Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 223 Don't leave us alone in the same room with the perverted Hisoka!!

When Mo Lin and his party walked out of the short and easy passage, it took exactly three minutes.

This is a top-to-bottom landslide that easily crosses the vertical height of the entire trap tower.

When the five people came to the first floor of the lowest floor, someone in the room had already arrived here one step ahead of them.

"It's all here~"

Hisoka, who was building a pyramid of playing cards, glanced at the five Mo Lin.

"Well, if it doesn't come, that would be a strange thing.

After just taking a look, Hisoka withdrew his gaze and stopped looking.

Concentrate on the playing card pyramid in front of you.

"Fortunately, we are the first batch of candidates to arrive!!"

Leorio looked around, and the whole room was a 360-degree circle.

Everything and characters inside can be clearly seen at a glance.

"Then the remaining time, we should be free to control."

Killua also glanced at Hisoka who was sitting there cross-legged, and subconsciously moved away from him.

Not only him, but after seeing Hisoka, Gon and Kurapika also silently didn't say a word, and sat in the farthest position from him.


"Hisoka is he injured?"

Gon and others noticed that on Hisoka's shoulder, there was a deep knife wound, exuding blood.

"Even Hisoka can be injured in this trap tower. It seems that this round of testing is still quite dangerous."

"Fortunately we have [Guiding Angel] and Mo Lin, otherwise

A group of people looked at each other and couldn't help but realize their insignificance and the danger of Hunter's test.

Feeling the lack of strength, their eyes became firmer.

They have to become stronger!!

"There are more than sixty hours 30

Mo Lin looked at the time on the watch, and they didn't waste much time in the five-to-five round.

It has not been ten hours since I came here.

You can take a break for the rest of the time.

Then, Mo Lin took out the pink door sticker again.

"Mo Lin"

Several people were a little curious when they saw Mo Lin brought out the new props.

"I plan to take a break for the next dozens of hours. If anything happens, just knock on the wall.

After all, he didn't care about the surprised gazes of Gon and others, and after sticking the door out of nothing on the wall, he opened the door and walked in.

Then the door sticker disappeared.

There was nothing on the whole wall, and it looked as clean as the old one.

Gon: ""



Kurapika: ".

This is going to leave?!

Several people glanced at the empty hall, and then at Hisoka, who was constantly gnawing and laughing.


They swallowed together.

Don't leave us alone in the same room with the perverted Hisoka!!

Several people who were severely insecure were shivering there.

Time passed by, and soon, more and more candidates passed and came to the bottom.

After the five of Gon and the others, Hanzo came here first.

"Hey! I must be the first candidate to pass the level and reach the bottom!!"

Just when Gon and others were extremely vigilant about Hisoka, not much time passed, a swaggering voice came into their ears.

Then accompanied by the sound of a rumbling stone door opening, a bright brain door of Cheng Guangwa came into view~

Hanzo walked in with a sing expression on his face.

Then, his expression froze.

Glancing his eyes once, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"What? It turns out I was the sixth one to arrive here.

He looked discouraged, "I thought it could be the first, the lowest is also the top three!'

There is a little loss in the tone, and of course the joy and pleasure before it is also absent.


Gon reminded him "kindly", "You are the seventh to be there."


Hanzo counted it again, then looked at Gon with an expression of "You are teasing me".

There are obviously only five people at the scene, where is the sixth person?

"Mo Lin went to rest in the wall, saying that he would call him after it was over."

Gon doesn't know what the door stickers are like, he can only use the wall to describe it.

Hanzo: "

I went to rest in the wall, is it really possible to do this kind of thing?

But instead I think about the man Mo Lin

Hanzo believed it seven or eight.

It was that man, it was indeed possible.

Just as Hanzang was thinking about it, Ji Tara Gu, that is, Ilmi wandered in.

The reason why he was a step late was probably because his current walking posture caused him to slow down a lot.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and the next point in time.

Except for a face and head that resembles the blue pheasant in One Piece, but the height and skin color are completely different, the skin is dark, and the 384 Greta who can't distinguish the difference from the eyes wearing sunglasses comes here~

When the countdown points to the number "40", no other candidates come here.

In other words, at the beginning of the third round of the trap tower, only nine people came here during the first thirty hours.

After reaching the number "30", a peculiar door in the waiting area opened, and the iron frame containing a portion of food was pushed in by the guards of the trap tower.

The Hunter Association will not treat them harshly for the candidates who have been confirmed to pass the customs.

It is necessary to ensure sufficient water and food to maintain the most basic physical strength.

There are a lot of food on the shelf, so you don’t have to worry about getting enough food.

Gon first got up and took a portion of food, then handed Leorio to the three of them in turn.

A few people were there silently eating simple and tasteless compressed biscuits.

They unanimously looked at the wall.

Mo Lin, he must be in that room, eating and drinking very comfortable

Just as a few people were dining, two more doors opened slowly.

The two candidates entered the waiting area almost at the same time.

Carrying bows and arrows and hemp poisons, it is a standard Hunter, or a blaster with the identity of a hunter~

And he wanted to challenge the strong, holding a wooden spear, dressed more like an Indian than a black Greta, and smeared a colorful hook on his face.

After Bakuku'er came, he took a sigh of relief. The trap tower has been walking for such a long time, but it is really not easy, and it makes people feel exhausted.

Coming here, I can barely relax.

After a little rectification, he took food to the iron frame to replenish energy.

As for Gou Si, he looked at the few people who had come to the venue.

After staying on Hisoka for a while, the flame of fighting spirit appeared in his eyes and then quickly faded away.

In turn, it seemed to be looking for some other character.

Since the two of them appeared on the stage, there have been many candidates coming here one after another.

Scar Peng playing with snakes, Peng Si playing with bees, Shi Ba playing with guns, and Suomi playing with monkeys.

There are also the three brothers of the Amorites, the martial artist Baudrillard, Tonpa, and several dragons.

Soon, dozens of hours passed in the blink of an eye.

"time up."

When the stipulated time of 72 hours in three days passed and the timers finally returned to zero, Ribe's voice was broadcast through the loudspeaker.

"The number of people who passed the third test, twenty-eight people!!'

A huge stone door in the center of the outside slowly opened.

At the same time, on the inside of the wall, a pink door slowly emerged in the sight of many examinees.

Mo Lin opened the door and walked out.

"what is that?!"

The examinees felt a little regretful when they saw this scene.

What's the matter with that door and the room behind the door?!

But when they saw that Mo Lin came out from there

They actually felt a little normal.

Well, Mo Lin brought all kinds of surprises to the candidates, and they were all a little numb to Mo Lin.

On the contrary, more and more strange phenomena appeared in Mo Lin's body, which can be regarded as normal things.

As the examinees walked out, they saw a small examiner with cockscomb head and fox eyes standing there with his hands on his back.

"First of all, congratulations to everyone for getting out of the trap tower. This is the end of the first half of the test."

There was a yin smile on his face,

"Next, I invite all candidates~"

Director Liber snapped his fingers with a "pop" and continued: "Get on the airship immediately."

As soon as his voice fell, a large airship flew directly from below the cliff.

"This airship will take all the candidates to the second half of the third round of testing."

Just after the 72-hour time limit, and there was no time to rest, the 993 candidates boarded the airship to the next test site.

If you can clear the customs earlier and arrive at your destination, then there is actually enough time for adjustment.

To put it bluntly, the time you rest is directly proportional to your clearance speed, that is, your strength.

The candidates came up one by one, the airship set sail and headed for the next destination.

When the airship was approaching noon, the speed slowed down, letting the candidates know that the destination had arrived.

Looking out from the window, what you see is a dilapidated shipwreck.

It's like a shipwreck cemetery.

The address the candidates are going to is also an island similar to a warship.

In other words, it is a huge warship in itself.

The name is Gunkanjima.

After the airship fell, all the candidates were sent ashore, and they stayed there without intending to leave.

The candidates only thought that the airship would take them away after the test was over, so they didn't care much.

Most people's attention turned to an elderly couple standing in front of them, looking at them with a kind smile.

"Welcome to our hotel~"

"Are they the examiners for this round of testing?"

Confused expressions appeared on the faces of several candidates.

But immediately shook his head.

They are just ordinary people.

The two old people smiled and introduced their identities and explained the relevant situation of the hotel on the island.

Even more, this hotel was blown to the top, and the king, princess and minister of the Nebola Kingdom had come here for vacation and so on.

All in all, after boasting so much, they have only one purpose.

That is, when you check into the hotel, you need a deposit of 10 million jin.

Ten million

Even in a six-star hotel, you can live in the first half of the year.

Another thing worth mentioning is~

According to official information, the price for Killua's grandfather Zeno to sell is generally 1 billion ringgits.

If the level of commission is higher, then billions of nuns will start.

And ten million nuns, even in the sky arena, have to hit a hundred floors or more to get such a price. .

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