Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 216 The top five Nen? I didn’t expect him to be such a powerful character! The trap tower ha

"You said, how many qualified people might be left this year?"

Sats quietly sat there with his legs crossed, and asked while drinking tea.

"Are you talking about a qualified person?"

Toha stabs his head to dry the meal, "If it is, I think they are very average.

"In other words, they are all unqualified-it's all possible."

Sa Ci concluded.

"That depends on the content of the test afterwards."

As Teha said, he glanced at Menchi, who was sitting next to him frowning and thinking.

"If it's an examiner like Menchi, maybe all of them lose the election."

He thought to himself in his heart, but he never dared to say it in front of Menchi.

And this time~

"During the Hunter test, did you find that some guys performed particularly well?"

Menchi raised his head and got involved in the topic.

Do you still have to ask? It must be the candidate No. 406 that bears the brunt

Mo Lin's face appeared in the minds of Toha and Saci at the same time.

"Candidate No. 406, right? Did you think about it too?"

Menchi saw the silent faces of the two of them, and knew that they had thought of the same candidates as himself.

"The candidate No. 406 is indeed worthy of attention, but do you know? The candidate No. 406 also has an extraordinary identity."

An unusual smile began to appear on Menchi's face.

"I know, he is the master of the twelve earthly branches [Shenhou] Huashi Doulang."

Toha stab stood beside him, "When I learned about this, I was also shocked."

"I didn't expect him to be such a powerful character."

"Since he can teach a powerful one-star Hunter, his own strength is naturally very important."


Sa Ci nodded slightly, "With this strength, it is almost a certainty to get a license through the Hunter test."

"Moreover, judging from his appearance, he is also very familiar with the president of Netero. On the surface, the battle between the two people is almost indistinguishable.

"It is definitely the strongest person among the candidates this time, and even has surpassed the category of [candidates]."


The corners of Menchi's mouth twitched, "And I ask Mr. Dou Noodles to know his real name, it's Mo Lin!!"

"Mo Lin?!!

Sa Ci and Toha Ci glanced at each other, contemplating his eyebrows: "Why does this name sound familiar?"

"Of course you are familiar?!"

Menchi gritted his teeth and said, "I just thought of it just now!!"

"Isn't this the name in the list of [Five Nen People in the World] that was announced at the same time when the Twelve Earthly Branches were established within the Hunter Association a few years ago?!"

Menchi's words seemed to flash through the minds of Haji and Sazi.

"It's him?!"

"The so-called prop master!?!"

Both people yelled out at the same time.

When it comes to [Props Master], Buhassa and Sa Tse immediately remembered the strange things that Mo Lin had brought out during the test.

"I didn't think about it at all~"

Sa Ci couldn't help but patted his forehead.

"When he took out the items before, he was simply classified as a Manipulator capable person, but he didn't expect that he was the prop."

Sazi's tone was a little surprised, "The so-called [Five Nen in the World], a figure of the same level as President Netero, Mr. Jin and Porter White.

"It's no wonder that he was able to teach Hua Shi Doulang, and is so familiar with President Netero."

Toha thorn also understood everything in an instant.

I think that all the surprising places before are all normal.

If Mo Lin's own strength is very strong, then all of this can be justified.

"I thought that this prop master would be a strange man hidden in the mountains and forests, but he would have to be 60 or 70 years old. I didn't expect

Sa Ci shook his head, "It turns out to be so young."

"This is called being unsightly!"

Toha thorn swallowed the food in his mouth and nodded again and again.

Both of them were immersed in the surprise of getting the news, and they were working hard to digest it.

"I said you guys~~~"

Menchi saw the two of them like this, and a crossroad bulged on his forehead.

"Since such a powerful and dangerous person comes to participate in the Hunter test, why didn't President Netero tell us in advance?!"

"In fact, the president has already told us, right?

Toha thorn thought about Netero's advice to them before coming.

"I do not care!!"

Menchi banged the table with one hand.

"I think President Netero is just watching our jokes!!

Drink, she was right about that.

"I'm going to find the president a good theory!!"

"Forget it Menchi, it's over anyway, don't go to Menchi!"

"let me go!!"

Menchi and Xia Ha stab together again.

Seeing Dessa times, he shook his head slightly.

"It's really an unexpected person to take the Hunter test."

"Well, it seems that I have to follow Liber to remind me."

Thinking of this, Sats picked up the phone.

On the other side, in a large room.

After removing his practice clothes and wearing sportswear, Netero was holding the ball and sneered at Killua and Gon mercilessly.

"It seems that you still haven't done it."

The result of the ball grab is naturally needless to say, it can be seen from Leorio, who is lying on the ground with sweat and sweat, and Kurapika, whose face is full of sweat and panting.

As for Gon and Killua, they are still persistently launching a raid on Netero.

And the goal has changed from grabbing the ball to getting Netero to use his right hand and left foot.

Killua could not bear the possibility of killing people in order to grab the ball, so he left first.

As for Gon~

Gon could only puff his face, and continued to work hard to get Netero to use his right hand and left foot.

Time passed quickly.

The sun gradually rose from the corner of the horizon.

It signaled the arrival of a new day, and a new round of testing is about to begin.

At this moment, the time has come to half past nine, one and a half hours later than the expected arrival time.

What I did was to struggle for half a night, and I succeeded in getting Netero to use Gon with his right hand and left foot to get a good rest.

When the airship slowly landed on a tall tower on a huge mountain pillar.

It also sounded the reminder that many candidates disembark and have arrived at their destination.

When the candidates came to the empty top of the trap tower one after another, Mr. Doumian had already come down and waited.

"This is the top of the tower called [Trap Tower], and it is also the starting point of the third test.

Mr. Dou Mian Ren explained the customs clearance: "The examiner asked me to tell you the content of the test afterwards."

"To reach the ground alive, the time limit is 72 hours.

He stretched out one of his little fingers, "There is one thing the examiner wants me to tell everyone."

He said: "That means you can't go out of the trap tower. Once candidates take such actions, they will be judged as "unqualified"."

"Can't you go down from outside?

The other candidates frowned upon hearing this.

Wearing the 86 number on his chest, it looks like a candidate for a top boxer, but it is a little bit regretful.

…0 Seeking flowers………

"There is one more rule than before~"

Mo Lin also took the [Bamboo Dragonfly] back again.

Originally, as long as he used [Bamboo Dragonfly], he could easily pass this round of testing first.

I didn't expect Ribe to add another condition.

"Is it because of me?

Mo Lin felt the surrounding monitors and looked slightly.

At this time, in the first floor room of the trap tower.


Director of Trap Tower Prison, chief examiner and bounty Hunter Ribe of the third round of tests~

While eating the big fortune cookies, it was like watching a movie, watching the scenes of many candidates on the trap tower projected on the monitor screen.

"This time the examinee still has two children, director."

"It should be luck?"

Behind Ribe, wearing blue prison guard costumes, Huo Er, who looked like a door god, stood on the left and right sides behind Ribe's chair, singing and reconciling.

"That's hard to say. The Hunter test is not that simple. Even children who can reach the third round are not ordinary people."

"That's right, it's impossible to have such good luck in two consecutive rounds.

The two reached an agreement in this regard.

"But director, why did you add a regulation that cannot be passed from outside?"


The guard on the left asked with some confusion.

"There are piranhas in the outer space of the prison. There is no possibility for the candidates to pass from the outside. We reminded this, isn't it a superfluous act?"

"Yeah, if you live like this, you take care of them too much, right?!

The prison guard on the right also followed the road.

"If it's an average candidate, they really can't make a breakthrough outside, but

Ribe picked up a chocolate bar and held it in his mouth.

"If it's the candidate, I'm not sure."

Ribe's fingers tapped a few times on the panel in front of him.

Suddenly, on several screens, a person's face was presented at different angles and distances.

"No. 406?"

Hem Ha Second General looked at the person on the screen who seemed to be particularly concerned about his boss, and he was a little puzzled.

"This examinee doesn't seem to be any good?"

"Yes, there are no other strengths except for being younger, handsome, handsome, and temperamental."

"Yes! It's far from our boss!!"

The two were there for a mess, and Libery ignored them.

"Is this the [Five Nen in the World] recognized by the President Netero?!"

Ribe pushed the glasses, "The five strongest people in the world, the so-called [property]

He gradually narrowed his eyes and looked at Mo Lin seriously.

He was shocked and surprised after he called him before and explained the relevant situation.

"I thought it was just an ordinary test taker participating. At most, it was that Western Su needed to pay attention to it. I didn't expect it."

Liebo sighed: "In a group of pythons, a dragon came in.

"At this time, it's time to pay attention to the arrangement."

Ribe thought so, and then picked up the phone again:

"Are you ready over there?"


On the other end of the phone, a man's calm and agitated voice came.

"That's fine, I will arrange Hisoka to your side, then you can handle it by yourself.

"Thank you!!"

There seemed to be a spit of breath on the other end of the phone.

"I hope you will be alive then.

After saying this, Ribe hung up the phone.

"Next, I will arrange for this candidate who is more worthy of attention!!" Door.

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