Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 196 All the beings at the Hunter venue! Meet again with Tonpa and Mr. Doumen!!

Because of [Age Spring Cable], Mo Lin's age has always been maintained in a state of almost eternal youth.

It always looks like that eighteen or nine-year-old.

It's nothing more that Gon has doubts in this regard.

"It is true that I am young, but do you know my real age?

Mo Lin smiled leisurely: "I am in my forties or 50s.

"? ?? "

A series of crows floated across Gon's head.

As for Leorio and Kurapika, the two of them twitched their mouths and didn't believe Mo Lin's words at all, so they thought he was teasing Gon.

None of them felt the breath of middle-aged and elderly people in Mo Lin's body, but they were still very energetic, just like a half-sized man.

"It's unbelievable."

Gon's eyes revealed a little shock, "Mo Lin, you take care of it so well, you can hardly see it at all!!"

He actually believed it.

Kurapika and Leorio were speechless, and at the same time they were more naive towards Gon.

"This is not difficult for some professional Hunters, I am still poor."

Mo Lin gave him a little science:

"Some Hunters are clearly in their fifties, but they still disguise themselves as a blonde princess and innocent and cute all day long. This kind of disguise technique is amazing."

Well, this wave of teacher-kindness and filial piety is a wave of backstabs~~~

"There is such a Hunter.

Gon was amazed.

As for Kurapika and Leorio, believe it or not, let them go.

Mo Lin sometimes uses the [Canning Workshop] to practice cultivation at night, and the time spent there has exceeded decades.

Cultivation has no years, and it has been in the mountains for thousands of years.

If the outside world for more than ten years, plus the decades in the [Canning Workshop], in terms of physiological age, Mo Lin is a proper 50-year-old to make a base.

But under the effect of [Age Spring Water Cable], his age basically remains unchanged.

"But Mo Lin~"

Gon seemed to have thought of something again, and issued a 980 question:

"Why are your master Hunter and disciple Hunter, why are you not Hunter?"

"Obviously you learned from Hunter, and you have already led your apprentice on Hunter's path."

He is now very curious about all about Hunter, the profession for which his father gave almost everything.

"Because I was apprentice at the time, mainly because of my master's ability to train and instruct people, so that my apprentice became a Hunter, because the Hunter test also allows him to be trained."

Mo Lin smiled indifferently, "And I personally, for Hunter this profession, it is indeed dispensable.

Gon frowned, as if he had understood, and nodded seriously.

"So this is ah!"

You didn't understand it at all~~~

Leorio and Kurapika complained in their hearts.

"Also, Mo Lin~"

Gon is like a problem baby, with doubts one after another.

"The number of newcomers mentioned by Mr. Fox before is [three]? Could it be that you have also participated in the Hunter test?"

Several people have noticed the words used by Mr. Fierce Fox just now, but they didn't ask them for some reason.

Now Gon helped them ask questions, Kurapik and Leorio were also moved, and some looked forward to Mo Lin's answer.

Ever since, several people all looked at Mo Lin in unison.

They are all novices, so the only veteran is Mo Lin, who is very mysterious.

They want to know more about the Hunter test.

"Now, Mo Lin, have you come to participate in the Hunter test before?'

Gon's eyes were bright, "Can you tell us what the Hunter test looks like?"

"It can be, but I don't think there is much reference point~" Mo Lin shrugged.

"Why?" Gon wondered.

"Because the last time I took the Hunter test, it has been a long time ago, fifteen years ago."

Mo Lin smiled and gave them an unexpected answer.

Fifteen years ago...

Several people turned into peasy eyes again.

Soon, when a few people got stuck in chatting, the sense of weightlessness slowly disappeared.

When the word "B1 00" appeared on the elevator door, it was completely still.

"It seems to be here."

The expressions of the few people gradually became serious. After taking care of their clothes and getting ready, they walked out while the elevator doors were slowly opening.

In the empty underground passage, a dark crowd gathered.

Everyone exudes a strong aura, which is completely different from the people they met at the port before, and the atmosphere is obviously different.

Everyone here is not a general generation!!

As soon as they got out of the elevator, the group received the "kind eyes" of many candidates present.

"These candidates are completely different from the previous fellows who can be called Hunter volunteers, and the atmosphere is much more solemn."

Kurapika looked around, then secretly warned. "This place is really dark, it looks like an underground passage. How many people are there in total?"

Gon peered around there.

"Oh, it seems that you should be the final candidates.

At this time, a simple voice suddenly sounded on the left side of several people.

I saw a man who looked honest and honest and looked like an uncle next door sitting there.

"Look at your face should be a newcomer, hello, my name is Tonpa Baba Baba?!!!"

Originally, Tonpa pretended to be very honest and greeted enthusiastically, still introducing himself with a smile on his face.

But when he saw Kurapika behind, the one who took the number plate from the Doumen~

Even after many years, there are still characters who are still fresh and never forgotten.

So much so that his voice soared by an octave in an instant.

"Thank you, Mr. Doumian."

Mo Lin took the number 406 from Mr. Doumian and put it on his chest.

"No thanks~"

Mr. Doumian who handed out the number plate shook his head, "I have never seen the top and bottom of the Hunter Association. I have such a high degree of attention to this Hunter test."

"Not only the president of Netero, but also the other twelve earthly branches, but they are always paying attention to the situation here.

"Really? That's really an honor for me."

Mo Lin smiled.

"That, Mr. Mo Lin"

Mr. Dou Mian Ren hesitated, "This is just an ordinary Hunter test."

"I know.

Mo (dafg) Lin responded with a smile. He also knew what Mr. Doumian meant by this.

"I'll take care of it.

"That's the best~"

Mr. Doumian laughed twice, and then went to hand out other people's number cards.

He has reservations about Mo Lin's words.

At this moment, Mo Lin also heard Tonpa's shout.

"Oh, long time no see, new killer Tonpa~"

Mo Lin rarely saw an acquaintance and greeted him kindly.

"Rookie killer?!"

This title immediately made Leorio and Kurapika understand that the guy who greeted them warmly was absolutely unkind.

"Woolen cloth "

Mo Lin's greeting made Tonpa's body tremble slightly.

It was directly out of balance and fell off the water pipe.

But after one ups and downs, he stood firmly on the ground.

With a twitching face, he laughed twice at Mo Lin, Leorio and Kurapika who were full of hostility, and then ran away like a rabbit.

"Obviously it is such a vigorous body"

Leorio and Kurapika saw Tonpa landing on the ground, and the movements that were completely inconsistent with his body were quite neat.

At first glance, he is an expert with very good physical fitness.

But even for such a character, after seeing Mo Lin, he still showed a horror, as if it was a little rabbit meeting a big bad wolf.

"But after seeing Mo Lin, he still showed this posture

Suddenly, several people improved Mo Lin's senses in their hearts.

"Rookie killer, Mo Lin, do you know him?"

Gon glanced at Tonpa who ran away in a hurry, and looked at Mo Lin curiously.

"Well, Tonpa, the rookie killer, takes pleasure in ruining newcomers on the way to the exam. He has taken the Hunter test 35 times and has not passed yet~"

Mo Lin also looked at Tonpa's leaving back:

"The last time I met was twelve years ago, I didn't expect that he was still fighting in the Hunter test.

"It turns out to be an old student who has not passed the exam 35 times~"

Leorio was a little slapped, he was completely immune to the age he said to Mo Lin now.

"The Hunter test is really for everyone!"

Leorio looked at Tonpa, who was running out of sight, and then at the strange characters next door.

No. 103, wearing an Arab hat, has the style of Indian chieftain, like a monster who is holding a pipe and playing with snakes.

No. 225, was eating a box lunch there, wearing a purple sportswear, pigtails and obese.

But judging from the muscles bulging under his clothes, and the small shiny eyes that flashed from time to time, you can know~

He also has great strength and a certain amount of wisdom. He is not the kind of simple-minded figure with well-developed limbs.

No. 384, a hunter with dark black skin, wearing a special hunting costume, holding a long stick and straw.

No. 53, a short man with a bow and arrow on his back, looks pretty good.

No. 246, with blue hair and blue eyes, wearing a big yellow hat, bulging inside, seems to have a variety of bees and insects.

197, 198, and 199 are all three brothers who look almost exactly the same, and they also wear different styles of hats on their heads.

"I still don't feel as good as my hat~~~"

Gon, who paid attention to a very strange place, patrolled around, and then touched his hat with satisfaction.

These people seem to be very shrewd veterans with extraordinary strength.

Kurapica looked at it this way, and then he noticed a few people who made him a little afraid.

On No. 294, everybody tells people that he is a ninja, and becoming a Hunter is a bald head who wants to find the dream scroll.

No. 301, his face is full of nails, and his eyes are dull and demented, but it makes Kurapika a little reluctant to approach.

All in all, this Hunter test can be regarded as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Just when Kurapika looked at the surrounding situation secretly and found some other great candidates~

Other candidates are also looking at them.

Although Tonpa wasn't a threat in their eyes, he was a rookie killer who survived thirty-five Hunter tests. Passing this is enough to prove that he is good.

But even so, it can make Tonpa, an absolute veteran, so afraid

These newcomers are not simple goods~

The candidates also secretly put Gon and others on the list of vigilance.

And at this time~


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