Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 197 The official meeting with Hisoka!! His evaluation, MAX!! Mo Lin Deputy Head!!

A sad scream attracted the attention of the audience.

When everyone looked over, they saw a man who had lost his arm screaming and kneeling on the ground.

"Ah!!! My hand, my hand!!!"

The wailing sound was all over the audience, and his hands were cut off at the same time, but the strange thing was that there was no blood coming out.

"Oh, it's unbelievable. Why did your hand disappear out of thin air? This is neither fraud nor mechanism."

The sound of playing cards shuffled, and the chuckle of talking sounded.

This familiar voice, familiar speaking style.

Some candidates who had undergone the last Hunter test trembled slightly, and they were all excited.

"Be careful next time, remember to apologize if you hit someone."

Standing in front of the man whose two arms disappeared visible to the naked eye, Hisoka said without a smile.


Before Hisoka had finished speaking, everyone around him backed away and kept a considerable distance from him.

Snake player Scar Peng, who is wrapped in a turban and can control venomous snakes, is a powerful wrestler Tudou, dark skin, Greta with a long nose, Bakuer who uses poisoned bows and arrows, Peng Si, a hat woman who can drive bees , The three Amorite brothers who are always in one

This group of veteran candidates who have seen or heard of Hisoka's terrible experience in the last test, their faces are even more ugly after seeing him.

"This lunatic, really came again."

Especially some candidates who had witnessed Hisoka concocting that hate examiner, their faces were heavy, and they slowly scattered around.

Even the great candidates who participated in the Hunter test for the first time moved back.

"Sure enough, the elders were right. There are too many experts in the outside world. I must pay attention to my own safety.

The bald-headed ninja Hanzo looked at Hisoka vigilantly.

"Spray, did you start playing? It seems that this Hunter test is not as boring as I thought~"

A silver-haired kid with a size 99 pinned to his chest whistled.

While feeling interesting, I still try my best to stay away from Hisoka who is gradually mixing up murderous intent there.

"He Langhe~"

Hisoka didn't care about the veteran apples around these varieties that had been decayed, so he turned his head.

I looked at the person he had been eager to see, but had never had a chance to meet him.

"Before taking part in this Hunter test, even until now, I didn't expect to see you here!!

Hisoka's bent eyebrows looked over, and the corners of his mouth were grinning deeply, his face looked strange and terrifying.

"Mo Lin, deputy head!!

At the end of the three words [Deputy Commander], Xi Su made no sound.

Although he is a bit excited now, he still has a trace of reason.

Leorio and Kurapika first saw Hisoka looking over and raised their vigilance to the utmost, but then Hisoka's shout at Mo Lin made their hair stand upside down.

They all felt the bitter chill, mixed with crazy desire and killing intent!!

"What kind of person is this?!!"

The pupils of the two suddenly shrank, and their brains were warning wildly, dripping cold sweat from their foreheads.

They had never seen someone like Sisu.

"Yeah, I heard Shalnark say that you took the Hunter test last year and thought you passed the license last year."

Facing Hisoka's fascination, Mo Lin stood up and responded flatly.

"Hehehe, this is God's best arrangement for us, to be able to meet on this occasion, in this test...

Hisoka licked the corner of his mouth, and the fighting and killing intent on his body became more solid.

The people around him backed back a lot in horror again.

"Put away your killing intent~"

Mo Lin glanced at him indifferently and said calmly:

"I have no idea of ​​doing it now.

"If you want to learn from each other, or whatever, you can wait until the test starts or ends.

Seeing his Chi Guoguo staring at him, Hisoka who is not concealing his thoughts, Mo Lin continued:

"Of course, if you want to do something with me now, I can also satisfy your wishes.,

"It's just "

Mo Lin's eyes narrowed slightly.

Hisoka is hard to entangle, there is no doubt about this.

But in the face of absolute strength, he had to dare to pester Mo Lin, and Mo Lin wouldn't mind killing him directly.

I don’t have to be like a fly, buzzing around you endlessly, and I'm so annoying.

"Don't leave a little bit of affection?"

The smile on Hisoka's face was even worse, "You seem to have murderous intent on me too."

"According to the rules, it seems that we can't fight each other casually, right?"

He was talking about Phantom Troupe's rules.

"When you are saying this, put away the murderous intent spreading on you first."

Mo Lin glanced at him, "If it's your own will, if you want to fight a life-and-death battle with me, then I don't mind satisfying you."

"You can distinguish between superiors and inferior ones, or you can be born and die!!"

"It's up to you, how you chose it~~~

After Mo Lin finished speaking, there was a moment of silence in the court.

The playing cards in Hisoka's hand are spinning fast, and his eyes are staring at Mo Lin.

But after all, he did not give an answer.

"Now is not a good time~"

The killing intent and fighting intent on his body slowly receded, "There will be one day, but not now."

"I look forward to that day very much!!

"Ho ha ha!!!"

Hisoka let out a weird laugh that made people feel chills, and his figure gradually disappeared among the more than 400 candidates.

After all, he made a wise choice.

After close observation, he even felt the extraordinary of Mo Lin.


The Il fan of Chi Taragu under the pseudonym did not know where he came out, so he approached Hisoka's side and asked.

"MAX!!! "

In response to Irfan, it was Hisoka's short evaluation.


Il Fan looked over with a little puzzled.

"His evaluation, MAX!!!

Hisoka at this moment, although he didn't have the killing intent and craziness before.

But the perversion and eagerness on his face now are no less than they have been before!!

"That is the most perfect physical fitness I have ever seen!!"

"I'm not sure if there is any person of this level in this world, but he is the only one I have seen so far!!"

"Even Chrollo, Uvogin and others have never reached his level, and they are not even far behind!!"

"He has already exceeded the scope of my evaluation!!"

Hisoka analyzed in a low voice there.

"Is it really that exaggerated?!"

Rao, who has always been a fan of iron, was also a little surprised by Hisoka's nagging speech.

"Hehehe, maybe it's more exaggerated than I thought!!

Hisoka's laughter is getting more and more perverted:

"It turns out I thought Chrollo was already a perfect apple that was ripe and waiting for me to pick."

"Unexpectedly, he is just a small appetizer, the main meal is reserved for the last~"

"Then can you eat it?"

Ilmi worried about his appetite for him.

"I don't want to lose a partner who can still talk about."

"Not now~"

Hisoka licked his lips, seeming to have thought of the wonderful taste of that taste:

"But there will always be such a day!!!"

At the beginning, he greeted Hisoka briefly, and then told him to retreat, Mo Lin knew that at least in this Hunter test, he would not be bothering himself.

Although Hisoka wants to fight the strong, but this does not mean that he is a person completely manipulated by desire.

…0 Seeking flowers……

Otherwise, he would have rushed into the Pig Hunter Association building and went to Netero to single out.

After realizing that his current strength is quite different from Mo Lin, he naturally chose to hide it first.

Waiting for a chance he thinks is appropriate, and then come forward to have a good time with Mo Lin.

As for what kind of opportunity is suitable~~~

Mo Lin estimated that maybe he would never have one in his life.

"Mo Lin, do you know that guy too?!"

Leorio, who had recovered from Hisoka's killing intent, patted his chest, his face left untouched.

"How can such a dangerous guy also come to participate in the test!?"

"Because the Hunter test changes the examiner every year, and the content of the beginning is determined by the examiner.

Kurapika also breathed a sigh of relief: "As long as it is approved by the examiner that year, even the devil can pass."

"The man named Hisoka is more terrifying than the devil.

Leorio smashed his mouth, and he felt bitter in retrospect.

"I only met that guy with him. It's just an ordinary working relationship, and I don't know him very well."

Mo Lin thought for a while and gave a more standard answer.


Working relations

Several people glanced at Mo Lin silently.

What kind of job is it to release such a terrifying murderous aura?

They are curious and awed to Mo Lin.

The relationship between the three people has been going well during this time.

But between Mo Lin and Mo Lin, how can I say that the distance is not right, but I always feel that there is such a distance.

Gon is okay. With his innocent temperament, and his style of doing things and talking, he can talk to Mo Lin.

As for Kurapika and Leorio, they feel that between themselves and Mo Lin, they don't seem to be people in two worlds.

They have a faint feeling that the world and level Mo Lin is in is not something people like them can reach.

Not only the two of them~

The slight breath exuded when Hisoka and Mo Lin gaze collided also caused some candidates nearby to suddenly stiffen.

That is the horror that makes people tremble, and they can't move their feet!

Many great candidates also felt a little bit, so they were exceptionally silent now.

They suddenly discovered that there are too many masters in the Hunter test, can they really get the license smoothly?

Not to mention this group of candidates' worries about the prospects, among the crowd~

"It's no wonder that the elders gave me more than one warning when I came to take the Hunter license test. They made me take extra care. It turns out that there are still such people among the candidates."

In the crowd, a bright bright mind is now all sweaty at the door.

"It's like a power that doesn't belong to human beings (same as Big Brother)!

The one who has the same feeling as Hanzo is a certain silver-haired cat.

Killua looked at Mo Lin and Si Su with a look of horror on his face, and the whole body was back against the wall.

It seems that only by doing this can he bring him a little sense of security.

"Next, stay away from them as much as possible!"

At this moment, both Hanzo and Killua made the same decision in their hearts, the expressions on their faces remained unchanged, but their hearts were extremely jealous!

"Ring Ling Ling."

A shrill bell sounded abruptly in the tunnel.

Following the reputation, I saw a hidden door on the wall above the metal pipe.

A man in a suit, pink-purple hair, and a beard who successfully covered his mouth walked out of the secret door and stood on a metal pipe.

He was carrying a peculiar creature that chimed the time like a strange bird, and the sound of a bell came from the mouth of this unknown creature.

"This is the end of the check-in time."

The examiner in this field test, Sa Tse, put away the alarm clock to tell the time, "Hunter test, officially started!!" door,

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