Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 224 Lottery and numbers! Why did it happen that he was drawn by him!!

Candidates who do not want to be taken advantage of are of course unwilling to pay the money, and they really don't have so much money.

Under the anger of the candidates, the boss still smiled and gave a compromise plan.

Their job is an antique dealer, so candidates can collect some antique treasures from the shipwrecked nearby in exchange for the qualification to stay in the room for free.

And the more precious the antique treasures, the higher the level of the room that can be lived in.

Mo Lin swept the surrounding sunken ships, and then took a look at the boss and his wife duo.

It is true that they are antique dealers, as can be seen from the professional instruments they carry and the calluses they have spent years working on antiques.

However, they should all belong to the Hunter Association.Just before the storm, let the candidates collect all the treasures that they have not had time to salvage around?

Test and salvage are both correct, use the candidates as cheap labor, and save a lot of salvage

This abacus is really pretty loud~

One by one, the examinees felt that they had taken a big advantage.

Mo Lin doesn't matter, he has a "door post from nothing", he can find a place where he can enter the house and take a rest.

As for what happened to Gunkanjima outside, that was not what he cared about.

As a result, while the candidates were searching for treasures, Mo Lin also lived in his own cabin.

In the distant sky, a cloud of black rolled over.

in a blink.

That's how one day passed.

When the sun rises at dawn the next day, Mo Lin also walked out of the hut in [Out of Nowhere] on time.

The candidates also looked exhausted.

The location of Gunkanjima, through the concerted efforts of all examinees, can be regarded as a dangerous move.

At the same time, an airship flew slowly over the horizon.

A group of candidates with a smile on their faces, all of them invariably put away their emotions.

After finally uniting and cooperating together, オ got through the difficult times together.

But in the blink of an eye, they will become rivals again.

The span and change of identity in the middle also make people feel the cruelty of the Hunter test even more.

When the airship picks up all the candidates on the boat one after another~

"Mo Lin, it turns out that you are here. We couldn't find you before. During the storm, we were worried about you!!

Gon saw Mo Lin on the way on the boat and greeted him happily.

"The only person who is worried is you..."

Killua, Leorio and Kurapika were all speechless.

They all thought that Mo Lin was in a small independent room on the first floor of the trap tower.

When I think of them enduring the wind and rain outside, Mo Lin relaxes and drinks tea in a small room~~~

Leorio is really full of lemons, and his sour teeth are almost lost.

"Have you been doing well these two days?"

Mo Lin asked knowingly.

"It's okay~"

Gon didn't have too many thoughts, "Although we had a storm, but luckily we all got through it!"

"Mr. [Guiding Angel] also helped us a lot! パ"!"

Drink, Gon's left hand has [Guiding Angel], which also made their test on Gunkanjima even smoother.

Mo Lin looked around and counted himself on the court, and there were only twenty-five people left.

They are: Leorio, Kurapika, Gon and Mo Lin from 403~406.

The three brothers of Amori from No. 197 to 199, Hisoka No. 44, Peng Si No. 246, Chieftain No. 105, Killua No. 99, Sisitul No. 89, Gou Si No. 371, and Baku Kuer No. 53 .

Tonpa on the 16th, Suomi on the 118, Chitarago on the 301, Hanzo on the 294, Jianmei on the 362, Scarpeng on the 103, Shiba on the 80, and Agen on the 281.

Baudrillard on 191, Greta on 384, and dragon on 34.

The Hunter test of more than 400 people has been carried out to the present round, and there are more than 20 left.

Many of the remaining candidates are veterans from last year, all of whom are among the elite.

They are also vigilant to each other, and wait and see other candidates to be on guard.


The airship flew slowly, and after a large ship was changed in the middle, the guard island in the distance appeared in the sight of many examinees.

Everyone knows that the real fourth round of testing is here.

As the examiner of this test again, Ribe began to explain the rules to many candidates.

First, let many candidates follow the chronological order of clearing the customs from the trap tower, and draw lots one after the other.

The first was West Su, followed by Mo Lin and Gon.

After Hisoka randomly took out a note with a number in the box, it was Mo Lin's turn.

No. 53.

After Mo Lin took out this note, he did not put it away.

After taking a casual glance, he threw the note at the candidate represented by the number.


When Bokuer saw the clear number on the paper floating in Mo Lin's hand, his whole body instantly exploded.

"how so?!!"

His face suddenly became difficult to look.

"Why did he get drawn by him!!"

Baku Kuer gritted his teeth and looked very unwilling.

In the entire Hunter test, the most unprovoked existences recognized by all candidates were Mo Lin and Hisoka.

One is a murderous maniac, and his strength is terrifying to the limit.

One is talking and laughing with the president of Netero, and the apprentice is still a senior figure in the Hunter Association.

No matter how you look at it, there is no good fruit for these two people!!

No, it can even be said to be doomed!!


After seeing Mo Lin's goal to explode Kuer, the other candidates were all quietly relieved.

After all, no one is sure that after being watched by Mo Lin, he can evoke his whole body and retreat.

Not to mention being able to pass the test, it’s pretty good to survive.

Even if the goal they might get is to draw Mo Lin, it is far better than being drawn by Mo Lin.

For the former, you can choose another three candidates' numbers to pass the customs as well.

In the latter case~~~

The psychological pressures faced by the two are destined to be different.

Especially Kurapika and Leorio, they were even more faintly relieved.

They also especially don't want to face Mo Lin.

The two of them drew the lottery and found that their number was not 406, both of them shook their eyebrows slightly, in a good mood.

The luck this time is really quite exuberant!!

Soon, the other candidates all finished drawing lots one by one, and each had their own goals.

Hunting and being hunted are tests carried out on the island of Guerrilla.

The rule is a six-point points system, with three points for your own number plate, three points for the target number plate, and one point for other candidates' number plates.

Within a week, on this guard island, no matter what method is used, as long as they successfully get six points, they will be able to pass this test.

A week later, when the ship came back to the shore of the island, all candidates who waited here and successfully collected six o'clock were considered qualified.

The rules are clear and everyone can understand.

After Ribe finished his explanation, all the candidates took off the number plates on their chests at the first time.

Only Kuer was the only one who looked unlovable.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't take off the number plate.

Why is my luck so bad..

He was incarnate as Mrs. Xianglin, where he talked about it more than once.

Just when the atmosphere was a little depressed and solemn, the young lady Cara, who was in charge of the lottery work before, started to share the good news she thought with the candidates present with a look of excitement.

"Passengers who participated in the fourth test, you have worked hard!!"

"The ship is expected to arrive at Guard Island in two hours. In addition, all 25 candidates who take this ship will enjoy a free reception to and from the examination room next year!"

"々‘So if you don’t pass the exam this year, don’t be disappointed! Welcome to challenge again next year!!"

Quack quack~

A series of crows screamed and floated in the sky.

The current candidates are all preparing for the next exam adjustment status, who has the spare time to pay attention to her.

No matter who it is, they have silently taken their number plates into their arms and avoided the eyes of others to avoid leaking information.

"In the next two hours, everyone is free to move around, please enjoy the journey to the fullest!!"

Seeing that the atmosphere in the arena is so depressing, Miss Cara didn't want to stay longer after she explained.

Leaving here in a trot.

On the boat, everyone was silent, wondering who their Hunter was.

And, myself, whose prey is.

Gon leaned against the side of the ship, looking up at the sky alone and dreamily.


Killua came to Gon's side in his pocket.

"What number did you draw?"

Killua sat down beside Gon.

"And you?"

Gon asked rhetorically.


Killua blinked.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Suddenly he smiled.

"Don't worry, my prey is not Gon!"

"Mine is not the ninety-nine."

The two smiled at each other.

"Shall we exchange it?"


Then, Killua saw Gon's lucky number 44.

"Your luck is really bad

Even Killua believes that winning Hisoka is a very bad choice (good for Nono).

Gon chuckled and didn't answer.

"Then Killua, whose number is yours?"

Gon asked Killua with a note with the number 199 printed on it.

"Don't you know?" Killua didn't know it himself.

"Then wait until I get to the island."

He didn't mind.

"This is the number of one of the three Amorite brothers."

Kurapika smiled and walked over, Leorio still following him.

"Kurapika, Leorio~"

Gon greeted first, "What is your goal?"

"Similar to Killua.

Kurapika said with a smile, Leorio rubbed his hands too, his face was hehe.


Gon didn't understand.

But when he saw the note in the hands of Kurapika and Leorio, he understood.

"No. 197, No. 198"

Gon looked at the numbers that Kurapika and Leorio had drawn, then looked at the jammed paper in Killua's hand, and the corners of his eyebrows couldn't help but twitch.

"You guys really got very good numbers."

"You think so too, Gon?"

Leo Ka's face is excited.

"Originally, I planned to conceal and quietly not contact other people, for fear that you might win my number."

"But when I found out that Kurapika started to consciously pay attention to the three brothers of Amori, I almost guessed his goal!!"

Leo Ka said with a triumphant expression on his face. .

A one-man show of 225 people! [Hypnotic Gas]! I want to ask you to play against me!!

"After all, the three brothers are so conspicuous, and I remember their numbers clearly."

"So after seeing that the number I had drawn was 197, I began to faintly pay attention to the three people."

Leorio boasted excitedly there.

"Then from this, this guy just found out that I was also paying attention to the situation of the three brothers."

Kurapika continued, "So the two of us exchanged numbers, and after finding that the goals were the same, we planned to form an alliance."

"That's right!'

Leorio nodded repeatedly:

"If several people act together, the success rate of passing will definitely increase a lot!!"

"Not only can you easily find the target, but you can also form a consensus in terms of self-protection."

"We came to you to see if you are the same as us. It just so happens that we got one of the three brothers."

"Unexpectedly, Killua is really like us, winning the last of the three brothers!!"

When Leorio said this, he felt an elbow on his waist.

"Uh "

He followed Kurapika's gaze and found Gon lowered his head and said quickly:

"That's Gon, Kurapika and I mean that we work together first, and after we get the number plates of the three brothers, we will help you deal with the other three candidates together."

"This will allow you to score six points, and we will pass the test together!!"


Kurapika also nodded in agreement, "This is currently the best choice for us."

Obviously, in his opinion, letting Gon deal with Hisoka is a very unwise choice.

"Killua, what do you say?"

Kurapika looked at Killua.

"Personally, I have no objection. It doesn't matter what happens."

He shrugged.

But in his heart, he is also inclined to what Kurapika said.

He also didn't think Gon could handle 997 Hisoka.

"Thank you for your kindness

Gon suddenly raised his head and smiled firmly:

"I still want to try it myself!!

In the original version, Kurapika's target was Tonpa on the 16th, and Leorio's target was Pensi on the 246.

Hanzo's target is the Amorie brothers number 198.

But because of Kurapika, they are the five people who passed the first group except Hisoka.

Therefore, the order of the lottery has changed slightly, resulting in a different lottery result.

Only Gon, as if it was fate or a trick from heaven, made him still draw Hisoka on the 44th.

As for what number Hanzo will draw, and who will draw Tonpa, that is not something they should be in charge of.

The weather is fine, and the ship rides the wind and waves on the sea.

All the candidates were scattered all over the deck. On the bright side, the test has not officially started, but secretly, the test has already started.

There was no sound on the deck, the examinees' eyes crossed each other, some looked unscrupulously, some lowered their heads to avoid their eyes.

It wasn't until two hours later that the outline of the island of Guardian Island slowly surfaced in everyone's eyes.

Guardian Island, also known as Glasses Island.

This title is due to the shape of the island, which consists of two huge islands, with a slender passage similar to a bridge in the middle, much like a round glasses.

The boat docked at just a randomly selected beach, where the candidates gathered again a week later.

Soon, after the ship docked and issued a statement that it could go down, Hisoka was the first to disembark.

Mo Lin is the second.

He did not go to the forest, but directly cross-legged, sitting at the beach entrance and waiting.

To him, it doesn't really matter where he is.

He is naturally happy to be able to complete this round of testing as soon as possible.

Bokuer saw Mo Lin's obvious and unconcealed action, and the look on his face was extremely ugly.

The others are even more fortunate that they have not been met by Mo Lin.

Mo Lin is located at the mouth of the beach with such a big fanfare, there is no real intention of hunting and being hunted in this round of testing.

But this is not a foul.

After all, according to the requirements, he has boarded the Isle of Vigilance, fully complying with the rules set by Ribe.

Any hunting that takes place on this island is allowed.

Mo Lin was caught right at the door, which obviously gave the candidates some psychological pressure.

At the same time, they once again recognized a fact:

Strong people can really do whatever they want.

Any kind of test can be transformed into a personal one-man show.

Even if Hisoka wants to, he can squat at this entrance and take the lead in killing three candidates to get the number plates so that the candidates have nothing to do.

Hunting and being hunted, to put it bluntly, still depends on the strength of each other.

After Mo Lin took his place, after a while, Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio also disembarked.

When it was Hanzo's turn, he looked at Mo Lin warily.

Realizing that Mo Lin didn't pay attention to him at all, he couldn't help but feel at ease, but he still remained vigilant and walked slowly into the forest.

Ilmi, dressed as Chitaragu, got off the boat and walked past Mo Lin without squinting.

On No. 384, Greta, holding a strange shooting cane, also circled a big circle from a distance separating Mo Lin.

After a few ups and downs, I entered the jungle again.

Judging from the performance of Hanzo and Greta, they are both very jealous of Mo Lin.

Subsequently, other candidates also disembarked one after another.


"Examinee No. 53, please disembark!!"

Miss Kara saw that Bokuer hadn't moved for a long time, so she urged her there.

"I see, hurry up, just like a ghost."

Baku Kuer cursed secretly in his heart.

Even though he was reluctant, he could only take heavy steps and step off the ship.

It was not until he got down that Mo Lin raised his eyes and slowly set his eyes on him.

"Do you give me the number plate yourself, or let me take it off from you?"

Burst Kuer: ""

He wanted to take out his bow and arrow from behind, but his trembling hands made him unsteady.

"You should have already known in your heart that after I get your number (dafg) code, you can't have a second result."

Mo Lin said lightly, "If you give me the number plate yourself, you may have a chance to make a comeback."

"Knock down your hunting target and the other three candidates, so you have six points to pass."

"But if you let me do it myself, I don't guarantee that you will still have your life."

"Which is more important, you should be able to handle it clearly, and I don't want to say the extra words again."

After Mo Lin finished speaking calmly, he withdrew his gaze, and no longer looked directly at Boom Kuer.

Baku Kuer was silent for a long time.

Finally, with a clear and calm consciousness, he understood what to do now.

He took a deep breath, and Yan Weiwei took out his number from his trouser pocket.

Ruthlessly threw it in the direction of Mo Lin.

At the same time, he himself evaded and ran away in the other direction.

Mo Lin said it was right, leaving the green hills without worrying about no firewood.

He still has a chance to clear the customs!!

Mo Lin took the number plate and put it away without looking at it, and sat quietly there.

Baku's figure was hidden in the forest, and the subsequent candidates disembarked one by one.

Goose is the next one to go to the island in Bakuer.

The two of them reached the first floor of the trap tower almost at the same time.


After it was his turn to land on the island, he did not enter the island.

Instead, under the horrified eyes of many examinees, they walked straight towards Mo Lin on the beach.

"I want to ask you to fight against me!!"

Gou Si tightly held the spear in his hand, his eyes were extremely firm and fiery.

From the beginning, he didn't rush to clear the level of the Hunter test.

What Gou Si did is to find the strongest players in this Hunter test and fight against them!!

This is the tradition of their family, even if they die for it, they will not hesitate!!

On the original version, the one that Gou Si is staring at is Xi Su.

Among all the examinees, Hisoka is indeed the strongest among the examinees with Il fans hidden.

After Gou Si was severely injured and dying by Yi Er fans, he asked Yi Er fans to let him fight Hisoka before his death, and was released by Yi Er fans.

But Hisoka expressed no interest in the dead and did not want to fight with Gosi. In the end, he still died in the hands of Ilmi.

And now~

The appearance of Mo Lin attracted Gou Si's goal.

Compared with Hisoka, this time the Hunter test, Mo Lin attracted more attention than Hisoka.

The sense of presence is full, and the performance in many aspects makes many candidates think that Mo Lin is better than Hisoka.

He is the strongest in this test.

And the facts are exactly the same.

"Want to fight against me?"

Mo Lin looked up at him, then slowly shook his head:

"You are not qualified to fight me.

"I know.."

Gou Si suddenly clenched the spear in his hand.

"But no matter what, I want to fight you a good fight!!"

While speaking, Gou Si already rushed forward:

"Even if you die in this battle, I am willing to die!!"

A spear pierced and pierced straight towards Mo Lin's face.


A cloud of smoke instantly enveloped the hook four.

"why "

Gou Si opened his eyes wide, and after walking out of the smoke, he ran after him.

He watched as Mo Lin was close at hand, holding a small tube in his hand, and finally turned black in front of him and fell to the ground weakly.

"I don't want to kill for the time being today.

Mo Lin put away the [hypnotic gas] and said.

Props: [Hypnotic Gas].

Effect: People who are sprayed by gas will fall into a drowsy sleep.

A very simple and very convenient prop.

"Of course, if you are disturbed by other people, it's a different matter."

Mo Lin said, without turning his head, "I've smelled the murderousness on you a long time ago."


A voice rang out in the jungle behind Mo Lin.

"I thought I had hidden it well."


The click of nails sounded, and a figure slowly walked out of the forest.

Jitarangu, no, Ilmi came behind Mo Lin.

"That guy is my prey, can you give him to me?,

With a pin-faced face, Yi Er Mi pointed to Gousi who fell on the ground. ,

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