Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 214 The second round of testing is over! Huashi Doulang and Qi, greetings from Zoldyck, how

If it weren't for Nobita's disregard of the suspicion and terrible consequences of being wrongly chased by others, he would rescue a little girl who fell into the water with [Auto Lash].

And the little girl happened to see the husband using the [Auto Lash] to wrap things, and identified the husband.

I am afraid that Daxiong is about to carry the scapegoat on behalf of the husband, and he will be unjustly wronged.

Good people get good rewards, and the rewards of the causal wheel should be unhappy.

When I first watched this episode, Mo Lin only considered the consequences of Nobita without realizing the powerful effect of [Auto Lashing].

There is nothing in the world that cannot be covered.

No matter what you want to set or whoever you want to set, it can successfully set you up, and it can be described as an extremely practical prop.

Drinking is also the easiest tool to magnify greed and embark on the path of crime.

But now, the other candidates watched Mo Lin put on the grape spider egg, with a look of envy and hatred.

Those candidates who are a little afraid of heights or who are too big and inconvenient to go down have red eyes.

"Good and convenient props"

Gon blinked, and Leorio was even more envious.

"If there is this kind of lanyard, I can directly cover many books on doctors and have a good look."

He muttered quietly there.

In any case, Mo Lin's automatic lanyard gave the candidates a great excitement and made them jump down one by one.

Of course, it also gave many candidates new ideas.

"It turns out that as long as you can get the egg in your hand, you don't need it anymore.

Gon thought for a while, then took out the fishing rod behind him.

After adjusting the length of the line, he aimed at a group of grape spider eggs in the lower part of the canyon.


The fishing rod was precisely wrapped around it, and with a slight force, the whole group of spider eggs were caught. Menchi and Xia Ha stab looked at each other speechlessly.

"Very good!!"

Gon cheered and untied the grape spider eggs wrapped around them one by one.

"Leorio, Kurapika, Killua, these three are for you!!"

No more, no less. There are exactly four grape spider eggs, and the four of them happen to be assigned to one person.

In the end, a total of 43 people passed the test, except for some candidates who didn't dare to jump, and the unlucky ones who did not pay attention to falling in the river below.

Many examinees have also tasted the difference in the taste of this kind of boiled egg from the normal boiled egg.

I understand why the Hunter Association has such a professional branch of Food Hunter.

Because the taste is really good.

In this way, two consecutive rounds of testing ended, and a group of candidates returned to the airship.

This airship will lead them to the destination of the third round of testing.

In the meantime, candidates have enough time to rest, regain their energy and replenish their physical strength.

After all, during this period of time, candidates have been conducting high-intensity tests one after another.

Take Mo Lin as an example.

They boarded the Shanghai God on January 5, and experienced the shaking of the big wind and waves on the way. They did not disembark until January 6, and passed the quick question and answer two checkpoints to reach the hut under the cedar tree.

Then after another night of flying, on January 7th, I arrived at the Hunter exam venue and started the first round of the Hunter exam.

This is a very long-lasting marathon, and it takes more than ten hours to run.

It was only on January 8th that the second round of the test was started through the Wetland of Simile.

For three or four consecutive days, he went through numerous tests, among which there were dangerous areas such as the Simile Wetland, and dangerous figures such as Hisoka.

Rao is the body of many candidates is beaten with iron, and for a while, it is too much.

It just so happened that they were given enough rest time on the airship of the Hunter Association.

Starry, the night is as cool as water.

The airship flies and shuttles in this quiet late night, and it is also rare to create a peaceful atmosphere in the cabin.

Of course, although the Hunter Association provides a safer place, this does not mean that candidates can relax their vigilance.

The Hunter Association will not arrange anything, but if it is the harm from other candidates, it needs their own attention.

During the opening time of the Hunter test, if any casualties occur, the Hunter Association will not pursue the responsibility.

This also caused the candidates to hide in their rooms without going out after boarding the boat.

In addition to a few candidates who are particularly energetic~~~

At this moment, in a certain room of the airship.

"Are you going to take the next test w*?"

Netero squeezed his hand and said to Mo Lin in front of him.

"As the president of the association, I can call the shots and give you a Hunter license."

"Moreover, on the review committee's side, it is estimated that there will be a green light all the way and no one will jump out to block it."

Well, if anyone jumps out, he will form a bridge with Mo Lin.

The Twelve Earthly Branches, even Porter White and Paris Stone, would not do such a thing.

"Don't be special, take your time~"

Mo Lin also picked up the fragrant tea from Mr. Dou Noodles next to him. "The Hunter test is also quite interesting."

He took a sip of his tea, "It's a big deal next time I promise you that I won't bother with the examiner anymore."

The chief examiner for the next third and fourth rounds, if not surprisingly, should be the short bounty Hunter Ribe with a rooster head and fox eyes.

This guy who likes to eat snacks and watch theaters will not have much contact with Mo Lin.

Mo Lin also has no interest in the warden who guards the trap tower.

"Really? That's good~"

Netero nodded slightly, "But I still have a few questions."

"Hisoka, the candidate No. 44, should be the same as you. He was born in Meteor Street, and he is probably also a member of Phantom Troupe, right?

"It seems that you still have a gap with him?"

"Well, he has his own ideas, he is not the same as us~" Mo Lin said concisely.

"In addition, you seem to be more concerned about the 405 and 99 candidates.

Netero continued to ask.

"It can't be called Shangxin, but among the hundreds of candidates, it's rare to meet two people who have something to do with me.

Mo Lin drank tea:

"Needless to say, you must be able to see, President Netero, who is Gon with~"

"Spit, the look in the eyes, the fishing rod, and the tough temperament and chaotic character are exactly the same as his father."

Of course Netero can tell that Gon is Kim's son.

Two people are simply carved out of the same mold.

"And Killua, the iconic silver hair of the Zoldyck family, and the assassination technique that has been passed down for generations, are also so conspicuous."

"The two people are about the same age, maybe they can become very good friends."

"Perhaps it is really possible~"

While the two were chatting, there was a commotion outside the door.

"It seems that a candidate in the last round of testing was eliminated. I don't know what method was adopted, and then sneaked into the airship to trouble other candidates."

"Mr. Hua Shi Doulang has gone to check the situation."

Mr. Doumian made a phone call and understood the situation clearly.

"This group of young people really makes people worry~"

Netero got up, "Let's go and see?"


Mo Lin has nothing to do with it.

At this time, there was a commotion in the hall.

A girl with a double-tailed braid and a 111 number plate pinned to her chest, holding a sharp blade in her hand, constantly attacked Killua.

Not only overturned the table, but also stabbed through several sofas one after another.

On the side, Leorio, Kurapika and others were all dumbfounded by this sudden situation.

"These are the assets of the Hunter Association. If you destroy it at will, it is a lot of money to be allocated.

Just when the girl candidate was about to attack Qi again~

A big powerful hand directly held the blade in her hand, and with a little effort, the knife was snatched away.

Hua Shi Doulang casually threw the knife aside, "々, are you the candidate who was eliminated in the last round of testing? I remember you~"

"It stands to reason that you should be arranged to leave here instead of boarding the ship.

"If you sneak in without permission, you will be sentenced to severe punishment by the review committee."

"Anything is good!!"

Candidate No. 111, that is, Anida gritted her teeth while looking at Killua, "It doesn't matter if you become a Hunter!!

"All I want is to avenge my dad!!

"Vengeance on this swordsman who killed my father and his hands were covered with blood!!"

Hands full of blood

Hwa Shi Dou Lang glanced at Killua, after resting two eyes on his iconic silver hair~

"He is from the Zoldyck family, right?"

Hua Shi Doulang asked.

"Yes!! It's their kind of swordsman who takes the lives of others at will for the sake of money!!"

Anida looked angry, and accused Killua there.

The accused person, Killua, had a calm face, as if he didn't care much about such things.

Hearing this, Hua Shi Doulang also understood the cause and effect.

It was nothing more than someone commissioned the Zoldyck family to take the girl's father's life.

Then the girl specially came to participate in the Hunter test, in order to deal with the Zoldyck family members to avenge her father.

"To be honest, I don't understand your thoughts and practices."

Hua Shi Doulang looked at Anida and said flatly:

"Although the Zoldyck family are murderers, they usually do it only after receiving a commission. According to this principle, beating the (Nono's) enemy family can only be regarded as an accomplice.

"If it is really revenge, it should be the trouble of finding the main criminal first, right?"

"Not to mention~"

"Even if you are looking for trouble with the Zoldyck family, you shouldn't come to the Hunter test, right?"

Hua Shi Doulang looked at her expressionlessly, "The Withered Slaughter Mountain in the Republic of Bartoria is the base camp of the Zoldyck family."

"If you can participate in the Hunter test, it means that you are still a bit capable. You don't know where the base camp of the Zoldyck family is located.,

"If you didn't go there, you came here instead. Do you think our Hunter Association is not as fierce as the Zoldyck family? You think it's a bully?"

Hua Shi Doulang's tone gradually turned cold.

"It's nothing like that!!"

Anida retorted without thinking about it, and at the same time, she was pricked in her heart by Hua Shi Doulang's words, or what, a little embarrassed and angrily said:

"People like you don't understand the feeling of losing a loved one after being assassinated by Zoldyck!!!"

"No, I can understand~"

Hua Shi Doulang calmly interrupted, "Because I have also been assassinated by the Zoldyck family."

"But the difference is that I was lucky to survive."

Hua Shi Doulang looked at the strangeness with his hands in his pockets.

Originally, Killua had always been a calm posture, but after Hua Shi Doulang looked over, the cold hairs all over his body suddenly stood up and changed.

"Zeno and Silva, how are they two?"

Hua Shi Doulang looked at Killua's eyes directly, and asked faintly. .

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