take a break first, and we will go by first.

Matthew: "Please wait a minute!!!"

Seeing that Gon had been listening to the angel toy, he couldn't help it anymore, patted his butt and got up from the ground.

I didn't just pretend it, and said directly:

"Why do you have to listen to that trivial toy!!!"

"This is not a toy, it's a prop!"

Gon was very serious about correcting Matthew, "This is the prop that Mr. Mo Lin lent me. It's amazing to be able to make all kinds of correct choices!

"Props that can make the right choice?!"

Matthew has a look at you, is it a weird expression that is teasing me:

"Because of this, you believe in such a gadget?!!"

He pointed to [Giving Way Angel], with a face that didn't dare to believe.

"I believe in Mr. Mo Lin."

Gon replied, "He said this item is useful, so it must be useful."

Matthew: ""

Come on, he can see that Gon is indeed a good second fool, but it is a pity that someone has already fooled him before.

"At least now we seem to look really useful.

Leorio also looked at Matthew's feet, and said sarcastically.

The opponent's feet, he determined to be a doctor, knew at a glance that there was no problem at all.

However, he deliberately deceived, which is obviously also a hidden evil intention.

Although Kurapika didn't speak, she still had a look of "I will watch your performance quietly".


Matthew, who felt he had been able to see through the purpose and couldn't stay any longer, couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Directly past a few people and ran towards the road ahead.

Anyway, he already knows that the destination is under the red cedar tree in front, and he can pass by himself!!

"Sure enough, every choice given by Mr. [Guiding Angel] is correct."

Gon touched the doll's head with his hands, exulting.

Leorio and Kurapika also glanced at the angel robot again.

"I don't know if he can help me find the eyes of the people

Kurapika thought so.

"I wonder if he can tell me how to choose the number for the next lottery?"

This is Leorio's idea.

After experiencing such a small episode of Matthew, everyone can be regarded as seeing the effect of [Guiding Angel].

Along the way, I couldn't help being more convinced of its effects.

Soon, after a while, the four of them walked to a seemingly desolate, uninhabited town.

The streets were empty, there was no one, and it seemed that even the houses were empty.


Large and empty, when Mo Lin and his group walked on a quiet street, they made clear footsteps.

Gon started looking around with interest.

The style of the town is completely different from the port place where the ship was disembarked. Overall, it is much older and a bit like a slum.

"Iron and cotton are both a ton, which one is heavier?"

"It's iron."

"Wrong, it's the same weight, because it's all one ton."

"Which is older brother or younger brother?"

"The correct answer is don't know. Because they are brothers Li Sheng."

The voices of the men and women were mixed together, and several of them were the ears and eyes, and they all heard these weird voices in a shadowy manner.

"Mr. Matthew should have passed, right?"

Gon is still thinking about that guy's situation.

But soon, his attention shifted to the present.

"Xi Xi Suo Suo"

There was a sound of rubbing of clothes, and many people with colorful hair in large white robes appeared one after another.

Wearing a mask, he was short, and directly used four people to get up. Obviously, he didn't want them to pass through the town easily.

"Plop thump", "Plop thump"

Repeating this sound repeatedly, without speaking or walking away, is really irritating.

"What exactly do these people want to do, and they feel that the person who came is not good. Do we want to change our way to avoid confrontation."

As Leorio said, he subconsciously looked at the [Guiding Angel] in Gon's hand.

At this moment, the white robe separated, revealing an elderly old woman with gray hair, a necklace and a cane.

She closed her eyes slightly, "The second choice of heartbeat is a big challenge.

"Quick question and answer multiple choice questions start!!"

She suddenly yelled with such a voice, showing an extraordinary Yanyi, which shocked both Leorio and Kurapika.

"If you want to go to the red Gahana tree on the mountain, you can only pass through here.

"The other mountain roads are like mazes, and there are ferocious cannibalistic beasts."

"I only asked one question. You only have five seconds to think. If you make a mistake, then this year's Hunter test will fail."

Through the news of her words, several people also learned that this is also one of the items tested by Hunter.

"So we are going to answer the same question at the same time?"

Leorio thought for a while, glanced at Kurapika, and then wanted to say something 0

But when he saw the [Guiding Angel] in Gon's hand, he swallowed back what he wanted to say.

"I always feel that you are thinking about something very rude~"

Kurapika glanced at him sideways.

"Where is it~"

Leorio slapped haha, he certainly wouldn't say that he was worried about Kurapika getting him involved.

Well, I don't know where he is confident.

Mo Lin does know the final result of this question and answer.

In fact, he is equivalent to an examinee who has read the standard answer to rewrite the test paper.

He already knew the process.

What I am interested in now is to see where Gon and the others, as well as the many candidates in the future, will go under his influence.

This is what makes him look forward to most.

I don't know what wonderful changes will happen to this Hunter test compared to the original version.

Mo Lin is really looking forward to this.

Here, quick question and answer mother-in-law has already described all the rules.


"Your mother and lover have been caught by bad guys, but you can only choose to save one

Ask and answer quickly. The mother-in-law raised her eyes, "One, mother; two, lover. Who would you choose to save?"


Leorio and Kurapika were slightly startled when they heard this answer.

what is this?

There is no correct answer to this question at all, is it the answer that makes us guess what she likes in her heart?!

Gon was also condensing his eyebrows, thinking there, this time he didn't come up and asked [Angel of the Way].

"What is this?! How could such a stupid question arise!!"

Leorio was a little irritable, he looked directly at [Angel of the Way].

"Hey! Tell me, what is the answer to this question and what should we choose?!"

Gon was thinking about the question there, but [the angel of the way] did not answer.

Leorio is not its current user, and will not answer questions casually.

"What are you doing?! If you don't answer, both Gon and us will be eliminated!!"

If it weren't for the answer from [Guiding Angel], Leorio, who felt like he was being tricked, would have picked up a stick and hit someone.

The answer to him was naturally silence.


Kurapika looked at [Guiding Angel] thoughtfully, and then quickly realized it.

"Five, four, three,

Quick question and answer, mother-in-law has already started the countdown, and Leo 5.6 power has no patience anymore.

When he just wanted to pick up the stick~

"A person answered incorrectly or couldn't answer, but the whole army including Gon will be wiped out~"

Mo Lin said aloud: "[Angel of the Way] Although there are some minor problems, it will never entrap the user."

Mo Lin's words gradually suppressed Leorio's restless heart.

It was not because of other reasons, but simply because of his trust in Mo Lin.

Well, it's not good if you don't trust, whoever makes people have a big fist, they can't help it~~~

"-! !"

When the last count of the mother-in-law is down~

In Leorio's suffocated eyes of the explosion, she slowly exhaled a turbid breath.

"You passed!"

"? ?? "

I was about to wave the stick, where I was going to have a question mark full of Leorio's head.

"Sure enough."

There was also a slight smile on Kurapika's face.

Immediately, he analyzed the rules and clearance conditions of the game again.

"That's the case, so is silence the correct answer?

Only then did Leorio woke up, and then he was slightly afraid of a little embarrassment.

However, when he looked at the [Guiding Angel] in Gon's hand, he was there with Mo Lin, who was in his spare time, as if everything were not disturbing.

For no reason, he developed a sense of awe. .

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