Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 210 A delicious slave?! If you want the so-called deliciousness, I will satisfy her~ The sce

A kind smile slowly appeared on Mo Lin's face.

Sing, Tonpa has already experienced this effect before anyway, and is the first ""beneficiary" of [Taste of Essence].

So now, if there is one, there must be two.

What's more, Tonpa is also an old man here.

To many examinees, Tonpa, who has taken the exam 35 times in a row, is actually the least threatened to pass the customs.

Anyway, he didn't aim to become a Hunter, so Tonpa would have a certain degree of persuasiveness in this regard.


Seeing his pale face, he seemed unwilling.

"Don't don't don't don't look at me like that!! !"

Seeing Mo Lin's gaze came over, Tonpa's body trembled suddenly.

Then my heart kept wailing.

He really sees Mo Lin has a shadow now.

Maybe after falling asleep at night, it is possible to have a great dream about Mo Lin.

"You can't see me, you can't choose me, don't find me!!!"

Tonpa had almost put a censer to pray respectfully.

But it's a pity.

Some things, the more you are afraid of what will come.

Under Tonpa's desperate gaze, Mo Lin smiled and waved at him.

He didn't even say anything to let him go, it was so casual.

I don't know, I thought how similar the relationship between the two of them is~~~

"Look for me?!"

Naturally, Tonpa couldn't pretend not to see it, so he could only bite the bullet and came to Mo Lin.

A hard smile came out from the corner of his mouth.

"Is your nigiri sushi ready?

Although Mo Lin was asking, but his eyes were looking behind Tonpa.

"Done, done."

Seeing the direction of Mo Lin's gaze, Tonpa knew that he couldn't deceive him.

He could only swallow the two "No", and silently took out the nigiri sushi he had prepared from behind.

Well, although Tonpa has all kinds of precautions and stay away from Mo Lin.

But it is undeniable that Mo Lin has real skills, and it is also extremely powerful.

In this regard, Tonpa himself also thinks from the bottom of his heart.

So when Mo Lin told 987 to tell them how to make sushi, Tonpa of Chicken Thief had already prepared everything.

When Mo Lin finished speaking, he was the first to start the operation immediately.

Well, Tonpa is the one who fears and stays away from Mo Lin the most, but he is the one who trusts Mo Lin the most.

Spray, people like animals, it's really not generally complicated~~~

"Just do it."

Mo Lin took it and was not polite to Tonpa.

Directly in front of everyone, I showed Tonpa's results.

"This is the work of No. 16 old student Tonpa. It looks quite satisfactory. It is no different from what Hanzo did before~"

Under the gaze of many examinees, Mo Lin opened the bottle cap and drank some [Essence of Taste] on Tonpa's nigiri sushi.

"Next, is to witness the miracle of the moment!!

Just the next second after Mo Lin finished talking~~~

A strong fragrance spreads out instantly!!

"What does this smell like, it smells so good!!"

"This is the first time I smell this kind of smell!!"

"I really want to eat it!!"

The scent is lingering, passing among the candidates.

Many candidates who smelled the smell showed greed and desire in their eyes.

"It's exactly the same as I was back then

Tonpa swallowed his saliva and kept backing away.

If he didn't know the effect of the powder in the bottle cap in advance, he would withdraw early, and have a shadow of psychological trauma.

He may also be like this group of fascinated and fallen candidates, intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

"Oh ha ha ha, can you even influence your mind and arouse the desires of others?!!"

Hisoka's cheeks also trembled, but soon, he returned to normal again.

"Well, a small bottle of powder has such an effect, and the prop master lives up to his name."

Beside him, the Irfan, who was incarnation of Jitarago, also approached.

"Can't even you restrain yourself?"

Hisoka glanced at a pin on Ilmi's leg.

"There is no way, this kind of desire concept that directly affects the body level (dafg), even if I restrain it, it will be aroused~"

Ilmi is still the voice without any emotions: "So I can only take this way.

"But~~~Speaking of which,"

Ilmi's head shook, and he looked at Hisoka's arm.

"Aren't you the same?

There are obvious nail scratches on the right arm.

"My desire is much greater than yours~"

Hisoka didn't deny it, and said with a smile: "I really want to'eat' something!!"


Il fans know Hisoka's character and habits, and see him okay, so they don't care about him anymore.

"I hope you'd better determine the quality of apples first. Ripeness is one aspect, and the key is whether it is poisonous.

"If you poison the apple, I feel that you can't handle it with the current you~~

After giving a piece of advice, Yi Erfan plans to go to work on his nigiri sushi.

"I don't want to lose a partner who can talk and use well.

Hisoka was left alone, smiling silently in place.

Perverted laugh~~~

"What the hell is this scent?!!"

When Mo Lin came to Menchi carrying Tonpa's nigiri sushi, the latter also looked dazed.

"I've never smelled this kind of smell before."

Menchi took it subconsciously.

"Please use.

After speaking, Mo Lin stepped back, waiting for Menchi's reaction interestingly.

"Why, there is such a feeling that makes me desperately want to eat it?!"

"Obviously it's just a pretty appearance, the rice pinching technique is very rough, the fish slices are too thick, the vinegar is too much, the size is wrong, but why does my body seem to be a little unbearable?!

As far as gourmet Hunter is concerned, the nigiri sushi in front of him is completely equivalent to the treasure discovered by Treasure Hunter, which makes her irresistible.

"I want to eat!!"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind the sofa, which shocked Menchi.

Toha thorn is also a gourmet hunter, he is also attracted by this scent, and wants to taste it urgently.

"オ I won't give it to you, this is mine!!"

Seeing that Toha spurs wanted to compete aggressively, Menchi immediately grasped the sushi and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Anyway, this is the work of the examinee. The examiner who judged me should have no problem eating it."

Menchi only thought of this, and his mouth was filled with explosive deliciousness!!


Menchi kept chewing, his eyes widened to the maximum.

"Being able to have this ultimate fragrance, it really has the ultimate taste!!"

While chewing, Menchi moved his hands up slowly, slowly supporting her annoying face.


A pair of big eyes gradually turned into crescents.


Well, I said it three times in a row [It's delicious], but there are no other suitable taste adjectives.

This makes Xia Hashi feel a little bit wrong.


He looked at Menchi with some confusion.

For an excellent chef and gourmet hunter, such a perfunctory evaluation is absolutely inappropriate.

"It's not her fault~"

As if seeing through the worries of the thorn, Mo Lin smiled and said:

"After all, all she can feel now is the feeling of'delicious'~~~"


Hearing Mo Lin's words, Toha thorn turned his head in an instant.

"What did you do to Menchi?"

His tone gradually calmed down.

If Mo Lin does something harmful to Menchi by relying on the props or weird things in his hand.

Then he will never allow this situation!!

Even he understands that he will not be Mo Lin's opponent.

But as a food hunter and test examiner, he will not ignore his partner!!

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to her. After all, if you attack the examiner, you will be disqualified!!"

Mo Lin's face is very kind, "I don't have any thoughts of getting rid of it yet.

In contrast to Menchiqi, who was immersed there, Mo Lin's face is harmless:

"It's just that she wants to decide the victory with [Delicious], she wants the so-called'delicious, I will satisfy her~~~"

Mo Lin said this sentence with a smile, but there was no slight smile in his eyes.

"Since you have made your choice, you must pay a certain price for your choice."

"Especially as an examiner, he has done so many willful acts that even threaten the candidates.

"If she were not the examiner of the Hunter test, I would have taught her a lesson."

"The Hunter Test Review Committee has given you the qualifications of the examiner, and it has also given you the huge power to make independent propositions and judge whether it is qualified or not~"

"Then you should be faithful to your duties and fulfill your tasks conscientiously."

"Even if there are other thoughts, other careful thinking, and the use of power for personal gain, it should be based on the most basic work situation of doing the Hunter test and assessment."

"If you put the cart before the horse, it would be a bit too much~"

Mo Lin has a face of righteousness and stern words, magnificent and bright, as if walking the world to uphold justice, the representative of justice, and the messenger of justice~

Toha stab fell silent upon hearing the words.

Well, as a gourmet hunter, he knows Menchi's vices better than anyone present.

But when he knew this situation, instead of stopping it, he let it go.

Strictly speaking, he is also unqualified as an examiner.

He watched the scene where Menchi blackmailed Killua just now, and didn't say anything to stop him.

If things are a little worse, he can even be classified as an accomplice.

"Of course, having said so much, it is not about doing such noble things as maintaining the normal operation of the Hunter test."

Mo Lin put his arms around his chest, the atmosphere was a bit solemn in the first second, but he smiled in the next second.

The so-called justice of his body disappeared cleanly.

"I just said that I just want to have fun and have fun."

"I'm just for myself, just to see her upset, but also a little curious, I want to see what she will be like when she is immersed in the'delicious' she wants~"

Mo Lin glanced at Menchi who was still immersed in [Delicious] and did not wake up.

"Oh, it seems that the scene is still out of control.

Sa Ci couldn't help but squeezed his moustache outside the door.

"Initially, I thought that with Menchi's quirky character, encountering the No. 406 candidate would definitely have unexpected consequences.

"It seems that it is so.

He couldn't help shook his head.

He also saw all the previous things in his eyes, and knew that it was all caused by Menchi's willfulness.

It can also be said to be self-blaming.


"As a dignified Hunter test examiner, I was teased by candidates. This is not a good thing for the Hunter Association.

He took out his cell phone and started dialing the phone number.

Inside the factory~

"So now, do you see Menchi's embarrassment?"

トha stabbed in a deep voice.

"Then you should let go, right?!"

"Of course not~"

In the increasingly serious expression of Tuhasab, Mo Lin waved his hand behind him:

"There are still so many candidates who have not passed the test, and their nigiri sushi will also become delicious, and it must be recognized by the examiner lady [delicious]!!"

"The most important thing is~"

Mo Lin spreads out:

"My fun has just been mobilized."

"I haven't had enough fun yet, but I don't want to end up so early to make me feel happy.

"Of course, I don't think I'm disrespectful to your examiners. I do everything in accordance with your requirements. Everything is in the rules of the test questions."

"But if you think something is wrong and plan to stop me

Mo Lin smiled and looked at the stab: "You can try it~"

[The last one will be served today, thank goodness for being in time. It may be too late for zero, so you have to wait until tomorrow morning, call~!].

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