Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 202 [Transformed into a robot]! I'm a very famous props master~ Come up and be a rider,

Among the candidates at the scene, except Mo Lin, almost no one else can do this step.

Being able to make a template character almost exactly the same as him can only be compared with Mo Lin.

"His hiss~"

The body shrank slightly, and all the candidates stared wide-eyed~

I saw the figure of the "Satsi" examiner who appeared later gradually shrinking.

In the end it became a yellow little fox whose pupils were squinted so that he could not see.

"Is this a monster, or is it Mo Lin's prop?"

Rao has seen the props held by Mo Lin, Gon and Kurapika Leorio, and he still can't believe it.

After all, this is the first prop with a biological appearance that Mo Lin brought out.

Props: [Transformed into a robot].

Effect: This is a fox-shaped robot. As long as you feed it fried tofu, it will become your appearance and do the things you give it for you.

[Transformed Robot] has the ability to change its appearance.

After Mo Lin fed him a piece of deep-fried tofu, he confessed that he turned into Sa Tse, and then played a real and fake examiner's play.

The [transformation robot] who transformed into Sats, can be said to be exactly the same as Sats himself in all aspects.

He almost took pictures of cats and painted tigers, and copied Sa Ci in its entirety.

If it weren't for Gon to smell the deep-fried tofu that the robot had made, then it would have to be played for a while.

"Even the appearance of others can change at will."

Sa Ci looked at the fox that Mo Lin was teasing and put away, his inner vigilance became stronger and stronger.

This is a strong man with all kinds of possible things in his hands, and his strength is extremely not weak.

Once such a person goes crazy, he can't control it at all.

However, while being vigilant, he did not feel too much pressure.

"So, President Netero and the Twelve Earthly Branches all know the arrival of this candidate, so are they telling me like that?

"They should also know that I can't cope with the big things that happen with my ability, so they must be prepared."

"I just need to do my job well~~~"

Thinking of this, Sa Ts glanced at Mo Lin silently for the last time.

Don't ask him why he wants to come up with a robot that imitates himself.

The current Sats, in line with the purpose that more is not as good as less, can ask less things if you can ask less things.

Just do your own examiner duties.

If you say more or do more~

It doesn't take long. The fate of the examiner in the last Hunter test can still be vividly remembered.

He was beaten to death by Xi Su, let alone lost his face in the Hunter Association.

Mo Lin's strength is stronger than Hisoka, and there are more elusive things in his hands.

In case he offends

Sa Ci just thought about the result, and immediately stopped Lenovo.

"Well, the next step is the process of crossing the Wetlands of Lost Melody. Please follow me!"

Reminding everyone once again, Sa Ci walked forward again without turning his head.

A group of candidates, you look at me, I look at you, and they all followed Sa Ci in silence.

They all have a hunch that this Hunter test will not be the same as in previous years. It is definitely an unusual one.

Some candidates who took the Hunter test in the past year felt particularly profound.

They have experienced the fear of being dominated by Hisoka, but like Mo Lin, they don't play cards at all and never know what he is going to do next, which makes people shudder even more.

Fearful is always unknown.


With a poker card in hand, he shot down the monkey-like ape who wanted to escape. Hisoka swayed his waist and followed.

Mo Lin also honked the small horn and followed slowly.

After the group entered the Shimeile Wetland, a layer of mist fell, covering everyone.

It is most suitable to perform some unexplainable actions when the view is blocked and the road environment cannot be clearly seen.

Hisoka, the murderous intent provoked by Mo Lin did not have time to release some from the two monkeys.

Although I crossed out a monkey, it was only a little relieved.

In addition, he has already made up a good idea before~

"There are too many candidates, so let me eliminate some~"

The hand was raised and the playing cards slipped off.


A wailing signaled the beginning of the killing.

In the thick fog, a scene of playing the examiner and knocking out the candidates unfolded.


In front of the dense fog, Gon heard Leorio's painful cry after he came, and he turned his head abruptly.

"do not go!!"

At this time, the [way angel] on Gon's left hand violently stopped him.

"You can't go there, it's dangerous, you can't go!!"

It kept beating Gon's shoulder and head, intending to stop his dangerous thoughts and behaviors.

"I must go!!"

Gon's eyes were extremely firm, "Leorio and Kurapika are in danger!!"

"I am doing this for your own good!!

[Guiding Angel] Shrieked.

"I do not need!!"

Gon shook his arm, "Killua, help me take down Mr. [Guiding Angel]!!"


Killua stretched out his hand and took the [Guiding Angel] down.

At the same time, he looked at Gon, who was running to the side behind him, in a puzzled way.

In fact, he did not understand why Gon would ignore his own safety for the sake of others.

He quite agrees with the words of [Guiding Angel].

"Everyone has everyone's choice, which is determined by their character~"

At this time, Mo Lin drove the vehicle and came to Killua's side.

"The character is determined by their innate background and acquired growth environment."

"So, destiny has already marked the price when you were born in this world from the very beginning~~~"

Mo Lin smiled and looked at Killua with a slight movement.

"Come up and be a ride, and have a chat by the way?"

"I feel that you also have an unknown confusion in your own heart."

Killua:" "

It stands to reason that with his alertness, he shouldn't get in other people's cars casually.

Especially Mo Lin is such a mysterious and unpredictable person.

But I don’t know why~

Thinking of what Mo Lin said just now, he subconsciously asked:

"Isn't your car not suitable for normal people to get in?"

He also saw Mo Lin driving, passing directly through the bodies of a group of people.

"I'll be fine with this~"

Mo Lin threw down a four-dimensional space tender leaf sign.

"bring it on.

Killua looked at the young leaves that Mo Lin threw down.

After hesitating for two seconds, I finally put it on my body.

"This thing should be yours too, right?"

After Killua got in the car, he first returned the [Guiding Angel].

"However, you really have a lot of weird things.,

"These are not things, they are props. I am a very famous prop maker."

The props master? It seems familiar.

"How famous is it?"

Killua looked at the environment in the car and asked casually.

"There should have been a record in your family.

Mo Lin said with a smile.


Hearing this, Killua was startled.

…0 Seeking flowers-

Then soon he seemed to think of something, his eyes widened and his pupils became firm.

"Are you the prop master who is defined by Dad and Grandpa as the biggest commission standard?!!"

Killua exclaimed silently.

He knew where his familiarity came from.

This is simply not too familiar!!

There is a fairly clear grade standard in the family that cannot accept commissions at will.

Isn't Mo Lin's prop artist in a prominent position in the largest commission standard at the time?

"No wonder I feel that you are very familiar, as if I have seen it or heard of it before

Killua's eyes were full of fear and a hint of vigilance.

His body is tight and his posture is ready.

Once something went wrong, immediately escaped.

"I don't have any malice against you. If I want to attack you, I would have killed you unclearly.

Mo Lin said flatly and casually.

Although the content is not very good, but it also allows Killua to gradually ease the sense of crisis.

"Then what do you mean?!

He still didn't ask relaxedly.

At the same time, he seemed to think of something:

"You came with Gon and the others? You should be on the same team as them."

"Why did Gon go to help, but you still can't?

Mo Lin did not answer, but instead asked:

"You and Gon are now friends, so why don't you help?"

"friend "

Killua turned away, "Who said we are friends?!"

"You guys obviously had a great chat."

"A good chat is a friend?"

"Then just come to participate in the Hunter test together, are you friends?"

Mo Lin retorted, leaving Killua speechless.

Indeed, along the way, he also found a slight sense of alienation between Leorio and Kurapika.

Sing, after all, Mo Lin's strength and mystery are far beyond the imagination of others, making people feel that they are not characters in the same world.

Replaced by himself, after learning that Mo Lin is such a powerful character, he would definitely not come forward to make friends the first time.

Stay away from afar to prevent the other party's affairs from spreading to yourself. The most likely thing to do is to protect yourself.

This is not the level he should touch now.

"Everyone has their own destiny. They have met Hisoka here now, which is not a bad thing."

Mo Lin said leisurely.

Thanks to this encounter with Hisoka in the mist, Leorio showed his backbone.

Kurapika showed her composure, calmness and alertness, and Gon showed considerable wild talent and demeanor.

So that Hisoka thinks it is green, but immature fruit.

Only those who have the qualifications and values ​​that can grow and mature will let them go.

Otherwise, when it comes to Guardian Island~

Once Hisoka, who was full of murderous aura, met Kurapika and Leorio, those two would not even be qualified to talk to Hisoka.

He would be killed instantly by him.

Then, all the doctor's dreams and the phoenix wishes for revenge all vanished.

Mo Lin didn't intend to take care of this matter. This was their own path choice, and it was also their own life.

"Don't just talk about others, how about you?"

Mo Lin turned his head and smiled and looked at Killua, "You, the most talented descendant of the Zoldyck family, ran out. Your family members are very worried."

"Zoldyck family"

Killua suddenly woke up.

It seems that he never mentioned his identity background to Mo Lin from beginning to end.

"How did you see it?!!" Door.

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