Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 198 Killua’s contact! [Paste the coin]! What are you going to do?! Don’t come over here!!

"Please go here~"

He got down from the water pipe and came to the end of the tunnel.

"Previously stated that the Hunter test is extremely cruel, and people with bad luck or lack of strength may be injured or even killed."

Satz stepped forward and walked forward in a standard walking posture.

"Similar to the fighting between candidates just now, things that can't make a comeback in the future also happen from time to time."

When he said this, he looked at Mo Lin and Hisoka slightly from the corner of his eye.

Obviously, he also saw what happened just now.

"Those who want to back down, please take the elevator when they came, and those who continue to participate will follow me."

A fairly cautious statement, but it didn't make any examinee flinch.

Are you kidding me? How can you shrink back after finding the location of the first level test?

Most candidates hold the same idea.

Then followed closely behind Sa Ci.

"I understand, then, there are 405 participants in this test, and the test officially started.

Except for the unlucky person who had his arms abolished by Hisoka and was unable to participate in the test, no one quit.

"I haven't introduced myself to everyone yet. I am the examiner Sa Tse of the first test. Next, I will lead you to the venue of the second test. Those who can follow me to the second test venue, even if they pass the first test. Close the test."

"However, please remember that I will not disclose the location of the venue and the time of arrival, so you can only follow me." "Nine-Eight Zero"

Sats walked at the front of the team and explained the content of the first test.

So, don't be left behind in keeping with the examiner's pace. The Hunter test of an ultra-long-distance marathon without knowing the destination was launched in the dim underground passage, and it started like this.

The underground corridor is very long, not to mention the stairs that need to be climbed behind.

After all, this is an ultra-marathon starting from a hundred floors underground. To reach the ground, you have to cross the distance of this hundred floors.

So, this is a test of endurance and physical strength.

"However, what I hate most is running~"

After running for a while, Mo Lin shook his head.

Whether it is in the past or in this life, he hates such running.

He does not reject other sports at all, except for running~

It's like A Bao of Kung Fu Panda, his mortal enemy is the stairs.

Mo Lin can also be called a deep hatred of running.

"Let me see~"

"Props suitable for ultra-long distance movement or travel"

Here, Mo Lin is looking through his inventory of props.

The empty underground passage was quiet, except for the footsteps of the team moving from low to high, from slow to urgent.

As a candidate stepped on the forward road that did not know where to extend, it reverberated.

Leorio was already a bit tired at the moment.

"The invisible finish schedule will cause a heavy psychological burden on people, so this is also a test of our willpower.

Kurapika, who had learned about his old friend from Leorio, gave a rare encouragement:

"Come on, Leorio!!"

"Come on, this kind of thing is simple~~~

Leorio stuck his tongue out, and then glanced at the corner of his eye.

I saw a child with silver hair, with hands in pockets, slipping past them casually.

Yes, it was slipped.

Because at this moment, he was stepping on a skateboard, and with a light step on the ground, he moved a long distance ahead.

Leorio: ""

"Hey, brat, you broke the rules!!"

Disappointing Leorio's eyes paled, and he accused him loudly.


Killua turned around suspiciously.

"Dare to ask why...

Two crossroads appeared on Leorio's forehead: "This is an endurance test!!"

"No, the examiner said let us follow him."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a wave of backstabs from Gon.

"Don't make noise, it will consume energy~"

Kurapika is also on the opposite side. "The principle of testing is that you can take anything."

"Can "

Seeing that his teammates were helping outsiders to speak, Leorio was so angry that his cheeks hurt.

Leorio's voice made Killua notice Gon beside him.

"Hey, how old are you?"

"Almost twelve years old."

"Oh, the same year as me~"

Killua thought for a while, then leaped, pinned the skateboard under his arm, "Then I will walk, too,"

"Your skateboard is so cool."

Gon praised.

"Your hat style is also good~"

Killua glanced at the hat on Gon's hedgehog's head.

"Really? Thank you! This is what my father left for me!!

Hearing others praise his hat, Gon was very happy.

"My name is Killua."

"My name is Gon!!

Little love

Killua slightly foreheaded, then turned to look at Leorio:

"Uncle, what is your name?"


Leorio, who couldn't stand it anymore, roared, "I'm just like you, just a teenager!!"

Gon was shocked: "Oh wrong? Isn't it?!'

"Gon, even you! It's too much! I want to break your relationship with you!!"

Leorio screamed in anger, making Kurapika look away and speed up a bit, pretending not to recognize them.

After a while, Leorio just felt more tired.

"Damn it, if you want to proceed like this, it may be very difficult if you want to clear the customs.

Leorio gritted his teeth.

He was a little anxious to see the status of other candidates.

However, no one has fallen behind so far, which makes him a little discouraged.

"Am I really that bad?"

Such an idea gradually emerged in his mind.

Then, his eyes subconsciously aimed at the skateboard on the inside of Killua's arm.


His eyes shone sharply.

"The principle of the test is to bring and use anything, so then?"

Leorio didn't want to borrow Killua's skateboard.

One is unfamiliar, and the other is to use something that Killua does not rely on. It would be too shameful to do so.

Isn't it saying that he doesn't even have the determination to be a child?!

The face-saving Leorio would rather fail than be so shameless.


"I can't borrow this silver-haired kid named Killua his skateboard, but"

He turned his face and looked at Mo Lin, who had his head down, as if he was investigating something.

"Mo Lin"

Leorio leaned forward in small steps, rubbing his hands, as if he was a businessman or a begging posture.

"Can you lend me your [Bamboo Dragonfly]?"

There was a pleasing smile on his face.

Yes, Leorio's target is Mo Lin.

To be precise, it is a prop in Mo Lin's hands.

"[Bamboo Dragonfly] has a time limit. It has been flying for so long before, and the battery is no longer enough."

Mo Lin answered casually.

In fact, even if [Bamboo Dragonfly] runs out of power, there are many others here.

But Mo Lin didn't want to lend Leorio, mainly because he was afraid of heights but still borrowed flying props.

Mo Lin was afraid that Leorio would crash his things.

"Is that so?"

Leorio heard the words, a disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Just when he was going to leave~

"Take this."

A gold coin suddenly slammed towards Leorio.

The latter took it in a hurry.

"this is "

Leorio took the gold coin in his hand and examined it carefully.

"Paste the coin."

Mo Lin answered without raising his head, "The effect is the same as that of the parasitic fish sucker."

Leorio who has not read this book much:"

"If you don't understand, just ask Kurapika!"

Mo Lin waved his hand and drove Leorio, the peasy-faced student scum, to one side, and asked him to find Kurapika 0

"Parasitic fish sucker?"

Kurapika was lost in thought when she heard this term.

"I remember this is a fish with a coin-like fin on the head, and then use this fin to like to attach to other big fish, let other big fish swim with them."

While analyzing, he looked at the coin in Leorio's hand.

"Since this is a prop given to you by Mo Lin, the effect should be the same as what he said, similar to a parasitic fish sucker.

"It should be for others to take you to move."

"Let others"

Leorio fiddled with gold coins, "But how should I use this?"

"Do I want to put it on top of my head too?"

"Obviously not."

Kurapika glanced at him speechlessly, "Although the sucker of the parasitic fish grows on the top of the head, considering the difference between the structure of the fish and the human body~"

"So, sticking on the back should be the correct usage.

"Posted on the back~~~"

Leorio slapped the gold coin directly behind him.

"Is that all right?!"

Props: [Paste coins].

Effect: After being pasted on the back, it can be reduced and attached to any person's body, and the other person can move the user freely.

Note: If you accidentally paste it on the other's ass, it may cause terrifying consequences.

Circle, I still remember that Daxiong went through a series of pranks after getting this prop, and then pasted it on Fat Hu's ass.

As a result, Fat Hu squatted his arms and sat on the bench, making Daxiong almost not sitting dead by Fat Hu's ass.

Afterwards, Fat Tiger sang loudly while there was no one, calling what Daxiong sang was a double blow, both physically and mentally.

In the end, it ended with a fat tiger's fart.

The scent is extremely strong, making Nobita on the butt the first to feel the righteousness.

After he finally got out of Fat Tiger's horrible treatment alive, his face was already blue when he returned home.

When he wanted to return [Paste Coins] back, the latter had already become stinky and soft.

From the yellow gold coin, it became something like used toilet paper.


And now, such a prop appeared in Leorio's hands.

"Just stick it on someone else's body?"

Leorio looked around and found that he didn't find a suitable target for 5.6.


"What are you looking at?!"

Seeing Leorio's eyes flickering slightly, Kurapika's heart was suddenly startled.

"What are you doing?!"

Kurapika took two steps abruptly, and shouted to Leorio:

"If you come closer, I will be rude to you.

"Don't be so angry, Kurapika!"

Leorio laughed, and said softly:

"Look, in the entire venue, the only person I trust is you.

"In this way, you will run with me for a while, and then I will run with you."

"Don't even think about it!!" Kurapika sternly refused.

"I can run by myself, I don't need you to bring it!!"

Thinking of that scene, Kurapika got goosebumps all over her body when she was running with Leorio on her body.

"You are too unfeeling, Kurapika, just help, just one!!"

"-Don't help me, you will die of your mind. What are you going to do, don't come over here!!"

Kurapika's cry suddenly sounded and spread throughout the underground tunnel, shocking the candidates.

"what's going on?"

Candidates thought that something terrible had happened, and for a while, the depression in their hearts became even heavier.

And at this time~

"found it!"

A satisfied smile appeared on Mo Lin's face.

The suitable transportation tool he was looking for was also found. .

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