Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 218 The new commutation rules! Even the severity is far worse than me! Guaranteed to be succ


[Guiding Angel] also agrees with the right side.

"Hey, hey, why not choose the left?!"

Leorio asked again.

But [Guiding Angel] only gives the result, but not the reason~

Mo Lin can probably guess that whether it is on the left or right, it will lead to the place where the five-man broadcast game is played.

But the difference is that there will be more difficulties on the left, while the right will quickly reach the destination directly.

After asking, to no avail, and after Gon Killua and Kurapika had already chosen the right road, Leorio had no choice but to give up.

With a frustrated face, he chose the right side.

Fortunately, Leorio's mentality adjusted quickly enough.

"Forget it, I won't make a choice anymore. From now on, [Angel of the Way] says to choose what to choose!!"

This way, he doesn't need to think about it, but instead is the most correct choice.

"Anyway, the options made by [Guiding Angels] are the most beneficial to us~"

Thinking about this, Leorio's mood has improved a lot.

This kind of constant choice is to provoke dissatisfaction and contradictions among the candidates, so as to destroy the unity and tacit understanding between the five people, and make the team fall apart.

However, with the existence of [Guiding Angels], such contradictions would basically not arise.

Lieber also noticed the angel doll in Gon's hand.

"This doll, I think it should be the so-called [prop] mentioned by Sats?"

"It can be judged that the best route is the right side. It seems that its function is to choose this aspect, right?"

"With such a prop, it can minimize problems in the team." 30

"I just don't know, what other props look like~~~"

Lieber bit a shark biscuit and watched the development behind it.

"Director Ribe, some candidates are coming soon, please help me remove the handcuffs."

At this time, the screen of Mo Lin's team had been adjusted to the center position to set special attention to Ribe, and he heard a sound from the radio next to him.

At this time, five prisoners in blue prison uniforms and handcuffs appeared on the screen.

One of them stood at the forefront, pointed at the surveillance machine, and raised his wrist.

"No problem, right!"

Lieber was operating the computer for a while, after thinking about it, the corners of his mouth rose slightly:

"Remember what the commutation rules I originally agreed upon for you are like?"

"Originally agreed commutation rules"

The prisoner in the lead was a little confused by Ribe's words, but he answered honestly:

"The rule is that as long as one hour of the candidates is shortened, we will reduce the sentence by one year."

"Now it's changed!

Ribe leaned back on his back chair with his arms folded,

"Among the five candidates you are going to meet, one candidate is very, very powerful.

"Even how powerful it is, even I am far from it."

Even Director Liber thinks he is inferior, and he is still far away

The five prisoners who heard this were all shocked.

They have been imprisoned here for so long, but they are very aware of Ribe's methods and strength.

But even Liber himself admits that he is inferior to the other party, so they must not be able to provoke the other party.

The five people who were still full of confidence suddenly throbbed in their hearts.

"Well, I told you in advance, so that you have a psychological preparation, don't be careless when facing each other."

Ribe continued.

Don't be careless, can we not go anymore?

The five murmured in their hearts, they subconsciously felt fear of difficulties.

It’s best if you can reduce your sentence, but if you pay the price of your life for it

Well, although it is almost life imprisonment, it is better to live than to die.

"Of course, although only one of the five people is very powerful, but the risk is not small~"

Of course Riber saw the retreat in the silent people, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise again:

"So, I intend to re-enact a special commutation rule for the five of you!"

Ribe stretched out a palm towards the screen:

"Five years! As long as you hold the group of candidates for an hour, I will reduce your sentence by five years!!

"The five to one penalty reduction ratio is set here. This is the maximum I can give. It depends on whether you are willing to accept it~"

After Liber finished speaking, he raised Erlang's legs, picked up the happy fat house beside him and poured it into his mouth.

"Are you true?!"

After Riber gave such a brand-new commutation ratio, all the prisoners were startled first, and then instantly excited.

The prisoner in the lead asked the question again even more unsuccessfully.

"You know, I never tell lies."

Ribe drank a coke and responded.

"If you can keep this group of candidates trapped here for 72 hours, after the test is over, you can all be released tomorrow."


The lead prisoner who got an affirmative nodded fiercely.

"This time, we promise to complete the task successfully!!"

The other four prisoners behind did the same.

Originally, according to the commutation rule that one hour compares to one year, even if their group of people ran out of candidates' time, it would only be reduced to 72 years.

You know, the prisoners they are detained in this trap tower have been sentenced for the least one hundred and twenty years online.

This is almost equivalent to life imprisonment.

Even if the sentence was reduced by 72 years, it would still be forty-eight years.

Perhaps the youngest of them here is in their twenties. Forty-eight years later, they will be in their seventies or seventies.

Even if he was released from prison at that time, his whole life would be basically finished.

Those who are older are even more hopeless.

So although they have the purpose of commutation, they are not so strong, just give themselves a little extravagant hope.

But now~

Ribe personally admitted that a shortening of one hour is equivalent to a five-year sentence reduction!

After running out of time, he can be released directly after his sentence is completed tomorrow!!

This allowed a group of prisoners to see the hope of freedom once again.

And hopefully this possibility is particularly great!!

This also made them determined!

Do everything, even if you save your lives, you must hold these five candidates to run out of time!!


Seeing that the aura of the prisoners was obviously different, Ribe also smiled and handed the crispy sandwich in his mouth.

"This is only worth seeing, otherwise it would be too boring if you can get the result at a glance.

"As far as the props master is concerned, a prisoner of this level is not difficult for him."

"But what if it's the other four in your group?"

"If they are defeated by the prisoners and you are held back, what should you do?"

"I'm really curious, I want to know the answer urgently!!


Lieber's foxes narrowed his eyes and smiled more happily.

Now that you have made up your mind to hold the opponent, you must consider the overall situation of the opponent.

The prisoners began to line up there, racking their brains again to think about the way to compete.

Among the five, the one who is stronger than Lieber can be prepared as a defeat.

Confronting a person of that level, they dare not even think about it.

Whoever runs into that one can only be said to be unlucky.

If you can surrender as soon as you surrender, you will surrender, otherwise you will not make sense if you die.

When they are re-evaluating how to achieve four wins, or even three wins~

Time passed slowly.

All the candidates have been in place, found a suitable path, and come down from the top to break through the barriers.

Tonpa also found a secret door and started his solo line.

And here, soon, Mo Lin and his party came to the place of the ring competition.

"here it is "

This was the exit of a cliff, Leorio looked around.

Bright torches illuminate the surroundings red, allowing everyone to see the situation clearly at a glance.

There are two sides of the cliff, with a distance of tens of meters in between.

But there was a large square vacant space in the middle, which looked like an arena.

"Look at it."

Killua nodded across, motioning Gon to look at them.

Under the gaze of a few people, five figures appeared indistinctly on the other side of the cliff.

One of the prisoners headed to the front with bare feet and grabbed the blue cloak he was wearing.

A prisoner who was cleaner than Hanzo 990's bald head, had strong muscles in his upper body, and a fierce complexion stepped forward.

"We are a test officer specially appointed by the Hunter Test Review Committee this time. If you want to pass this level, you must compete with the five of us and win!'

He looks a lot like Dashi Johnson, and the bald man named Batutte shows his muscles and powerfully introduces the way to pass this level.

"The competition is in a one-on-one manner. Each player can only play once, and the order is determined by each.

"Since you adopt the majority rule, five people can pass this level as long as they have won three games."

"Similarly, as long as you lose three games, then your Hunter test trip will end here.

"You will be stuck on this cliff, you can't advance or retreat, you can only honestly wait for the time to pass.

"The way of the competition is based on personal happiness. It is either win or loss. There is no tie. As long as one of the players has conceded, then the other team will win the game."

"If you lose, or do not accept the competition, then it means that your Hunter test trip is over.

"Now, please decide whether to accept this competition. Please click the circle if you accept it, and click the cross if you don't accept it.

While commenting, Bat Dute kept looking at the five Mo Lin people.

"A person who can be stronger than Lieber

First, he eliminated Gon and Killua.

Although there is a reason that people should not look at their faces, in any case, age is definitely proportional to your practice.

The older you are, the longer your cultivation time will definitely be, and your strength will definitely become stronger.

The younger you are, the less powerful you are.

Batutte thought so, so he focused on the remaining three.

"The man with small round glasses, a suit and a briefcase looks the oldest, but his temper seems a little impatient."

"The person with blond hair and special clothes next to him is calm and calm."

"And the last one"

The bats looked at Mo Lin, and then slightly startled.

"Ordinary people?!"

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