Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 204 It's impossible for food to appear out of thin air. This is the first time I have e

Netero not only talked to the Hunter examiner in the first round of Sa Ci about Mo Lin's attention in this regard.

Of course, Netero did not miss Machi and Buha in the second round of testing.

On the contrary, Netero, who is well aware of Menchi's weird character, gave them special attention.

Unfortunately, Netero's painstaking efforts did not seem to be effective.

On the contrary, some have had a counterproductive effect.

As a result, Menchi had a different kind of fantasy about this Hunter test.


"You're hungry, don't you Toha thorn?"

Hearing the movement, Menchi stopped searching and raised his head and asked with a smile.

Since she was sitting on the sofa with her legs knocking, she raised her head and leaned back to weigh the material in front of her.

Vaguely, there were some drooling sounds among the candidates.

"You heard me too, my stomach was grunting with hunger, Menchi."

As Teha said, he patted his naked belly a little anxiously.

He can't wait to eat the candidates' cooking to fill his stomach.

"Well, in that case, then, the second round of testing is about to begin!"

Menchi smiled at him, then looked away.

At this moment, the smile changed to seriousness, and the original amiability was suddenly thrown out of the sky.

"Have you all heard the gurgling sound of another examiner behind me?"

Menchi tilted Erlang's legs and twisted the sexy Xiaoman waist and said:

"So, the subject of the second test is cooking!!"

"Prepare satisfying food for our two gourmet Hunters!!"

Gourmet Hunter explores various cuisines and ingredients in the world, with the goal of creating new delicacies.

Normally, Hunter himself is a super chef.


Surprising expressions appeared in the eyes of many candidates.

Toha thorn rubbed his big belly: "First of all, I need to make the ingredients I specify."

"Only qualified people can cook my designated dishes!

Menchi continued.

"Anyway, only if we all say [It's delicious], can you pass the second test!!"

"The deadline for the test will be when we are full!!

When they heard Menchi say this, it was obvious that they were serious, and the candidates' expressions changed a little.

A group of rough guys who came to get Hunter's license to cook, how strange it feels.

There are also candidates who are not good at cooking at all.

There are even more people who speculate about the belly size of Menchi and Toha.

"I don't care about that man for the time being, that woman shouldn't be able to eat too much, right?"

"Then this way, the number of qualified people will be greatly restricted!!"

"Unexpectedly, the subject of the test turned out to be cooking! Damn, I have never cooked before!!"

"There is such a test! What kind of cooking does he want us to do?!"

For a time, there was a lot of discussion on the scene.

Cooking this thing, whether it tastes good or not depends on personal subjective judgment, and there is no level of test at all!

If you are eliminated because of the bad taste, the people present will definitely not be convinced!

But think about it, the examiner sent by the Hunter Association shouldn't just decide the victory by taste, is it such an outrageous reason?

Shouldn't it?

Under the voice of many examinees, I saw that Toha thorn slowly stretched out his thick index finger up to the sky.

"I want to eat.. .."

The eyes of the candidates suddenly became tense.

"Roasted whole pig!!

A long halazi flowed from the corner of Toha's mouth.

"this is my favourite!!"

Many little gold stars appeared before his eyes.

"Everyone can only choose all kinds of pigs that live in Ziah Forest Park!!"

"The second test begins!!"


After hearing the words of the stab, suddenly~

All the candidates rushed out in a swarm!

In the first half of the second test, Buhaspur’s dish [Roasted Whole Pig], the number of participants was a hundred and forty-eight people.

"Fortunately, it's just an ordinary barbecue, and it's not too difficult. It's just a simple dish!!"

"Just catch the pig and roast it!!"

"But, you have to catch it quickly! Although he has a huge body, his appetite is limited after all, so hurry up!!"

The candidates broke up in a noisy embrace.

Suddenly, the originally lively factory building became empty in an instant.

"Hee hee~"

Menchi smiled and turned his face, "You can only choose any kind of pig?"

"You are so bad!"

"There is only one kind of pig that lives in the Biscayne Forest, right?"


Toha thorn scratched his belly, "Recently, the breeding speed of the horny mad pig is a bit too fast, just let this group of candidates clean up."

"What's more, only a pig with a delicious taste in its own meat quality can withstand the various ravages of the examinees and retain most of the original taste."

"And it can satisfy your cravings and satiety, right?"

Menchi smiled and nodded, "This is the so-called three benefits!"

"It can also be said to be three birds with one stone and three birds with one arrow."

Inside the stadium, a voice came out slowly.


Menchi and Buhathorn nodded subconsciously.


But soon, they found out something was wrong, and they saw that there were one no, two candidates in the scene.

One of the candidates was holding a tablecloth that he did not know where he took out and spread it on the floor.

The silver-haired boy next to him was looking at all of this with some curiosity.

"What are you doing here? Why don't you go find a pig to do it?"

While spreading the gourmet tablecloth, Mo Lin casually asked Killua next to him.

"Didn't you also go there?"

Killua blinked his eyes.

He put his arm behind his head and watched Mo Lin's movements curiously.

At the beginning of the exam, he subconsciously glanced in the direction of Mo Lin.

It turned out that Mo Lin didn't move.

He thought about it a little, and then chose to stay in place to observe and observe.

As for whether it can pass in the end~

At that time, the big deal is to ask Gon to help him get a pig.

In Killua's view, anyway, with Gon's bad personality, as long as he asks, he would definitely agree.

In the second half, when the female examiner came to give the test, or the next test, it was enough to help a group of Gon to repay the favor.

Compared to hunting and killing ingredients to make roasted whole pigs, Killua is more inclined to observe Mo Lin.

Look at how amazing this so-called prop master, who has the highest commission level in their family record, is!

Killua couldn't restrain her curiosity around the corner.

As the saying goes, curiosity kills a cat.

This sentence is correct when used in Killua's body.


The tablecloth spread out, and Mo Lin snapped his fingers softly.

"I want a roasted whole pig!

Suddenly, under the attention of three pairs of six eyes, on the patterned tablecloth, there was a lot of heat.

Immediately afterwards, an authentic roast suckling pig with a golden and attractive luster appeared on the tablecloth, in front of everyone.

Killua:" ?? ?"

Menchi: "?!!!"

Toha thorn: "!!!!"

Just under the eyelids of the three of them, a whole roasted pig suddenly took shape?!

Killua only felt a little shock in his worldview.

"Isn't food supposed to be cooked? It also needs to have all kinds of ingredients."

Killua was at a loss.

If Killua is confused, then Menchi is a little unbelievable.

She rubbed her eyes and found that she had not made a mistake~

"This is Nen of space, storage, or item transfer, right?"

She muttered in her mouth.

"Otherwise it is impossible for food to appear out of thin air..."

Menchi is trying his best to find a patch for the phenomenon in front of him.

She did not want to admit that she regarded it as the most important food in her life, and it appeared so crudely out of thin air.

"々"This is roasted whole pig~"

Mo Lin brought the whole roasted pig with full of fragrance, and brought the plate to Xia Ha Xing.

"Please, Mr. Food Hunter Examiner.

Mo Lin smiled.

"I'm gonna start now!!"

Smelling the scent a long time ago, the uncontrollable Hathorn suddenly yelled anxiously.

He took the plate directly from Mo Lin's hand, and then opened the huge mouth of the abyss.


Looking at the wide arc of the mouth, it is easy to doubt that he wants to eat even the plate.

After the whole roasted pig was thrown into his mouth, Buha Spur chewed hard twice, and his figure stopped.


"good to eat!!!"

The applause that pierced the sky resounded over the entire forest park.

Those candidates who were fighting against the mad pig were all taken aback.

"This is the first time I have eaten such a delicious roasted whole pig!!!!"

Toha thorn was chewing there, and his entire face was full of delicious intoxication.

Every time I chew in the mouth, the fragrance will bloom on the tip of the tongue.

He feels his tongue is reveling, dancing and beating!!

The scent of scent irrigated into his nasal cavity, and then swept through his body cells that love food!!

It's just a fragrance!!

Toha thorn felt his whole body cheering.

"This is really delicious."

My favorite food is cooked so delicious!

For a gourmet hunter, this is simply the happiest thing in the world!!

For a time, touching tears flowed from the eyes of Xia Ha thorn (no money is good).

It covered his entire cheek that was flushed with excitement.

These are tears of happiness and joy!!


You are too exaggerated, are you stab?!"

Menchi raised his eyebrows as he watched Buhashir's expressions and the constant chanting of "delicious".

But while questioning, Menchi is also a little curious Jiang Mu.

Because Teha thorns are so delicious!!

Not only his taste is delicious, but also the scent of the whole roasted pig leaking out.

You know, as a gourmet hunter, Menchi's sense of smell is also very well developed.

This scent not only rolled in Toha's thorny nose, but also wrapped around Menchi's nose.

It seems to be gently swaying and teasing her sense of smell!!

What's more, color, aroma and taste represent the basics of a food.

Scent, Menchi smelled it.

The appearance of the dishes, not to mention, Menchi saw it at first sight when Mo Lin picked up the roasted whole pig.

That kind of brilliance is definitely not what an ordinary roasted whole pig can have.

With this incomparable fragrance

Even Menchi was a little irresistible and swallowed!


Menchi turned his face suddenly.

"Do you have any other roasted whole pigs?!"

Her eyes were green and faintly shiny, Mo Lin clinging to her deathly, and the weird patterned doily fox on the ground.

"Take them out!!!".

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