Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 200 Arranged Tonpa, I have seen him twelve years ago~ I advise you not to provoke that perso


"Tick to tick!

The heavy exhalation sound like pulling a bellows, and the big beads of sweat dripping on the ground, appeared unusually harsh in this echo-clear passage.

Obviously, there are already candidates who are almost unable to bear the long-distance running that exceeds the intensity of the international marathon.

Physical exhaustion is second, and the psychological burden of not knowing where the end point is is also no longer accompanied by every examinee all the time.

Especially in this dark and dim underground passage, it is easier to make people feel desperate.

The boring long-distance running, and the silent pressure created by the quietness of many candidates with a tacit understanding, made people feel a little breathless.


A little fat man dropped the computer in his hand to the ground, and after a few sarcasm words from the three Amories, he collapsed and fell to his knees on the ground crying.

The first knockout appeared.

When someone takes the lead, it loosens the bottom line in people's hearts.

Then, one after another, there were candidates kneeling on the ground, looking desperate and a little relieved, watching the large troops continue to move toward the distance at a faster speed.

"Leorio, where did you go, why didn't I see you?

Gon leaned close to Leorio who had just appeared with a refreshed face.

"Ah, I was just now"

He was about to show off the wonderful props he got from Mo Lin, and he planned to show off.

But he suddenly felt the almost murderous gaze projected from behind him.

Can't help but shrink his neck:

"I just mixed in with this group of candidates. I was about to be unable to support it, but with my amazing willpower, I was able to support it abruptly."

Leorio boasted at Gon.


Killua saw something was wrong at a glance, and he couldn't help but curl his lips.

Leorio's current state is not like his body after several hours of long-distance running.

It can even be said that his current body is consuming functions, as if he had been resting for a long time.


"Where did he get the rest, and can he catch up?

Killua was puzzled.

At this moment, Kurapika behind them looked ugly as if he had eaten flies, and his face was full of ugliness.


Rao is Gon who trusts Leorio very much.

"Leorio, you said that you are in the crowd, but why I feel the smell of you behind Kurapika.

He pointed to his super sharp nose.

"Does the pungent smell on you follow Kurapika?"

Leorio's body was sprayed with a peculiar cologne scent that Gon could smell all his nose.

"this "

Leorio's smile froze when he heard the words.

The look on Kurapika's face became more gloomy a few minutes.

He slapped his back a few times in disgust, seeming to want to get rid of some dirty things.

"Look, the car can still climb stairs!!"

Leorio changed the subject stiffly.

"If it's Mo Lin's car, isn't it a normal thing?""?"

Gon just glanced at Mo Lin who was climbing, and said as expected.

"It seems to be so right~"

Leorio also scratched his head, and squeezed it in his pocket [Paste the coin] subconsciously.

Unconsciously, Mo Lin and the props in his hands have already had a great influence on the trio.

And this time~

Mo Lin also drove the Beetle and came to Tonpa who had been hiding his figure in the crowd to minimize his presence.

"You can't see me, you can't see me..."

Tonpa saw Mo Lin's car getting closer and closer to him, and immediately became a tortoise.

He kept muttering in his heart, but the more he was afraid, he would do whatever he wanted.

Mo Lin's car quickly drove to Tonpa's side.

"In this Hunter test, no matter what the final result is, you will come with me."

Mo Lin looked at Tonpa, who was stiff and sweating, interestingly.

"me "

Tonpa's ugly face pulled out a smile that looked like a crying face.

In the eyes, there was even more horror that could not be concealed.

"Okay, that's all about it.

Mo Lin didn't give him time to react and refuse at all, so he arranged directly.

He does not need Tonpa's personal opinions and wishes, and he has no room for rejection.


These two words are still in his mouth, and Tonpa can't speak other words.

Seeing Mo Lin's car drifting away, he finally closed his mouth slowly, and he was extremely discouraged.

He felt that his future life would be extremely dark and pale.

"Who is that person?!"

At this time, I took the money from Tonpa and used verbal offensives to break the mentality of the fat computer boy Nick, and the three Amorie brothers who were devastated came forward.

They are all a little jealous and curious about Mo Lin, and want to know more about Mo Lin.

It seemed that Tonpa and Mo Lin had known each other before, and they leaned in.

"I advise you not to provoke that person."

In Tonpa's mind, he recalled a Hunter test twelve years ago, and his body began to tremble slightly.

"? "

The three Amorite brothers saw Tonpa's expression not quite right, and the doubts in their eyes were even worse.

"Is that guy a previous candidate? When we came to take the Hunter test the last two times, we hadn't seen this person.

No one can compare Tonpa's veteran qualification to participate in the Hunter test.

He has been taking the Hunter test for 35 consecutive years since he was ten years old.

He is currently forty-five years old and ranks second in the number of times he has participated in the Hunter test.

Well, yes, there is an unknown ruthless man who has participated more often than Tonpa.

"That person was the Hunter Association that he joined a long time ago.

Tonpa smiled bitterly: "It's probably been twelve years~"

"Twelve years?!"

The three Amorite brothers roared out in unison.

"How is it possible? His appearance is only twenty, right? How could it be that he participated once twelve years ago?!"

The third younger brother of the Amorite brothers was somewhat unconvincing.

"No, it's quite possible.

At this moment, the eldest brother's eyes shone with Rong Zhi's luster.

"If that person came to take the Hunter test when he was twelve years old, or even earlier, such as when he was ten years old, then it would make sense."

"Like Tonpa and those two little ghosts."

The eldest brother Amori lifted his chin in the direction of Gon and Killua.

"So, today, twelve years later, he is only twenty-two, or twenty-four years old."

"If you maintain it better, you won't see much difference at all.

Amori is doing a very "accurate" analysis.

"I see!!"

The two younger brothers suddenly.

And Tonpa was twitching his eyes to look at the three brothers whose brains were not so good.

"That person, he already looked like this twelve years ago.

Tonpa hid this sentence silently in his heart without saying it.

Finally, I ran for six or seven hours in a row like this, after passing a long stretch of stairs~

Finally saw the dawn and the exit.

When everyone saw the white light coming in from the exit of the passage, they all refreshed.

Finally, are you going to end this torturous long-distance race?

Thinking of this, the candidates could not help speeding up their pace.

One after another, they walked out of the exit of the passage.

After stepping out of the passage, most of the candidates seemed to be freshmen.

Leorio, who had already stripped his upper body, took a sigh of relief, feeling that the world is so beautiful.

Even the peculiar forests and swamps that come into view all feel such wonderful natural scenery.

Kurapika followed behind him, and smiled slowly after coming out.

But after seeing Leorio, the corners of his eyes wrinkled in disgust again.

But in the passage, Kurapika also learned about Leorio's past experience and the situation of his childhood companion Piedo.

I learned that Leorio didn't want to be a Hunter for money, but to become a doctor.

This made Kurapika let go of the last glimpse of Leorio in his heart, and truly regarded him as a companion.

It is precisely because of this that he will tolerate him leaning on his body with 【Paste Coin】.

And beside him, Gon was arguing with his new friend, the silver-haired Killua, who was the first candidate to run out.

Satsi looked around and nodded.

There are still quite a few candidates who can make it to the present, and it seems that there are indeed some good candidates for this session.

But the most important thing is

Sats glanced silently at Hisoka, who was playing with cards, and Mo Lin, who was standing by and no one dared to approach him.

These two people.

"々、Here is

The candidates looked at the endless wetland swamp in front of them.

There was smoke in it, and some tree trunks and jungles were vaguely seen.

From time to time, there were several roars of monsters, which set off the palpitating danger of this wetland.

"The Shimiile Wetland, also known as the "Scammer's Nest", is the only way to the second test venue."

"Many of the rare birds and animals living in this wetland live by eating people. They are cunning and greedy by nature. Please be careful."

In response to the gradually dignified expressions of many examinees, Sa Ci stretched out a finger:

"Once you fall into the trap, you will lose your life."

When talking about this, the doors behind everyone slowly merged.

"Wait for me "

Letting the candidate who squirmed forward on the ground screamed, the iron gates merged mercilessly.

Although within reach of the exit, the iron gate still couldn't cut off his thoughts.

None of the candidates helped him.

Being able to come here is already at the end of the battle, and continuing on is no different from sending you to death.

The cruelty of Hunter's test is evident.

"The creatures on this wetland will deceive their prey by unscrupulous means and capture them for food."

Sa Ci didn't seem to see this scene, and continued to introduce it casually:

"This is an ecosystem of creatures that use deception as a means of hunting, so it has the name [Scammer's Lair]."

"Please don't be fooled and follow me.

"This person is really strange. Who would be fooled if he knew someone was going to lie to you?"

Leorio and the bald ninja Hanzo thought at the same time.

And at this time~

"He is a liar! He is lying!!'

A man in a green suit with a wound on his face, carrying a torn pocket with a monkey in it, walked out and watched the angry fox on Sats's face.

"Don't be fooled by him! I am the real examiner!!".

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