Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 201 New Sats! Two new examiners?!! A taste of fried tofu?

Human-faced apes, creatures that inhabit the Wetlands of Simile.

Because they look like humans, they often pretend to be humans and cheat the humans who enter here as prey.

Like a place where large-scale humans gather, they dare to run to create chaos, and then take the opportunity to take away a few people.

If you succeed, you can have a full meal, and if you fail, you will become the bones of Aikai.

Like this kind of desperate scam, it will be staged here all the time.

The timing of the appearance of the green-faced ape is very clever.

Just in time for the candidates to go through the long run of the underground passage to the exit outside, there is a sense of relaxation after the disaster.

He plugged in at this time and it easily caused a sensation.

"Fake? What is going on?"

"Look at the monkey in his hand, which looks like the examiner."

"Cut, is it the examiner? You haven't seen him walking in a weird posture. It doesn't seem like a normal person can walk through it?,

"Could it be that he really?"

The discussion in the plug room sounded from all corners of the candidates.

Satsi watched the performance of the human-faced ape that jumped up and down to agitate the candidates so quietly, unmoved.

It just so happens that this can also be used as a small episode for test candidates. If the candidate is really instigated by this monkey and deceived, he will not be polite to any irrational behavior.

Can be played around by a trivial monkey, so candidates with good IQ, it is better to withdraw from the test as soon as possible!

"He is a human-faced ape, dressed up as a human, will take you to a trap and eat it!"

The man in green said in a passionate voice that some candidates, such as Leorio and Hanzo, were even shaken.

"This little trick can cause commotion."

Killua looked at the commotion with idiot eyes.

Able to walk, walk a long marathon distance continuously, and also span a full 100 floors~~~

What kind of beast does it have to do this?!

They all have this kind of physical strength and endurance, why should they take such a troublesome 983 approach, and directly take them to a dark place to eat it?

Even if there is such a monster, it is of the level of Sanmao.

For the second generation of the Zoldyck family with Sanmao and Flying Dragon at home, Qihao, but kindly appreciates the momentum of these monsters.

Compared with Sa Tse, on the contrary, this man in green has a more demon-like atmosphere.

And if the examiner is really pretending to be a human-faced ape, and the purpose is to treat them as food.

Then why not eat you after hurting you, the "real" examiner, the man in green?

The fact that you can live is already the biggest scam.

But obviously, many candidates on the scene did not have the idea of ​​Killua.

Even Hanzo, who claims to be a ninja, looked at Satsz with malicious eyes.

The crowd began to feel nothing, and gradually moved closer to Sa Ci.

"This group of people is really not so bad~"

Hisoka seemed to be playing an organ in his hand, shuffling the cards there.

"It seems that in the next test, a wave of cleaning is necessary.

"Otherwise, bad people, but it's easy to disturb the fun in the game."

I already had a plan in my heart. In the next Simile Wetland, I played a wave of Hunter examiner games and eliminated some of the examinees' Hisoka.

Mainly because the content of the first half of the test is really boring, coupled with the contrast with Mo Lin's momentum.

Let the killing intent in Hisoka's heart gradually pervade.

The playing cards in his hand are ready to go, ready to shoot at Sa Ci and the man in green.

But just before he is about to shoot~!!


A figure suddenly appeared from behind the examinee.

Just a hand knife easily smashed the throat of the man in green.

Let him fall to the ground unwillingly, clutching his neck.

"He (dafg) is not a real examiner."

The newly emerging figure said.


Sazi's pupils suddenly shrank.

His main surprise was not the figure's skill, but the figure's face.

"I am the real examiner.

The figure said so.

The others all stared at the figure in a daze, their mouths opened unconsciously.

Their eyes were full of shock.


The figure looks at the face, the figure, and the voice and way of speaking~

It's exactly the same as Sa Ci who led them!!

He also has that curly beard, and he stands in the same posture!!

"Hehehe, it's interesting!!"

Hisoka's move to throw the playing cards stopped in mid-air.

His eyes opened slightly, turning back and forth between Sa Ci and the "New Sa Ci".

Finally, he laughed, hiding the killing intent again.

"Interesting, it's so funny!!"

The new Sa Ci also had his hands behind his back, wearing exactly the same clothes as Sa Ci.

Even the look in his eyes has always maintained that kind of plain state.

This also caused not only their shock, but also Sats himself.

"Human-faced ape? No, it looks so alike, it looks exactly like me."

"Moreover, in terms of skill, it seems to be as good as me."

"Even in terms of fighting style and habits, they are similar to me."

Sa Ci squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the other person, "It's almost as if they were carved out of a mold with me.

In Sats's view, the other party is no longer as simple as describing exactly the same.

It can be said that it is completely his personal copy!!

"Where did he emerge from?"

Sats was thinking about such a problem.

"He emerged from the candidates, which means he also participated in this Hunter test."

"Before I started, I had observed these four hundred candidates. Except for some powerful characters, there was absolutely no one who looked like me."

"Even if the Nen was launched by the Nen, I didn't notice any thought power fluctuations at all."

"In other words, most of the [biology] in front of you was written by the examinee present!!"

"The greatest possibility is that"

Satsi analyzed it in his mind, and quickly moved his eyes to the smiling Mo Lin.

"What the hell is going on?!"

Leorio stared at this scene dumbfounded.

Originally, he thought that the man in green would be the real examiner.

But soon, there was a person who suddenly appeared, who also claimed to be the real examiner, and beat the man in green directly to death.

It's not over yet. When he showed his figure, he looked almost exactly the same as the original examiner who was running with them.

Such twists and turns, the state of affairs is such a twists and turns, and Leorio is surrounded by confusion and confusion.

He is now in a mess in his mind, and he can't tell which is the real examiner.

"According to the current situation, the first thing that can be determined is that the man in green is definitely a fake examiner."

Kurapika analyzed there.

Well, everyone is dead, and the skill is still so weak, it must be fake.

The examinees behind him listened to Kurapika's analysis and murmured silently.

Of course, they also put their ears up and wanted to hear what Kurapika said.

"So what is certain is that the real examiner must have the same face as the examiner who drove us on the run, otherwise there will be no one who will look like him.

The other candidates listened to Wei Wei's first.

"So, is one of these two examiners who have exactly the same faces and voices chosen?"

Gon listened for a while before clarifying the relationship.

"Well, if you look at it by skill alone, both of them seem to have good strength."

Killua also put his hands in pockets, and then said.

"A person who can walk so many kilometers on foot without panting and blushing, this kind of physical strength is enough to be called a qualified Hunter."

"And the new one, the killer's moves are also very simple and fast, and he is also a good player who is not weak.

Killua gave a funny smile.

He put his head behind him: "These two have the possibility of being a real Hunter examiner."

At this moment, he came interested.

Because he can't see which is the real examiner.

The two people are so close in terms of physical appearance and strength.

Of course, with his keen sense of smell, he is inclined to the original examiner as the real examiner.


The examiner who came out later is too unreasonable, and

It feels more like a prank!!

"It feels so troublesome."

Gon scratched his face in pain, and then looked directly at the [Angel of the Way] on his left hand.

"Mr. [Guiding Angel], can you please tell me who is the real examiner for the Hunter test?"

"The original one!!"

After giving a rather succinct answer, [The Way-Giving Angel] stopped talking.

When Gon asked why again, he closed his mouth again.

"Just tell the result, there is no hint at all."

Gon looked at the two examiners who were facing each other in the hall.

"Then I will do what Mr. [Guiding Angels] said, huh?"

Gon sniffed twice, then raised his eyebrows.

"What's wrong, Gon?"

Killua noticed Gon's fluttering nose and asked.

"I seem to smell a deep-fried tofu?"

Gon tilted his head and looked at the "Satz" who appeared later:

"I smell it from the new examiner.

Fried tofu?

Several question marks appeared on the candidates' heads.

"Could it be that you have been running for so long, are you hungry, Gon?'

Leorio was a little worried that the child was hungry and stupid.

"No, he really smells like fried tofu!"

Gon told the truth.

"It's really fried tofu~"

When Leorio wanted to say something, there was a chuckle from behind him.

"I ignored Gon, your nose is so good, but it made this game end so early."

Mo Lin was sitting in the car, reaching out and buckling lightly towards the window.

Suddenly, the newly emerging examiner's body trembled.

Soon, under the gaze of everyone's attention, behind him, a fluffy yellow tail appeared at the waist.


Everyone was startled, "What is this, Warcraft?!"

At least it has been determined that the other party is not a human, and it is impossible for a human to have a long tail.

"It seems that the real examiner is the one who led us at the beginning.

Kurapika and Killua both looked at Sats at the same time.

The latter is looking at Mo Lin.

There was a clear look in his eyes.

Sure enough. .

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