Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 194 If you look at the family of fierce foxes who are here, if you are with this evil god, f

Quick question, quick answer, my mother-in-law has announced that the group has passed this round of the project, but Gon is still thinking about it seriously.

He couldn't help giving up until he was sure that he couldn't answer this answer.

"I still can't think of it!!'

He was a little distressed, and stretched out his hand to scratch his hedgehog's head.

"Mr. [Guiding Angel], do you know the correct answer?"

"There is no correct answer.

The guiding angel directly replied without even thinking about it: "The person who came up with this question was either ill-intentioned or ignorant."

Sing, you can clearly see that the corners of the mother-in-law's mouth twitched.

"Really? But if you really want to choose between two people, what should you do?"

His eyes are extremely serious at this moment, "Although it is difficult to choose, but when that day really comes, I must make a choice."

Yes, this is the true meaning of this test.

Make all kinds of cruel assumptions as much as possible, because reality is always unpredictable, and it is cruel and ruthless.

This is the Hunter described by the rich old thief, and it is also the reason why so many people are fascinated by it.

Moreover, this round of testing also made a deep preparation and foreshadowing for the future ants article.

"There is a small house under the cedar tree, and a couple lives in it. They are your guides."

"If they appreciate you, they will take you to the venue."

Ask and answer quickly. After the mother-in-law pointed out the direction to Mo Lin, she opened the door to the red cedar tree.

The so-called guider, the venue of the Hunter test will change every year, and the role of the guider is to lead the hopeful candidates to become Hunter to the venue.

Without their 30-way players, they would not even be able to touch the sides of the court.

In order to select candidates, many traps will be set up on the way, and the venue itself is set up in a place that is extremely difficult to be found.

Therefore, only by finding guides and getting their approval can it be possible to reach the venue.

With the guidance of [Guiding Angel], the group of people came to the destination very quickly.

Although in the middle of the journey, the [Guided Angels] were not very careful, and twittering was very boring.

But Gon was still very happy.

Knowing that [Angel of the Way] is for his own good, but I can bear it.

Leorio and Kurapika silently stayed away from him.

No way, it's really too noisy.

This also dispelled the two people's idea of ​​borrowing and using them.

Several people came under the cedar tree and discovered that there was a large wooden house under the cedar tree, which looked very elegant and simple.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

Leorio took advantage of his height and long legs to reach the door and knocked a few times, but he did not respond.

"I'm here."

Some impatient Leorio found out that the door was unlocked, and opened it.

The door opened, and the sword was tense inside.

A huge fox-like monster over five meters tall grabbed a woman with its huge claws.

There was also a blood-stained man lying on the ground, who didn't know his life or death.


Kurapik and Leorio both had their faces condensed at the same time.

And immediately took out the wooden double knives and short knives.

As soon as Warcraft saw a few people, Huang Chengcheng's lanterns shot a fierce light, and ignored the few people who grabbed the woman who was constantly screaming, broke the window and jumped out, and jumped out a long way in the blink of an eye.

"Save people first!"

Kurapika intends to chase it out, "Leorio takes care of the wounded!!"

"give it to me!!

Leorio carried his handbag and planned to step forward to start the treatment.

at this time.

"Do not move!!"

[Guiding Angel] But it made a sound again.

"All stay in place.


Although I knew that [the angel of the way] would not answer the reason, I also knew that what it said was definitely correct.

But Leorio, who was determined to become a doctor, still asked.

"Because this is a test in itself~"

Mo Lin made a rare appearance and brushed his presence.

No way, the previous projects did not interest him, and the whole person was lazy.

"Since you can be entrusted by the Hunter Association as a guide, you must take the candidates to the venue safely, and you must at least have the ability to deal with the candidates and various emergencies. What do you think of the fierce fox just now?

Mo Lin asked.

"Although I am very agile, I feel a bit older~"

Gon thought about it seriously, "If you fight me, don't really fight, I'm not sure who is better."

"But think about it, he can't kill me."

"The fierce fox who can't even kill Gon, why can it be so easy to subdue them when facing the couple of guides?"

Mo Lin spread his hands:

"Moreover, the woman who appears to be a wife has no intention of resisting."

Leorio couldn't help but ask: "But if it's a strong husband, but Maizi doesn't have much fighting ability?"


Kurapika retorted:

"The old woman said before that there are many beasts that cannibalize people in this mountain, so how could the people living here be simple characters?"

"What's more, even if the wife is a weak ordinary person, the Hunter test has been opened for so many days in total. Why is it that a year is so long, during this time, she did not stay in the safer city below, but went to this place? Where is the place?!"


Kurapika looked at the man lying on the ground in silence, "Even if your wife accidentally came here, she happened to run into Warcraft."

"But if you were a guide, you would be too weak. The injury on your body looks like a simple skin injury, right?"

Having said that, what still don't understand?


Immediately, the man lying on the ground took a breath, there was nothing serious, and stood up from the ground.

"I didn't expect to be able to have such a calm judgment and analytical ability in such a critical environment, but it saves us the following performances and arrangements."

Having said that, he shouted to the outside of the house:

"Dad, mom, you all come in.

Outside the window, two fierce foxes, who looked almost exactly the same, came in.

Behind them, there is the girl who was captured just now.

"I saw through our drama so quickly, it has already refreshed the record of the candidates who have come to us over the years."

The fierce fox dad laughed lowly.

While speaking, he did not forget to glance in Mo Lin's direction.

Then the eyes that were already small began to close up again.

This man is not only extremely good at observation, but his own strength can also be said to be the strongest among all the candidates he has ever seen.

As for how strong it is, the fierce fox dad can't see through.

But at least, it was no problem to kill their family of four.

When he thinks of this, his back feels cold and sweaty.

If the other party is the kind of person who doesn't like to observe and directly hurts the killer to solve the problem with violence without saying a word, maybe he has just been cold~~~

"No, this method of testing must never be used in the future.

Dad Fierce Fox smiled on the surface, but in his heart he decided to directly change the test method in the future.

"And your insight is still so keen, it can be called the most powerful of all the candidates we have seen.

The mother of the fierce fox is also not stingy with her own words of praise.

"Congratulations, you passed our review.


Before Leorio could react, he felt dizzy and felt a big pie fall on his head.

"Are we passing this way?"

He asked uncertainly.

No way, the test this time is too easy.

He didn't even make any effort, just said a few words in cooperation.

In fact, this round of testing did not have too many surprising difficulties.

As long as you calm down and observe carefully, there are still many clues that can be discovered.

Mo Lin can easily find a lot of improprieties in this house without using props.

For example, the room looks messed up, and the damage is unnatural.

But some precious items are not lost at all.

After all, this is just a review item before the Hunter test officially starts.

The official 980 test has not yet started, and the Fierce Fox family is not so desperate for a small review.

Even my own home was demolished~~~

In the same way, only Mo Lin and Kurapika were analyzed, they even gave Leorio and Gon so readily.

It's just because next, there is an official Hunter test waiting for them.

It’s not guilty to re-test it again if your identity has been leaked.

Especially this group of people is getting together with Mo Lin.

If you are with this evil god, forget it~

Dad fierce fox shook his head in his heart.

They also depend on people.

In the original version, Killua will participate in the Hunter test next year. It was only because Gon's friends and the Fox family chatted about Gon, they were treated with courtesy and took out the tea, and they also safely delivered Killua to the destination. .

Of course, if it is a formal test, they will not let a few people pass so easily.

After confirming their identities as guides, Gon recognized the husband and wife of the fierce fox family one after another.

The two fierce beasts provoke a burst of laughter, and they keep stroking Gon's head.

Well, they are not afraid of getting hurt by Gon's hedgehog hair.

In this way, after determining the qualifications of several people, the Fierce Fox family will take Mo Lin and the others to Saba City.

But there is a problem.

The fierce fox father and mother, with Kurapika and Gon.

Leorio needs the son and daughter of the fierce fox to bring him, so Mo Lin has no place.

"It doesn't matter, I have a way to keep up.

Mo Lin once again took out a small yellow thing that looked strange like a spiral.

It has two blades connected to a pole, and there is a joint for connecting objects under the pole.

Everyone saw Mo Lin put this thing on his head, and then pressed the switch.

"Let's go~"

A few people saw Mo Lin's figure slowly floating.

The most frequently used item in Doraemon, 【Bamboo Dragonfly】, officially appeared in this Hunter world!!

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