Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 209 Frightened Tonpa, a deep memory that is hard to erase! Who wants to be the first to try?

In the second round of testing, according to the original plot, it must be someone else who made a mess of fish and rice mashups and was mocked by Menchi.

Later, after Hanzo delivered a good-quality nigiri sushi, the situation began to get out of control.

The main thing is Hanzo's big mouth, which directly leaked the practice of nigiri sushi.

As a result, the other candidates all knew the real way, so that Menchi became angry and chose to use taste as the basis for determining the outcome.

This in itself is a manifestation of very willful and irresponsible.

Hunter test, the test is not a chef and cooking skills~~~

Mo Lin has [Gourmet Tablecloth] in his hand, he will definitely be qualified.

But the other candidates are still inevitably eliminated by Menchi.

To be honest, Mo Lin is quite disgusted with Menchi's way of tossing people.

In that case~~

"Aren't you going to decide the victory with taste?"

"In this way, I will let all the nigiri sushi prepared by the candidates conquer your taste buds!!"

With such thoughts, Mo Lin's mouth curled up slightly.


When other candidates heard Mo Lin's inexplicable answer, they were all puzzled.

But looking at the smile on Mo Lin's face, you know what he is thinking about what they don't understand.

"It seems that you can get the job done without paying any price?"

Such an idea came to the minds of the candidates.

It doesn't matter what Mo Lin means by "playing".

There quietly waiting for Mo Lin's next interpretation.

"The so-called nigiri sushi is to shape the rice into a rectangle that can be eaten in one bite, and add wasabi, vinegar, and sliced ​​sashimi on it. It's that simple!"

"That's it~"

Mo Lin also used [Gourmet Table Cloth] and realized a finished product.

"This is nigiri sushi!!"

A group of people looked at the sushi in Mo Lin's hand, with a sudden look in their eyes.

"Hahaha, simple and simple!!"

"If you know how to do it, it will be no problem at all!!"

"I didn't expect to be so lucky, someone would specifically disclose how to do it!!"

"This time we must be able to pass the level!!!'

Many examinees were delighted, and immediately started their actions.

"How can there be such a person?"

Hanzo, who was about to make half-finished nigiri sushi, looked very ugly at this scene.

"In this case, wouldn't everyone be able to pass the test?!

"This is to provide qualified channels for our competitors, it's a rival!!"

Hanzo didn't understand.

The Bakuer and others next to him were also watching his jokes.

"It seems you really know~"

They were holding back a smile, the expressions on their faces were exactly the same as the previous Hanzo.

"So this is the so-called nigiri sushi!!"

Baku'er smiled Hanzo with a wry face.

"It's a pity~~~"

Who let Hanzo be so proud before, and also hide it from the candidates.

The enraged Bakuer can be regarded as taking the opportunity to take advantage of Hanzo's Yin and Yang.

"Damn it"

Hanzo gritted his teeth, his face suffocated.

Just as Bakuko said, in Hanzo's mind, he also thinks that so-called nigiri sushi is just a very simple dish.

The taste should be similar, the only difficulty is to know its appearance.

but now..

Everyone knows it!!

The biggest advantage and first opportunity he possessed is gone!!

"If a person passes the level without incident, is this bad? Why do you want to do this! "!"

Hanzo was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

He really couldn't figure out why Mo Lin did that.

Fortunately, his finished nigiri sushi is almost finished.

At that time, he will also be the first candidate to pass the customs!!


Menchi couldn't stand it anymore.

Like Hanzo, she has no understanding of Mo Lin's approach.

"What are you doing again?!"

She said frantically.

It seems that since Mo Lin started to take out the whole roasted pig, all the progress of the matter has been out of her control, making her completely unable to see through.

"I'm making you the delicious nigiri sushi you want to eat~"

Mo Lin smiled at her.

What about a liar?!

Are you bullying me without ears?!

The corner of Menchi's eyes twitched. She had heard what Mo Lin said with her own ears just now, it was just for fun!!

"I want to see how you play, and how you can pass this group of candidates to make delicious nigiri sushi!!!"

She pitted her teeth and sat on the sofa peacefully and waited.

"it is done!!"

Soon, the first finished product appeared!!

Hanzo brought his freshly baked nigiri sushi to Menchi's table.

"Please taste it!!"

Hanzo passed it up with confidence.

"Hurry up and pass me after eating~!!"

He was ready to cheer and celebrate in his heart.


Menchi pinched the nigiri sushi into his mouth and chewed, frowning.

"It's not delicious at all, go back and redo it~"

She was extraordinarily polite.

"What did you say?!"

Hanzo, who was still nodding calmly, his face suddenly became tense.

"Who will cook this kind of cuisine, the taste won't be too bad, right?!"

"The taste is not too bad?!!!"

Menchi, who had been suffocated by Mo Lin for a long time, happened to have a vent:

"Don't be kidding!! Just learning to make sushi can take more than ten years!!"

Menchi grabbed Hanzo's collar and shook it back and forth.

"You laymen, even if you imitate the shape, the taste is still far away!!"

The shaking was so great that even Hanzo, the ninja, was a little dizzy.

"Then you shouldn't ask such a question!!"

He was so tough.

"Shut up, do you want me to kill you?!!"

Menchi's face was mischievous, and his face was full of crossroads.

"Do you still dare to complain? Huh?!!"

Menchi threw Hanzo out.

The first candidate to submit the finished nigiri sushi was completely defeated.

"It's really like this

When Hanzo stepped forward to submit the finished product, other candidates were also secretly paying attention.

Then after hearing the conversation between Hanzo and Menchi, they all looked at Mo Lin with surprise.

What he said is really true?!

Well, this sentence is not nonsense~~~

For a while, all the candidates started to do it with great enthusiasm.


Suddenly, Mo Lin coughed again with his trumpet.

Hearing his voice, the candidates honestly stopped their movements once again.

It is like a student waiting for the teacher to attend the class, listening quietly there.

"You have also seen that the examiner has a very good taste, and the taste is still used to decide the victory."

"Do you think that with your craftsmanship and cooking ability, it is enough to make nigiri sushi that impresses her gourmet hunter's tongue?"

It seems impossible. No, it is impossible without the appearance.

The candidates thought of it subconsciously.

Among them, there is no one who is proficient in cooking.

"So, even if you are sure to submit the sushi, will it be possible to pass [Yummy]?"

Mo Lin spread his hands, "Obviously not~"

"Not so much"

Some people were a little irritated by Mo Lin's "cannot".

"The examiner of the Hunter test shouldn't be so headstrong, right?"

The candidates glanced at Menchi, who was constantly shaking his legs, and his voice became weaker and weaker.

Well, if it's another examiner, it really won't be.

But the examiner of such a weird so-called gourmet Hunter

"You can make this yourself and try it~"

Mo Lin pointed to Hanzo, who had the words [Complete defeat] written on his face: "But you only have to look at his fate to understand."


Hanzo was taken as a typical heart, and he was stabbed again.


Many candidates nodded together.

With a living example, the credibility has increased a lot.

"々, but if this is the case, it would be a little too trivial to judge the outcome by the degree of taste?!"

Takuto, the strong man in purple clothes, couldn't help saying.

"If this is the case, then I will never be convinced of being eliminated!!"

The other candidates didn't talk too much, but they all expressed the same meaning obviously.

How delicious it is? This is nothing short of trouble for them!!

For a time, the examinees looked heavy.

Many people even look at Mo Lin subconsciously, wanting to hear how he does it.

Unconsciously, Mo Lin has become the backbone of a group of candidates.


Mo Lin smiled lightly: "In my opinion, only the taste is the easiest way to pass~"

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, Mo Lin's hand showed a condiment bottle.

"As long as you have this.

"What it is?"

Gon tilted his head.

Question marks appeared on the foreheads of other candidates.

They didn't understand what Mo Lin did with such a small bottle, and what that bottle was.


"It's that thing!!!!"

Among the candidates, there is still someone who can recognize it.

Tonpa, who was hiding in the crowd, saw the bottle object in Mo Lin's hand, and his face suddenly turned pale.

His stomach gurgled subconsciously.

"It's the laxative that is enough to make people distress the stomach for three days and three nights, and it can become extremely delicious!!"

Tonpa's face was terrified, and he couldn't forget the fear of being dominated by this powder.

(Nuoqian Zhao) Obviously it's just a can of drink, just pour in such a small amount of powder, and it produces an effect that can affect people's minds.

It makes people think "that can of drink is delicious, I must drink it".

Tonpa still remembers the confusing feeling that emanated from it.

It's more terrifying than unique products!!!

After seeing Mo Lin take out this thing again, he was shocked and took two steps back.

He has lingering fears on his face.

"This thing can help you pass this second round of testing very smoothly."

Mo Lin shook his hand to see the [Essence of Taste], "Who would like to try it first?"

No one said anything from the candidates in the audience.

Even if Gon wanted to take the initiative to stand up, he was held back by Kurapika and Leorio to take a look at the situation for the time being.

"Well, let me find someone to try the effect first?

When Mo Lin saw other people hesitate to speak, or did not dare to speak, he knew that they still had concerns in their hearts.

Also smiled indifferently.

I glanced at random,

After staying on Killua's body for a while, he found that the other party was staring at him with fish-eyes and an expression of "I want to make sure it is effective before using it", so he was first eliminated.


Mo Lin saw Dongshi shrunk in the corner.

"It's just you!"

[Today my family was hospitalized, and I went to the hospital to take care of the patient before returning. The last chapter of today should be around eleven o'clock. It is all updated and the update time is unstable. Please forgive me!]

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