Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 207 Is the free thing the most expensive? Or let him do it himself

"Great Killua, I can't find you, I thought you were lost!!"

When Gon saw Killua and Mo Lin also there, he smiled in relief.

"Lost, you look down on us too much, right?!"

Killua walked to Gon's side with a look of resentment + unrequited love.

With hands behind his head, the whole body is filled with low air pressure.

"What's wrong with you?"

Gon tilted his head.

"fine "

Killua turned away.

He didn't want to be known to others by being intimidated by the examiner.

"Seventy people passed the first round of testing, which means he ate 71 whole roasted pigs."

"This is simply a monster!!"

A group of people sweated violently as they watched the spurs with big stomachs and the spurs leaning on a pile of pig bones.

"Sure enough, someone who can be called a Hunter is definitely not a waiting person!!"

Gon exclaimed.

"Great is great, but I don't want to be like him."

Killua shook his head. He doesn't have any good feelings for the food Hunter group now.

"This is simply unreasonable. Obviously, the food he eats is much larger than his own."

Kurapika constricted her eyebrows very puzzled.

"You don't have to be so serious, either, Leorio was speechless.

"It turned out that everything was okay

Menchi glanced at the black bone spit out from the thorn at his foot.

Even if you don't eat it, Menchi can tell by just smelling it. This "Nine-Eight-Seven" dish is definitely not up to standard.

But since Tohaspur had said it, she had no reason to judge.

What's more, she had previously snatched a whole roasted pig from Buha Spur.

There really shouldn't be any more to say.

"Seventy-one people? Well, this year's standard is very high!!"

Sats squatted on the big tree outside the factory building, resting his chin in his hands:

"Indeed, you can easily kill that kind of pig by hitting it weakly and vigorously on the forehead."

"To make such a correct attack, you also need considerable courage, judgment and physical strength!!"


Sats thought of the time when all the candidates had left.

"Unexpectedly, there are still props that can show food out of thin air.

The tip of his nose shook, echoing the special roasted whole pig scent that had floated in the factory before, and Sats sniffed again.

To be honest, after smelling the smell of roasted whole pig just now, he was also a bit greedy.

"Although the roasting whole pig has passed the test, the next thing to face is the difficult woman, who is more difficult to deal with."

The scene of Menchi's embarrassment to Killua also made Sats firmer in this idea.

"Gourmet Hunter Menchi, is one of the few celebrity chefs in the world. Her artistic taste can be brought into full play in cooking."

"She searched all the ingredients with infinite curiosity, and she will never forget the tastes she has tasted. With her contribution to food culture, she has been awarded the title of one-star Hunter at the age of only 21."

"I don't know what kind of exam questions she will give."

"But no matter how difficult the exam questions, that person, there is absolutely no problem."

In order to watch the play better, Sa Ci jumped directly from the tree and walked towards the factory.

He is now more and more eager to look forward to the follow-up development of things.

"Well, congratulations to you all for passing the first half of the test, but I am different from Toha stab, I am not so good at talking, my review will be very strict!.

Menchi said as he walked to the front of the crowd and turned around twice, then he patted his hands:

"In the second half of the second round of testing, I want to eat sushi!!"

After listening to all the candidates, they suddenly had a bad feeling that they had never heard of this kind of cuisine.

"What kind of cuisine is it? Do you know?"

"Do not "

"No clue at all.

"How is it possible to make a dish that you don't know at all?"

Seeing all the candidates frowned, Menchi had recovered a bit of majesty as an examiner and nodded in satisfaction.

"Look at you looking confused, but it's no wonder that you don't know, because this is a traditional national cuisine of a small island country."

"The national traditional cuisine of a small island country?"

The candidates gave me the expression that you were teasing me.

"Sure enough!! Originally, I was still wondering if it was that sushi. After all, there are so many different dishes with the same name in the world.

But the small island country? National traditional cuisine? That's totally right.

That’s great! I didn’t expect that the title would be the traditional cuisine of my hometown. I’m sure to win this test!”

When the bald-headed ninja heard the question, a bald-headed ninja was stunned when he heard the question, and then he was filled with joy. Then he suppressed the joy and returned to calm on his face.

However, his beating eyebrows and eyes more or less exposed his mood at the moment.

"Give you some hints! Come, take a look here!!"

"This is where you cook!!"

Menchi led the candidates into the cooking table inside the room.

Knives, cooking tables, rice, etc. are all available.

"This is the place where you make this kind of cuisine. The most basic tools and materials are already in front of you. Rice is indispensable for making sushi. I will also prepare it for you."

"Next, there is one biggest hint. Among sushi, I only admit the finished product of nigiri sushi.

Menchi has one hand on his waist, and his face is excited about the upcoming test.

Originally, she still expected what the candidates could achieve, but now~

With Mo Lin's jade in front, it doesn't matter even if this group of candidates make a pile of rubbish!!

As long as you can eat amazing nigiri sushi that you are satisfied with, then anything is fine!!

"Okay, I'm ready to begin. When I feel full, the exam is over. Until then, you can make as many sushi as you like.

After Menchi said all the tips, he announced the start of the test and sat down on a sofa.

Looking around at the candidates with expectant eyes, to be precise, looking at the place where Mo Lin is.

"Nigiri Sushi"

Candidates also began to think about the recipe with a sad face, but they just felt unable to start.

"Traditional national cuisine?'

Kurapika frowned.

"It's not easy to tell what the cuisine is like. I read a lot of books and it seems that there is only a little record of this."

Kurapika frowned and thought, and Leorio was also scratching his scalp there.

"Hey hey"

Among the crowd of people with frowning faces, a bald head with a sullen smile was particularly noticeable.

"I won the test this time! I never thought that the traditional cuisine of my hometown would become a test subject!!"

Hanzo grasped his fist and had never been so confident:

"But if you act happily, you will be seen through by the people around you."

"If you pretend to be completely ignorant, then I am the only one who can pass the exam without incident. This is what a wise man would do!!"


Hanzo looked sideways, and the police glanced at the Explosive Kuer who was kneading the rice ball next to him, and immediately turned his head back.

"Puff whistle~"

This guy seems to know what to do

Baokuer was so angry that the rice ball in his hand was squeezed into a small ball.

But still, Hanzo did not stand out here.

Then, under Leorio's carelessly big mouth, the "fish" clues he got from Kurapika were leaked out.

Most people ran out to catch fish in the river at the first time.

The candidates hurried out in a group.

"Menchi, you are more sinister than me."

After eating, Xia Ha spurs his teeth and said, "I remember to use sea fish for nigiri sushi? River fish in the forest can't make orthodox sushi.

"Isn't that interesting? I'm tired of ordinary sushi!"

Menchi licked the corners of his mouth, "It's exciting to see what innovative things they can make!!"

"Now my status as a chef has overshadowed the status of an examiner!!"

Her eyes were burning and she looked at the two people who had not left on the scene. 0

Mo Lin, and Killua.

"Why don't you catch fish?"

Mo Lin still asked casually while taking out the [gourmet tablecloth].

Killua didn't speak, just staring at him with cat eyes erect.

"Well, for the sake of our first cooperative transaction, I will give you another service for free."

Mo Lin shrugged at him, "Go to the river to catch fish, come back and I will tell you how to make sushi.

"? "

A question mark appeared on Killua's forehead.

"Can't this tablecloth of yours be able to conjure all kinds of delicacies out of thin air?"


Mo Lin nodded.

"Can't the nigiri sushi be made out of thin air?"

Killua pointed to the tablecloth, "Then why do I need to go outside to catch fish, and let you teach me how to do it?"


Mo Lin looked at him with a strange look.

"What do you mean by looking at me like this?!'

Killua was uncomfortable being seen.

"Although I am giving you a free service, but it is limited to the operation process, the specific physical objects~~~"

Mo Lin patted Killua on the shoulder and smiled kindly:

"Don't you know that free things are the most expensive?"

"Only through the hard work of your own hands and the delicious and delicious food made by the examiner can you have a great sense of accomplishment, isn't it?!"


It's still a sense of accomplishment, are you putting this to coax a three-year-old child?!

The corners of his eyes twitched and he looked at Mo Lin speechlessly.

Killua wanted to take away [Gourmet Tablecloth], but unfortunately, there is still a certain distance between dream and reality.

Nothing can do anything about Mo Lin's, he can only helplessly ran out to catch fish.

But compared to those candidates who didn't even know how to make nigiri sushi, Killua got Mo Lin's assurance, and it was barely a step ahead.

Menchi had the same doubts as Killua.

"Don't you plan to give the silver-haired kid the finished product directly?"

Menchi persuasively said: "Otherwise, my requirements are very strict, and he may not be able to pass it!!"

It's not just him 5.6, others can't pass it~~~

Mo Lin smiled on the surface, but said so in his heart.

Regardless of Killua's results, this test is destined to be repeated.

Then give Killua a finished product, besides satisfying Menchi's appetite and satisfying her, is there any other effect?

No more~


"It's better to let him do it himself."

Mo Lin snapped his fingers as he spoke.

Suddenly, the seemingly beautiful nigiri sushi appeared on the [Gourmet Tablecloth]!!

Whether it's the color and appearance, the quality of the fish, etc., it is definitely the top quality among the top quality nigiri sushi!!

"This is it!!"

Menchi's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Give it to me and you can pass this second round of testing!!"

Her tone was rapid, and it was obvious that she was going to be unable to bear it.

Without even tasting the taste, he directly spoke to Mo Lin and expressed his approval.

She is looking forward to this smell!!



Mo Lin just smiled at her.


In her slightly dull gaze, he grasped the sushi and put it into his own mouth.


Mo Lin shook his head: "The taste is indeed quite good!!"

Menchi: "???".

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