Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 195 Dreaming [Bamboo Dragonfly]!! Eh? Mo Lin, do you have a teacher and apprentice?

Once Doraemon is mentioned, among the props that cannot be ignored, there must be a bamboo dragonfly.

The bamboo dragonfly is a childhood toy of many people. It was given the ability to fly by the author of Doraemon, Fujio, and became one of the most desirable props among children.

The use of the bamboo dragonfly is simple. Just wear it on your head and you can control the flight at will through your brain's thoughts. It does not require additional power and you can go where you want to go.

Therefore, it is a living aircraft.

Mounted on a human body, the most commonly used is overhead. It can fly continuously in the air for 8 hours at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour and can only travel 640 kilometers.

In some cases, it is 4 hours. When there is no electricity, you can continue to use it after a 20-hour break.

The bamboo dragonfly controls the direction according to the user's brain waves. Just imagine the direction of the flight, but don't think too deliberately.

When walking towards us, we don’t have to say "Go to the right next" silently.

As long as the bamboo dragonfly is on the user's body, it can immediately detect the user's mental activity, and there is no problem with wearing the clothes, which is very convenient.

Novice users may be uncomfortable, because the bamboo dragon boat will fly when opened, making users panic.

It is much better if the mood is calm.

Although it can be placed on any part of the body, the effective use time will be reduced if it is installed in an inappropriate place on the body.

Bamboo dragonfly can almost be regarded as one of the most frequently used props in Doraemon.

Many times when Doraemon and Nobita were going out, they would bring a bamboo dragonfly on their heads, and the bamboo dragonfly would automatically spin up and take the two protagonists to fly over the city.

The design principle of Zhujingting is not the principle of a helicopter, but an anti-gravity device inside, which forms an anti-gravity field around the human body.

First put it on the head, after the propeller rotates, an anti-gravity field will be generated around the body.

Then the gravity of the earth is cut off, and people can float!

As long as you think about the direction and speed of the flight in your mind, the brain waves will send commands to the computer, and the speed of the propeller will change accordingly.

As the speed of the propeller changes, the anti-gravity field will also change, and people can fly freely.

It seems to be just a simple small object, but there are many mysteries inside.

In these years, Mo Lin has taken out a lot of bamboo dragonflies, but they don't use them much in normal times.

When he put the bamboo dragonfly on his head and lifted into the sky with the fierce fox family, he also saw the bright galaxy and the vast night.

And the silver shining moon hanging high above.

This feeling of flying in the vast sky and bringing others can only be described in two words:


It's like an escape written by Zhuangzi.

Fuliezi walks in the wind, and is kind.

Flying in the wind and earth, flying has been one of the greatest dreams of mankind since ancient times.

Rao is a cool teenager like Kurapika. When he saw Mo Lin flying freely in the sky, there was a flash of envy in his eyes.

Not to mention Leorio.

He had forgotten even the fear of heights, and the slap in the corner of his mouth was about to flow out.

In the eyes, there was even more intense heat that could not be concealed.

"If this thing is sold, how much is it worth!!"

Well, his old problem is still seeing good objects and first conducting market valuations.

"Items that can fly *~"

Gon also looked at the bamboo dragonfly on Mo Lin's head with bright eyes.

This kind of toy is the most attractive for children.


The fierce fox family also took a surprised look at this flying human.

This human being has already surfaced his powerful analysis ability before, but now he can come up with this kind of object~

Dad Fierce Fox couldn't help but looked at the doll on Gon's left hand.

I didn't think it at first, but afterwards, it seemed that when he rushed out with his daughter.

The doll also told them not to leave~~~

It's really a strange group of people with strange things.

Dad Fierce Fox thought so.

The group set sail at night and rushed to Saba City without any haste.

When the first rays of sunlight cast down in the early morning, the wine fell behind the boundless earth.

The group of people can be regarded as seeing the outline of the city of Saba.

Leave Mr. Fierce Fox as the guide, and the rest of the Fierce Fox family must rush back to repair the house.

By the way, see if there are any other candidates coming.

Although this is basically impossible~~~

After coming to Saba City, Gon was the first time he saw such a big city, and he looked around curiously for a while, very excited.

Mr. Fox, who became a young man in his twenties, dressed in a yellow turban and dressed like an Arab man, led a few people to find the location of the Hunter venue.

No. 2510, Saba City, should be that building.

Mr. Fierce Fox stopped in front of a very tall building, a shining golden, absolutely local tyrant-level house, and pointed his finger.

The building towers into the clouds with a smooth surface. Under the first sun, it feels like a layer of sparkling diamonds.

The overall layout is a bit like a medieval castle, which looks very majestic.

"This is where all parts of the world are gathered," Leorio said with a solemn expression.

"I want to be a gathering place for Hunter's masters." Kurapika is also rare and serious.

"Dad was in this mood back then~"

A smile appeared at the corner of Gon's mouth.

And just as he laughed, his lips were grabbed by [the angel of the way].

Then he smashed to the side so hard:

"It's right here!"

Then, a small restaurant sandwiched between two tall buildings appeared in front of everyone.

Isn't this just an ordinary restaurant?

The eyes of several people turned into peasy eyes.

Looking at the luxurious castle and shabby steakhouse in front of me, the gap is too obvious.

The feelings of the three people just now were surging and vanished in an instant.


After walking in, the boss casually welcomed him.

"Excuse me, what to eat?"

"Steak set meal~"

Mr. Fierce Fox gave a cipher.

"What do you want?

The boss skipped his eyelids and looked up.

"Slow grilling.

"Okay, please sit inside, please."

Immediately, a beautiful lady waiter came out, smiling and leading Mo Lin and his group into a small private room.

"Boss, mine is also a steak set meal, which is also a slow-fire barbecue. Why can they go to the private room?!"

Outside, there was also a table of four or five guests, venting their dissatisfaction.

"Someone had booked for them in advance.

The boss laughed, revealing the incident without a trace.

Even if the slogan is met, it is no use not to lead the way.

Of course, if he finds candidates here by his own efforts, he can also tell.

After Mo Lin entered the private room, the bakeware and various seasonings were already placed on the tabletop.

And chunks of beef.

Before taking the Hunter test formally, in order to keep the candidates' energy and physical strength, the Hunter Association can still ensure this.

"This is the Hunter test. Unexpected things will always happen. There are more than millions of participants, and there is only one person out of 10,000, which is the chance of reaching the official venue. As newcomers, the three of you have done a great job. Well, if it is you, I will be happy to lead the way for you next year.

Mr. Fierce Fox did not enter the private room, and stood at the door with a serious tone.

After saying this, Mr. Fox's expression immediately relaxed again and smiled:

"Okay, I have finished talking about the official routine of each newcomer, and the next thing is my own thoughts. Judging from the performance of the few of you, the chance of passing the Hunter test is still very high. Come on, everyone!!

Having said that, he glanced at Mo Lin one last time, as well as the [Guiding Angel] in Gon's hand.

"Then everyone, goodbye!"

After shaking hands and bidding farewell, Mr. Furious Fox waved his sleeves and walked not to take away a cloud.

At the same time, the entire private room is also descending downward at a very fast but very steady speed.

The four Mo Lin sat in the four corners of the round table.

"々, it's rude, as if we have a high chance of losing the election this year."

Leoka muttered as he feasted on the steak that had just been grilled.

"After all, the pass rate for first-time candidates is only one in three years."

Kurapika cuts the steak on her plate quickly but politely.

The Hunter test has always been cruel, especially for newcomers who have just participated.

There are many newcomers who suffer from mental breakdown because of the strict test, and many of them are tortured by the veterans and are severely injured, and they can no longer participate in the test.


Gon asked as he ate, "Why are you trying to be Hunter?"

Kurapika and Leorio both showed black question mark faces at the same time: "...??!"

Feelings, if you don't know anything, dare to come and take the exam!!

"The so-called Hunter!"

Leoka patted the table, Kurapika also sat up straight:

"Hunter is the most profitable (noble) profession in the world, don't you know (understand)?!"

Leorio and Kurapika heard the words, turned their faces at the same time, and looked at each other with the same eyes.

Leorio: "What kind of noble pretend~!

Kurapika: "Greek!!"


Seeing the appearance of a few people, Mo Lin wanted it from the bottom of his heart.

Obviously he thinks he is the most profitable person, but he has become a noble doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded.

Obviously considered to be the most noble person, but became the boss of the underworld family, his hands were also stained with blood.

It is in such a sharp contrast with their ambitions, but there is no conflict with their personality and character (no money).

Such a destiny arrangement really makes people feel very impermanent.

Looking back, there is more irony and bitterness~

"How about Gon? Have you decided what kind of Hunter you should be?!"

The two forced them at the same time.

"I do not know either "

Gon's forehead was soaked with sweat, but his hands were constantly pulling the meat into his mouth, acting as a senior cook.

The [Guiding Angel] on his left hand also pretended to be dead at this time, and did not give him a suitable choice.

Seeing Gon's appearance, they didn't continue to embarrass him.

"By the way, Mo Lin, what kind of Hunter do you want to be?"

Leorio saw that Mo Lin had not been involved in the conversation between them, so he asked.

"It doesn't matter which kind of Hunter."

Mo Lin leaned back in the chair and smiled.

"My master is the gem Hunter, my apprentice is the wanted bounty Hunter, and my friend is the relic Hunter. I am not too interested in what Hunter's industry says."

"Like I said at the beginning, I just want to come and play, get a license at random, nothing more~"

"Master? Apprentice?!!"

Kurapika and Leorio, both became peasy eyes.

Although they could understand every word Mo Lin said, they couldn't understand the meaning at all.

"Huh? Mo Lin, do you have a teacher and apprentice?"

Gon, who was immersed in his food, looked over after hearing this:

"But looking at your face, it seems to be very young. How old is your apprentice? Has he already become a Hunter?" Fainted.

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