Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 203 The test taker that President Netero said, what will the taste of his cooking look like?

Killua was like a white cat with slightly fried hair at the moment.

Although Mo Lin said that he would not do anything to him, the sense of crisis that the family cultivated since childhood still made him like a big enemy.

"The taste of the Zoldyck family on you is not too strong."

While enjoying the surrounding scenery, Mo Lin said casually:

"The assassination technique that the Zoldyck family has passed down from generation to generation, you have also learned to the fullest, which can also be seen from your usual walking and body shape."

"[Limb Qu] and [Dark Step], these two major killing techniques are indeed very good."

Following Mo Lin's narration, Killua's uneasiness weakened a little bit.

"If you can see it, it means that my practice still failed."

Killua directly sat down on the back seat sofa, "In the words of my father, the real killer is to make it impossible to see that you are a killer.,

Drink it, although it is a bit awkward, but it does mean that.

"This is indeed the truth~"

Mo Lin lightly brows, "Before you reach that level, in the eyes of other people, you are also easily exposed."

"Of course, if you are like your grandfather, you are so powerful that you hang the killer's sign directly on your chest, then no problem~"

I have to say that Killua's grandfather is not only talkative, but also very swagger.

When he was young, he probably had the same detached character as Killua.

It's hard to imagine that Silva, who has a cold personality, will have such a father and son.

"So, do you really ignore Gon and the others?"

Killua mainly asked Gon.

He still cares more about Gon, such a rare peer that he can admire and can talk to.

"Although Hisoka is killing heavily in the thick fog, what he kills and eliminates is only the candidates he thinks are not qualified~"

Mo Lin said: "Although Gon and the others are not very strong now, but their qualities are very rare, even Hisoka will recognize them."


Killua feels that the so-called "recognition" mentioned by Mo Lin may not be that simple.

Well, the recognition of fruit growers means it is quite different from others.

"So, you think Xisu will let Gon go, right?"

Killua nodded, "You are really confident with them."

I am confident in the original plot~~~

Mo Lin shrugged.

Of course, even if the line of fate changes, but with Gon's own strength and aptitude, they do have the ability to make Xi Su Gao take a look.

"By the way, this props master"

Killua called it awkwardly.

"Just call me Mo Lin."

In terms of address, Mo Lin didn't care much.

"Then Mo Lin, listening to your tone, I seem to know Hisoka very well."

"It's okay~"

Mo Lin smiled at him through the mirror, "Mainly I am from the same place as him."

"Is it the same place?"

Killua slightly thought of his mother, Jibiao, and the butler Wutong.

They all come from an abandoned place called Meteor Street.

For a while, the two people in the car were speechless, letting the car drive in this dangerous wetland.

Strange to say, there are obviously too many terrifying monsters in this wetland.

For example, they only move in dense fog and use strawberries growing on their backs to attack people who are lost in the fog.

And because of its slow movement, I had to hide myself in the ground with a big mouth, and wait patiently for the lazy frog to pass by.

And mine mushrooms that explode when you step on them, and then breed wildly on the prey that is blown up.

There are also telling lies, leading people into traps, and then pecking on deceitful crows that cannibalize human flesh, hypnotizing prey with wonderful flying methods, hypnotic butterflies that give larva live feed, and so on.

There are many dangers and monsters in the Wetland of Shimeile.

But on Mo Lin's side, no monster dared to come here to go wild.

Even if Mo Lin drove the practice car through the mouth of the Lazy Frog, the latter pretended that there was no movement without seeing it.

If it weren't for Killua looked back at the lazy frog, he would have devoured a group of passing candidates.

He thought that monster was out of anger.

"You don't seem to be liked by monsters very much?"

Killua thought of such a word.

In fact, he even wanted to say that those monsters might be afraid of Mo Lin.

"I have been traveling north and south for so many years, and I have actually been stained with the blood of a lot of monsters."

Mo Lin said without turning his head, "Maybe they think that the killing of their kind on my body is too heavy, so they don't come close to me~"

During his trip to the Six Continents over the past few years, he has killed a lot of monsters in the mountains, forests and rivers.

The monster Mo Lin killed a lot, but the monsters basically didn't.

Because the word "Magic" in Warcraft represents their wisdom.

Talking, thinking beasts, オ will be called monsters.

Most of the creatures that inhabit this Lost Melody Wetland are monsters.

Therefore, there is no monster that can't think about it. Occasionally, a few monsters that don't open their eyes want to jump out and block the way, but they are all penetrated by Mo Lin's space training vehicle.

Not long after, Mo Lin shook his head and shook his head. The two quickly crossed this dangerous land and reached the destination of the second round of testing.

Biscayne Forest Park.

Looking at the stone slabs engraved with the names of the buildings around, the examinees who followed Sa Ci all the way were finally relieved.

Stopping at the gate of Saci at the park, it shows that this is the final location of the second round of testing.

First is the dark underground tunnel, and then the swamp of scammers.

The journey on this road really makes people's minds always vigilant and never get a rest.

Fortunately, the Hunter Association is not so unkind.

Blindly squeezing the candidates so that their expressions are tense and not relaxed for a moment, it is not a good thing for the test at all.

Therefore, before the second round of testing, as long as they came here to stay with Sa Tse.

There will be a period of rest and stress relief.

As for what was later pressed, it can only be self-seeking.

The Hunter Association sets aside an opportunity to rest during the test, and it depends on whether this group of candidates can grasp it.

Soon, after Sutston stayed in the footsteps, there were also candidates arriving one after another.

Biscayne Forest Park is the venue for the second level test.

On a flat ground in the park, there is a new factory building that seems to have just been established.

However, the architect seems to have no sincerity, and used some shabby leftovers to build temporarily.

A clock hung above the main entrance of the factory building.

When he came here, Sats looked at the time above at first glance.

It shows that there is still time for the first test.

The plant is small overall, but it can accommodate more than a hundred people.

And there was a roar of Ruoyoruowu, which made the examinees guess what was in the room.

In this way, time slowly passed, when a group of candidates began to relax and adjust their state.

I saw that Hisoka's figure also appeared in everyone's eyes.

Not far in front of the line of sight, in the mist, with Leorio fainted on his back, the corners of Hisoka's mouth curled upwards, as if something happened to please him.

But Ruowu's murderous and bloody smell entangled from him.

You can know that in this mist, he has actually opened a lot of killings!

Among them, not only the candidates, but also the monsters blocking the way.

"Still alive~"

Killua was slightly relieved.

He felt the breath of life from Leorio who was randomly thrown under the tree by Hisoka.

Although his face was swollen, he still saved a life.

"So where is Gon?"

Killua looked left and right.

Leorio and Gon are in the same group, even he is okay, then Gon and the others must be able to escape Hisoka's clutches.

Sure enough~

After a while.

The figures of Gon and Kurapika slowly appeared.

After they arrived, they saw Hisoka for the first time, and then they found Leorio.

After the inspection, he was found to be okay, and the two of them were completely relieved.

And at this time, finally, after the clock overhead came to a certain position, Sats clapped his hands.

"Okay, I would like to congratulate you once again. All the people standing here have passed the first round of the test. I hope that the second round of the test can also pass the test courageously. I wish you all the best of luck here."

Sazi congratulated all the candidates for passing the first test in a flat tone.

Then after announcing the result, without stopping for a moment, Sa Ts turned around and walked straight into the woods and disappeared.

Hearing that, the faces of the candidates who came here finally showed a little smile on their solemn expressions.

Finally passed the first difficulty.

"There are still about one hundred and fifty people left. The original version estimates that after the first test, it will be reduced to a few dozen people. The quality of this year's test takers is really good!,"

In the jungle, the departed Sa Ci glanced back at the huge factory building:

"Unfortunately "

"The examiner for the second test was the Menchi and Tohaspur."

"In this way, maybe 983 will be reduced to 50 people. No, it depends on the [test questions]. Maybe no more than ten people can pass!"

"Not to mention, plus those two peculiar candidates."

"It's really interesting. I'll stay and have a look.

After that, he stopped.

The figure flashed and sank into the jungle.

At the same time, inside the plant.

"It's almost time~"

As a genius gourmet hunter, Menchi, who has achieved a one-star Hunter achievement, said with a smile.

There was a little expectation in his eyes.


Toha thorn nodded repeatedly.


Another gastrointestinal wriggling sound came from his stomach.

He can't wait to have a full meal!!

"By the way, let's stab~"

Menchi suddenly stuck out his fragrant tongue and licked his mouth.

"You said, what will it look like for the candidates who are so concerned about President Netero and the twelve earthly branches?"

Her eyes were a little gleaming, "What will the taste of his cooking look like?"

"It really makes people look forward to it!!"

On the plain in front of the factory building, the clock above continues to rotate, reaching a critical point~

"Crack, click."

In front of the examinee, the heavy door with the clock hanging on the top began to make a sound, announcing the arrival of the second test.

The test takers who had already passed the first round of quizzes, who were a little relaxed, suddenly regained their spirits when they heard the sound, and began to become nervous.

The huge and heavy door opened little by little, revealing the scene inside little by little.

The first thing that caught the examinee's eyes was a beautiful girl sitting on the sofa with a rather exposed dress and a strange pink hair.

Petite and exquisite, but a very good-shaped Menchi.

Then, there was another examiner with a burly figure and a giant figure sitting with two thighs apart.


The strange sound came from his stomach.

"Everyone, have been waiting for a long time."

On the surface, Menchi greeted all the candidates very politely.

"Welcome to the second round of the Hunter test.

Her eyes are unusually bright.

At the same time, a pair of big eyes patrolled the candidates, seeming to be looking for something. .

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