Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 222 You don't have to choose! It's really a simple and rude way to pass the level

In the picture.

Mo Lin raised his arm high.

Even if other people don't understand the power of mind, everyone can feel Mo Lin's fist, that exudes a frightening breath!!

"He is the one who is stronger than Lieber!!"

On the side of the prisoner's cliff, Battut's expression changed drastically.

He is very sure now that Mo Lin is the great candidate mentioned by Lieber.

Because he felt it, the fist of this examinee came out with exactly the same breath that came out of his body when Lieber arrested him!!

Even, the breath of this examinee is even stronger than that of Ribe at that time!!

"Fortunately, I didn't go up.

In Bat Dute's heart, it was extremely fortunate.

Sure enough, in the third match, the opponent sent the strongest personnel.

That hapless chatter is really so easy to win the jackpot.

In the ring, the parties' chattering had already been scared by this scene and didn't know what to say.

He could only watch Mo Lin's fists gather his vigor and thought power.


"Try it."

Mo Lin smiled lightly, and slammed his fist towards the ground.


Hugh suddenly went mad and roared, and then rushed towards Mo Lin again!!


A loud noise came from the ring. "Nine Nine Three"

The boundless air wave surging, mixed with storm-like gravel, burst out toward the surroundings.

At the same time, the violent roar also spread throughout the venue.

Although, Mo Lin is not using the Uvogin version of [Super Destruction Fist] Nen.

But the principle is the same, they are all right straight punches filled with mind power.

The resulting power and destructive power are based on Mo Lin's own powerful thought power, and he will not let it go!

Even worse.

At the same time that Gon, Killua and others were flying, they immediately hid in the direction behind them.

The prisoners are also rushing back to find the covert opponent.

Not to mention the sharp gravel that was shot out, enough to kill them, even those strong waves of air could blow them away.

After a long time.

The air waves and smoke slowly dissipated.

Reveal the situation on the broadcast station.

"How's it going?!

The figures of Leorio and others, who hurriedly escaped the catastrophe, once again appeared on the cliff.

They probed their heads and looked over, but saw~

On the broadcast, there was only Mo Lin in the shape of a person.

But the other strange-looking chatter disappeared.

I don't know if he was thrown into the cliff outside the broadcast station by the air wave.

It was still crushed and destroyed by Mo Lin's fist, and there was not even scum left.

Well, the former is more likely.

Of course, this is not the main thing.

The important point is

The ring, compared to what it looked like before, seems to have dropped two meters.

Mo Lin, with his fist, abruptly scratched the ground about two meters!!

"Good, amazing!!!"

Leorio, Gon and others who noticed this were stunned.

They originally knew that Mo Lin was very powerful, but they didn't expect that it would be so powerful.

"So, are we passing the level?"

Mo Lin first glanced at the opposite side, there was no longer the cliff where the prisoners were.

I was so scared that I didn't know where I went.

He raised his head and looked at the broadcasting tube at the top of the house.

"You passed."

After a while, Lieber's indescribable tone reverberated in the court.

The slab bridge connecting the ring cliffs slowly rises, forming a passage for the five of Gon to pass through.

In this way, this five-on-five battle between the candidates and the prisoners ended.

The main control room on the first floor.


In the trembling horrified eyes of the second general Huo Ha, Ribe finished a bottle of horror in one breath.

Then, he fell into a certain silence.

Long time~


Only then did he express the same emotion as the prisoner.

"Fortunately, this round of testing is just for the candidates to go through the barriers, without the examiner personally ending, otherwise

He glanced at the screen. In that room, the examiner who was killed tragically by Hisoka~~~

The gratitude on his face couldn't help but become more profound.

On the road to a five-man majority.

"Mo Lin, how did you do it, one punch was so devastating?!"

On the way forward, Gon opened those big shiny eyes.

There is a trace of undisguised admiration inside.

"After you become a Hunter, you can do this with a little exercise."

Mo Lin just gave a vague answer.

"Become a Hunter?!"

Gon nodded vigorously, "I will definitely!!

Then, he said with some doubts:

"But Mo Lin, you are so good, why didn't you come to test for Hunter's license until now?"

"Also, I saw that you have a very good relationship with President Netero. Did you all know each other before?"

Gon kept asking questions like a curious baby.

"Well, when my apprentice became the twelve earthly branches, I went to testify, that is, the president of Netero I knew at that time."

"I came here for the Hunter license twelve years ago. I just thought it was of little use in the middle, so I stayed aground. This year it was just a whim."

Mo Lin always answers questions, but the degree of answer is not so comprehensive.

"Mo Lin, do you know Phantom Troupe well?"

At this moment, Kurapika asked suddenly.

"You said that one of the members of Phantom Troupe is called Uvogin, isn't it?"


Mo Lin said indifferently without looking back, "At the beginning, he and another member Nobunaga were the host of the Sky Arena for a period of time.

"Back then, there was a lot of talk about this matter. You can basically find the answer if you just ask about it.


When Mo Lin said so, Killua also had an impression.

"When I went to the Sky Arena a few years ago, I also heard that there seemed to be such a thing. It is said that it seemed to have a big impact at the time.

"Sky Arena, Uvogin Nobunaga?

Kurapika silently remembered the names of these places and people in her heart.

He didn't doubt the connection between Mo Lin and the members of Phantom Troupe.

Without him, it can be seen from the people Mo Lin knows.

Apprentice, Huashi Doulang, [Shenhou] from the 12 Earth Branches of the Hunter Association, a proper high-level member of the Association.

Acquaintance friends, Netero, the president of Hunter Association, the world's most powerful.

No matter who it was, they failed to associate Mo Lin with Phantom Troupe.

There is not even the concept that two people are in the same relationship at all.

I can only say that this world is so magical~~~

After a five-on-five match, the group soon came to a split.

The stairs that go up, the climb that goes down.

Afterwards, under the correct options given by [Guiding Angels], a group of people found a very correct path one after another.

Along the way, they also encountered many difficulties.

Such as [Guess the current], [Circle and Fork Maze], [Dice and Mine Array], etc.

Every time, under the right choice, the risk is easily turned into a breeze. 0

Then, a group of people came to the final fork in the road.

The five people came to a room where the candlelight was flashing, which was quite gloomy.

The two iron doors in the room, as well as the various weapons hanging on the walls, are so conspicuous.

Among them, in front of the five of them, there are two iron gates with circles and forks.

When several people were looking at the environment in the room, Ribe's voice came from the central monitor again.

After some explanations, several people looked at the two doors.

The two gates lead to two roads respectively.

The difficult road drawn in circles can allow five people to pass, but it is difficult and long, and it takes 45 hours at the fastest.

It takes about three minutes to complete a simple and easy path with a cross.

But choosing this simple path, it is true that the handcuffs of two of them must be handcuffed to the handcuffs on the wall before the door opens.

And those two people will be handcuffed here until time runs out.

"We have more than sixty hours left now, enough for us to clear the customs, so we still choose this long door?"

Gon thought for a while and gave suggestions.

"I agree!" Leorio was the first to raise his hand in agreement.

"I don't care~" Killua said indifferently.

"I have no problem." Finally, Kurapika also said, making Leorio and Gon smile.

"However, it doesn't need to be so troublesome~"

Mo Lin stepped forward and walked to the two doors.

"In fact, I have been thinking that this is the path to the majority decision. If five members of different strengths come to break through the level, and one member happens to die on the road, then can the remaining four people continue to go on?"


On the radio, Ribe's voice came:

"This is the way for five people to vote. The moment the ring watch is put on the hand, one person has already been locked."

"If someone dies halfway, then this time the pass will be a failure."

"Because this is investigating the ability and unity of the candidates to cooperate with each other, it is necessary for all candidates to complement each other when facing difficulties."

Ribe explained in a conscientious manner.

"Of course~"

"In the case of the death of a team member, if you are willing to take a corpse to continue through the level, it is not impossible to go on 5.6~"


For this, it is in line with what Mo Lin thought.


"Such a game of choice, it will end here."

Mo Lin shook his wrist again.

"Gon, do you remember asking and answering what is the way to clear the customs with the mother-in-law?"

"Customs clearance method"

Gon was startled, but he soon remembered: "I just kept silent and didn't answer."

"Yes, that is to say, when faced with choices, you don't have to choose.

Mo Lin walked to the two doors, "The so-called choice only allows you to wait for the arrangements of others when you are not strong enough, so that you can only have these two alternative paths.

"But if you are strong enough, you don't really need this so-called choice!!"

Words fall, punch!


The two solidified steel doors were blasted open instantly by Mo Lin!!

Gon: "



Kurapika: ".

Liebe and Huo Hao in front of the screen: "...

Well, it's really a simple and rude way to pass the level!

After all, as long as you are strong enough, you have the ability and confidence to break the rules.

At this point, the third round of testing, trap tower, clearance GET!!.

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