Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 215 Hisoka grows apples, and destroys apples after planting apples~? Transforming such talen

When Wah Shih Doulang was pursuing the Kurdish Bandit Group before, Silva and Zeno joined forces to deal with it.

He almost didn't lose his life.

At this moment, seeing the second generation of the Zoldyck family come in front of him, he has to greet him no matter what.

"Do you know my father and grandpa?!"

Killua was also staring at the Wah Shi Dou Lang in front of him.

Although there was no special aura on the opponent's body, he could still feel it.

The terrible power hidden under the other party's body.

Moreover, his eyes and every move are full of oppression and deterrence.

This feeling is simply stronger than the pressure he felt from his brother!!

"What do you want to do?"

In a corner of the hall.

Hisoka grabbed Jitarago, that is, the shoulder of Ilmi.

"If you show up now, doesn't it mean that you are also a member of the Zoldyck family?"

Hisoka chuckled, "Maybe your brother will recognize you too."

"The people of the Hunter Association, except for the candidates who take the initiative to offend, they don't casually attack the candidates, huh~"

Hisoka thought of the blind guy he met last year, and things didn't seem to be so absolute.

"Of course, if there are any brainless guys, when I didn't say it."

"But obviously, the other party is a big figure in the Hunter Association, and he won't make such a low-level mistake~"

Hisoka calmed down, and saw Jitarago's body shake a few times, and he sat back on the spot again.

However, his eyes were still staring at the movements of Hua Shi Doulang.

The home court in the lobby.

"Thanks to your father and grandpa's care, I almost never survived their hands."

Hua Shi Doulang narrated calmly, "When I was pursuing the Kurdish thief group, the leader of the thief entrusted your father and grandpa to deal with me."

"I'm so good that I didn't die in their hands."

Killua: "990."

How come there are enemies of the Zoldyck family?!!

What my grandfather and dad do, you should go to them, don't come to me, hey!!

Killua is simply not a bit of Hunter test game experience.

The first round of boredom, the second round of being coerced, and now I have encountered a family enemy

The outside world is so dangerous!!

Killua was full of resentment.

"What do you want?"

His eyes twitched, and he asked hard.

"I don't want to be so much~"

Seeing Killua's appearance, Hua Shi Doulang laughed:

"At that time, I told your father and grandfather that I would personally go to my door to ask for advice when I have completed my practice in the future."

"Now, it's getting closer and closer to that day."

At this point, he also relieved Killua's tight body a little.

The meaning of Hua Shi Doulang is obvious. I'm looking for dad and grandpa who are also looking for you, so as not to bully a younger generation like you.

This made Killua breathe a sigh of relief, but at the same time he felt a little aggrieved.

Why can anyone run out to scare him now?!

"Yo, are you all here?"

At this time, Netero and Mo Lin came over.

Another person who bullied him is here~~~

"In this case, the punishment to be carried out is definitely to be driven off the ship, and to face the consequences of not being able to participate in the Hunter test in the future."

Netero gave this statement in accordance with the regulations.

So, Gon, who had infinite compassion, naturally began to intercede.

Also like Anida, Kurapika, who was carrying a sea of ​​blood and feud, also pityed the same illness, and began to plead with Netero.

The result of this is that Netero has a whole new idea.

"Well, if you play games with me and win me, I can think about it.

He also wanted to see what kind of level Kim's son and the descendants of the Zoldyck family are like.

"If I can win, I will give a Hunter license to one person."

After speaking, he turned around and left, leaving behind this fluttering, but very shocking word in everyone's ears.

Gon: "...


Leorio: ".


Hua Shi Dou Lang: ".

Well, they once again deeply experienced the waywardness of Netero.


Can I get a Hunter license?!!

We like this kind of waywardness so fast!!

Several people looked at each other, and they saw some surprises in each other's eyes.

Even Killua's eyes moved intently.

"In this case, there is another reason to win this game anyway!!"

Leorio was enthusiastic, and Gon and Kurapika nodded again and again.

The three of them, along with Killua, followed Netero.

With this excited look, Hua Shi Doulang shook his head slightly.

Want to win a game with President Netero?

When they played with the President of Netero, they never won once.

You are still too happy.

President Netero also went too far, giving a promise that was almost impossible to complete.

With this group of candidates who have not even mastered Nen, although their physical fitness is good, they are still far behind.

In other words, if you really want to beat the President of Netero with your current strength, it is not impossible.


Hua Shi Doulang looked at Mo Lin beside him.

It is possible to use his master’s props.

Hua Shi Doulang briefly explained the situation to Mo Lin.

I also talked a few things about the recent developments of the Hunter Association and the Review Committee.

Then he hurried to Netero to check the situation.

He was very suspicious that after being drilled by Netero, it was still a question whether these candidates could stand up.

After all, when they played with Netero, they were all beaten by him.

I hope this time, they can not be played too hard under the hands of President Netero.

The other party is just a group of candidates taking the test, the president of Netero should have a certain sense of measure, right?

After Hua Shi Doulang left, Mo Lin turned sideways again and looked at another direction.

He didn't speak, just watched the past peacefully.

After a few seconds~

A figure walked out from the direction Mo Lin was watching.

"Hey-hey "

Tonpa touched (dafg) the back of his head and smiled honestly.

Mo Lin showed interest in his eyes, just looking at him like that.

"Actually, I was watching because

Mo Lin was silent, Tonpa could only speak first.

He seemed to have made a lot of determination:

"Twelve years ago, I shouldn't have used laxative drinks to cheat you! Sorry, I was wrong! I am guilty!!"

Tonpa bends and bows again there.

Cheng Xuan with an unusual tone, for those mistakes made in the past, it is simply heartbroken.

"What happened twelve years ago is long gone, I don't care at all.

Mo Lin waved his hand at him, "Apart from apologizing, what else do you want to say?"

"Pe ."

Tonpa hesitated again.

But soon, he gritted his teeth:

"You said before, let me after the Hunter test is over, no matter what the result is

Great God Tonpa cautiously said: "I will walk with you, is that right?"


Mo Lin nodded.

Tonpa: "Can I ask why?"

There was a smile on his face that was even worse than crying:

"I'm old and ugly, I'm not too tall, I can only bully new people for fun, and I haven't passed the Hunter test 35 times in a row, wretched, badass, trash

Tonpa has never wanted to make himself so useless at this moment, with so many shortcomings.

He's it, it's it, it's it, Lali counted his many unsightly deeds.

He described himself as having sores on his head and bubbling on the soles of his feet.

There will be no good results for someone like me!


It wasn't until Tonpa was talking about dry mouth, Mo Lin smiled and said to Mimi:

"What kind of person are you, don't I know?"

"I want you to come with me. Naturally, I found the shining spot on your body."

"Even if you are a complete rubbish, as long as it is useful, it is valuable rubbish."

Mo Lin patted him on the shoulder and encouraged:

"As the saying goes, I am born to be useful. After the Hunter test is over, you can come with me.

"Of course, if you can pass the Hunter test this time, that would be the best~~~"

Tonpa: ""

Which slang is this?! Why don't I know

Tonpa looked disoriented and left with a sense of ambition.

"The so-called Tonpa God, can't just be limited to a small Hunter test, just want to find new people to have fun~"

"The structure is smaller, smaller~"

Mo Lin looked at Tonpa's leaving figure and smiled.

The reason why he came to Tonpa was naturally because of Tonpa's rare strengths.

Well, Tonpa actually has certain strengths.

As he himself stated, there are many, many shortcomings.

But it is undeniable that being able to take the Hunter test 35 times in a row can survive safely, which is no longer what the average examinee can do.

Especially, he has participated in the Hunter test since he was ten years old.

This is two years earlier than Gon Killua and Kim taking part in the test.

Moreover, Tonpa has participated in the Hunter test 35 times in a row, but he has won first place 30 times, which is very good.

His first place refers to the first place to come to the official test.

Tonpa who can do this can't be described simply by the word "experience".

"Thirty-five times in a row, and at the age of ten, you can survive the Hunter Association, which is dangerous enough to be lethal.

"Presumably also has a good talent for avoiding disasters, right?"

Mo Lin also returned to his room.

"If such a talent is transformed into Nen~~~"

"Presumably, it's also very exciting, right? Hahaha, why do I have the meaning of becoming a fruit grower now?!

in the corner.

Hisoka had just set up the playing card pyramid, and his whole body trembled like an electric shock.



He stretched out his hand and directly knocked down the pyramid he had set himself.


The corners of Hisoka's mouth kept rising.

"Hey Hey Hey

The weird smile made the cheeks of the examinees beside them sweat, and they hurried away from here.

Hisoka, however, liked the moment when the results were destroyed most.

"Hisoka grows apples, after planting apples, destroying apples~?"

It seemed to have a peculiar tone, which sounded on the entire airship.

At this moment, in the room of Hunter examiners.

Also discussing the situation of the candidates this year. ,

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