Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 208 Shut me up! Is he trying to completely disrupt this test? Don't you want to know th

After eating a piece of nigiri sushi, Mo Lin is still not finished.

"Give me another nigiri sushi, grilled sushi, rolled sushi and other sushi!!"


Suddenly, the scene was spread out and full, and all kinds of sushi appeared on the tablecloth.

"I started~!"

Mo Lin learned the posture of Hulu in "Captive of Food", put his hands together, and saluted the food.

Of course, this does not mean that Mo Lin has much respect and thanks for these foods.

The main thing is to deliberately put this posture to show the gourmet Hunter next to him.


Menchi opened his eyes wide and stared at this scene blankly, his eyes a little dull.

She just watched Mo Lin pick up the sushi on the tablecloth one by one, and then put it into her mouth one by one.

That posture obviously wanted to eat it all by herself, and didn't leave one for her at all!

"You what are you doing?!!"

Finally, Menchi was not too slow.

After reacting, she suddenly shouted angrily:

"Shut up to me!!"

However, after her voice went down, Mo Lin had already eaten the last piece of sushi.

"You, you, you, don't you want to pass the Hunter test?"

She was so angry that she was incoherent.

There are so many delicious sushi, but she hasn't tasted any of them in her mouth!!

Menchi's heart is dripping blood.

"Obviously it is such a good sushi, you can eat it bit by bit without chewing it."

Menchi looked distressed: "Can you taste the taste?!"

"Sushi is a cuisine, you have to taste the aroma of rice, fish, and soy vinegar, so that you can taste the best flavor!!"

"If you do this, it's just eating indiscriminately!!"

Menchi's grievance is not normal for not being able to eat Mei30.

"This kind of deliciousness should be given to professionals to taste!!

The five of Menchi's bangs all exploded: "This is the last level of the second round of testing that I made!!"

"If you want to pass, you should give me one!!"

"Sorry, the examiner~"

Mo Lin ordered a cup of tea and drank it slowly:

"I will give you delicious nigiri sushi, but not now.

"What does it mean?!"

Menchi raised his eyebrows, feeling that Mo Lin was teasing her.

"You'll find out later.

Mo Lin said with a smile.

Menchi saw him like this and wanted to question again.

But for those so-called delicious sushi, after all, I endured it.

"I want to see, what do you mean by delicious nigiri sushi?"

Menchi raised his eyebrows, folded his arms around his chest and was silent beside him.

As early as when Mo Lin brought out the roasted whole pig of the arrogant mad pig to Tohaspur, she had already determined that Mo Lin was the candidate to be paid attention to as President Netero said.

Originally, Hisoka was indeed very dangerous, but compared with Mo Lin, it was nothing at all.

Although Mo Lin is not like Hisoka, he always exudes an offensive and provocative atmosphere.

But the powerful physical fitness at the tip of the iceberg that they can easily observe is not even possessed by their veteran Hunter.

Coupled with the magical unknown ability to manifest food, it also made Menchi and Buha stab clear.

Mo Lin is an existence they cannot provoke.

Therefore, with Menchi's willful character and violent temper, if it was someone else, she would have stepped forward a long time ago.

But in the face of Mo Lin

Well, at most, it's just a bit of stamina~

Not long ago~

The candidates who went out to catch fish returned one after another.

All kinds of strange-shaped fishes appeared on their chopping boards.

"It's really all kinds, all kinds of aquatic products are needed~"

Mo Lin exclaimed.

Under closer observation, you can better appreciate the diversity of Hunter's aquatic products in the world.

"Okay, I have caught the fish, how can I do it?!"

Killua also slid two species that resembled long hairtails, and returned from the outside.

"Have you taken it back?"

Mo Lin glanced at him first, then looked around the candidates around him.

Well, there are a total of 71 candidates, most of them are present.

Except for Hanzo, the guy who knows exactly how to make nigiri sushi, hides himself and makes it secretly, so that no one else can see it.

The other test-takers were all there, eagerly cooking in various weird and novel directions.

The pictures of those cooking are simply too much to look at!!


When Mo Lin saw that Leorio had caught a few fish and a handful of rice, he felt that the time was about to come, so he coughed slightly.

"Dear candidates, please listen to me!"

Mo Lin took out a small speaker, and the sound spread all over the audience.

The movements of all the candidates who were making nigiri sushi all stopped unconsciously.

"It's that strange candidate!!"

When everyone saw that Mo Lin was talking, they all turned their attention here.

Mo Lin has left too many deep impressions on them before.

They want to hear what the mysterious candidate wants to say.

"Everyone, do you know how to make real nigiri sushi?"

Seeing that everyone's eyes were attracted, Mo Lin nodded in satisfaction:

"I think the way most of you are clueless, even some people are aimless and cook indiscriminately."

"What does he want to do?!"

A bad premonition suddenly appeared in Menchi's heart.

"Don't you want to know the real way of nigiri sushi, so that you can easily pass this test?"

Mo Lin sent this sentence to the ears of all the candidates.

"? ?? "

Everyone was stunned after listening, and then a question mark appeared in their hearts instantly.

"You said you know the real way of nigiri sushi?"

Takuto, the fat strong man with pigtails in purple clothes, couldn't help asking.


Mo Lin nodded, "It is absolutely guaranteed to be the most true practice!!"

"The examiner is here, is it true? They can give you an answer immediately, this kind of thing cannot be faked!"

The other candidates subconsciously nodded in agreement.

"Since you know how to make nigiri sushi, why don't you hurry up to make it yourself now, but instead use your loudspeaker to talk to us for what?"

One of the candidates' heart moved and asked.

Especially when Bakuko waited a little closer to Hanzo. Those who knew how he knew how to make nigiri sushi also subconsciously looked at the hidden Hanzo.

"That's because I plan to share this approach with you."

Mo Lin smiled and faintly said something that made all the examinees unbelievable.

"You said, you want to share this recipe with us?!!"

Several candidates who were dealing with beasts and insects, such as the snake player Scar Peng, the monkey charmer Suomi, and the beekeeper Peng Si, also asked in unison.


Mo Lin affirmed.

i~ and

His remarks also caused a huge discussion among the candidates.


Hisoka in the crowd licked his lips subconsciously.


Ilmi remained unrevealed in that posture.

"Why are you so kind to tell us the key to this round of test clearance?!"

Bakukura raised his hand.

Next to it is the hidden Hanzo, and in front of it is Mo Lin who wants to share his practice.

The gap and the sense of division between the two really make Bokuer feel so unexpected and wonderful.

"Yes, do you have other purposes?

"We are all candidates and competitors! Will you help us?!"

"Could it be that there is an unexplainable secret here, or something else?"

"It's definitely not free. We need to pay a certain price, right?!"

The candidates are a group of people with a sense of crisis and vigilance. They will not believe in such a good thing as a pie in the sky.

Only Gon is happy:

"Leorio, Kurapika, Mo Lin said, he wants to tell us how to make nigiri sushi!"

"Great, now we can all make it and pass the test!!"

"Mo Lin, he is really a good person!!"

Gon directly sent Mo Lin a big good person card.

"Well, if this is the case, it is indeed the best, but I am afraid that Mo Lin did it for another purpose."

As an eyewitness who has been fortunate enough to have seen many of Mo Lin's props, even some of the props are used~

Kurapika still stays away and guesses about Mo Lin.

"It's possible."

Leorio nodded with noddedness, "Anyway, let me share the qualified key parts that I already know for free. This is simply impossible."

"Oh, you say ""

He slapped Kurapika with his elbow and whispered:

"You said that based on our relationship with Mo Lin, will he tell us what to do for free?"

Well, his virtue of greedy for money and gaining advantage can't be changed in a short time.

"987 Killua, you seem to be a little unhappy, and some, uh, I don't know how to describe your current expression, what happened?"

Gon looked at Killua's pale and complicated face, worried.

"I'm fine~"

Killua shook his head slowly, his eyes fixed on Mo Lin in the center of the field.

"I want to see, what exactly do you want to do?"

Menchi has the same senses as Killua.

When Mo Lin said to tell other examinees how to master sushi~

There is only one thought in her mind:

Is he crazy?!

What does he want to do? Does he want to completely disrupt this test? Or something!!

Menchi felt that the current situation was somewhat beyond her control.

"Spray, it is the candidate who has been specially urged by the president of Netero. What he thinks and does is far beyond my expectation. Well, Menchi's expectation.

At the door, Sazi leaned forward and watched the play inside.

All of this happened, he saw it in his eyes, and he couldn't help but comment on it.

Especially seeing Mo Lin's unexpected plan made him even more surprised.

"First came out a peculiar cuisine about [Nigiri Sushi], and then it was the unexpected method of the No. 406 candidate."

"It seems that Menchi, who has always been considered difficult and difficult to deal with by others, can be regarded as a new challenge opponent this time.

His moustache trembles slightly, which is obviously more and more looking forward to the next development.

The interest in eating melon is getting stronger and stronger.

Inside the plant.

In the crowd's discussion, Mo Lin picked up the horn again.

"That's right, the way I grasp sushi to tell you, also has my own purpose.

Sure enough~

In the eyes of the candidates, there were unexpected expressions.

While there was a clear color in his eyes, there was also a little vigilance.

However, the initial doubts and speculations gradually disappeared.

"My purpose for doing this is actually only one."

Mo Lin looked at that expression, and a smile was slowly drawn on his face:

"That's for fun!!"

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