Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 219 Go straight to the heart! Fortunately!! How do you feel so similar to that family?

In his observation, Mo Lin is an ordinary person beyond ordinary.

Regardless of the body's breath, standing posture, or body shape, it is no problem with ordinary people.

At best, he is like a well-trained athlete. Compared to his former veteran, it is far inferior.

"A group of candidates in the third round came in with an ordinary person, who thought something was wrong.

The bats thought secretly, and he paid more attention to Mo Lin and Kurapika.

In his opinion, if it is really a person who is more powerful than Lieber, it is mostly between them.

"You have said so, we will definitely choose to accept it!!"

After listening to the explanation of Batutte's rules, Leorio spit out, and kept pressing his hand in circles.

Others have also made choices.

Soon, five circles were displayed on the monitor screen in the center of the ring.

"very good!

Battus nodded very satisfied when he saw that the conditions had been fulfilled.

"It's up to us to decide who to play, Jonny, let you take the lead."

An excited and cruel smile flashed in his eyes.

"According to what we said beforehand, you will give them a good start, and will shock them from the beginning!!

The mirror cuffs on the hands of the prisoner called Jonny were opened, and the blue prison uniforms on his body were also taken off and thrown aside.

The image of a tall, blond, middle-aged man appeared in everyone's eyes.

The beard on the corner of his mouth was also golden, and the eyes of the blue pupils looked a little melancholy and distorted at this moment.

The muscles all over his body bulged and looked extra powerful.

And the most noticeable thing is his thick and wide palms!!

"That person is Jonny?!

At the first glance at the other person, Leorio's face suddenly condensed.

"do you know him?"

Gon, who also felt that the other party was unusual, couldn't help but ask Leorio.


He nodded heavily, "In this battle, if the opponent is this person, we'd better concede and don't fight him.

"Is it amazing?"

Killua was showing some interest.


This is a ruthless person that even Leorio has heard of.

Dismemberment expert Jonny, the most brutal murderer in Saba's criminal history!!

The character is bloody and violent, and the values ​​are extremely distorted.

The attacked person had no grievances with him, and some men, women, old and children, at least one hundred and forty-six people died at his hands and were tragically mutilated.

Among those poor victims, there was one, even an eleven-year-old boy.

All corpses have one thing in common, that is, they were dismembered to more than fifty yuan.

Moreover, when this man was dismembered, he did it with bare hands.

When he was arrested, Jonny did not make any resistance.

However, when the officer who escorted him to the police car started the engine, he realized that his left hand was abnormal.

The police officer's left hand was literally cut off a large piece of flesh and blood!!

What this man is best at is cutting off human flesh with his bare hands.

The reason why he can do it is because he has extraordinary finger and grip strength!!


Jonny walked slowly out of the cliff, holding the wall with one hand.


In an instant, a large piece of the wall was directly cracked by him, and the stone in his hand turned into a child's powder.

"I haven't tried w..."

He spread out his palms and sprinkled the powder underneath.

"On the people outside, the flesh and blood of people are captured!!"

In his tone, there is obviously a deep desire and can't wait.

With this tone and behavior, the many prisoners behind Jonny also subconsciously stepped back a few steps away from him.

"If it were us, facing this perverted murderer, there would definitely not be any chance of winning, but"

Leorio slowly let out a suffocating breath, "Fortunately, Mo Lin is here."

"With Mo Lin, your props and your own strength, there shouldn't be any problem with such a criminal, right?"

"Well, there is no problem, and my own words don't matter~"

Mo Lin pointed to his side, "But obviously, someone doesn't plan to give me a chance to play~"


Leoka was startled, and then saw Killua slightly pressing his leg there.

"Let me go~ After playing dodgeball with that elder elder for so long, I have long wanted to find someone to really play a game."

After the activity, Killua put his hands in his pockets, and stood up after Leoka finished explaining Chase.

The dodgeball game with Netero, Menchi's intimidation, and Mo Lin's robbery made Killua quite aggrieved.

Now he finally has a good situation to vent his emotions. Not only can he kill people legally here, but he doesn't have to bear any psychological burden. Then he naturally can't wait.

The kind of eagerness in the tone and the slightest hint of excitement and killing intent made Leorio who had originally planned to persuade him to swallow his words.

"Are you really okay?!"

Leorio opened his mouth, and finally spit out such a sentence.

"The Hunter test is held every year, so it must be based on your own life!!

Killua, who didn't look back, just waved his hand to express his awareness and stepped on the extended stone bridge.

"Is he really okay?"

Leorio was still a little worried.

"Mr. [Guiding Angel] has no objection, that means Killua will definitely be able to handle it!"

Gon was full of confidence in this: "I believe in Killua!!"

The watch worn by all five of them has embarked on the path of majority decision, which is basically a grasshopper tied to the same thread.

[Guiding Angel] will also make the right choice for Gon based on this situation.

There was no opposition to Killua's appearance, just because they thought they were stable in this match!!

"What is the test method?"

Killua walked to the ring and looked at Jonny in front of him indifferently.

"Competition? Don't get me wrong~"

Jonny's eyebrows were twisted and twisted together, and a perverted smile appeared in the eyes below:

"I have no interest in the test and the so-called amnesty. What will be done soon is the scene where you were killed!!"

Jonny, a murderer, was sentenced to 968 years in prison.

Even if the time of this group of candidates will be exhausted according to the ratio of five to one, it will only be a reduction of three hundred and sixty years.

He still has 608 years to serve.

It doesn't make much sense for him to commute or not to commute the sentence.

"I just want to tear you apart

He slowly stretched out those thick big hands to Killua, "You can cry loudly!!"

The main control room on the first floor of the trap tower.

"The arrest of corpse expert Jonny, but our most proud achievement!"

"Equivalent to life imprisonment, Jonny, who doesn't care about commutation, must enjoy this rare pleasure of shredding and destroying people."

In front of the screen, the two Hem-Ha two generals behind Liebe explained dutifully.

"That kid is only twelve or thirteen years old, right? You know that Batutte has been sentenced for such a long time because of robber killing talents, this kid will definitely not."


Killua's law reaction is still so dull: "Then the one who died is the loser, right?"

"Accepted it?!!"

Not only the second general, Hem Ha, but even Lie, who was eating the roll heart, was a little surprised.

Hearing that, he couldn't help but start to look up at Killua a little.

This child seems to be different from ordinary people.


Jonny opened his mouth with a big grin, "It will be you who die."


Before the twisted smile in his eyes faded away, he felt a flower in front of him, and the Killua in front of him had disappeared.


As if a breeze passed,

Jonny's outstretched hand was still in the air, but his figure was abruptly unstable.

He looked around blankly, but suddenly felt that his chest was empty, and the power in his body was fading rapidly.

The blood in the left chest began to diffuse, and the constant throbbing pain stimulated his nerves.


Jonny turned his head hard, but saw Killua was holding something in his hand, looking at it there.


That is~~~

His heart!!

Jonny's distorted face gradually became horrified and frightened:

"々, return me...

His outstretched hand trembled, trying to get something back.


Killua smiled evilly at him, and immediately~


An intact heart turned into a splendid flower of blood, which was scattered on the surrounding ground.

At the same time, Jonny fell to the ground with this abnormal movement.

The whole audience fell into quiet weirdly.

"The heart is dug out."

There was a drop of sweat on Leorio's face, he felt his tongue knotted, and subconsciously covered his left chest.

"Fortunately, he and us are on the same team.

Kurapika was also a little lucky.

On the empty arena, Killua once again put those hands that didn't even splash a drop of blood into the pockets of his pants, and looked at the cliff where the prisoner opposite stayed.

Although there is a cloak to hide the expressions of several prisoners, but listening carefully, you can also hear the sound of swallowing saliva.

"Could it be that the examinee who Director Ribe said is far behind, is this kid?!

Batutte only felt terrified and couldn't believe it.

They can deeply realize how tough the corpse expert Jonny is.

But it is such a dangerous person, who can't do anything under the hand of the child in front of you


The bats have a special face after the disaster.

Fortunately, I thought that the opponent might also send the strongest player in the first round to make a good start, so after consideration, I let Jonny go first.

Otherwise, according to the original plan, if he is the first one to go first, then he will fall there and the heart is dug out!

Killua smiled carelessly, and then stepped onto the stone bridge to return.

After Killua came back, a small display on the wall above the cliff head at their place (Nono's) began to change.

The number "1" appears on Mo Lin's team, which means they win the next game first.

"Awesome Killua!!

Gon expressed his praise and happiness to Killua who came back, and then eagerly looked at the opposite side.

"I can't lose either! Let me play the next one!!

In front of the screen, Lieber bit a piece of macarons in his mouth, staring at the picture on the screen in a daze.

"The technique is clean and tidy, and the speed is extremely fast without procrastination. It dug out Choate's heart in an instant.

Not only Ribe, but also the two prison guards behind him, the second general, Hem Ha, were also shocked by Killua's skill.

"The young people nowadays really can't underestimate them. I feel that the killing skills are more proficient than my bounty Hunter."

Ribe stared at Killua's figure on the screen, "How does this kind of killing technique feel so similar to that family?"

"Is it my illusion or is the boy really from that family?

"President Netero must have detailed information, right?"

"Take a good look at that time. I didn't expect this group of candidates to be really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

Ribe swallowed the donut in his mouth,

"I don't know if this kid with a hedgehog head in a green dress and a hat is also perverted like the silver-haired kid before. He is obviously a hedgehog, how can he wear his hat?"

On the empty broadcasting platform, Gon stretched his waist slightly and looked at the opposite cliff.

"So, who of you will be in this round?"

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