Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 217 The five-person voting road! Can we borrow your [Guiding Angel] to use it?

When Ribe learned of Mo Lin coming to participate in the Hunter test from Sats, he was really shocked.

Because in his thoughts, if such a world-class powerhouse wants a Hunter license, just mention Netero.

Although the license can only be obtained by passing the test, it is clear that in this world, the strong are entitled to privileges.

Ribe, who supervises this prison, is even more knowledgeable. He doesn't know how much he has seen such things.

Therefore, after hearing that Mo Lin was coming to his trap tower, he felt a little tricky after being shocked.

What is the most reasonable arrangement for such a character?!

He didn't bow to greet him, but worried that his trap tower would be demolished.

Ribe had heard from Sa Ci, how Mo Lin played Menchi well.

What if the other party is unhappy and tears down his trap tower?

The strong are all grotesque, and at the same level as Netero, not only is the temper elusive, but the strength and destructive power are even stronger.

Fortunately, it was learned from Sa Ci that Mo Lin is the master of Hua Shi Dou Lang, and a person with good manners, well-versed in human relationships, and able to communicate normally.

Well, if that's the case, it would be a little bit better.

The way to clear the trap tower is very simple, that is, let the candidates directly find the organs leading to the bottom from the top of the tower, and pass the level step by step, all the way to the bottom.

Among them, there are "Nine Nine Zero" prisoners of all kinds, acting as temporary examiners, as candidates' examination questions.

This group of prisoners was promised that as long as they could delay the candidates for one hour, they would get a one-year reduction in their sentences.

They will naturally work hard.

Originally, Lieber was tacitly allowed to go down to the ground through the outside.

As long as you can overcome this height and the piranha in the sky, there is no problem.

Overcoming these two points, you can already show that your strength is enough to become a Hunter.

But when I thought of Mo Lin going down from top to bottom, I encountered those piranhas in the middle.

If there is some disturbance in the process of going, or the aftermath of fighting with a man-eater, it will hit the trap tower

Ribe could not cover the outside of the trap tower, but he still had no problem controlling every move inside.

In order for Mo Lin to be able to appear under his eyelids and pay attention at all times, and to make reasonable arrangements, he also took great pains.

"Although the other prisoners were dead when they met him, it was originally a sentence of more than 100 years, which is almost the same as death."

Lieber picked up a pack of tablets and ate it crunchingly.

"Single, Double, Three, Five"

Lieber silently calculated the customs clearance method he arranged,

"I hope he can choose a single-player clearance path, so that I can better grasp the situation.

The top of the trap tower.

"Then start now!! Please work hard, everyone!!"

"To reach the ground alive, the time limit is seventy-two hours!!"

After Mr. Doumian said the final time requirements, he boarded the airship and left here.

After three days, he will spend it again and pick up the qualified candidates from this group of candidates.

Since you can't go down from the periphery, you can only find the mystery leading to the road below on the ground under your feet.

A group of candidates began to try to find the secret door.

Mo Lin took a look. The hidden monitor would never have thought that Ribe was breaking his heart for the way forward.

"Mo Lin, here!!"

Suddenly, Gon greeted Mo Lin at one end.

"We found five hidden doors here!!"

On his side, Kurapika, Leorio, Killua are also there.

"These doors can only be opened once. As long as a candidate enters, the bottom will be locked and the doors can no longer be pushed.

After Mo Lin came over, Gon explained:

"In other words, each door can only allow one person to pass, and the width can only allow one person to pass, so everyone must go their own way!

"Killua and I just found five doors, and we have each chosen one of them."

He touched his head, "We don't know what we will encounter below, we just picked it randomly."

"Because we are not sure what we will encounter, so we have some discussions."

Gon was a little embarrassed and said, "Can we borrow your [Guiding Angel] to use it?"

Sing, in terms of selectivity, Gon once again remembered this prop that he had given him the right choice.


Mo Lin has nothing to do, he can't use it anyway.

This kind of props, I am afraid that only Gon can control it.

Well, not absolutely~~


Gon thanked him, and after taking it, he put it on his left hand and asked: "[Angel of the Way] Sir, please tell us, which piece of secret door is best to lead down?"

"The five pieces under your feet can be random.

[Guiding Angel] Say so after turning on the phone.

"In other words, there is nothing wrong with these five secret doors?"

After getting this answer, everyone's expressions were a little slow.

"Then guys, let's see you on the ground!!"

"Everyone will separate here for now."

"Then, let's go.

In Mo Lin's rather funny gaze, the four people stepped on the secret door under their feet and landed one after another.

He knew that below this was the voting road of the five-person line.

It is necessary to gather enough five candidates to continue the downward journey.

The four of them just happened to fall in the same room.

Well, I cherished and said goodbye a second, I didn't expect to see each other again in a blink of an eye.

It's really the shortest difference in history.

Mo Lin stepped forward and stepped on the last hidden door.

He raised his head, and the number of candidates on the field was gradually decreasing.

When he saw Tonpa who came closer~

As soon as the latter saw Mo Lin here, he immediately pretended not to see it, and decisively left towards the distance.


Mo Lin smiled and shook his head.

With force on the feet, the figure of the whole person also fell in immediately.

"Meet again, Mo Lin!"

After Mo Lin came in, Gon's group gave a polite but awkward smile.

After all, I just swore too much.

But after Mo Lin came down, Kurapika and Leorio were quietly relieved.

Compared to working with others who are unfamiliar or unfamiliar with, Mo Lin is obviously the best choice.

Especially when he is still so powerful, with so many strange props in his hands.

So no matter what weird levels they encounter, it won't be a problem!!

With Mo Lin here, all difficulties will be solved!

They are all confident about it.

The road for this group of five people to break through is called [Voting Road].

That is, from here, until the end of the road, the five of them must follow the rule of the minority to obey the majority! There is a commentary card at the door and a cylindrical table.

There are five ring-shaped watches on the table with their remaining clearance time, as well as the "circle number" and "cross number" that represent their choice.

"In this tower, we have prepared several different routes, each of which has different traffic conditions."

In the radio in the room, Ribe's voice sounded:

"This is a way to vote. One's own opinions will not be adopted. When faced with a choice, the minority must obey the majority!

"In other words, this is a difficult route that absolutely requires mutual assistance. I hope you will work hard together!!

Ribe was doing all-round explanation seriously there, for fear that they might not understand something.


When five people put on the ring watch 0

Immediately after, a wall on the left rose slowly, revealing the style of a stone gate.

But when the wall rose to the top, it was discovered that the exposed door was not an empty door.

It is a door with a code lock, which requires a circle of forks to decide whether to open the door.

This means that from now on, five people are needed to make a decision together.

"Easy~Easy, it must be a selection!" Leorio said confidently.

Seeing the five circles displayed on the screen, he seemed even more happy.

"Hey~! The purpose of this path for the minority to obey the majority should be to allow the candidates to form companions with unknown people in an unfamiliar environment to explore their cooperation and coordination.

"But the examiner would never have thought that the five of us had known each other before, and they were still companions. With our tacit understanding, passing this round of tests is simply a piece of cake!"

With that, some triumphant expressions appeared on Leorio's face.

Kurapika and Gon didn't say anything, but the ease and smile on their faces can still be seen.

Indeed, compared to unfamiliar people, it is a rare blessing to pass the level with your companions, and the possibility of passing the level is greatly improved.


Killua lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

In the video, Lieber looked at Leorio's smug face and the relaxed smiles of others, and couldn't help but snorted:

"Good luck kids.

If you weren't staying with Mo Lin, would I give you such a detailed explanation?

Being on the same team as Mo Lin is basically equivalent to passing this round of Hunter test.

"Of course, the premise is that you can't hold back~"

Lieber looked at the corner of the screen, the five-player battlefield that had been prepared for a long time.

I couldn't help but lift my glasses: "If you have three of you pulling your hips, you still can't pass this round of testing."

"If the time comes, then you won't blame me~~~"

Ribe operated with one hand, and took a sip of ice cream into his mouth with the other.


After opening the door to the room, everyone once again ushered in a new choice.

"Left or right?

Leorio rested his chin, "At this time, you must go to the left?"

With that said, he wanted to press down on the circle representing the left.

"No, I think I should choose the right.

Qi 5.6Ya put his hands behind his head.

"Huh? Why?!"

Leorio didn't understand, "In this case, shouldn't you choose the left one?!!"

"And if you don't choose the left side at times like this, I will feel uncomfortable and always feel uneasy."

"Yes, from a praxeological point of view, when people are lost, most people will choose the left road."

Kurapika analyzed.

"Indeed, I have also heard of it." Killua nodded.

Leorio looked confused: "Then why do you choose the right?!"

"Officially, because they know that normal people can easily choose [Left], so they choose [Right]~"

Mo Lin also followed: "In the eyes of both of them, if the examiner also knows the [Left Rule], it is possible to set more difficult questions in the left passage.

.. Is there anything like this?!""

Leorio scratched his head, then looked at Mo Lin:

"Mo Lin, which side do you plan to choose?!'

"For me, either way is fine."

Leorio: "I almost forgot, with your strength and props, neither side of the difficulty can't overwhelm you."

Such strength is really sour.

"Then why don't we ask the magical [way angel] Mr.?"

Gon, who was also a little dizzy by the analysis of a group of people, raised his left hand.

"Mr. [Guiding Angel], which side are we going to go on?"

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